174 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Media Relations Dinas Pariwisata Ekonomi Kreatif Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Sumatera Barat dalam Publikasi Objek Wisata Pantai Carocok

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    Carocok beach is one of the attractions that esotis for a vacation, with the gazebo place to relax, the beauty of a floating bridge over the sea, as well as water games banana boat, jet ski and boat donut that could spur travelers aderanalin. Carocok beach is managed by the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra and strive to in the publication through the mass media. therefore, media relations is needed to facilitate a good relationship. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of media relations activities Creative Economy Tourism Department of Youth and Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication attraction Carocok Beach, to determine the form of media relations with the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication object Carocok beach tourism, and to determine the factors supporting the publication media relations attractions Carocok Beach. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used are based on reality in the field through observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study amounted to 17 people based on purposive. Data analysis techniques were used that model of interactive data analysis. As for checking the validity of the data the researchers used a technique participation and also the extension of triangulation. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used are based on reality in the field through observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study amounted to 17 people based on purposive. Data analysis techniques were used that model of interactive data analysis. As for checking the validity of the data the researchers used a technique participation and also the extension of triangulation. The results showed that the shape of activities media relations of the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication attraction Carocok Beach pretty good. Which can be seen from the increasing number of visitors each year. As for the activity of its media relations in the form, press releases, events, press conferences and press tour. As for the media in publications such as news, local print media is the daily newspaper Metro Pos Padang, Padang Ekspres, Peoples Weekly Hope there are also electronic medi a such as television are TransTV, TVRI and the Internet. whereas the promotion through: billboards, brochures, exhibitions, and websites. Like wise form of media relations with the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication type Beaches Carocok good enough. And shape its relationship through personal contact, information services and news, The results showed that the shape of activities media relations of the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication attraction Carocok Beach pretty good. Which can be seen from the increasing number of visitors each year. As for the activity of its media relations in the form, press releases, events, press conferences and press tour. As for the media in publications such as news, local print media is the daily newspaper Metro Pos Padang, Padang Ekspres, Peoples Weekly Hope there are also electronic medi a such as television are TransTV, TVRI and the Internet. whereas the promotion through: billboards, brochures, exhibitions, and websites. Like wise form of media relations with the Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Youth Sports South Coastal District of West Sumatra in the publication type Beaches Carocok good enough. And shape its relationship through personal contact, information services and news, Anticipating the possibility of an emergency. Supporting factor is the openness of the media, cooperation and good relations, as well as technological advances. Anticipating the possibility of an emergency. Supporting factor is the openness of the media, cooperation and good relations, as well as technological advances. Keywords: Activitiesmedia relations, Publication,Carocok Beach. Keywords: Activitiesmedia relations, Publication,Carocok Beach

    Stategi Komunikasi Niniak Mamak Persukuan Dalampenyelesaian Sangketa Harta Warisan di Suku Piliang Soni Desa Tanjung Bonai Kecamatan Lintau Buo Utara Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    Ulayat land is a community land area with certain costomary law in a regional. The boundaries of an ulayat land are usually determined by valleys, rivers or creecks, certain plants (coconut trees, betel nuts, bamboo clumps etc), hills or hillsides, mortars (traditional rice or grain). This ulayat land is recognized in costumary law. Minangkabau area consists of many nagari. Nagari is a legal community unity that has the boundaries of the territory authorized to regulate and manage the interests of local communities, based on origin and customs that are recognized and respected in a the system of government of the unitary state of the Indonesian Repiblic.West sumatra is famous for its various tribes in the village, this nagari is an autonomous region with the highest power in Minangkabau, no other social and political power can interfere with adat in a nagari. One of which is the piliang soni tribe in the village of Tanjung Tangah, nagari (kelurahan) og Tanjung Bonai, sub-district of Lintau Buo north of flat land district having different Pusako land. Among them is harato pusako high, harato pusako high commonly called in adat tabilang ameh, that is result cancan latiah ancestors inherited by descending line maternal lineage

    Strategi Media Relations Humas Pt,perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru ( PTPN V) Pekanbaru dalam Meningkatkan Citra Positif

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    PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V is a state-owned company, a company that grows and develops in a society will always face pressure, both of which come from outside the company or from within the company itself. The rapid advancement of information technology applied in the world of mass media and competition in the industry business press, mass media demanded Public Relations of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V to be able to follow the development is happening especially concerning the issue of the company itself. The field of Public Relations of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V tasked to perform the functions of public relations through the management and delivery of news or information and cooperation with the mass media in creating positive public opinion. The aim of this study was to determine the Public Relations PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru in managing relations with the mass media, to find out Public Relations PT. Perkebuan Nusantara V Pekanbaru in developing a strategy with the media and to learn Public Relations PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru in developing a network with the media.This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used were based on the fact the field through observations, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study amounted to 7 people. In conducting the data analysis performed data reduction as sharpening process, classify, direct, dispose of unnecessary, and organize data in a way such that it can be deduced and verified. for checking the validity of the data the researchers used a technique extension of participation and triangulation.The results showed that PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru in managing relationships do know well how the existing media both print and online, making media such as family, giving an expression of sympathy, understanding each others needs. In developing the strategy with the media PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Pekanbaru cooperate in such activities, Advertising in mass media, press releases, press conferences, press tours and press gathering, event (activities). Such activities undertaken to achieve as much positive publicity

