265 research outputs found

    Black Strings in Asymptotically Safe Gravity

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    In this paper, we study black strings in asymptotic safety gravity (ASG) scenario. The ASG approach is introduced by implementing gravitational and cosmological running coupling constants directly in the black string metric. We calculate the Hawking temperature, entropy, and heat capacity of the improved black string metric in two cases: considering the cosmological constant fixed in some fixed point and the general case where both Newton's constant and cosmological constant are improved. For the identification of the scale moment we used an general inverse law setting k(r)1/rnk(r)\sim 1/r^{n}. We show that improving only the Newton's constant the problem of singularity is solved for the identifications with n>1n>1. However, if the cosmological constant is also running the singularity persists in the solution. Also, we show that the ASG effects predicts the presence of a remnant mass in the final evaporation process. Besides that, a logarithmic correction is observed in the entropy. However, a running cosmological constant introduces new correction terms to the entropy beyond that. We show that the improved black string solution remains stable, as in the usual case. Phase transitions are not observed in both cases studied here.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Beyond employment: Lower-income participants’ experiences in a healthcare training program for medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and certified nursing assistants

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of participant experiences in a healthcare training program for medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and certified nursing assistants in areas beyond employment procurement or retention. During the year 2020, employment rates decreased and the cost of living increased. Those changes ultimately put lower-income populations at risk for not meeting the basic needs of life, as it became increasingly more difficult to obtain an adequately paying job. Healthcare training programs for lower income individuals allow for participants to gain the appropriate knowledge and experience required for working in the healthcare industry while also providing them necessary skills and confidence for securing and maintaining employment. While the primary objective of the Genesis Center Healthcare Training Program was to increase employment rates, this study found the program substantially contributed to participant’s lives in many ways that will contribute to their overall life satisfaction, financial well-being, and mental wellness for many years. Method: This current research adds to existing literature by utilizing a mixed methods sequential exploratory strategy that analyzes quantitative survey data (n=51) and qualitative data from phone interviews with program participants (n=19). Results: Findings from this study provide evidence that healthcare training programs for lower income populations may improve participant lives by increasing financial well-being and financial capability. Participants also reported enhanced opportunities, increased motivation, and improved mental health following participation. Conclusion: Employment programs for future allied health professionals targeting lower income populations should ensure that financial coaching and additional supports are included in their protocols. Future research on these types of training programs should include pre/post measures and ideally experimental design procedures using standardized measures for life satisfaction, financial well-being, and mental health

    Electrostatics in wind-blown sand

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    Wind-blown sand, or "saltation," is an important geological process, and the primary source of atmospheric dust aerosols. Significant discrepancies exist between classical saltation theory and measurements. We show here that these discrepancies can be resolved by the inclusion of sand electrification in a physically based saltation model. Indeed, we find that electric forces enhance the concentration of saltating particles and cause them to travel closer to the surface, in agreement with measurements. Our results thus indicate that sand electrification plays an important role in saltation.Comment: 4 journal pages, 5 figures, and supplementary material. Article is in press at PR

    Criação massal de Ageniaspis citricola para o controle biológico da larva minadora da folha dos citros.

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    A larva minadora das folhas dos citros (MFC), Phyllocnistis citrella, é uma das pragas de maior importância para a citricultura mundial, pois ataca todas as variedades, principalmente plantas novas e mudas em viveiros, na qual provoca redução na taxa fotossintética, queda prematura das folhas e redução no crescimento e produtividade das plantas. A microvespa Ageniaspis citricola (microhimenoptero) é considerado o inimigo natural do MFC.PDF. 164_11


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    O foco deste estudo foi saber as características do Município de João Dourado, Estado da Bahia, Região Nordeste do Brasil, onde foi detectados o primeiro caso confirmado de sarampo em 2006 e avaliar o impacto das ações de vigilância epidemiológicas adotadas para a contenção do mesmo. Foi avaliado o número de casos de sarampo por faixa etária, com a utilização de dados secundários existentes na base do Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, e de cobertura vacinal da base de dados do Sistema de Avaliação do Programa de Imunizações. Bem como na caracterização do local de incidência com o Google Earth e imagens provenientes de sensoriamento remoto. Esta técnica permitiu a identificação do espaço geográfico como um sistema de objetos e ações, que trouxe a tona um novo cenário para a transmissão da doença e o planejamento de ações de controle

    Assessing Biodiversity in Boreal Forests with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging

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    Forests are the most diverse terrestrial ecosystems and their biological diversity includes trees, but also other plants, animals, and micro-organisms. One-third of the forested land is in boreal zone; therefore, changes in biological diversity in boreal forests can shape biodiversity, even at global scale. Several forest attributes, including size variability, amount of dead wood, and tree species richness, can be applied in assessing biodiversity of a forest ecosystem. Remote sensing offers complimentary tool for traditional field measurements in mapping and monitoring forest biodiversity. Recent development of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) enable the detailed characterization of forest ecosystems through providing data with high spatial but also temporal resolution at reasonable costs. The objective here is to deepen the knowledge about assessment of plot-level biodiversity indicators in boreal forests with hyperspectral imagery and photogrammetric point clouds from a UAV. We applied individual tree crown approach (ITC) and semi-individual tree crown approach (semi-ITC) in estimating plot-level biodiversity indicators. Structural metrics from the photogrammetric point clouds were used together with either spectral features or vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery. Biodiversity indicators like the amount of dead wood and species richness were mainly underestimated with UAV-based hyperspectral imagery and photogrammetric point clouds. Indicators of structural variability (i.e., standard deviation in diameter-at-breast height and tree height) were the most accurately estimated biodiversity indicators with relative RMSE between 24.4% and 29.3% with semi-ITC. The largest relative errors occurred for predicting deciduous trees (especially aspen and alder), partly due to their small amount within the study area. Thus, especially the structural diversity was reliably predicted by integrating the three-dimensional and spectral datasets of UAV-based point clouds and hyperspectral imaging, and can therefore be further utilized in ecological studies, such as biodiversity monitoring

