67 research outputs found

    Soil and crop residue CO2-C emission under tillage systems in sugarcane-producing areas of southern Brazil

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    Appropriate management of agricultural crop residues could result in increases on soil organic carbon (SOC) and help to mitigate gas effect. To distinguish the contributions of SOC and sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) residues to the short-term CO2-C loss, we studied the influence of several tillage systems: heavy offset disk harrow (HO), chisel plow (CP), rotary tiller (RT), and sugarcane mill tiller (SM) in 2008, and CP, RT, SM, moldboard (MP), and subsoiler (SUB) in 2009, with and without sugarcane residues relative to no-till (NT) in the sugarcane producing region of Brazil. Soil CO2-C emissions were measured daily for two weeks after tillage using portable soil respiration systems. Daily CO2-C emissions declined after tillage regardless of tillage system. In 2008, total CO2-C from SOC and/or residue decomposition was greater for RT and lowest for CP. In 2009, emission was greatest for MP and CP with residues, and smallest for NT. SOC and residue contributed 47 % and 41 %, respectively, to total CO2-C emissions. Regarding the estimated emissions from sugarcane residue and SOC decomposition within the measurement period, CO2-C factor was similar to sugarcane residue and soil organic carbon decomposition, depending on the tillage system applied. Our approach may define new emission factors that are associated to tillage operations on bare or sugarcane-residue-covered soils to estimate the total carbon loss

    Variações diurnas da emissão de CO2, temperatura e umidade do solo sobre diferentes manejos pós-colheita da cana-de-açúcar.

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    bitstream/item/69062/1/098-moitinho-variacoes.pdfPublicado também no Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 7, n.2, 2012

    Desempenho da cultura do feijão-caupi sob efeitos de adubos verdes em Itaquiraí, Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    bitstream/item/68912/1/043-moitinho-desempenho.pdfPublicado também no Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 7, n.2, 2012