    Fenomena Komunikasi Pernikahan Suami Istri Dengan Perbedaan Tingkat Penghasilan (Studi Pada Penghasilan Istri Lebih Besar Dari Suami Di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Rampant divorce cases in marriage. Many reasons underlying the decision of divorce be one way out of the settlement of the problems faced. Moreover, in the marriage relationship where the husband and wife both work, and when the wife\u27s income is greater than her husband, the conflict will be more frequent. Not infrequently it helped trigger their feelings of discomfort couples. Besides the many cases of divorce marriage more income that led to divorce, not a few couples who maintain a marriage relationship lived remains a lasting and happy. This study aims to reveal different motives income married couples maintain marriage relationship, the meaning of marriage relationship lived and uncover the communication experience different income couples in the city of Pekanbaru.This study uses qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Subjects were 3 couples in the city of Pekanbaru different income categories are determined based on the method of purposive then obtained using the snowball technique. The collection of data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation (observation) and literature.The results of this study indicate that the motive is different income married couples stick with their marital relationship consists of a motive for (Because motive) namely religion, character spouses, children, favors fought together and the principle of marriage. While the motive for (in order to motive) namely households established, lasting and happy, as well as weddings sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Meanings given by married couples, namely on the basis of love and faith in God the almighty One, the belief has been arranged sustenance Allah, arises a sense of pride and gratitude husband to wife and helped the role of husband. As for the communication experience categorized into two: the fun as arises a sense of belonging is high, their attitudes reinforce each other, a good reception from the family and get along with the surrounding environment and the unpleasant experience as wives often feel fatigue play two roles, the husband tends relax with a job, a family and a poor response doubts surrounding environmen

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram @Awkarin terhadap Gaya Hidup Hedonis di Kalangan Followers Remaja

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    Social media instagram is a new media that is currently in great demand by the people of Indonesia. @awkarin\u27s Social media Instagram as one of the accounts deemed viral and followed by millions of teenagers in Indonesia can affect the activities, interests, opinions, and lifestyle of its users. Hedonis lifestyle is a lifestyle whose activities to seek pleasure of life, such as spending more time outdoors, playing more, happy in the city crowd, happy to buy the expensive goods that he likes, and always want to be the center of attention. The purpose of this study is to find out theu influence of @awkarin\u27s social media instagram against hedonic lifestyle among adolescent followers by using S-O-R theory as the foundation. This research uses quantitative research method with explanation approach. This research was conducted by sending questionnaires to @awkarin\u27s social media instagram followers through online. Respondents in this research are 100 people who follow social media instagram @awkarin and the category is determined based on random sampling. Data collection is obtained through questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis technique in this research is quantitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that influential @awkarin\u27s Social Media Instagram against hedonic lifestyle among adolescent followers. Proved by the value of regression coefficient in this study is Y = 4,043 + 0.695X. the constant number of 4,043 and the coefficient of social media value variable is 0.695. meanwhile t count 4.043 bigger when compared with t table equal to 1667, with level significance 0.000 smaller than α = 0,05. Based on the table "Model Summary" shows that the value of R = 0.543 and the coefficient of determination (Rsquare) is 0.294. This figure indicates that the contribution of social media variable @Awkarin\u27s instagram to visiting followers interest is 29.40%. @Awkarin\u27s Social media instagram influences the Hedon lifestyle among adolescent followers, and the magnitude of influence with the "low" category

    Komunikasi Persuasif Komunitas Hijabers Pekanbaru dalam Merekrut Wanita Berjilbab di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The appearacnce of Hijabers Community makes a new happening clothing trend among vailed women. The existance of Hijabers Community may change the people perspective of veil from not stylish to the fashionable and up to date clothing. Proved community members who joined in the Hijabers Community Pekanbaru continue to increase. The aim of this recears is to know the proccess of perssuasive communication Hijabers Community Pekanbaru, techniques used Hijabers Community Pekanbaru, and media used by the Hijabers Community Pekanbaru to recruit the veiled women in Pekanbaru.This research used qualitative method with descriptive approach. The data collected by doing observation to participants, interview, and documentation. There are 8 participants taken by purposive technique for this research. This research used the interactive data analysis from Miles and Hubermen by using examination of validity technique thorough the extension of membership and triangulation.The result of research shows persuasive communication of Hijabers Community Pekanbaru in recruiting veiled women is persuasive communication by sending mails thorough media to the veiled women, then continue with communication to the committee of community about agreement or rejection for joining the community. For persuasive communication, the Hijabers Community uses appearance technique, doing the comparison, asking and listening,the communication style and also build the credibility. Moreover, Hijabers Community Pekanbaru use social media and mass media for better and easier information sharing.Keywords: Persuasive Communication, Hijab, Community, Hijabers