209 research outputs found
The Implementation of Murabahah Bil Wakalah Financing in BRI Syariah Unit Genteng Banyuwangi
The purpose of this study is to knowing more about implementation of murabahah bil wakalah in in BRI Syariah Unit Genteng Banyuwangi, need to do research subsequently. This empirical research use statue approach and judicially sociological approach. In this research a method of the data which is used is qualitative data analyses. The results of this research show that the implementation of murabahah bil wakalah financing in Bank BRI Syariah Unit Genteng Banyuwangi not accordance with Regulation of Bank Indonesia article 9 point d, No. 7/46/PBI/2005 about “Akad Penghimpunan dan Penyelesaian Dana Bagi Bank yang Melaksanakan Kegiatan Usaha Berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah” mentioned that "Bank represents to the customers (wakalah) to purchase the goods, and Murabahah Agreement must be done after the goods in principle be belonging to the bank” In next part explanation of this regulation mentioned that wakalah contract must be made separately from murabahah contract. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pelaksanaan murabahah bil wakalah di dalam Unit BRI Syariah Genteng Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi empiris menggunakan pendekatan Perundang-undangan dan pendekatan yuridis-sosiologis. Dalam penelitian ini data penelitian akan dianalisis dengan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembiayaan murabahah bil wakalah di Bank BRI Syariah Unit Genteng Banyuwangi tidak sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia Pasal 9 huruf d, No. 7/46 / PBI / 2005 tentang "Akad penghimpunan Dan Penyelesaian Dana Bagi Bank yang Melaksanakan Kegiatan Usaha Berdasarkan prinsip Syariah "menyebutkan bahwa" Bank merupakan kepada pelanggan (wakalah) untuk membeli barang, dan Perjanjian Murabahah harus dilakukan setelah barang secara prinsip milik bank "dalam bagian penjelasan selanjutnya dari peraturan ini disebutkan bahwa kontrak wakalah harus dibuat secara terpisah dari kontrak murabahah
Band heterotopia
Band heterotopias are one of the rarest groups of congenital disorder that result in variable degree of structural abnormality of brain parenchyma. Band of heterotopic neurons result from a congenital or acquired deficiency of the neuronal migration. MRI is the examination of choice for demonstrating these abnormalities because of the superb gray vs. white matter differentiation, detail of cortical anatomy and ease of multiplanar imaging. We report a case of band heterotopia that showed a bilateral band of gray matter in deep white matter best demonstrated on T2 Wt. and FLAIR images
Persepsi Orang dengan HIV dan AIDS terhadap Peran Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya
The research was conducted to determine the perception of peoples with HIV AIDS (PLWHA) on the role of peer support group (KDS) and the implications of these perceptions on the implementation of antiretroviral therapy (ARV). This study used a qualitative approach with case study method to PLWHA members of KDS Semarang Plus. Determination of the subjects in a purposive way and obtained 15 subjects (4 housewife, a transvestite, a son, and 9 addict who has or had undergone antiretroviral therapy). Data were collected through in-depth interviews. The results showed all subjects had positive perceptions of the role of peer support groups, and peer support groups have a role for them to obediently carry out the ARV therapy. Most subjects stated that their self-confidence, and susceptibility of disease is another factor that determines the implementation of ARV therapy. The implications of the subject’s perception of the status of antiretroviral therapy were 13 subjects dutifully implement ARV therapy and 2 subjects who had broken up antiretroviral therapy, have a desire to resume antiretroviral therapy and have the confidence to carry it out obediently
The Difference in Consumer Risk Perception Between Celebrity Endorser and Expert Endorser in College Advertisements
This research aims to examine the difference in consumer risk perception between celebrity and expert endorser in advertisement. We proposed two hypothesis, H1: There is a difference in consumer risk perception between an expert endorser and celebrityendorser in college advertisement. H2: There is a difference in consumer risk perception between an expert endorser and a celebrity endorser in college advertisement, which is moderated by the consumer product knowledge.Experimental design was employed in this study with Statistical Experimental-Completely Randomized Design. This was conducted on three groups to test H1 and six groups to test H2. To test H1, the participant of each group was given full color print ads using celebrity endorser, expert endorser and nonendorser in advertisement. We gofurther splitting each group with high and low consumer product knowledge to test H2.The participants of this research are 200 students of SMA 7 Semarang. We use One Way Anova to test H1 and two ways Anova to test H2. Our findings showed that there is a difference in consumer risk perception between an expert endorser and celebrity endorser in college advertisement. We also found that there is no differencein consumer risk perception between an expert endorser and a celebrity endorser in college's advertisement, which is moderated by the consumer product knowledge. We also found that there is difference in consumer's perceived performance risk, consumer'sperceived financial risk and consumer's social risk between an expert and celebrity endorser in College advertisement. On the other hand, we found there is no difference in consumer perceived psychological risk between an expert and celebrity endorser in College advertisement
