15 research outputs found

    Academic Motivation of Elementary School Children in Two Educational Approaches — Innovative and Traditional

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    Background. While the current literature provides valuable insight into how school climate perceptions and student motivation impact academic achievement, research examining the mediating efects of motivation in the linking of an innovative educational system, school climate, and achievement is limited. Tis study considers the potential of the El’konin–Davydov system of developmental education as a basis for educational innovation. Self-determination theory is applied as a useful theoretical framework that allows for consideration of both the intensity and the quality of academic motivation. Objective. Te study examines a model that illustrates the role of intrinsic and different types of extrinsic motivation in linking the El’konin–Davydov system of developmental education (DE) and school climate to the academic achievement of elementary schoolchildren. Design. Participants were 345 third and fourth graders drawn from four public schools in Moscow, with some (N = 192, 2 schools) educated in the traditional system and others (N = 153, 2 schools) in one that follows the DE system. A cross-sectional design was implemented. Results. Students in the DE system showed signifcantly lower external motivation for all three subscales (Parents, Teachers, General) and perceived school climate more favorably. Structural equation modeling showed that the hypothesized model ft the data well, supporting the hypothesis that student external motivation plays a mediating role in linking educational system (innovative vs. traditional) with academic achievement. Students’ autonomous motivation was shown to play a mediating role in linking positive perceptions of school climate with academic achievement. Conclusion. Te elementary school students from developmental education classes compared to their peers from traditional education classes demonstrate more positive profle of academic motivation including lower external motivation, more positive attitude towards school and study; however, the two groups do not difer in the level of intrinsic, identifed, and introjected motivations

    Migrants’ and their children educational practices as sociocultural adaptation’s potential in northern region: sociological analysis

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    В статье подводятся итоги крупномасштабного в пределах Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа социологического исследования проблем социокультурной адаптации мигрантов и их детей, которое проводилось на протяжении 2011–2014 гг. коллективом социологов Сургутского государственного педагогического университета и кафедры социологии и социальных технологий управления Уральского федерального университета им. Первого Президента Б.Н. Ельцина. На основе исследованных проблем и выявленных тенденций авторами сформулированы конкретные рекомендации для принятия управленческих решений в этой сфере.Totals of large-scale sociological research devoted to the problems of Migrants’ and their children Sociocultural Adaptation organized on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk’s Autonomous Region are summarized in the article. The research was organized over a period of 2011–2014 by Surgut State Pedagogical University’s Regional Research Laboratory’s team and the department of sociology and social management technologies of Ural Federal University named after the fi rst President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. Definite recommendations based upon investigated problems and revealed tendencies for management decisions of that sphere are stated by the authors.Работа подготовлена при поддержке Департамента образования и молодёжной политики Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры в рамках конкурса научно-исследовательских работ, имеющих фундаментальное и прикладное значение (г. Ханты-Мансийск, октябрь 2014 г., Приказ № 1282)

    Efficacy of Esophageal Protector in Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with Extraesophageal Symptoms: a Multicenter, Open-Label, Observational Study

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    Aim: to assess effects of esophageal protector Alfasoxx on extraesophageal symptoms in patients with GERD.Materials and methods. A prospective open multicenter post-registration observational study was conducted. The study included 546 patients aged 6 to 85 years (the average age of patients is 42.4 ± 16.9 years) with a verified diagnosis of GERD (endoscopically and/or pH-metrically), the presence of extraesophageal symptoms of the disease (according to the results of an objective examination and consultations of specialists), to whom the attending physician prescribed a course of treatment with a medical device Alfasoxx in accordance with the instructions for medical use. The patients were recruited by 51 researchers in 26 cities of Russia. The study in chronological order consisted of a screening visit and two recorded visits (the observation period within the framework of the use of the Alfasoxx esophagoprotector). The screening visit was conducted on the day of the patient's admission. Visit 1 could be conducted on the same day as the screening visit, whereas visit 2 was conducted 4–5 weeks after visit 1 at the end of the course of treatment.Results. According to the results obtained, at the end of the study, 42.7 % (95 % CI: 38.5–46.9) had complete disappearance of extraesophageal GERD symptoms (questionnaire RSI = 0 points). When comparing the average values of the total RSI score before and after treatment, there was also a statistically significant regression from 13.8 points (95 % CI: 13.2–14.4) at visit 1 to 2.0 points (95 % CI: 1.8–2.2) at visit 2. Thus, the decrease in the total score was significant and exceeded 80 % of the initial value. When analyzing the dynamics of individual indicators of the RSI scale before and after treatment, a significant regression in the severity of all symptoms of the disease was noted. In addition, the results showed that the proportion of patients taking antacid-containing drugs at visit 1 significantly decreased from 58.2 % (95 % CI: 54.0–62.4) to 15.2 % (95 % CI: 12.1–18.3) by visit 2. The average score on the Likert scale of satisfaction with treatment was 4.8 (95 % CI: 4.8–4.9), whereas the convenience of using Alfasoxx is 4.7.Conclusion. This prospective observational multicenter study demonstrated that the addition of Alfasoxx to standard GERD therapy contributes to a significant regression of both esophageal and extraesophageal symptoms, as well as a decrease in the need for antacid medications

