40 research outputs found

    Examination of polymorphic glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes, tobacco smoking and prostate cancer risk among Men of African Descent: A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polymorphisms in <it>glutathione S-transferase </it>(GST) genes may influence response to oxidative stress and modify prostate cancer (PCA) susceptibility. These enzymes generally detoxify endogenous and exogenous agents, but also participate in the activation and inactivation of oxidative metabolites that may contribute to PCA development. Genetic variations within selected <it>GST </it>genes may influence PCA risk following exposure to carcinogen compounds found in cigarette smoke and decreased the ability to detoxify them. Thus, we evaluated the effects of polymorphic <it>GSTs </it>(<it>M1</it>, <it>T1</it>, and <it>P1</it>) alone and combined with cigarette smoking on PCA susceptibility.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to evaluate the effects of <it>GST </it>polymorphisms in relation to PCA risk, we used TaqMan allelic discrimination assays along with a multi-faceted statistical strategy involving conventional and advanced statistical methodologies (e.g., Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction and Interaction Graphs). Genetic profiles collected from 873 men of African-descent (208 cases and 665 controls) were utilized to systematically evaluate the single and joint modifying effects of <it>GSTM1 </it>and <it>GSTT1 </it>gene deletions, <it>GSTP1 </it>105 Val and cigarette smoking on PCA risk.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed a moderately significant association between risk among men possessing at least one variant <it>GSTP1 </it>105 Val allele (OR = 1.56; 95%CI = 0.95-2.58; p = 0.049), which was confirmed by MDR permutation testing (p = 0.001). We did not observe any significant single gene effects among <it>GSTM1 </it>(OR = 1.08; 95%CI = 0.65-1.82; p = 0.718) and <it>GSTT1 </it>(OR = 1.15; 95%CI = 0.66-2.02; p = 0.622) on PCA risk among all subjects. Although the <it>GSTM1</it>-<it>GSTP1 </it>pairwise combination was selected as the best two factor LR and MDR models (p = 0.01), assessment of the hierarchical entropy graph suggested that the observed synergistic effect was primarily driven by the <it>GSTP1 </it>Val marker. Notably, the <it>GSTM1</it>-<it>GSTP1 </it>axis did not provide additional information gain when compared to either loci alone based on a hierarchical entropy algorithm and graph. Smoking status did not significantly modify the relationship between the <it>GST </it>SNPs and PCA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A moderately significant association was observed between PCA risk and men possessing at least one variant <it>GSTP1 </it>105 Val allele (p = 0.049) among men of African descent. We also observed a 2.1-fold increase in PCA risk associated with men possessing the <it>GSTP1 </it>(Val/Val) and <it>GSTM1 </it>(*1/*1 + *1/*0) alleles. MDR analysis validated these findings; detecting <it>GSTP1 </it>105 Val (p = 0.001) as the best single factor for predicting PCA risk. Our findings emphasize the importance of utilizing a combination of traditional and advanced statistical tools to identify and validate single gene and multi-locus interactions in relation to cancer susceptibility.</p

    Cytotoxicity of 6-acetonyldihydro-chelerythrin, arnottianamide and 6-(2-hydoxypropyl)-dihydrochelerythrine towards human cancer cell lines

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    647-651The alkaloids, 6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrin 1 and arnottianamide 2 have been isolated for the first time from conical prickles on the stem bark of Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC. These compounds have been investigated for their cytotoxicity against seven cancer cell lines of various origins. The compound<b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"> 1 is proved to be more potent as an anticancer agent and is very specific to the colon cancer cell line, SW-480 and cervical cancer cell line, HeLa. Compound 2 is more active against breast cancer cell lines. The change in anticancer activity of 1 after conversion to 6-(2-hydoxypropyl)-dihydrochelerythrine 3 has also been evaluated and a decrease in activity is observed. </span

    Zinc-catalyzed reduction of imines by triethylsilane

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    Low-cost zinc is employed as a catalyst along with triethylsilane (TES) in a simple, straightforward, chemoselective reduction of various aldimines and ketimines to the corresponding secondary amines at room temperature and pressure

    Perception and attitudes towards information and communication technology (internet) for purchase decisions among generation cohorts

