30 research outputs found

    FastAlert-an automatic search system to alert about new entries in biological sequence databanks

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    This paper describes a new tool enabling awareness of new sequence databank entries of interest. The Fast Alert system relieves the researcher from the burden of repeating FASTA searches in order to keep up with the rapidly growing amount of information found in biological sequence databanks. The query sequence can be submitted from any computer connected to the Internet. Upon registration, the databank, including the updates, is scanned at periodic intervals with the sequence provided. The results, so-called FastAlert reports, are delivered via electronic mail. The reports contain the FASTA best-scores list and the similarity statistics for each entry liste

    An enhanced workflow for variant interpretation in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot improves consistency and reuse in ClinVar.

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    Personalized genomic medicine depends on integrated analyses that combine genetic and phenotypic data from individual patients with reference knowledge of the functional and clinical significance of sequence variants. Sources of this reference knowledge include the ClinVar repository of human genetic variants, a community resource that accepts submissions from external groups, and UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, an expert-curated resource of protein sequences and functional annotation. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot provides knowledge on the functional impact and clinical significance of over 30 000 human protein-coding sequence variants, curated from peer-reviewed literature reports. Here we present a pilot study that lays the groundwork for the integration of curated knowledge of protein sequence variation from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot with ClinVar. We show that existing interpretations of variant pathogenicity in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot and ClinVar are highly concordant, with 88% of variants that are common to the two resources having interpretations of clinical significance that agree. Re-curation of a subset of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot variants according to American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines using ClinGen tools further increases this level of agreement, mainly due to the reclassification of supposedly pathogenic variants as benign, based on newly available population frequency data. We have now incorporated ACMG guidelines and ClinGen tools into the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) curation workflow and routinely submit variant data from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot to ClinVar. These efforts will increase the usability and utilization of UniProtKB variant data and will facilitate the continuing (re-)evaluation of clinical variant interpretations as data sets and knowledge evolve

    Updates in Rhea - an expert curated resource of biochemical reactions.

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    Rhea (http://www.rhea-db.org) is a comprehensive and non-redundant resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions designed for the functional annotation of enzymes and the description of metabolic networks. Rhea describes enzyme-catalyzed reactions covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list as well as additional reactions, including spontaneously occurring reactions, using entities from the ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) ontology of small molecules. Here we describe developments in Rhea since our last report in the database issue of Nucleic Acids Research. These include the first implementation of a simple hierarchical classification of reactions, improved coverage of the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list and additional reactions through continuing expert curation, and the development of a new website to serve this improved dataset

    Updates in Rhea-a manually curated resource of biochemical reactions.

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    Rhea (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/rhea) is a comprehensive and non-redundant resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions described using species from the ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) ontology of small molecules. Rhea has been designed for the functional annotation of enzymes and the description of genome-scale metabolic networks, providing stoichiometrically balanced enzyme-catalyzed reactions (covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list and additional reactions), transport reactions and spontaneously occurring reactions. Rhea reactions are extensively curated with links to source literature and are mapped to other publicly available enzyme and pathway databases such as Reactome, BioCyc, KEGG and UniPathway, through manual curation and computational methods. Here we describe developments in Rhea since our last report in the 2012 database issue of Nucleic Acids Research. These include significant growth in the number of Rhea reactions and the inclusion of reactions involving complex macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and other polymers that lie outside the scope of ChEBI. Together these developments will significantly increase the utility of Rhea as a tool for the description, analysis and reconciliation of genome-scale metabolic models

    HAMAP in 2015: updates to the protein family classification and annotation system.

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    HAMAP (High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of Proteins-available at http://hamap.expasy.org/) is a system for the automatic classification and annotation of protein sequences. HAMAP provides annotation of the same quality and detail as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, using manually curated profiles for protein sequence family classification and expert curated rules for functional annotation of family members. HAMAP data and tools are made available through our website and as part of the UniRule pipeline of UniProt, providing annotation for millions of unreviewed sequences of UniProtKB/TrEMBL. Here we report on the growth of HAMAP and updates to the HAMAP system since our last report in the NAR Database Issue of 2013. We continue to augment HAMAP with new family profiles and annotation rules as new protein families are characterized and annotated in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot; the latest version of HAMAP (as of 3 September 2014) contains 1983 family classification profiles and 1998 annotation rules (up from 1780 and 1720). We demonstrate how the complex logic of HAMAP rules allows for precise annotation of individual functional variants within large homologous protein families. We also describe improvements to our web-based tool HAMAP-Scan which simplify the classification and annotation of sequences, and the incorporation of an improved sequence-profile search algorithm

    Updates in Rhea: SPARQLing biochemical reaction data.