    Soil Co 2 Emission Of Sugarcane Fields As Affected By Topography

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    The spatial and temporal variation of soil CO 2 emission is influenced by several soil attributes related to CO 2 production and its diffusion in the soil. However, few studies aiming to understand the effect of topography on the variability of CO 2 emissions exist, especially for cropping areas of tropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal changes of soil CO 2 emission and its relation to soil attributes in an area currently cropped with sugarcane under different relief forms and slope positions. Mean CO 2 emissions in the studied period (seven months) varied between 0.23 and 0.71, 0.27 and 0.90, and 0.31 and 0.80 g m -2 h -1 of CO 2 for concave (Cone), backslope (BackS) and footslope (FootS) positions, respectively. The temporal variability of CO 2 emissions in each area was explained by an exponential relation between the CO 2 emission and soil temperature and a linear relation between CO 2 emission and soil water content. The Q 10 values were 1.98 (± 0.34), 1.81 (± 0.49) and 1.71 (± 0.31) for Conc, BackS and FootS, respectively. Bulk density, macroporosity, penetration resistance, aggregation and oxidizable organic carbon content explain the changes in soil CO 2 emission observed, especially when the Cone position was compared to BackS. The effect of relief form and topographic position on soil CO 2 emission variation was dependent on the time of measurement.6617783ALVENÄS, G., JANSSON, P.E., Model for evaporation, moisture and temperature of bare soil: Calibration and sensitivity analysis (1997) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 88, pp. 47-56BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., CO 2 emission from mineral soils following land-cover change in Brazil (2001) Global Change Biology, 7, pp. 779-787BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., Brazil's soil carbon stocks (2002) Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66, pp. 888-896CAMPOS, D.C., (2003) Potencialidade do sistema de colheita sem queima da cana-de-açúcar para o seqüestro de carbono, , Piracicaba: USP/ESALQ, 103p, Doutorado(2007) Acompanhamento da safra brasileira de cana-de-açúcar, , http://www.conab.gov.br/conabweb/download/safra/3-levantamento0708-nov2007.pdf, COMPANHIA NACIONAL DE ABASTECIMENTO, CONAB, safra, terceiro levantamento, novembro/. 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Model development (1999) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 95, pp. 225-236GARDNER, W.H., Water content (1986) Agronomy Monograph, 9, pp. 493-541. , KLUTE, A, Ed, Methods of soil analysis. 2 ed. Madison: ASAHANSON, P.J., WULLSCHLEGER, S.D., BOHMAN, S.A., TODD, D.E., Seasonal and topographic patterns of forest floor CO 2 efflux from an upland oak forest (1993) Tree Physiology, 13, pp. 1-15HEALY, R.W., STRIEGL, R.G., RUSSELL, T.F., HUTCHINSON, G.L., LIVINGSTON, G.P., Numerical evaluation of static-chamber measurements of soil-atmosphere gas exchange: Identification of physical processes (1996) Soil Science Society of America Journal, 60, pp. 740-747JIA, S.AKIYAMA, T.MO, WINATOMI, M.KOIZUMI, H. Temporal and spatial variability of soil respiration in a cool temperate broad-leaved forest. 1. Measurement of spatial variance and factor analysis. Japanese Journal of Ecology, v.53, p.13-22, 2003KANG, S., LEE, D., LEE, J., RUNNING, S.W., Topographic and climatic controls on soil environments and net primary in a rugged temperate hardwood forest in Korea (2006) Ecological Research, 21, pp. 64-74KANG, S., DOH, S., LEE, D., LEE, D., JIN, V.L., KIMBALL, J., Topographic and climatic controls on soil respiration in six temperate mixed-hardwood forest slopes, Korea (2003) Global Change Biology, 9, pp. 1427-1437KANG, S., KIM, S., DOH, S., LEE, D., Predicting spatial and temporal patterns of soil temperature based on topography, surface cover and air temperature (2000) Forest Ecology and Management, 136, pp. 173-184KEMPER, W.D.ROSENAU, R.C. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In: KLUTE, A. (Ed.) Methods of soil analysis. 2 ed. Madison: ASA, 1986. p.425-441. 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    First-order decay models to describe soil C-CO2 Loss after rotary tillage

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    To further understand the impact of tillage on CO2 emission, the applicability of two conceptual models was tested, which describe the CO2 emission after tillage as a function of the non-tilled emission plus a correction due to the tillage disturbance. Models assume that C in readily decomposable organic matter follows a first-order reaction kinetics equation as: dCsoil (t) / dt = -k Csoil (t), and that soil C-CO2 emission is proportional to the C decay rate in soil, where Csoil(t) is the available labile soil C (g m-2) at any time (t) and k is the decay constant (time-1). Two possible assumptions were tested to determine the tilled (F T) fluxes: the decay constants (k) of labile soil C before and after tillage are different (Model 1) or not (Model 2). Accordingly, C flux relationships between non-tilled (F NT) and tilled (F T) conditions are given by: F T = F NT + a1 e-a2t (model 1) and F T = a3 F NT e-a4t (model 2), where t is time after tillage. Predicted and observed CO2 fluxes presented good agreement based on the coefficient of determination (R² = 0.91). Model comparison revealed a slightly improved statistical fit of model 2, where all C pools are assigned with the same k constant. Rotary speed was related to increases in the amount of labile C available and to changes of the mean resident labile C pool available after tillage. This approach allows describing the temporal variability of tillage-induced emissions by a simple analytical function, including non-tilled emission plus an exponential term modulated by tillage and environmentally dependent parameters.Para entendimento do impacto do preparo do solo sobre as emissões de CO2 desenvolvemos e aplicamos dois modelos conceituais que são capazes de prever a emissão de CO2 do solo após seu preparo em função da emissão da parcela sem distúrbio, acrescida de uma correção devido ao preparo. Os modelos assumem que o carbono presente na matéria orgânica lábil segue uma cinética de decaimento de primeira ordem, dada pela seguinte equação: dCsoil (t) / dt = -k Csoil (t), e que a emissão de C-CO2 é proporcional a taxa de decaimento do C no solo, onde Csolo(t) é a quantidade de carbono lábil disponível no tempo (t) e k é a constante de decaimento (tempo-1). Duas suposições foram testadas para determinação das emissões após o preparo do solo (Fp): a constante de decaimento do carbono lábil do solo (k) antes e após o preparo é igual (Modelo 1) ou desigual (Modelo 2). Conseqüentemente, a relação entre os fluxos de C das parcelas sem distúrbio (F SD) e onde o preparo do solo foi conduzido (F P) são dadas por: F P = F SD + a1 e-a2t (modelo 1) e F P = a3 F SD e-a4t (modelo 2), onde t é o tempo após o preparo. Fluxos de CO2 previstos e observados relevam um bom ajuste dos resultados com coeficiente de determinação (R²) tão alto quanto 0,91. O modelo 2 produz um ajuste ligeiramente superior quando comparado com o outro modelo. A velocidade das pás da enxada rotativa foi relacionada a um aumento na quantidade de carbono lábil e nas modificações do tempo de residência médio do carbono lábil do solo após preparo. A vantagem desta metodologia é que a variabilidade temporal das emissões induzidas pelo preparo do solo pode ser descrita a partir de uma função analítica simples, que inclui a emissão da parcela sem distúrbio e um termo exponencial modulado por parâmetros dependentes do preparo e de condições ambientais onde o experimento foi conduzido