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    Online retailers are proliferating in huge numbers and they have observed a shift in the trend of consumers making buying decisions virtually over buying in brick and mortar retailers. There are various factors which is influencing this change of pattern. The generation cohort groups referred to as Gen X and Gen Y in the study refers to the group who belong to same age group, who share common beliefs, values, attitudes and who share common experiences during their life cycle. It is been considered as one of the basis for market segmentation (Kotler, 2000). Consumer continuously unlearns and learns based on his experiences in making purchase decisions. As technology advances and there are new ways of selling and buying, consumer evolves himself and the whole trend changes. The mind set of people born in different generations differs [19]. Though the internet purchases are slowly increasing, because of the media and negative publicity of a few bad experiences, consumers especially the Generation X category lack the trust and confidence to go a step ahead and shop online. To understand the deeper behaviour of consumers of different generations, this study makes an attempt to understand the perceptions and attitudes of different generation groups towards information and communication technology (ICT) for buying decisions. It becomes important for the online marketers to understand this diversified market segments so that they can respond with suitable strategies and can further capture the market share. The current paper is designed to yield results on awareness, perception, and attitude of different generations towards the information and communication technology for buying decisions. The study was carried out in Bangalore City with the sample size of 100 respondents using stratified sampling technique. The Hypothesis was proposed for the variables under study and tested. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square test and two population t test

    Impacto del brote de Covid-19 en el estrés y la depresión de futbolistas indios

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    La pandemia del Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) restringió nuestras actividades de la vida normal durante los últimos meses, continuando con su impacto. Sus repercusiones llevaron a muchos países a permanecer confinadosy cerrar instituciones y lugares de trabajo. El cierre afectó gravemente a la industria del deporte y dificultó el desempeño de sus actividades normales. Los deportes y el ejercicio generalmente se consideran el mejor facilitador para incorporar un estilo de vida saludable y activo y no se recomendaron adecuadamente durante la pandemia. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el nivel de estrés y depresión entre los jugadores de fútbol durante el pico del brote de Covid-19. Además, midió si la información sociodemográfica como el género, la región y el nivel de participación influyeron en el estrés y la depresión de los participantes durante ese tiempo. Un total de 204 jugadores de fútbol reclutados de diferentes partes de la India participaron en este estudio. Las respuestas de los participantes al estrés y la depresión se midieron a través de la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS) y el Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente (PHQ-9). El estrés y la depresión mostraron una correlación significativa entre los futbolistas. Las variables sociodemográficas (excepto región, nivel de participación y edad), no presentaron relación significativa. Los futbolistas que experimentaron estrés y depresión durante la pandemia de Covid-19 mostraron correlaciones positivas entre los dos constructos. Los atletas de la región sur de la India percibieron niveles de estrés más altos que los de la parte occidental de la India. El nivel de participación y la edad no tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre el estrés y la depresión percibidos por los participantes.The Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic restricted our normal life activities for the past several months, continuing its impact. Its repercussions led many countries to remain locked down and closed institutions and workplaces. The closure severely impacted the sporting industry and hindered performing its normal activities. Sports and exercise are generally considered the best facilitator for embedding a healthy and active lifestyle and were not adequately advocated during the pandemic. This study aimed to examine the level of stress and depression among football players during the peak time of the Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, it measured whether the socio-demographic information,such as gender, region, and level of participationinfluenced participants' stress and depression during that time. A total of 204 football players recruited from different parts of India participated in this study. Participants’ responses to stress and depression were measured through the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Stress and depression showed a significant correlation among the footballers. Socio-demographic variables (except region, level of participation, and age), did not present any significant relationship. Footballers who experienced stress and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic showed positive correlations between the two constructs. Athletes from India's Southern region perceived higher stress levels than those from the Western part of India. The level of participation and age had no significant effect on the participants' perceived stress and depression

    Histoarchitecture of the Ovary of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus

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    The present communication describes the detailed day wise study of histological changes of the ovary of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus in the postengorgement period together with the systematic classification of their oocytes. The ovary of R. (B.) annulatus is panoistic type with an asynchronous development of oocytes. All the stages (II, III, IV, and V) of oocytes except stage I were similar to R. (B.) microplus. The stage I oocytes showed basophilia, which was not reported earlier in other species of ticks. Day wise changes were in the form of presence of oogonia in partially fed and day one engorged adults, considerable degeneration of oocytes on day two, emergence of new wave of oocytes on day three, presence of mature oocytes up to day eight, and complete degeneration of ovarian tissue from day eight onwards. The degenerative changes in the ovary appeared initially in the oocytes followed by germinal epithelium