724 research outputs found

    Links between biota and climate-related variables in the Baltic region using Lake Onega as an example**This work was supported by Biodiversity Bioresources Programmes grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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    AbstractThis paper aims to reveal current changes (recent decades) in regional climatic variables like water temperature (WT), the duration of the ice-free period (ICE-FREE) and the precipitation rate (P), as exemplified by Petrozavodsk Bay (Lake Onega, European Russia), and to analyse their relationships with the global climatic indices NAO, AO and structural characteristics of biota (chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), phytoplankton and zoobenthos abundance/biomass) in the lake ecosystem, which lies within the Baltic Sea catchment area. Spearman’s rank correlations yielded significant (p<0.05) relationships between the NAO and planktonic Cyanobacteria abundance, and also between NAO, AO, WT, P and the abundance and biomass of zoobenthos. Chl a correlates positively (R=0.66; p=0.03) with WT and negatively with ICE-FREE (R=−0.53; p=0.05). At the same time, multiple regression analysis confirmed that the global climate governs primarily the regional climatic variables and productivity level in the lake’s ecosystem, whereas most of the biotic characteristics respond to variability in the regional climate

    Language Identity of Online Business Correspondence (on Material of the French and English Languages)

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    The article discusses the findings of the comparative analysis of online business correspondence in the Russian and English languages. The issue of written business discourse internationalization and identity is still unsettled, as Internet environment and attributed to it social, cultural and technological changes influence the language, regularly modifying it. The authors examined basic theories related to the study of the terms Internet communication and language identity in modern linguistic studies. The aim of the article is to identify linguistic peculiarities of expressing identity in business e-mails in modern French and English, taking into account national-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects of business communication. To achieve this goal the following research objectives were set: study the concepts of Internet communication and language identity; select and describe frequent language structures that determine the specifics of e-mails in two cultures. The findings were derived from e-mails presented both in the public domains and in foreign textbooks. In the course of the study identical vectors of development of stylistic forms of the compared languages were identified. Decrease in the degree of formality is observed in online business correspondence, which is manifested through the use of colloquial and slang expressions. Traditional opening formulas of address such as Sir and Dear are often replaced with Hello and Hi. Moreover, in English e-mails pronoun we is becoming more frequent. Nowadays, one of the trends in the development of the French language of business communication is the use of borrowings from the English language which signals about the internalization of online business correspondence

    Diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia in routine gynecological practice

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    Objective. To estimate the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) in diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia using transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS) versus histopathological findings. Materials and methods. This is a retrospective study of 156 patients who underwent hysteroresectoscopy or diagnostic curettage. A comparative analysis of the preoperative diagnosis according to the TVS and postoperative diagnosis according to the histopathological conclusion was performed. All the patients were divided into 2 groups based on the TVS results before the procedure. Group 1 included 71 women with preoperative diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Group 2 consisted of 85 women who underwent hysteroresectoscopy or diagnostic curettage for some other reasons. Using the statistical and mathematical methods, we determined the diagnostic value of TVS for diagnosis of both endometrial hyperplasia and pathology requiring subsequent invasive intervention into the uterine cavity. Results. According to histopathological findings, endometrial hyperplasia was found only in 35 (49.30 % PPV) out of the 71 patients who were positively diagnosed using TVS. The other 36 patients (50.70 %) had a negative histopathological diagnosis. The women of Group 2 were diagnosed correctly (absence of endometrial hyperplasia) in 52 cases (61.18 % NPV), but findings were positive in 33 (38.82 %) women according to histopathological examination. The sensitivity of TVS in the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia was 51.47 % (95 %CI 39.03–63.78) and the specificity was 59.09 % (95 %CI 48.09–69.46). However, the absence of indications for invasive intrauterine intervention was observed only in 4.22 % of women in Group 1 and in 2.35 % in Group 2. Conclusions. TVS has a low diagnostic value to identify an endometrial hyperplasia. TVS has a high diagnostic value for determination of intrauterine pathology which requires further hysteroresectoscopy or diagnostic curettage. Low diagnostic value of TVS in the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia necessitates an additional analysis considering the qualification of specialists performing ultrasound, the adequacy of the MOH Order No. 676 fulfillment, warranting reflection of parameters such as the endometrium structure, polypoid inclusions, sound conductivity, outer contour of the M-echo and uterine cavity surface as well as the endometrial-uterine ratio calculation in peri-and post-menopausal patients

