1,137 research outputs found

    B12Hn and B12Fn: planar vs icosahedral structures

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    Using density functional theory and quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we show that B12Hn and B12Fn (n = 0 to 4) quasi-planar structures are energetically more favorable than the corresponding icosahedral clusters. Moreover, we show that the fully planar B12F6 cluster is more stable than the three-dimensional counterpart. These results open up the possibility of designing larger boron-based nanostructures starting from quasi-planar or fully planar building blocks

    Optimized unconventional superconductivity in a molecular Jahn-Teller metal

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    Understanding the relationship between the superconducting, the neighboring insulating, and the normal metallic state above Tc is a major challenge for all unconventional superconductors. The molecular A3C60 fulleride superconductors have a parent antiferromagnetic insulator in common with the atom-based cuprates, but here, the C603– electronic structure controls the geometry and spin state of the structural building unit via the on-molecule Jahn-Teller effect. We identify the Jahn-Teller metal as a fluctuating microscopically heterogeneous coexistence of both localized Jahn-Teller–active and itinerant electrons that connects the insulating and superconducting states of fullerides. The balance between these molecular and extended lattice features of the electrons at the Fermi level gives a dome-shaped variation of Tc with interfulleride separation, demonstrating molecular electronic structure control of superconductivity

    Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking Superconductivity in Heavy Fermion PrOs4Sb12 detected by Muon Spin Relaxation

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    We report on muon spin relaxation measurements of the 4f^2-based heavy-fermion superconductor filled-skutterudite PrOs4Sb12. The results reveal the spontaneous appearance of static internal magnetic fields below the superconducting transition temperature, providing unambiguous evidence for the breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the superconducting state. A discussion is made on which of the spin or orbital component of Cooper pairs carries a nonzero momentum.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figure

    Nonlocal Effects and Shrinkage of the Vortex Core Radius in YNi2B2C Probed by muSR

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    The magnetic field distribution in the vortex state of YNi2B2C has been probed by muon spin rotation (muSR). The analysis based on the London model with nonlocal corrections shows that the vortex lattice has changed from hexagonal to square with increasing magnetic field H. At low fields the vortex core radius, rho_v(H), decreases with increasing H much steeper than what is expected from the sqrt(H) behavior of the Sommerfeld constant gamma(H), strongly suggesting that the anomaly in gamma(H) primarily arises from the quasiparticle excitations outside the vortex cores.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The W51 Giant Molecular Cloud

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    We present 45"-47" angular resolution maps at 50" sampling of the 12CO and 13CO J=1-0 emission toward a 1.39 deg x 1.33 deg region in the W51 HII region complex. These data permit the spatial and kinematic separation of several spectral features observed along the line of sight to W51, and establish the presence of a massive (1.2 x 10^6 Mo), large (83 pc x 114 pc) giant molecular cloud (GMC), defined as the W51 GMC, centered at (l,b,V) = (49.5 deg, -0.2 deg, 61 km/s). A second massive (1.9 x 10^5 Mo), elongated (136 pc x 22 pc) molecular cloud is found at velocities of about 68 km/s along the southern edge of the W51 GMC. Of the five radio continuum sources that classically define the W51 region, the brightest source at lambda 6cm (G49.5-0.4) is spatially and kinematically coincident with the W51 GMC and three (G48.9-0.3, G49.1-0.4, and G49.2-0.4) are associated with the 68 km/s cloud. Published absorption line spectra indicate that the fifth prominent continuum source (G49.4-0.3) is located behind the W51 molecular cloud. The W51 GMC is among the upper 1% of clouds in the Galactic disk by size and the upper 5-10% by mass. While the W51 GMC is larger and more massive than any nearby molecular cloud, the average H2 column density is not unusual given its size and the mean H2 volume density is comparable to that in nearby clouds. The W51 GMC is also similar to other clouds in that most of the molecular mass is contained in a diffuse envelope that is not currently forming massive stars. We speculate that much of the massive star formation activity in this region has resulted from a collision between the 68 km/s cloud and the W51 GMC.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. 21 pages, plus 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Observation of the first gravitational microlensing event in a sparse stellar field : the Tago event

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    We report the observation of the first gravitational microlensing event in a sparse stellar field, involving the brightest (V=11.4 mag) andclosest (~ 1 kpc) source star to date. This event was discovered by an amateurastronomer, A. Tago, on 2006 October 31 as a transient brightening, by ~4.5 mag during a ~15 day period, of a normal A-type star (GSC 3656-1328) in the Cassiopeia constellation. Analysis of both spectroscopic observations and the light curve indicates that this event was caused by gravitational microlensing rather than an intrinsically variable star. Discovery of this single event over a 30 year period is roughly consistent with the expected microlensing rate for the whole sky down to V = 12 mag stars. However, the probability for finding events with such a high magnification (~ 50) is much smaller, by a factor ~1/50, which implies that the true event rate may be higher than expected. This discovery indicates the potential of all sky variability surveys, employing frequent sampling by telescopes with small apertures and wide fields of view, for finding such rare transient events, and using the observations to explore galactic disk structure and search for exo-planets.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    Large-scale mapping observations of the CI(3P1-3P0) and CO(J=3-2) lines toward the Orion A molecular cloud

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    Large scale mapping observations of the 3P1-3P0 fine structure transition of atomic carbon (CI, 492 GHz) and the J=3-2 transition of CO (346 GHz) toward the Orion A molecular cloud have been carried out with the Mt. Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope. The observations cover 9 square degrees, and include the Orion nebula M42 and the L1641 dark cloud complex. The CI emission extends over almost the entire region of the Orion A cloud and is surprisingly similar to that of 13CO(J=1-0).The CO(J=3-2) emission shows a more featureless and extended distribution than CI.The CI/CO(J=3-2) integrated intensity ratio shows a spatial gradient running from the north (0.10) to the south (1.2) of the Orion A cloud, which we interpret as a consequence of the temperature gradient. On the other hand, the CI/13CO(J=1-0) intensity ratio shows no systematic gradient. We have found a good correlation between the CI and 13CO(J=1-0) intensities over the Orion A cloud. This result is discussed on the basis of photodissociation region models.Comment: Text file is 13 pages long, and 3 figure files (pdf format). NRO Report No. 508 (1999). University of Tokyo, Resceu 41/9
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