1,255 research outputs found

    Die gebruik van metode in die filosofie, spesiaal in die reformatoriese tra­disie 1

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    Die onderw erp van my voordrag, Die gebruik van metode in die fílosofie, verg ’n paar verduidelikende opinerkings vooraf. Ek dink u verm oed alreeds dat hierdie fomulering ’n versuikerde pil is om u in so ’n mate nuuskierig te maak dat una ’n heerlike vrye filosofiese ‘onderonsie’ gedurende die teepouse darem vir ’n tw eede sessie terugkeer. Want is dit nie twee smaaklike heuningdruppels nie: filosofie en sy metode’ en ‘metode in die Reformatoriese filosofiese tradisie'?! Veral as in gedagte gehou word dat in teenstelling met wat ’n mens sou verw ag, daaroor dié onderwerp as sodanig relatief maar heel weinig geskrywe is en word, selfs as die ‘Inleidings in die Metodologie’ daarby gereken word

    Prof. dr. H.G. Stoker (4 April 1899 - 16 Mei 1993)

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    Toe op 4 April 1899 te Johannesburg vir Pieter Stoker en Leentje Nienhuis 'n seun gebore is, sou niemand van die familie kon vennoed dat een van die oorspronklikste wysgere van die twintigste eeu in die wieg lê nie. Tot standerd 8 was Hendrik Gerhardus 'n leerling aan die Duitse skool in Johannesburg en daama aan die Potchefstroomse Gimnasium, waar hy in 1916 (eerste klas) matrikuleer. Begaafde onderwysers aan albei instellings het onmiskenbare vormende invloed op sy persoonlikheid gehad, soos 00k sy dosente aan die Literariese Departement van die Teologiese Skool op Potchefstroom, waar hy in 1917 die sogenaamde ‘Intermediate’ en in 1919 die B.A. graad aan die PUK. vir CHO met Sielkunde, Logika, Hollands, Engels, Latyn en Grieks as vakke in die finale eksamen verwerf. Twee jaar later word die M.A. graad in filosofie met onderskeiding deur UN1SA aan horn toegeken. Die jong student was bevoorreg dat onder andere dr. J.D. du Toit (Totius) wat die wysgerige klimaat in Nederland uit eie ervaring geken het, oorreed kon word oin 'n bepaalde aandeel aan sy vonning in die filosofie te neem. Op aandrang van sy vader verwerf hy ook die destydse O.I onderwysdiploma sodat, al is daar nie 'n olywepers soos vir Thales in 011 Griekeland in vooruitsig nie, daar darem vir 'n toekomstige filosoof 'n venster op brood en botter geopen mag wees

    Lewens- en wêreldbeskouing in die tagtigerjare

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    Jare lank was "lewens- en wêreldbeskouing" in geleerde kringe 'n verstote stiefkind, en onder druk van veral die Logiese Positivisme is hoogstens 'n "wetenskaplike wêreldbeskouing" nog oorweging werd geag. Dit geld ook van prakties al die wisselterme vir lewens- en wêreldbeskouing - en die alternatiewe in verskillende tale - selfs vir "wêreldbeelde", want is ook dit nie te spekulatief, generaliserend en religiegebonde vir die smaak van die moderne gesekulariseerde Weste en in elk geval met 'n tikkie Romantiek omstraal nie? Moet dit nie maar liewer om verleentheid te voorkom in 'n bergkassie van die Etiek buite sig gehou word nie

    H.G. Stoker as mentor

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    Woordeboeke omskryf mentor as ’n ervare en vertroude raadgewer, gids en leidsman, soos die vriend van Ulysses uit die Antieke verhaleskat. Die etimologie kan ons moontlik ook nog ’n skakel met denke bied. Die kemvraag is dus hoe H.G. Stoker as hoogsgeskoolde akademikus in sy beroep leiding gegee het, watter soort raad en waarskuwinge hy as kundige dosent aan sy studente gebied het, watter koers hy as ervare gids aangedui het - én hoe hy denkend uitvindinge gestimuleer het

    Analyse en retour d'expérience de deux effondrements miniers dans des mines de coalbrook (Afrique du Sud) et de Gardanne (France)