    Desarrollo de la alfabetización intercultural de los docentes en el sistema de educación vocacional adicional

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    The general trends of contemporary education include the desire to integrate and universalize social relations. This study aims to explain that the process leads to the intensification of intercultural interaction between representatives of different cultural communities. The expansion of intercultural contacts in the modern world emphasizes the importance of achieving mutual understanding between people of different cultures. The study concludes that multicultural education should become an inseparable part of general education, including additional professional education, since interpersonal relationships take place in a multiethnic and multicultural environment.Las tendencias generales de la educación contemporánea incluyen el deseo de integrar y universalizar las relaciones sociales. Este estudio pretende explicar que el proceso conduce a la intensificación de la interacción intercultural entre representantes de diferentes comunidades culturales. La expansión de los contactos interculturales en el mundo moderno enfatiza la importancia de lograr el entendimiento mutuo entre personas de diferentes culturas. El estudio concluye que la educación multicultural debería convertirse en una parte inseparable de la educación general, incluida la e ucación profesional adicional, ya que las relaciones interpersonales tienen lugar en un entorno multiétnico y multicultural

    Clinical and pathogenic aspects of vibrational disease and comorbid pathologies.

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    Despite the tendency to decrease in the level of vibrational disease morbidity, this pathology is third in the structure of occupational diseases in Ukraine. According to research design, we have examined 178 vibrational disease patients of I and II degree due to local vibration. They have been divided into 3 groups: first — 66 patients with vibrational disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; second — 60 patients with vibrational disease and arterial hypertension of II degree, and group of comparison – 52 patients with isolated course of vibrational disease. We have used clinical and physiological, ELISA methods to estimate cytokines levels in these patients. We have found that clinical signs of vibrational disease depend on vibrational disease progressing and comorbid pathologies. Overlay of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to vibra­tional disease significantly worsens disease course, manifested by augmenting of clinical symptoms, neurovascular and trophic violations. Comorbid course of vibrational disease and arterial hypertension leads to respective worsening of cardio-vascular pathology. One of the mechanisms of development and progressing of vibrational disease is imbalance of cytokine chain of immunity — increase of the amount of inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and decrease of anti-inflammatory — IL-10. Overlay of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease enhances this trend. In patients with comorbid course of vibrational disease and arterial hypertension we have observed development of secondary dysregulatory state of immunocompetent system. This is proved by increased levels of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α by 62.5 % and IL-8 by 46.5 %), and decreased activity of melatonin by 35.0 % in comparison with group of patients with isolated vibrational disease


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    Economic and social working arrangement in Russia is determined by spatial nonuniformity and underpopulation. The existing mono-towns are quite different and yet there isn’t single methodological foundation or practical way of development their territories. Taking in view their considerable mass and conglomeration of population in them, finding a source of Russian mono-towns modernization is becoming a major factor of macroeconomic dynamics.Организация социально-экономической деятельности в России обусловлена пространственной неоднородностью, низкой плотностью, некомпактностью расселения. Существующие в этой среде моногорода чрезвычайно разнообразны, единая методологическая основа и практические траектории решения проблемы развития данных территорий не выработаны. С учетом значительного количества моногородов и степени концентрации населения в них поиск источников модернизации российских моногородов становится важнейшим фактором обеспечения макроэкономической динамики

    Clinical and pathogenic aspects of vibrational disease and comorbid pathologies.

