33 research outputs found
Description About Police\u27s Aggressive Behavior Against Demonstration
Reformation era has been running for long time in Indonesia, including the free of make an opinion in the public space. But the fact shows sometimes the demonstration has been showed off in a rude way. When this happened, the police shows repressive act againts the demonstration. This fact is ironic because the repressive acts done by the police. The aim of this study is to know the description about police\u27s aggresion against the demonstration. The participants are police men who ever done the aggresive behavior against the demonstration. The data is collected by some test such as EPPS and DAP. The result shows that the aggresion showed by the police is just a response to the aggression done by the demonstration
Gambaran Agresivitas Aparat Kepolisian Yang Menangani Demonstrasi
GAMBARAN AGRESIVITAS APARAT KEPOLISIANYANG MENANGANI DEMONSTRASIAgus Sapari1Ni Made Taganing Kurniati21,2Fakultas Psikologi Universitas GundaramaJl. Margonda Raya No. 100 Depok 16424, Jawa [email protected] lama era reformasi berlangsung di Indonesia, yang ditandai dengan adanya keterbukaan dan kebebasan dalam segala hal, termasuk penyampaian pendapat di depan umum. Dalam pelaksanaannya demostrasi dapat dilakukan secara tertib dan damai tetapi dapat pula demonstrasi berkembang menjadi gerakan yang cenderung agresif dan anarkis bahkan terkesan brutal. Ketika berlangsungnya aksi demonstrasi tidak jarang terjadi tindakan pemaksaan, penembakan, pemukulan dan bahkan sampai pada pengerusakan fasilitas umum, yang dilakukan oleh polisi maupun mahasiswa. Di mata masyarakat, kekerasan yang dilakukan polisi dalam aksi demonstrasi terbilang ironis karena keberadaan polisi pada dasarnya adalah untuk melindungi rakyat. Peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana gambaran agresivitas aparat kepolisian pada saat mengamankan aksi demonstrasi dan mengapa terjadi tindakan agresif oleh aparat kepolisian terhadap para demonstran. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah aparat kepolisian yang pernah melakukan tindakan agresif terhadap para demonstran pada saat mengamankan demonstrasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan menggunakan alat tes psikologi yaitu EPPS (Edwards Personal Preference Schedule) dan DAP (Draw A Person) Test, dalam penelitian ini tidak dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan aparat kepolisian melakukan tindakan agresi terhadap para demonstran sebagai tindakan balasan terhadap tindakan agresi para demonstran sebelumnya seperti memaki, melempar atau memukul
Combined Tide and Storm Influence on Facies Sedimentation of Miocene Miri Formation, Sarawak
This study was conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle – Late Miocene). The primary objective of the present study is to provide additional interpretation on the stratigraphy of the Miri Formation in the Miri Field based on the new information gathered from new outcrops in the area. Five outcrops were examined in detail on sedimentology and stratigraphy. Based on lithology, sedimentary structures, bedding geometry and traces fossil, the sediments of the Miri Formation were grouped into fourteen lithofacies. Influence of tide and storm during the depositional processes of the formation were indicated by the group of two main facies associations which are: (i) tide-dominated estuary; and (ii) wave-and-storm dominated facies associations. The tide-dominated estuary system of the Miri Formation are includes variety of sub environments: estuary mouth or tidal channel and sand bars (characterized by trough cross-stratified sandstone with mud drapes facies), estuary channel or upper flow regime of sand flat (characterized by parallel stratified sandstone with mud-laminas facies), mixed-tidal flat (characterized by wavy and flaser bedded sandstone facies), and mud-tidal flat (characterized by rhythmic stratified sandstone-mudstone and lenticular bedding facies). The wave-and-storm dominated varied from lower to middle shoreface (characterized by hummocky cross-stratified sandstone and rhythmic parallel stratified sandstone and laminated siltstone facies), upper shoreface (characterized by swaley cross-stratified sandstone), lower shoreface (interbedded to bioturbated sandstone and siltstone facies), and offshore transitional (characterized by bioturbated sandstone and mudstone interbedding with parallel to hummocky cross-stratified sandstone facies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada batuan sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri (Miosen Tengah - Akhir). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan interpretasi tambahan pada stratigrafi Formasi Miri di Lapangan Miri berdasarkan informasi baru yang dikumpulkan dari singkapan batuan baru di daerah tersebut. Lima singkapan tersebut diteliti secara rinci berdasarkan aspek sedimentologi dan stratigrafi. Berdasarkan litologi, struktur sedimen, geometri perlapisan dan fosil jejak, sedimen penyusun Formasi Miri dikelompokkan ke dalam empat belas litofasies. Pengaruh pasang surut dan badai selama proses pengendapan formasi diindikasikan dari adanya dua kelompok gabungan fasies utama antara lain: (i) didominasi oleh pasang-surut muara, dan (ii) didominasi oleh gabungan fasies gelombang dan badai. Sistem yang didominasi pasang surut muara pada Formasi Miri meliputi variasi sub-lingkungan: mulut muara atau alur pasang surut, dan gosong sungai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir dengan perlapisan saling silang dengan lempung yang mengapung), alur muara atau rezim aliran