46 research outputs found

    Сравнение подходов к реализации образовательных программ по направлению "бизнес-информатика" в России и Германии

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    Business informatics is a relatively young academic discipline. During the last years several efforts have been made to compare the German discipline Wirtschaftsinformatik with the Anglo-American sister discipline information systems. However, these studies have mainly focused on research activities; they have not attempted to compare curricula in both disciplines. With the change of the political and economic system in the former Soviet Union and the introduction of courses of studies in business informatics in Russia it may be helpful to compare the German with the Russian approach to teaching business informatics. The objective of this paper is to compare bachelor studies in business informatics at selected universities in Russia and Germany. This paper contains the outline of the history of business informatics as a scientific discipline in Russia and Germany, a description of professional organizations, standards, and guidelines relevant for business informatics in both countries. Special attention is given to an overview of students studying business informatics, a description of time scales and grading scales and the structure of teaching plans in Russia and Germany. The paper contains the explanation of the method used to analyze and compare bachelor studies at ten German and ten Russian universities. Findings of the analysis concern details of bachelor studies in business informatics at German and Russian universities and highlight similarities and differences

    Rheological, physicochemical, and microstructural properties of asphalt binder modified by fumed silica nanoparticles

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    Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is gaining increased attention in the asphalt paving industry as an eco-friendly and sustainable technology. WMA technologies are favorable in producing asphalt mixtures at temperatures 20–60 °C lower in comparison to conventional hot mix asphalt. This saves non-renewable fossil fuels, reduces energy consumption, and minimizes vapors and greenhouse gas emissions in the production, placement and conservation processes of asphalt mixtures. At the same time, this temperature reduction must not reduce the performance of asphalt pavements in-field. Low aging resistance, high moisture susceptibility, and low durability are generally seen as substantial drawbacks of WMA, which can lead to inferior pavement performance, and increased maintenance costs. This is partly due to the fact that low production temperature may increase the amount of water molecules trapped in the asphalt mixture. As a potential remedy, here we use fumed silica nanoparticles (FSN) have shown excellent potential in enhancing moisture and aging susceptibility of asphalt binders. In this study, asphalt binder modification by means of FSN was investigated, considering the effects of short-term and long-term aging on the rheological, thermal, and microstructural binder properties. This research paves the way for optimizing WMA by nanoparticles to present enhanced green asphalt technology

    Про побудову хаотичних динамічних систем на ящичному фракталі

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    In this paper, our main aim is to obtain two different discrete chaotic dynamical systems on the Box fractal ($B).Forthisgoal,wefirstgivetwocompositionfunctions(whichgenerateBoxfractalandfilledsquarerespectivelyviaescapetimealgorithm)ofexpanding,foldingandtranslationmappings.Inordertoexaminethepropertiesofthesedynamicalsystemsmoreeasily,weusetheintrinsicmetricwhichisdefinedbythecoderepresentationofthepointson). For this goal, we first give two composition functions (which generate Box fractal and filled-square respectively via escape time algorithm) of expanding, folding and translation mappings. In order to examine the properties of these dynamical systems more easily, we use the intrinsic metric which is defined by the code representation of the points on BBandexpressthesedynamicalsystemsonthecodesetsofthisfractal.WethenobtainthattheyarechaoticinthesenseofDevaneyandgiveanalgorithmtocomputeperiodicpoints.Уційроботінашоюголовноюціллюєотриманнядвохрізнихдискретниххаотичнихдинамічнихсистемнаящичномуфракталі( and express these dynamical systems on the code sets of this fractal. We then obtain that they are chaotic in the sense of Devaney and give an algorithm to compute periodic points.У цій роботі нашою головною ціллю є отримання двох різних дискретних хаотичних динамічних систем на ящичному фракталі (BB).Зцієюметоюмиспочаткунадаємодвіфункціїкомпозиції(якіпороджуютьящичнийфракталтазаповненийквадратвідповіднозадопомогоюалгоритмучасувтечі)розширюючих,складаючихтатранслюючихвідображень.Абидосліджувативластивостіцихдинамічнихсистембулопростіше,мивикористовуємовнутрішнюметрику,котравизначаєтьсякодовимпредставленнямточок). З цією метою ми спочатку надаємо дві функції композиції (які породжують ящичний фрактал та заповнений квадрат відповідно за допомогою алгоритму часу втечі) розширюючих, складаючих та транслюючих відображень. Аби досліджувати властивості цих динамічних систем було простіше, ми використовуємо внутрішню метрику, котра визначається кодовим представленням точок BB$ і виражаємо ці динамічні системи на кодових множинах даного фракталу. Потім ми визначаємо, що вони хаотичні в сенсі Дівейні і надаємо алгоритм для обчислення періодичних точок

    Modern changes of content of heavy metals in assimilating organs of the plants from the impact zone of Severonickel operation

