34 research outputs found

    Vilna governors (1864-1917): construction of historical myths and reality

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    The article discusses the mythologization in the Soviet historiography of the image of the pre-revolutionary governor. It is shown that for an objective assessment of this category of officials, it is necessary to reveal their real socio-cultural appearance. A mechanism for such an analysis is proposed using the example of Vilna governors (1864-1917) for key positions (educational level, origin, religion, age, marital status, career).В статье рассматривается мифологизация в советской историографии образа дореволюционного губернатора. Показано, что для объективной оценки этой категории чиновников необходимо раскрыть их реальный социокультурный облик. Предлагается механизм подобного анализа на примере виленских губернаторов (1864-1917 гг.) по ключевым позициям (образовательный уровень, происхождение, вероисповедание, возраст, семейное положение, карьера)

    On Two Models of the Light Pulse Delay in a Saturable Absorber

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    A comparative analysis of two approaches to description of the light modulation pulse delay in a saturable absorber is presented. According to the simplest model, the delay of the optical pulse is a result of distortion of its shape due to absorption self-modulation in the nonlinear medium. The second model of the effect, proposed at the beginning of our century, connects the pulse delay with the so-called "slow light" resulting from the group velocity reduction under conditions of the coherent population oscillations. It is shown that all the known experimental data on the light pulse delay in saturable absorbers can be comprehensively described in the framework of the simplest model of saturable absorber and do not require invoking the effect of coherent population oscillations with spectral hole-burning and anomalous modifications of the light group velocity. It is concluded that the effect of group velocity reduction under conditions of coherent population oscillations has not received so far any experimental confirmation, and the assertions about real observation of the "slow light" based on this mechanism are groundless.Comment: Regretfully, the journal version of the paper (in Optics and Spectroscopy) appeared to be strongly corrupted due to ignorant editing. In particular, "coherent population oscillations" (CPO) was replaced by "population coherent oscillations" (PCO), "bleaching" - by "clearing", and "bleachable absorber " - by "clearable absorber". Here we present original version of the pape


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    The method of control by blade breakage of the driving wheel is developed. It allows to provide blade destruction in the set section at demanded rotor frequency of rotation without use of explosion. The containment tests of the aviation engine casing with use of the developed blade breakage method are carried.  Разработан метод управления обрывом лопатки рабочего колеса. Он позволяет обеспе­чить разрушение лопатки в заданном сечении при требуемой частоте вращения ротора без использования взрыва. Проведены испытания корпуса авиационного двигателя на непроби­ваемость с использованием разработанного метода обрыва лопатки

    Development of formulation and technology of fermented dairy beverage for musculoskeletal disease prevention

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    ArticleAccording to the data of World Health Organization, 20–33% of people across the world suffer from painful musculoskeletal conditions, which lead to restricted mobility, dexterity and functional mobility. The aim of the research was to develop formulation and technology of yogurt for prevention of musculoskeletal disease. The results of sensory characteristics, physicochemical parameters, rheological characteristics, fatty acid composition have shown that it is possible to create the new product with curcumin, grape seed oil, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, which are recommended to use for improving various symptoms of musculoskeletal disease. However, the chosen components increase the manufacturing process. It was observed that fermentation time increase was caused by addition of curcumin, which inhibits the lactic acid bacteria growth within 2.5–3 h. The combination Tween 80 and lecithin allows to obtain stable product during the storage period


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    Observation of superluminal and slow light propagation in erbium-doped optical fiber

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    PACS. 42.65.-k – Nonlinear optics. PACS. 42.81.Dp – Propagation, scattering, and losses; solitons. Abstract. – We observe both extremely slow and superluminal pulse propagation speeds at room temperature in an erbium-doped fiber (EDF). A signal at 1550 nm is sent through an erbium-doped fiber with varying powers of a 980 nm pump. The degree of signal delay or advancement is found to depend significantly on the pump intensity. We observe a maximum fractional advancement of 0.124 and a maximum fractional delay of 0.089. The effect is demonstrated both for a sinusoidally modulated signal and for Gaussian pulses. The ability to control the sign and magnitude of the pulse velocity could have important implications for applications in photonics. There has recently been much interest in optical processes that can lead to unusually small or unusually large group velocities ofpropagation through material systems. Such situations can lead to many possible applications, such as the development ofvariable optical delay lines for use in telecommunication systems. As the expression for the group velocity oflight is given by vg = c/(n + ω ∂


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