    Soil management of sugarcane fields affecting CO2 fluxes

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    ABSTRACT The harvesting system of green sugarcane, characterized by mechanized harvesting and no crop burning, affects soil quality by increasing the remaining straw left on the soil surface after harvesting, thus, contributing to the improvement of physical, chemical, and microbiological soil attributes, influencing CO2 fluxes. This study aimed to evaluate CO2 fluxes and their relation to soil properties in sugarcane crops under different harvesting managements: burned (B), Green harvesting for 5 years (G-5) and Green harvesting for ten years (G-10). For this, a 1 ha sampling grid with 30 points was installed in each area, all located in the Northeast of São Paulo State, Brazil. In each point, CO2 fluxes were measured and the soil was sampled to analyze the microbial biomass, physical (soil moisture and temperature, mean weight diameter, bulk density, clay, macroporosity and microporosity) and chemical characterization (pH, organic C, base saturation and P). The CO2 fluxes were divided into four quantitative criteria: high, moderate, low and very low from the Statistical Division (mean, first quartile, median and third quartile) and the other data were classified according this criterion. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify the main soil attributes that influence CO2 fluxes. The results showed that G-10 CO2 fluxes were 28 and 41 % higher than those in the G-5 and B treatments, respectively. The PCA analysis showed that macroporosity was the main soil attribute that influenced the high CO2 fluxes

    Soil structure and greenhouse gas production differences between row and interrow positions under no-tillage

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    No-tillage in Brazil is an efficient agricultural system that improves crop productivity whilst controlling erosion caused to the soil by degradation. However, there is some concern regarding soil compaction. Our objective was to determine whether the function of soil structure in sustaining crop growth was dependent on row and interrow positions in long-term no-tillage. We took soil samples from a field in a commercial farm under long-term no-tillage since 1979 on a clayey Oxisol in Southern Brazil. We assessed soil physical quality using the revised Peerlkamp technique and measured bulk density, air-filled porosity and air permeability of intact soil cores. Samples were incubated to assess in vitro N2O and CO2 production. The soil physical and structural properties showed consistent differences between interrow and row positions, where the properties measured were more favorable. The revised Peerlkamp technique proved as efficient as quantitative parameters in discriminating treatment differences. Overall, soil physical conditions in the interrow were less favourable than in the row. Pore continuity did not vary as regards position. This may explain why row position did not influence in vitro N2O and CO2 production. Soil physical quality under no-tillage system is enhanced, at least in the short term, by superficial disturbances in the row as a result of the action of the coulters of the no-tillage seeder