335 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penerimaan Karyawan Outsourcing PT. MITRA JUA ABADI SIDOARJO

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    Pada era globalisasi sekarang ini, perusahaan harus mampu menghadapi persaingan bebas yang terjadi. Untuk itu semua sumber daya perusahaan harus dapat dikerahkan secara maksimal dan profesional untuk mendukung keberhasilan perusahaan, yang tergantung pada kebersihan manajemen. Keberhasilan manajemen tersebut tergantung pada tersedianya informasi yang relevan dari pengolahan data yang tepat. Agar pekerjaan informasi dapat ditangani secara sistematis dan praktis, maka perlu adanya Sistem Informasi Manajemen. PT. MITRA JUA ABADI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penerimaan karyawan outsourcing. Pada perusahaan ini penerimaan karyawan masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga menyebabkan terlambatnya arus informasi data. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan informasi ini, maka perlu dikembangkan suatu Sistem Informasi yang memadai sehingga dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih baik dari informasi yang diberikan oleh sistem yang ada selama ini. Perancangan Sistem Informasi berbasis komputerisasi ini diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan yang ada mengenai Sistem Informasi Manajemen penerimaan karyawan outsourcing untuk penyajian data selama ini. Perancangan sistem ini dapat memperbaiki prosedur penerimaan karyawan menjadi lebih efisien karena adanya penyederhanaan pada tahapan karyawan yang mana test dilakukan dibagian personalia jadi satu dengan interview. Pada sistem yang diusulkan sistem informasi manajemen penerimaan karyawan yang terkomputersisasi dalam penyajian data sehingga akan memudahkan tugas operator dalam menghasilkan sistem informasi yang akurat, tepat waktu, dan relevan sehingga dapat digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan

    Applications Breathing Disorders Treatment with Plant Medicines Using Visual Basic 6.0.

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    Any disruption or disease have different treatment in both the treatment penyembuhanya chemical or medicinal plants, as well as respiratory problems which can be treated by using vegetable or plant wealth efficacious drugs. To help cure the problem then the author tries to make the application Respiratory Disorder Treatment With Medicinal Plants Using Visual Basic 6.0.Application discussion respiratory treatment with medicinal plants is divided into four stages namely, making flowcharts, menu structure, design input and output, and manufacturing programs with Visual Basic 6.0

    Memahami Kemiskinan dan Strategi Penanggulangannya

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    This study observes the chronic and intricate problems of poverty, which require an adequate analysis accommodating every single component of the problems. Proper strategic and sustainable measures are also required to solve the problems. Some variables used for analysis result a set of strategies and policies to eradicate poverty. Most of the government programs for poverty eradication have not been very successful due to deviation in implementation from their plans. As many other countries such as the United States have endeavored with some differences in their approach and emphasis, Indonesia has also conducted a number of efforts. Poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia give more emphasis on economic aspects than those of social, cultural, legal and even religious ones. This paradigmatic blunder which leads to analytical mistakes and does not include significant variables generates bias estimates and unexpected results. This study examines further the strategies of poverty eradication and their adequate components for better implementation

    Pengembangan Potensi Unggulan Sektor Pertanian

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    In regional autonomy era, regional government obligated plan and control condition macroeconomics based on the condition of objective. Entire sectors of the economy is expected to develop and encourage other economic sectors. Development planners should maintain the leading sectors so that the economy can be developed area. In addition, it isimportant to approach the non leading sector so that it becomes sub system in developing a leading sector. This research uses the Location Quotient analysis, analysis of the Shift Share, and a SWOT analysis to find out the leading subsector of agricultural sector. The result showed that the economy Karimun having six sub-sectors in agriculture. The sub-sectors were sub sectors of the food crops, orchards, vegetables, fruits, aquaculture, and fisheries
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