2,621 research outputs found

    Critical view of WKB decay widths

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    A detailed comparison of the expressions for the decay widths obtained within the semiclassical WKB approximation using different approaches to the tunneling problem is performed. The differences between the available improved formulae for tunneling near the top and the bottom of the barrier are investigated. Though the simple WKB method gives the right order of magnitude of the decay widths, a small number of parameters are often fitted. The need to perform the fitting procedure remaining consistently within the WKB framework is emphasized in the context of the fission model based calculations. Calculations for the decay widths of some recently found super heavy nuclei using microscopic alpha-nucleus potentials are presented to demonstrate the importance of a consistent WKB calculation. The half-lives are found to be sensitive to the density dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the implementation of the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition inherent in the WKB approach.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    Iconic prosody in story reading

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    Recent experiments have shown that people iconically modulate their prosody corresponding with the meaning of their utterance (e.g., Shintel et al., 2006). This article reports findings from a story reading task that expands the investigation of iconic prosody to abstract meanings in addition to concrete ones. Participants read stories that contrasted along concrete and abstract semantic dimensions of speed (e.g., a fast drive, slow career progress) and size (e.g., a small grasshopper, an important contract). Participants read fast stories at a faster rate than slow stories, and big stories with a lower pitch than small stories. The effect of speed was distributed across the stories, including portions that were identical across stories, whereas the size effect was localized to size-related words. Overall, these findings enrich the documentation of iconicity in spoken language and bear on our understanding of the relationship between gesture and speech

    Iconicity and ape gesture.

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    Iconic gestures are hypothesized to be c rucial to the evolution of language. Yet the important question of whether apes produce iconic gestures is the subject of considerable debate. This paper presents the current state of research on iconicity in ape gesture. In particular, it describes some of the empirical evidence suggesting that apes produce three different kinds of iconic gestures; it compares the iconicity hypothesis to other major hypotheses of ape gesture; and finally, it offers some directions for future ape gesture researc

    Molecular gas at intermediate redshifts

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    We present Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of OH absorption in B3~1504+377 (z0.673z \sim 0.673) and PKS 1413+135 (z0.247z \sim 0.247). OH has now been detected in absorption towards four intermediate redshift systems, viz. the lensing galaxies towards B~0218+357 (z0.685z \sim 0.685; Kanekar et al. 2001) and 1830-211 (z0.886z \sim 0.886; Chengalur et al. 1999), in addition to the two systems listed above. All four systems also give rise to well studied millimetre wavelength molecular line absorption from a host of molecules, including HCO+^+. Comparing our OH data with these millimetre line transitions, we find that the linear correlation between NOHN_{\rm OH} and NHCO+N_{\rm HCO^+} found in molecular clouds in the Milky Way (Liszt & Lucas 1996) persists out to z1z \sim 1. It has been suggested (Liszt & Lucas 1999) that OH is a good tracer of H2{\rm H_2}, with NH2/NOH107N_{\rm H_2}/N_{\rm OH} \approx 10^7 under a variety of physical conditions. We use this relationship to estimate NH2N_{\rm H_2} in these absorbers. The estimated NH2N_{\rm H_2} is \ga 10^{22} in all four cases and substantially different from estimates based on CO observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    The X-ray Emissions from the M87 Jet: Diagnostics and Physical Interpretation

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    We reanalyze the deep Chandra observations of the M87 jet, first examined by Wilson & Yang (2002). By employing an analysis chain that includes image deconvolution, knots HST-1 and I are fully separated from adjacent emission. We find slight but significant variations in the spectral shape, with values of αx\alpha_x ranging from 1.21.6\sim 1.2-1.6. We use VLA radio observations, as well as HST imaging and polarimetry data, to examine the jet's broad-band spectrum and inquire as to the nature of particle acceleration in the jet. As shown in previous papers, a simple continuous injection model for synchrotron-emitting knots, in which both the filling factor, faccf_{acc}, of regions within which particles are accelerated and the energy spectrum of the injected particles are constant, cannot account for the X-ray flux or spectrum. Instead, we propose that faccf_{acc} is a function of position and energy and find that in the inner jet, faccEγ0.4±0.2Ee0.2±0.1f_{acc} \propto E_\gamma^{-0.4 \pm 0.2} \propto E_e^{-0.2 \pm 0.1}, and in knots A and B, faccEγ0.7±0.2Ee0.35±0.1f_{acc} \propto E_\gamma^{-0.7 \pm 0.2} \propto E_e^{-0.35 \pm 0.1}, where EγE_\gamma is the emitted photon energy and and EeE_e is the emitting electron energy. In this model, the index pp of the injected electron energy spectrum (n(Ee)Eepn(E_{e}) \propto E_{e}^{-p}) is p=2.2p=2.2 at all locations in the jet, as predicted by models of cosmic ray acceleration by ultrarelativistic shocks. There is a strong correlation between the peaks of X-ray emission and minima of optical percentage polarization, i.e., regions where the jet magnetic field is not ordered. We suggest that the X-ray peaks coincide with shock waves which accelerate the X-ray emitting electrons and cause changes in the direction of the magnetic field; the polarization is thus small because of beam averaging.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 21 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; abstract shortened for astro-ph; Figures 1, 7 and 8 at reduced resolutio