bagian atas dari dataran pasir (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis paralel dengan lumpur berlapis), campuran pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis), dan lumpur pasang surut normal (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis ritmik-batulumpur dan perlapisan lenticular). Dominasi pengaruh gelombang dan badai bervariasi dari rendah ke menengah (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir berlapis silang yang hummocky dan batupasir berlapis paralel berulang dan batulanau berlapis), muka pantai bagian atas (dicirikan oleh batupasir berlapis silang yang swaley), muka pantai bagian bawah (fasies batupasir dan batulanau yang bersisipan sampai bioturtbasi), dan transisi lepas pantai (dicirikan oleh fasies batupasir bioturbasi dan batulumpur yang bersisipan dengan batupasir berlapis paralel sampai berlapis silang yang hummocky)
Trans-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 12 genetic loci influencing blood pressure and implicates a role for DNA methylation
10.1038/ng.3405Nature Genetics47111282-1293GUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes
DNA methylation subgroups and the CpG island methylator phenotype in gastric cancer: A comprehensive profiling approach
10.1186/1471-230X-14-55BMC Gastroenterology141-BGMA
The inclusion of fisheries and tourism in marine protected areas to support conservation in Indonesia
With the rapid growth of Indonesia’s marine protected area (MPAs) estate in Indonesia, reaching 23.9 million hectares by January 2020, attention needs to be focused on strengthening the effectiveness of MPA management. Consolidating and expanding protection of Indonesia’s marine resources is critical with increasing pressure from a fast-expanding population, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, pollution, coastal development, unsustainable tourism and climate change. Biodiversity conservation must therefore concurrently consider multiple economic sectors such as fisheries and tourism, and their synergies with MPA management. This paper aims to outline the current landscape of fisheries and marine tourism pertaining to area-based conservation in Indonesia, to inform and support improved integration into effective MPA management. Four areas to focus efforts were identified: diversification of governance types of community-based management, improved coordination between fisheries and MPAs during planning and management implementation, the development and support of pathways for sustainable tourism, and planning for future conditions. Sustainable development for fisheries and tourism must be incorporated into all aspects of MPA management, whilst recognising that current management systems are insufficient to ensure long-term sustainability for natural resources and local communities, and strategies need to increase resilience of social-ecological systems in anticipation of future conditions
Clinical Potential of DNA Methylation in Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Background: Accumulating evidence indicates aberrant DNA methylation is involved in gastric tumourigenesis, suggesting it may be a useful clinical biomarker for the disease. The aim of this study was to consolidate and summarize published data on the potential of methylation in gastric cancer (GC) risk prediction, prognostication and prediction of treatment response. Methods: Relevant studies were identified from PubMed using a systematic search approach. Results were summarized by meta-analysis. Mantel-Haenszel odds ratios were computed for each methylation event assuming the random-effects model. Results: A review of 589 retrieved publications identified 415 relevant articles, including 143 case-control studies on gene methylation of 142 individual genes in GC clinical samples. A total of 77 genes were significantly differentially methylated between tumour and normal gastric tissue from GC subjects, of which data on 62 was derived from single studies. Methylation of 15, 4 and 7 genes in normal gastric tissue, plasma and serum respectively was significantly different in frequency between GC and non-cancer subjects. A prognostic significance was reported for 18 genes and predictive significance was reported for p16 methylation, although many inconsistent findings were also observed. No bias due to assay, use of fixed tissue or CpG sites analysed was detected, however a slight bias towards publication of positive findings was observed
Trans-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 12 genetic loci influencing blood pressure and implicates a role for DNA methylation
We carried out a trans-ancestry genome-wide association and replication study of blood pressure phenotypes among up to 320,251 individuals of East Asian, European and South Asian ancestry. We find genetic variants at 12 new loci to be associated with blood pressure (P = 3.9 × 10-11 to 5.0 × 10-21). The sentinel blood pressure SNPs are enriched for association with DNA methylation at multiple nearby CpG sites, suggesting that, at some of the loci identified, DNA methylation may lie on the regulatory pathway linking sequence variation to blood pressure. The sentinel SNPs at the 12 new loci point to genes involved in vascular smooth muscle (IGFBP3, KCNK3, PDE3A and PRDM6) and renal (ARHGAP24, OSR1, SLC22A7 and TBX2) function. The new and known genetic variants predict increased left ventricular mass, circulating levels of NT-proBNP, and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality (P = 0.04 to 8.6 × 10-6). Our results provide new evidence for the role of DNA methylation in blood pressure regulation