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    Rhea (http://www.rhea-db.org) is a comprehensive and non-redundant resource of over 11 000 expert-curated biochemical reactions that uses chemical entities from the ChEBI ontology to represent reaction participants. Originally designed as an annotation vocabulary for the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), Rhea also provides reaction data for a range of other core knowledgebases and data repositories including ChEBI and MetaboLights. Here we describe recent developments in Rhea, focusing on a new resource description framework representation of Rhea reaction data and an SPARQL endpoint (https://sparql.rhea-db.org/sparql) that provides access to it. We demonstrate how federated queries that combine the Rhea SPARQL endpoint and other SPARQL endpoints such as that of UniProt can provide improved metabolite annotation and support integrative analyses that link the metabolome through the proteome to the transcriptome and genome. These developments will significantly boost the utility of Rhea as a means to link chemistry and biology for a more holistic understanding of biological systems and their function in health and disease

    The InterPro protein families database: the classification resource after 15 years.

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    The InterPro database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a freely available resource that can be used to classify sequences into protein families and to predict the presence of important domains and sites. Central to the InterPro database are predictive models, known as signatures, from a range of different protein family databases that have different biological focuses and use different methodological approaches to classify protein families and domains. InterPro integrates these signatures, capitalizing on the respective strengths of the individual databases, to produce a powerful protein classification resource. Here, we report on the status of InterPro as it enters its 15th year of operation, and give an overview of new developments with the database and its associated Web interfaces and software. In particular, the new domain architecture search tool is described and the process of mapping of Gene Ontology terms to InterPro is outlined. We also discuss the challenges faced by the resource given the explosive growth in sequence data in recent years. InterPro (version 48.0) contains 36 766 member database signatures integrated into 26 238 InterPro entries, an increase of over 3993 entries (5081 signatures), since 2012

    Structure of HsdS Subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Sheds Lights on Mechanism of Dynamic Opening and Closing of Type I Methyltransferase

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    Type I DNA methyltransferases contain one specificity subunit (HsdS) and two modification subunits (HsdM). The electron microscopy model of M.EcoKI-M2S1 methyltransferase shows a reasonable closed state of this clamp-like enzyme, but the structure of the open state is still unclear. The 1.95 Å crystal structure of the specificity subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TTE-HsdS) shows an unreported open form inter-domain orientation of this subunit. Based on the crystal structure of TTE-HsdS and the closed state model of M.EcoKI-M2S1, we constructed a potential open state model of type I methyltransferase. Mutational studies indicated that two α-helices (aa30-59 and aa466-495) of the TTE-HsdM subunit are important inter-subunit interaction sites in the TTE-M2S1 complex. DNA binding assays also highlighted the importance of the C-terminal region of TTE-HsdM for DNA binding by the TTE-M2S1 complex. On the basis of structural analysis, biochemical experiments and previous studies, we propose a dynamic opening and closing mechanism for type I methyltransferase

    InterPro in 2017-beyond protein family and domain annotations

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    InterPro (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) is a freely available database used to classify protein sequences into families and to predict the presence of important domains and sites. InterProScan is the underlying software that allows both protein and nucleic acid sequences to be searched against InterPro's predictive models, which are provided by its member databases. Here, we report recent developments with InterPro and its associated software, including the addition of two new databases (SFLD and CDD), and the functionality to include residue-level annotation and prediction of intrinsic disorder. These developments enrich the annotations provided by InterPro, increase the overall number of residues annotated and allow more specific functional inferences

    Perspectives on tracking data reuse across biodata resources

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    c The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.Motivation: Data reuse is a common and vital practice in molecular biology and enables the knowledge gathered over recent decades to drive discovery and innovation in the life sciences. Much of this knowledge has been collated into molecular biology databases, such as UniProtKB, and these resources derive enormous value from sharing data among themselves. However, quantifying and documenting this kind of data reuse remains a challenge. Results: The article reports on a one-day virtual workshop hosted by the UniProt Consortium in March 2023, attended by representatives from biodata resources, experts in data management, and NIH program managers. Workshop discussions focused on strategies for tracking data reuse, best practices for reusing data, and the challenges associated with data reuse and tracking. Surveys and discussions showed that data reuse is widespread, but critical information for reproducibility is sometimes lacking. Challenges include costs of tracking data reuse, tensions between tracking data and open sharing, restrictive licenses, and difficulties in tracking commercial data use. Recommendations that emerged from the discussion include: development of standardized formats for documenting data reuse, education about the obstacles posed by restrictive licenses, and continued recognition by funding agencies that data management is a critical activity that requires dedicated resources