Giving in Transition and Transitions in Giving: Philanthropy in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia 2011-2013
This publication explores how shifts in the sociopolitical environment in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia manifested themselves in the philanthropic realm during an uncertain mid-point in the transitions. To what extent have both institutional and informal philanthropy evolved to keep up with the pace of escalating needs and expectations of the people? As those shifts continue in all three countries, with variations to be explored in each country chapter, the report encourages actors in the sector to take bolder steps from diagnostics to action
Studi Financial Management Behavior Pada Masyarakat Surabaya
The financial management behavior has become prevailing issue nowadays. This is due to the societys behavior of consumptions in Indonesia, and especially in Surabaya city. This study aims to examine the relationship between Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge, and Income on Financial Management Behavior. The sample consists of 104 respondents, in Su- rabaya in which they were taken by means of Purposive Sampling. The characteristic of re- spondents such as they live in Surabaya, labor force, and they have income equal to Rp 1.500.000. Using Structural Equation Modeling on AMOS, this research found that no direct effect on Financial Management Behavior by Financial knowledge and Income. Locus of Control is positively related to Financial Management Behavior, and Locus of Control medi- ates the effect of Financial Knowledge on Financial Management Behavior
Pеngaruh Grееn Markеting Tеrhadap Brand Imagе dan Dampaknya pada Kеputusan Pеmbеlian (Studi pada Followеrs Instagram @Starbucksindonеsia)
This rеsеarch aims to еxplain: thе influеncе of grееn markеting on brand imagе, thе influеncе of grееn markеting on product purchasе dеcision and thе influеncе of grееn markеting on product purchasе dеcision. This rеsеarch usе еxplanatory rеsеarch with quantitativе approach. Thе variablеs that usеd arе thrее: Grееn Markеting, Brand Imagе, and Product Purchasе Dеcision. Thе collеction of data obtainеd through a quеstionnairе with 108 rеspondеnts which distributе on instagram's followеrs of @starbucksindonеsia with rеspondеnt's critеrias wеrе consumеr who bought on Starbucks Coffее at lеast oncе in last thrее months, agеd 17 yеars old or oldеr and know that Starbucks is an еnvironmеntally friеndly company. Thе sampling tеchniquе usеd purposivе sampling. Thе data analysis usе dеscriptivе analysis and path analysis. Thе rеsults is Grееn Markеting significantly influеncе thе Brand Imagе. Thеn, Grееn markеting also significantly influеncе on Product Purchasе Dеcision. Furthеrmorе, Brand Imagе also provеn has significantly influеncе on Product Purchasе Dеcision. Thе othеr rеsult showеd that Grееn Markеting indirеctly influеncе Product Purchasе Dеcision through Brand imagе. Basеd on this rеsеarch's rеsult, Starbucks havе to maintains thе grееn markеting and strеngthеns thе brand imagе as a ‘grееn' company. Kеywords: Grееn Markеting, Brand Imagе, Purchasе Dеcisio
Association of Perfluoroalkyl Substance with Lung Function in the US Population
Background/Aim: Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are chemical compounds used in consumer products and are linked with increases in cholesterol, thyroid disease, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. However, their association with lung function is not completely understood.Methods: Cross-sectional 2011-2012 US population data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were analyzed (n = 1450, aged 12 to 79 years, 50.5% females). Serum concentrations of 4 PFASs, perfluoronon-anoic acid (PFNA), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), were assessed using mass spectrometry and categorized into quartiles. Lung function was measured by spirome-try as forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and the ratio of FEV1/FVC (%). Survey weighted sex stratified adjusted linear regression analysis was used to predict lung function with PFASs quartiles.Results: In males, compared to females, all 4 PFASs serum concentrations and lung function indices were higher, except FEV1/FVC (%) which was lower than females. No association of any PFAS with decrease in lung function was seen in multivariable-adjusted models in both males and females.Conclusion: In this exploratory analysis, PFAS exposure was not associated with lung function. PFAS contamina-tion has been ongoing for many years across the US and Ohio, and cleanup efforts are now underway. The association between PFAS exposure and lung function needs further exploration in longitudinal studies
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