    Antinociceptivna i protuupalna svojstva vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta pokožice grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca izolirane iz otpada vinske industrije

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    Research background. Extracts from grape pomace, including the wine, show many biological effects such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Unfortunately, winemakers discard the bagasse, so the waste is not exploited, although it contains bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The work aims to analyze the hydroethanolic extract of peels from Vitis labrusca agro-industrial waste and to evaluate its antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. This study is relevant for reusing a residue and adding value to the grape economic chain. Experimental approach. A representative sample of pomace was obtained and the peels were used to produce the extract. The phenolic compounds were determined by mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode and Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method, using gallic acid as standard. The biological analyses were carried out using mice orally treated with crude extract at doses of 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg. We evaluated mechanical hyperalgesia by the von Frey method, thermal heat hyperalgesia using a hot plate at 55 °C, paw edema using a pachymeter, and neutrophil recruitment by measurement of myeloperoxidase activity. The nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity were evaluated by biochemical analyses using blood samples that were collected after the Vitis labrusca administration. Results and conclusions. In all wet winemaking residues peel mass fraction was 75%, and in dry residues 59%. We identified nine anthocyanins (3-O-glucosides: peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin; 3-p-coumaroyl-glucosides: cyanidin, peonidin, petunidin and malvidin, and malvidin-3,5-diglucoside), five flavonoids (apigenin-7-glucoside, luteolin-7-glucoside, quercetin-3-galactoside, isorhamnetin-3-glucoside and myricetin-3-rutinoside), and mass fraction of phenolic compounds, expressed as gallic acid equivalents, was 26.62 mg/g. In vivo assays showed that Vitis labrusca extract at mass fractions 100 and 300 mg/kg reduced carrageenan-induced mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, 50% of the paw edema, and neutrophil recruitment. In addition, there were no indications of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. Our extract obtained from winemaking residue has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, related at least in part to the presence of phenolic compounds, and it is not toxic to renal and hepatic tissues. Novelty and scientific contribution. This bio-product can be used as an alternative to synthetic anti-inflammatory agents with the same pharmacological potential and fewer side effects. We demonstrated that Vitis labrusca winemaking waste can be used for the production of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory products (nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics) without toxicity, contributing to the environmental economy.Pozadina istraživanja. Ekstrakt komine grožđa, kao i vino, ima mnoga biološka svojstva, poput antioksidacijskog i protuupalnog učinka. Nažalost, proizvođači vina odbacuju neiskorišteni trop iako sadržava bioaktivne spojeve s antioksidacijskim i protuupalnim svojstvima. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati antinociceptivna i protuupalna svojstva vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta pokožice grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca iz agroindustrijskog otpada. Značaj je ovoga istraživanja u tome što se korištenjem otpada daje dodatna ekonomska vrijednost grožđu u uzgojnom lancu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ekstrakt je dobiven iz pokožica izdvojenih iz reprezentativnog uzorka komine. Udjel fenolnih spojeva određen je praćenjem višestrukih reakcija pomoću masene spektrometrije i metodom Folin-Ciocalteu, uz galnu kiselinu kao standard. Biološka aktivnost ekstrakata ispitana je na miševima koji su hranjeni sirovim ekstraktom u dozama od 30, 100 i 300 mg/kg. Ispitani su sljedeći parametri: mehanička hiperalgezija pomoću von Frey filamenata, toplinska hiperalgezija na vrućoj ploči pri 55 °C, edem šape pomoću pomičnog mjerila i aktivnost mijeloperoksidaze kao pokazatelj aktivacije neutrofila. Nefrotoksičnost i hepatotoksičnost su ispitane biokemijskim pretragama uzoraka krvi miševa hranjenih ekstraktom grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca. Rezultati i zaključci. Maseni udjel pokožica u svim uzorcima otpada vinske industrije iznosio je 75 % mokre tvari i 59 % suhe tvari. Identificirali smo devet različitih antocijanina (3-O-glukozide peonidin, delfinidin, petunidin i malvidin; 3-p-kumaroil-glukozide cijanidin, peonidin, pe¬tunidin i malvidin, te malvidin-3,5-diglukozid), pet flavonoida (apigenin-7-glukozid, luteolin-7-glukozid, kvercetin-3-galaktozid, izorhamnetin-3-glukozid i miri¬cetin-3-rutinozid), a maseni udjel fenolnih spojeva, izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, bio je 26,62 mg/g. Ispitivanja in vivo pokazala su da su ektrakti grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca masenog udjela 100 i 300 mg/kg smanjili mehaničku i toplinsku hiperalgeziju kod miševa nakon injekcije karagenana, reducirali edem šape za 50 % i smanjili broj neutrofila. Osim toga, nije bilo pokazatelja nefrotoksičnosti i hepatotoksičnosti. Ekstrakt dobiven iz otpada vinske industrije ima analgetska i protuupalna svojstva, djelomično zbog toga što sadržava fenolne spojeve, a nije toksičan za tkiva bubrega i jetre. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Dobiveni se bioproizvod može upotrijebiti kao alternativa sintetičkim protuupalnim agensima, s istim farmakološkim potencijalom a manje nuspojava. Pokazali smo da se vinski otpad grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca može upotrijebiti za proizvodnju antinociceptivnih i protuupalnih proizvoda (nutraceutičkih, farmaceutskih i kozmetičkih) koji nemaju toksični učinak, te na taj način pridonijeti zaštiti okoliša