    CHANG-ES V: Nuclear Radio Outflow in a Virgo Cluster Spiral after a Tidal Disruption Event

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    We have observed the Virgo Cluster spiral galaxy, NGC~4845, at 1.6 and 6 GHz using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, as part of the `Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey' (CHANG-ES). The source consists of a bright unresolved core with a surrounding weak central disk (1.8 kpc diameter). The core is variable over the 6 month time scale of the CHANG-ES data and has increased by a factor of \approx 6 since 1995. The wide bandwidths of CHANG-ES have allowed us to determine the spectral evolution of this core which peaks {\it between} 1.6 and 6 GHz (it is a GigaHertz-peaked spectrum source).We show that the spectral turnover is dominated by synchrotron self-absorption and that the spectral evolution can be explained by adiabatic expansion (outflow), likely in the form of a jet or cone. The CHANG-ES observations serendipitously overlap in time with the hard X-ray light curve obtained by Nikolajuk \& Walter (2013) which they interpret as due to a tidal disruption event (TDE) of a super-Jupiter mass object around a 105M10^5\, M_\odot black hole. We outline a standard jet model, provide an explanation for the observed circular polarization, and quantitatively suggest a link between the peak radio and peak X-ray emission via inverse Compton upscattering of the photons emitted by the relativistic electrons. We predict that it should be possible to resolve a young radio jet via VLBI as a result of this nearby TDE.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, accepted July 2, 2015 to the Astrophysical Journa

    Ultraviolet HST Observations of the Jet in M87

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    We present new ultraviolet photometry of the jet in M87 obtained from HST WFPC2 imaging. We combine these ultraviolet data with previously published photometry for the knots of the jet in radio, optical, and X-ray, and fit three theoretical synchrotron models to the full data set. The synchrotron models consistently overpredict the flux in the ultraviolet when fit over the entire dataset. We show that if the fit is restricted to the radio through ultraviolet data, the synchrotron models can provide a good match to the data. The break frequencies of these fits are much lower than previous estimates. The implied synchrotron lifetimes for the bulk of the emitting population are longer than earlier work, but still much shorter than the estimated kinematic lifetimes of the knots. The observed X-ray flux cannot be successfully explained by the simple synchrotron models that fit the ultraviolet and optical fluxes. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the physical properties of the M87 jet. We also observe increased flux for the HST-1 knot that is consistent with previous results for flaring. This observation fills in a significant gap in the time coverage early in the history of the flare, and therefore sets constraints on the initial brightening of the flare.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, changed lightcurve and caption in Figure

    Space Weathering on Icy Satellites in the Outer Solar System

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    Space weathering produces well-known optical effects in silicate minerals in the inner Solar System, for example, on the Moon. Space weathering from solar wind and UV (ultraviolet radiation) is expected to be significantly weaker in the outer Solar System simply because intensities are low. However, cosmic rays and micrometeoroid bombardment would be similar to first order. That, combined with the much higher volatility of icy surfaces means there is the potential for space weathering on icy outer Solar System surfaces to show optical effects. The Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn is providing evidence for space weathering on icy bodies. The Cassini Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument has spatially mapped satellite surfaces and the rings from 0.35-5 microns and the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) instrument from 0.1 to 0.2 microns. These data have sampled a complex mixing space between H2O ice and non-ice components and they show some common spectral properties. Similarly, spectra of the icy Galilean satellites and satellites in the Uranian system have some commonality in spectral properties with those in the Saturn system. The UV absorber is spectrally similar on many surfaces. VIMS has identified CO2, H2 and trace organics in varying abundances on Saturn's satellites. We postulate that through the spatial relationships of some of these compounds that they are created and destroyed through space weathering effects. For example, the trapped H2 and CO2 observed by VIMS in regions with high concentrations of dark material may in part be space weathering products from the destruction of H2O and organic molecules. The dark material, particularly on Iapetus which has the highest concentration in the Saturn system, is well matched by space-weathered silicates in the .4 to 2.6 micron range, and the spectral shapes closely match those of the most mature lunar soils, another indicator of space weathered material

    Subaru Spectroscopy and Spectral Modeling of Cygnus A

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    We present high angular resolution (\sim0.5^\prime^\prime) MIR spectra of the powerful radio galaxy, Cygnus A, obtained with the Subaru telescope. The overall shape of the spectra agree with previous high angular resolution MIR observations, as well as previous Spitzer spectra. Our spectra, both on and off nucleus, show a deep silicate absorption feature. The absorption feature can be modeled with a blackbody obscured by cold dust or a clumpy torus. The deep silicate feature is best fit by a simple model of a screened blackbody, suggesting foreground absorption plays a significant, if not dominant role, in shaping the spectrum of Cygnus A. This foreground absorption prevents a clear view of the central engine and surrounding torus, making it difficult to quantify the extent the torus attributes to the obscuration of the central engine, but does not eliminate the need for a torus in Cygnus A