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    National audienceThe paper proposes the back analysis of two major accidents that have occurred within underground coal mines. The first one concerns the Coalbrook disaster, in South-Africa, that killed more than 400 miners. The second one deals with the collapse of a whole sector of a mine located in the Provence coal basin (SE of France). This one did not induce any victim but generated major damage for the exploitation. After a description of the contexts of the two mines as well as the manifestation of the collapses, the paper presents the major improvements in the field of rock mechanics, which resulted from the analysis of both events. In the case of Coalbrook, the researches were mainly devoted to a better characterisation of the in situ pillar strength. In the case of the Provence coal field, the development performed made it possible to analyse, with the help of numerical modelling, the mechanism 'crushing pillars - brittle roof' identify at the origin of two brutal collapses. Some perspectives and identification future developments are finally proposed.Le présent article propose l'analyse en retour d'expérience de deux accidents miniers survenus au sein de mines de charbon. Le premier est la catastrophe minière de Coalbrook en Afrique du Sud qui a coûté la vie à plus de 400 mineurs. Le second correspond à l'effondrement de tout un secteur d'une mine située dans le bassin houiller de Provence (SE de la France) qui n'a pas engendré de victimes mais a induit de gros dégâts pour l'exploitation. Après une description détaillée des contextes de ces deux mines et de la manifestation des deux effondrements, l'article présente les principales avancées dans le domaine de la mécanique des roches qui ont résulté de l'analyse de ces évènements. Si les travaux consécutifs à Coalbrook ont été principalement consacrés à une meilleure caractérisation de la résistance des piliers in situ, le travail entrepris sur le bassin houiller de Provence a permis d'analyser, par le biais de la modélisation numérique, le mécanisme " piliers déformables -toit fragile " à l'origine des deux effondrements. Une mise ne perspective des résultats et l'identification de pistes de développement complètent le document

    H.G. Stoker as student - die wysgerige denkklimaat en akademiese wisselwerking met Scheler en Buytendijk

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    This article represents an indispensable part of the total corpus of this issue. It contains a transcription of the letters of H.G. Stoker to F.J.J. Buytendijk, annotated by Arnold Beijk and further illuminated and commented on by Theo van der Merwe. This kind of archival material is of immense value in developing a comprehensive vision and overview of H.G. Stoker’s work not only for the more casual reader, but more particularly for the serious scholar who can find solid academic support in these documents for assumptions made about Stoker's work. Stoker’s creative and illuminating personal style of thinking and writing is well demonstrated here. The letters reveal very strikingly the course o f the academic interaction between Stoker and Buytendijk about his study on conscience which he was conducting under the guidance of Max Scheler. The material also provides fascinating incidental material about Stoker's vision of the country and its universities, more particularly the University of Potchefstroom, at the time. His perspective on his own academic ideals comes out well and ties in with considerations drawn from the European milieu

    Manufacturing of custom-made medical implants for cranio / maxillofacial and orthopaedic surgery - an overview of the current state of the industry

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    Published ArticleExtensive work has been done in the area of manufacturing implants for medical purposes, and more recently the development of customised implants. Areas of application include cranio/maxillo-facial implants, dental drill guides, hip, knee and shoulder replacements, as well as different implants for the spine. Due to their high prevalence and complex anatomical geometry the purpose of this study is to investigate the current state of the industry regarding customised medical implants for cranio/maxillofacial and orthopaedic surgery. Implant customisation has far-reaching benefits, and a collective approach to solving current difficulties will require an in-depth study of successes already achieved. Several issues in this regard are examined, including what defines customisation, regulatory issues that govern customisation and design constraints, trends in different areas of application, suitable materials, and finally which manufacturing techniques are being employed, with a focus on the use of Layer Manufacturing technologies and their role in custom-made medical implants

    Effective management of a virtual workforce

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    The problem is that traditional jobs have been office-based, with close supervision. In the Virtual Office (VO) situation managers have a resistance towards the managing of the workforce because they do not know how to manage virtual workers off-site, workers that they cannot see. They feel that managing virtual workers off-site places a huge burden on them. The biggest difference is the shift in management style from direct control to management of results. The biggest challenge for most organisations is to manage the workforce of the VO. The objectives of this research project are to determine how managers can manage a virtual workforce, improve communication and control the workforce. Comprehensive research has been done on the topic VO that includes articles from magazines, newspapers, Internet and textbooks. As sufficient reference resources are not available in South Africa the research was especially based on USA reference resources, due to the reported successful implementation of Virtual Offices in that country. Managers can effective management a virtual workforce by making use of MBO and not by monitoring activities. They can improve communication with the workforce by staying connected and they can control the workforce through feedback and support. This research has proved that the paradigm shift in the corporate world of work, any time, anywhere, in real space or in cyberspace is here to stay. Virtual workers and managers working away from the office is now a reality, and will become more common in the future. Companies who wait for the future to allow the VO to effectively take shape may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Now is the time for companies to create the conditions for the VO to emerge.Business ManagementM. Tech. (Business Administration
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