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    Multi-annual dynamics of concentration of heavy metals in the leaves of plants from the impact zone of Severonickel operation is analyzed on the basis of modem materials. It has been showed that microelement composition of the leaves of plants is characterized by significant variability. It has been established that the examined plants, still being depressed, have preserved many features of species peculiarities of the chemical compound peculiar to these plant species in natural conditions. It has been concluded that it is the genetic features of a plant species that govern, to a significant degree, the level of the polluting elements content in assimilating organs of plants.На основании современных материалов проанализирована многолетняя динамика концентраций тяжелых металлов в листьях растений локальной зоны воздействия комбината «Североникель». Показано, что микроэлементный состав листьев растений, произрастающих в локальной зоне, характеризуется значительной вариабельностью. Установлено, что изученные растения, несмотря на угнетенное состояние, сохранили многие черты видовых особенностей химического состава, свойственные им в естественных условиях. Сделан вывод, что именно генетические особенности вида растений в значительной степени определяют уровни содержания загрязняющих элементов в их ассимилирующих органах

    Comparison of dynamic modulus assignments for ısparta state highways according to mechanistic-empirical pavement design method

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    Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Method (MEPDM) determines the necessary pavement thickness for given design inputs and deformations in pavement by combining the parameters of mechanical modeling and observations of pavement performance through the pavement design life. To examine various distresses including cracking, rutting and roughness in MEPDM, pavement dynamic modulus (E*) which is a function of age, temperature, rate of loading, and mixture properties, such as aggregate air voids, gradation, binder stiffness and binder content needs to be determined. For this, there are three levels of analysis in MEPDM. In Level 3, there is no need for laboratory tests, and there are prediction models to assign the dynamic modulus. These models can implement time-dependent analysis of pavement. In this study, statistical climate data analysis of 20 years including 1995–2014 period of Isparta province was examined. Then, the prediction models were used to determine the dynamic modulus master curves of Isparta state highways, and these master curves were compared. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020

    Real and Virtual in the Educational Space of Modern Globalized Society

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    Globalization combines elements of integration and differentiation — common traits, extrapolated to single social groups, undergo a broad system of localization, adapting to the conditions of the new system of existence. In today's globalized society, the real and the virtual are becoming so intertwined that it is increasingly difficult to define their boundaries. Two specific interpretations of the concept of «alternative globalism» are described: the first one is related to the use of this term to refer to social movement; the second one reflects some, including theoretical, critique of globalization, its manifestations and possible consequences. Structural-functional method, prognostic method, elements of schematization and generalization are used to clarify some issues of the philosophical paradigm of the modern educational space in the global and regional perspective. The study has revealed that the antiсipation of the future educational space is based on the analytics of actual changes in the status of knowledge. The focus of the research is the processes of mercantilization of knowledge, which indicates the commodity status of knowledge in modern society. The transition of society from consumption of mainly tangible goods to consumption of services, and subsequently to maximum consumption of information, was established. The concept of deterritorialization has shown that the essential characteristic of globalization is the loss of physical space in many social processes. A virtual theory related to the formation of «imaginary worlds» due to the imposition of different cultural and symbolic spaces: ethnic, technological, financial, ideological and media space is investigated. The study has revealed emergence of a «knowledge economy» society as a resource base of modern capitalism and the dialectical relations of «global and local» both in the structure of education and in the social system of the nation-state. Keywords: real, virtual, globalized society, deterritorialization, information-symbolic exchange, cultural and symbolic flows, functionalism of information, educational spac


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    . The aims of the publication are: to analyse domestic experience of education and training of preschool children with logoneurosis; to designate the causes and displays of this disease; to define the problems arising through organization of correctional work in preschool institution taking into account modern requirements of the Russian legislation and climatic features of regions; to present a possible version of the solution of these problems.Methods. The methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific, methodical publications, and legislative base on a problem of correctional work on stuttering among preschool children are used.Results and scientific novelty. The authors’ program of additional education with the correctional elements «Ecotherapy for Children at the age of 5–7 years with Logoneurosis» developed by the staff of the Ecotherapy Laboratory of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden – Institute named after N. A. Avrorin is described in the publication. The program complies with the modern requirements of Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education and is focused on tutors and speech language therapists of correctional groups and logocentres. In the course of mastering the program, a child by means of a game at once joins in search-investigative activity in the field of biology and ecology with visualization of an ultimate goal and obligatory practical material realization of results of work. From the point of view of medical expediency, the program has included the special breathing and relaxation exercises which are picked up for the lesson topic. The efficiency of a combination in correctional pedagogics of standard logopedic methods and the practise with nonconventional methods of art-, garden-, and animal-assisted therapy is confirmed. Special relevance of the proposed techniques and methods in the conditions of the Polar region (the region, wherein during the period of an exit from polar night) is stated; most often not only somatic diseases but also logoneurotic attacks are registered among children. According to concluding observations of logopedists, through this program implementation, more than 50% of the preschool children participating in an experiment with the diagnosis of logoneurosis acquired the speech skills meeting language norms.Practical significance. The authors of the program of ecological therapy and staff of preschool educational institutions participating in the experiment, express confidence that the proposed techniques and methods allowing to remove neurotic manifestations among children and improve their psycho-emotional state through active development of sensorimotor skills, will be useful to teachers of educational and social institutions of all types working with children of preschool and younger school age