528 research outputs found

    Diseño de una investigación sobre el error de inversión y las bases neuronales subyacentes

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    La investigación sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de resolución de problemas verbales (RPV) se ha abordado desde perspectivas cognitivas o afectivas. Sin embargo, no es habitual tener en cuenta la importancia que tiene el desarrollo cerebral del alumnado en el aprendizaje. Varios estudios de neurociencia han examinado los procesos usados durante la RPV y cómo son adquiridos. Lee et al. (2007) en un estudio con adultos sobre la traducción de enunciados a ecuación, encontró activación en áreas cerebrales del córtex prefrontal y parietal asociadas con la memoria de trabajo y procesos atencionales. Curiosamente, un estudio con adolescentes y adultos durante la práctica de RPV (Qin et al. 2004), muestra que después de la práctica tanto los adultos como los adolescentes tienen una reducción de activación en áreas prefrontales

    Delocalization by Disorder in Layered Systems

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    Motivated by anomalously large conductivity anisotropy in layered materials, we propose a simple model of randomly spaced potential barriers (mimicking stacking faults) with isotropic impurities in between the barriers. We solve this model both numerically and analytically, by utilizing an exact solution for the conductivity of a one-dimensional (1D) disordered system. In the absence of bulk disorder, electron motion in the out-of-plane direction is localized. Bulk disorder destroys 1D localization. As a result, the out-of-plane conductivity is finite and scales linearly with the scattering rate by bulk impurities until planar and bulk disorder become comparable. The \emph{ac} out-of-plane conductivity is of a manifestly non-Drude form, with a maximum at the frequency corresponding to the scattering rate by potential barriers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Pro-Patria : memorias de un viaje por la 7ª Región

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    Libro publicado por la Comisión de la Cruz Roja de Valladolid para obtener recursos y socorrer a los soldados que pelean en Melilla

    Lack of functional GABA receptors alters Kiss1 , Gnrh1 and Gad1 mRNA expression in the medial basal hypothalamus at postnatal day 4

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    Background/Aims: Adult mice lacking functional GABAB receptors (GABAB1KO) show altered Gnrh1 and Gad1 expressions in the preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (POA-AH) and females display disruption of cyclicity and fertility. Here we addressed whether sexual differentiation of the brain and the proper wiring of the GnRH and kisspeptin systems were already disturbed in postnatal day 4 (PND4) GABAB1KO mice. Methods: PND4 wild-type (WT) and GABAB1KO mice of both sexes were sacrificed; tissues were collected to determine mRNA expression (qPCR), amino acids (HPLC), and hormones (RIA and/or IHC). Results: GnRH neuron number (IHC) did not differ among groups in olfactory bulbs or OVLT-POA. Gnrh1 mRNA (qPCR) in POA-AH was similar among groups. Gnrh1 mRNA in medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) was similar in WTs but was increased in GABAB1KO females compared to GABAB1KO males. Hypothalamic GnRH (RIA) was sexually different in WTs (males < females), but this sex difference was lost in GABAB1KOs; the same pattern was observed when analyzing only the MBH, but not in the POA-AH. Arcuate nucleus Kiss1 mRNA (micropunch-qPCR) was higher in WT females than in WT males and GABAB1KO females. Gad1 mRNA in MBH was increased in GABAB1KO females compared to GABAB1KO males. Serum LH and gonadal estradiol content were also increased in GABAB1KOs. Conclusion: We demonstrate that GABABRs participate in the sexual differentiation of the ARC/MBH, because sex differences in several reproductive genes, such as Gad1, Kiss1 and Gnrh1, are critically disturbed in GABAB1KO mice at PND4, probably altering the organization and development of neural circuits governing the reproductive axis. (c) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Theory and simulation of the nematic zenithal anchoring coefficient

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    Combining molecular simulation, Onsager theory and the elastic description of nematic liquid crystals, we study the dependence of the nematic liquid crystal elastic constants and the zenithal surface anchoring coefficient on the value of the bulk order parameter

    Características morfológicas y estructura superficial de montículos submarinos del talud inferior del margen continental canario (O de las Islas Canarias)

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    Extrusive edifices and structural reliefs, catalogued as mounds and located on the seafloor to the west of Canary Islands were analyzed by acoustic data obtained with multibeam and parametric echosounders during several oceanographic expeditions. They were carried out at deep waters, from 4800 to 5200 m, and they have allowed characterizing 41 newly discovered submarine structures which occur either as isolated edifices or clustered mounds. These features have circular to elongated shapes with diameters of 2-24 km and relief heights of 10 to 250 m, showing different flank slopes of 2-50°. They generally display mounded forms and show morphological elements as ridges, near-circular rock outcrops, depressions and fault scarps together with mass flow and slide deposits located at the vicinity of the edifices. Two types of extrusive features are evidenced by the morphological and seismic data analyses, the first one probably corresponds to high velocity extrusions that reach the seafloor surface and the second one is probably formed by the combination of faulted structures and low velocity extrusions that produce singular domes in the shallower sedimentary records. Based on both analyses, extrusive phenomena represent the dominant mechanism for mound field evolution in the Canary lower slope region.Versión del edito

    Acute exposition to Roundup Transorb® induces systemic oxidative stress and alterations in the expression of newly sequenced genes in silverside fish (Odontesthes humensis)

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    Roundup Transorb® (RDT) is a glyphosate-based herbicide commonly used in agricultural practices worldwide. This herbicide exerts negative effects on the aquatic ecosystem and affects bioenergetic and detoxification pathways, oxidative stress, and cell damage in marine organisms. These effects might also occur at the transcriptional level; however, the expression of genes associated with oxidative stress has not been studied well. Odontesthes humensis is a native Brazilian aquatic species naturally distributed in the habitats affected by pesticides, including Roundup Transorb® (RDT). This study evaluated the toxic effects of short-term exposure to RDT on O. humensis. Moreover, the genes related to oxidative stress were sequenced and characterized, and their expressions in the gills, hepatopancreas, kidneys, and brain of the fish were quantified by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The animals were exposed to two environmentally relevant concentrations of RDT (2.07 and 3.68 mg L−1) for 24 h. Lipid peroxidation, reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, and apoptosis in erythrocytes were quantified by flow cytometry. The expression of the target genes was modulated in most tissues in the presence of the highest tested concentration of RDT. In erythrocytes, the levels of lipid peroxidation, ROS, and DNA damage were increased in the presence of both the concentrations of RDT, whereas cell apoptosis was increased in the group exposed to 3.68 mg L−1 RDT. In conclusion, acute exposure to RDT caused oxidative stress in the fish, induced negative effects on cells, and modulated the expression of genes related to the enzymatic antioxidant system in O. humensis.Fil: Martins, Amanda Weege S.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Silveira, Tony L. R.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Remião, Mariana H.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Domingues, William Borges. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Dellagostin, Eduardo N.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Varela Junior, Antônio Sergio. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Corcini, Carine D.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Costa, Patrícia G.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Bianchini, Adalto. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Somoza, Gustavo Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Robaldo, Ricardo B.. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Campos, Vinicius Farias. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Brasi