    Искусственный нервный проводник для направленного роста периферических нервов (кадаверное исследование)

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    At present, the search for effective ways of restoring peripheral nerves with anatomical damage continues. Autoplasty still remains the gold standard, which, however, is not without its drawbacks. The use of nerve implants for promoting directional axon growth is essential and promising.Objective: to study the biomechanical properties of laboratory samples of an artificial nerve conduit (NGC) made of hybrid biomaterials and to, on cadaveric material, assess the technical feasibility of using them in surgical practice to repair extended peripheral nerve defects.Material and methods. The objects of the study were three electrospun NGC samples: from synthetic material (polycaprolactone, PCL) and hybrid biomaterials (PCL + gelatin or PCL + collagen). The work compared the physical and mechanical properties of NGC: stiffness, plasticity, elasticity, brittleness, resistance to chemical attack, their ability to be impregnated with liquid media, permeability, possibility of making an anastomosis between the implant and the nerve during surgical procedure. Cadaveric material was the object of the study: we used a dissected superficial sensory branch of the human right radial nerve, 2 mm in diameter, isolated on the forearm, about 12 cm in length, because it most corresponded to the diameter of the NGC samples tested. After surgery, the echogenic features of the implants and their anastomoses with the nerve were assessed by ultrasound imaging.Results. It was found that hybrid NGC samples, based on their biomechanical properties, are fundamentally suitable for use in surgical practice, to ensure growth and replacement of a peripheral nerve defect. However, the best composition of a nerve guide can be established after comparative preclinical study of the biocompatible and functional properties of hybrid material samples.Conclusion. The physical and mechanical properties of the investigated NGC samples made of hybrid biomaterials meet the technical requirements for implantable nerve conduits for surgical application.В настоящее время продолжаются поиски эффективных способов восстановления периферических нервов при анатомическом нарушении их целостности. Золотым стандартом по-прежнему остается аутопластика, которая, однако, не лишена недостатков. Актуальным и перспективным является метод применения нервных имплантатов для направленного роста аксонов.Цель: изучить биомеханические свойства лабораторных образцов искусственного нервного проводника (ИНП) – нервного кондуита, изготовленных из гибридных биоматериалов, и на кадаверном материале оценить техническую возможность их применения в хирургической практике для восстановления протяженных дефектов периферических нервов.Материал и методы. Объектами исследования служили изготовленные методом электроспиннинга три образца ИНП: из синтетического материала – поликапролактона (ПКЛ) и гибридных биоматериалов (ПКЛ с желатином или коллагеном). В ходе работы сравнивались физические и механические свойства ИНП: жесткость, пластичность, эластичность, хрупкость, устойчивость образцов к химическому воздействию, их способность к пропитыванию жидкими средами, проницаемость, возможность наложения анастомоза между имплантатом и нервом во время хирургической операции. В качестве кадаверного материала использовали поверхностную чувствительную ветвь правого лучевого нерва человека диаметром 2 мм, выделенную на предплечье протяженностью около 12 см, как наиболее соответствующую диаметру тестируемых образцов ИНП. После хирургической операции оценивали эхогенные признаки имплантатов и их анастомозов с нервом методом ультразвуковой визуализации.Результаты. Установлено, что образцы ИНП из гибридных материалов по биомеханическим свойствам принципиально пригодны для использования в хирургической практике для обеспечения роста и замещения дефекта периферических нервов. Однако наилучший состав нервного проводника может быть установлен после проведения сравнительных доклинических исследований биосовместимых и функциональных свойств образцов из гибридных материалов.Заключение. Физические и механические свойства исследуемых образцов ИНП из гибридных биоматериалов соответствуют техническим требованиям, предъявляемым к имплантируемым нервным проводникам при их хирургическом применении

    Consequences of Covid-19 on the Social Isolation of the Chinese Economy: Accounting for the Role of Reduction in Carbon Emissions

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    The main contribution of the present study to the energy literature is linked to the interaction between economic growth and pollution emission amidst globalization. Unlike other studies, this research explores the effect of economic and social isolation as a dimension of globalization. This allows underpinning the effects on the Chinese economic development of the isolation phenomenon as a consequence of coronavirus (COVID-19). To this end, annual time frequency data is used to achieve the hypothesized claims. The study resolutions include (i) The existence of a long-run equilibrium bond between the outlined variables (ii) The long-run estimates suggest that the Chinese economy over the investigated period, is inelastic to pollutant–driven economic growth as reported by the dynamic ordinary least squares, fully modified ordinary least squares and canonical regressions with a magnitude of 0.09%. (iii) The Chinese isolation is less responsive to its economic growth while the country political willpower is elastic as demonstrated by current government commitment to dampen the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is marked by the aggressive response on the government officials resolute by flattening the exponential impact of the pandemic. Based on these robust results some far-reaching policy implication(s) are underlined in the concluding remark section

    Differential macroscopic scattering coefficients for low-energy ? rays in air

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