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    Despite the tendency to decrease in the level of vibrational disease morbidity, this pathology is third in the structure of occupational diseases in Ukraine. According to research design, we have examined 178 vibrational disease patients of I and II degree due to local vibration. They have been divided into 3 groups: first — 66 patients with vibrational disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; second — 60 patients with vibrational disease and arterial hypertension of II degree, and group of comparison – 52 patients with isolated course of vibrational disease. We have used clinical and physiological, ELISA methods to estimate cytokines levels in these patients. We have found that clinical signs of vibrational disease depend on vibrational disease progressing and comorbid pathologies. Overlay of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to vibra­tional disease significantly worsens disease course, manifested by augmenting of clinical symptoms, neurovascular and trophic violations. Comorbid course of vibrational disease and arterial hypertension leads to respective worsening of cardio-vascular pathology. One of the mechanisms of development and progressing of vibrational disease is imbalance of cytokine chain of immunity — increase of the amount of inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and decrease of anti-inflammatory — IL-10. Overlay of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease enhances this trend. In patients with comorbid course of vibrational disease and arterial hypertension we have observed development of secondary dysregulatory state of immunocompetent system. This is proved by increased levels of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α by 62.5 % and IL-8 by 46.5 %), and decreased activity of melatonin by 35.0 % in comparison with group of patients with isolated vibrational disease

    Assessment of genetic diversity of some Siberian and Far Eastern species of the genus Spiraea (Rosaceae) by newly developed multiplex panels of nuclear SSR loci

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    Taxonomic and population genetic studies of the genus Spiraea (Rosaceae) species require new informative genetic markers. We screened 37 previously published heterologous oligonucleotide primer pairs for nuclear microsatellite loci and selected eight polymorphic and most reproducible of them for PCR multiplexing which substantially increases performance of routine mass genotyping. Three multiplex sets of 3, 3 and 2 loci, respectively, were developed and tested for ability to estimate the parameters of genetic variability and  population  structure in closely related species Spiraea ussuriensis, S. f lexuosa, S. chamaedryfolia representing seven natural populations of the Russian Far East and Siberia. Allele number ranged among loci from twelve (Spth20) to three. Among 41 alleles found, 7 were unique in some species/populations. Analysis of parameters of genetic variability in Spiraea spp. showed similar values of allele number per locus and observed heterozygosity among populations and slightly greater estimates of expected hete rozygosity in the samples of S. f lexuosa (NA = 2.387; HO = 0.387 ± ± 0.052; HE = 0.540 ± 0.055) as compared to S. ussuriensis (NA = = 2.781; HO = 0.385 ± 0.079; HE = 0.453 ± 0.072) and S. chamaedryfolia (NA = 2.875; HO = 0.331 ± 0.071; HE = 0.505 ± 0.069). The observed values of genetic polymorphism parameters indicate the average level of genetic diversity of the studied species typical to previous studies in Spiraea. About 19 % of the observed variability occurred among populations (FST = 0.191) while 81 % of the total genetic variation concentrated within the populations. The loci VS11, VS12, VS2, and VS6 contributed most to the observed differentiation. Nei genetic distances  between populations ranged from 0.049 to 0.585. Genetic differentiation patterns among studied populations based on allele frequencies of nuclear microsatellite loci correspond with their geographical location. Genetic composition of some samples contradicted with their provisional species identification


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    The changes in the ABA contents in rye plants are investigated in the development of different protective reactions against rust infection. A temporary significant increase in the ABA content both in resistant (Secale sp. derzhavinii – Puccinia dispersa), and in incompatible (Secale sereale grade Igumenskaja – Puccinia coronifera) combinations can be a signal to involve antistressful programs in infected tissues directed against pathogen suppression, whereas a high ABA concentration in all pathogenesis stages in a susceptible pathosystem reduces the efficacy of plant antistressful programs and results in the development of disease.В работе исследованы изменения эндогенного содержания АБК в динамике развития хлорозной и некротической защитных реакций в листьях устойчивой и восприимчивой форм ржи. Исходя из полученных данных, можно сделать вывод о том, что временное, значительное увеличение содержания АБК на начальных этапах взаимодействия растения с патогенами как в устойчивой (рожь Державина – Puccinia dispersa), так и в несовместимой (рожь сорта Игуменская – Puccinia coronifera) комбинациях может служить сигналом для включения антистрессовых программ в инфицированных тканях, направленных на подавление активности возбудителя болезни. Тогда как долговременное поддержание высокой концентрации АБК на всех стадиях патогенеза в восприимчивой патосистеме (рожь сорта Игуменская – Puccinia dispersa) приводит к снижению эффективности защитных систем и развитию болезни


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    The aim of the work. Experimental study of chronic toxicity of 5 % solution for injection of inhibitor adrenal o,p'-DDD. Мaterials and Methods. Object of research – parenteral form o,p'-DDD. The experiment was carried out on male Wistar rats for 90 days. At baseline and at 14, 30 and 90 days, the blood and urine tests were performed. At the end of the experiment histological examinations carried out of adrenal, kidney, liver and heart. Results and Discussion. Hematologic blood tests showed that after 14 days of administration of the drug solution of solvent and observed significant changes in hematological parameters (white blood cells, and platelets). This indicates that manifestations the toxic effect is primarily due to the action of the solvent. Histological examination of the main organs of animals found significant damage to the cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata, and small changes in the liver. Heart and kidney damage have not received. Conclusions. At 90-day intraperitoneal injection of the drug in the solvent and o,p'-DDD (chloditan) observed toxic effects, primarily due to the action of a solvent. The long-term (90 days) continuous administration of the drug is an activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system in response to the significant reduction of glucocorticoid hormones in the destruction of their producing cells. It was demonstrated that the introduction of the solvent and the solution o,p'- DDD (chloditan) did not affect the urinary system. Histological examination established that the introduction of peritoneal solution o, p'-DDD produces a particular damaging effect on the cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata. The solution in the o,p'-DDD has a moderate effect on the liver of rats. The solvent is also not indifferent by these bodies.Мета роботи. Експериментальне вивчення хронічної токсичності 5 % розчину для ін’єкцій інгібітора функції надниркових залоз о,п΄-ДДД (хлодитану). Матеріали і методи. Об’єкт дослідження – парентеральна форма о,п΄-ДДД. Експеримент проводили на щурах-самцях лінії Вістар протягом 90 днів. На початку дослідження, а також на 14-ту, 30-ту та 90-ту доби проводили аналізи крові та сечі. В кінці експерименту здійснено гістологічні дослідження надниркових залоз, нирок, печінки та серця. Результати й обговорення. Проведено доклінічні дослідження нової лікарської форми препарату о,п΄-ДДД та визначено її хронічну токсичність. Гематологічні аналізи крові показали, що вже після 14 діб введення розчинника і розчину препарату спостерігаються значні зміни гематологічних показників (лейкоцитів та тромбоцитів). Те, що отримані результати для обох чинників подібні, свідчить, що прояви токсичного ефекту, насамперед, зумовлені дією розчинника. Гістологічні дослідження основних органів тварин виявили значні ушкодження клітин пучкової зони надниркових залоз і невеликі зміни в печінці. Серце і нирки не зазнали ушкоджень. Висновки. Показано, що при довготривалому безперервному введенні препарату відбувається активація гіпоталамо-гіпофізарно-адреналової системи у відповідь на значне зниження рівня глюкокортикоїдних гормонів внаслідок руйнування продукуючих їх клітин. Гістологічними дослідженнями встановлено, що при перитонеальному введенні розчин о,п΄-ДДД справляє специфічний ушкоджувальний вплив на клітини пучкової зони надниркових залоз. Розчин о,п΄-ДДД справляє помірний вплив на печінку щурів, серце та нирки не зазнають ушкоджень. Виявлені токсичні ефекти зумовлені, насамперед, дією розчинника