470 research outputs found

    Accretion of Solid Materials onto Circumplanetary Disks from Protoplanetary Disks

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    We investigate accretion of solid materials onto circumplanetary disks from heliocentric orbits rotating in protoplanetary disks, which is a key process for the formation of regular satellite systems. In the late stage of gas-capturing phase of giant planet formation, the accreting gas from protoplanetary disks forms circumplanetary disks. Since the accretion flow toward the circumplanetary disks affects the particle motion through gas drag force, we use hydrodynamic simulation data for the gas drag term to calculate the motion of solid materials. We consider wide range of size for the solid particles (10210^{-2}-10610^6m), and find that the accretion efficiency of the solid particles peaks around 10m-sized particles because energy dissipation of drag with circum-planetary disk gas in this size regime is most effective. The efficiency for particles larger than 10m size becomes lower because gas drag becomes less effective. For particles smaller than 10m, the efficiency is lower because the particles are strongly coupled with the back-ground gas flow, which prevent particles from accretion. We also find that the distance from the planet where the particles are captured by the circumplanetary disks is in a narrow range and well described as a function of the particle size.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A second consensus sequence of ATP-requiring proteins resides in the 21-kDa C-terminal segment of myosin subfragment 1

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    AbstractPrevious comparisons of sequence homologies of ATP-requiring enzymes have defined three consensus sequences which appear to be involved in the binding of the nucleotide. One of these was identified in the N-terminal 27-kDa segment of the myosin heavy chain but the other two sequences have not hitherto been located in myosin. The present paper proposes that one of these other two consensus sequences is in the 21-kDa C-terminal portion of S1 and that it may contribute to the ATP binding domain

    Statistical mechanics of spatial evolutionary games

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    We discuss the long-run behavior of stochastic dynamics of many interacting players in spatial evolutionary games. In particular, we investigate the effect of the number of players and the noise level on the stochastic stability of Nash equilibria. We discuss similarities and differences between systems of interacting players maximizing their individual payoffs and particles minimizing their interaction energy. We use concepts and techniques of statistical mechanics to study game-theoretic models. In order to obtain results in the case of the so-called potential games, we analyze the thermodynamic limit of the appropriate models of interacting particles.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem) and pemphigus vulgaris: immunoglobulin G heterogeneity detected by indirect immunofluorescence

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    Pemphigus are autoimmune intraepidermal blistering diseases in which immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies are directed against desmosomal glycoproteins. The aim of this study was to determine the IgG subclass profile of endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem) and pemphigus vulgaris utilizing indirect immunofluorescence. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with pemphigus vulgaris, 25 with endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem), and 25 healthy controls were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence for circulating autoantibodies (total IgG and its subclasses). RESULTS: Our data revealed a significant correlation (PPênfigos são enfermidades auto-imunes bolhosas intraepidérmicas, onde auto-anticorpos IgG se dirigem contra glicoproteínas desmossomais. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil de subclasses de imunoglubulina G no pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (fogo selvagem) e no pênfigo vulgar através da imunofluorescência indireta. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco doentes de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (fogo selvagem), 25 de pênfigo vulgar e 25 controles sadios foram analisados através da imunofluorescência indireta, com respeito aos auto-anticorpos circulantes (imunoglobulina G total e subclasses). RESULTADOS: Nossos dados mostram uma correlação estatisticamente significativa (

    Production of Λ6^{6}_{\Lambda}H and Λ7^{7}_{\Lambda}H with the (Kstop^{-}_{stop},π+\pi^+) reaction

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    The production of neutron rich Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei via the (KstopK^-_stop,π+\pi^+) reaction has been studied using data collected with the FINUDA spectrometer at the DAΦ\PhiNE ϕ\phi-factory (LNF). The analysis of the inclusive π+\pi^+ momentum spectra is presented and an upper limit for the production of Λ6^6_\LambdaH and Λ7^7_\LambdaH from 6^6Li and 7^7Li, is assessed for the first time.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in PL

    A study of the proton spectra following the capture of KK^- in 6^6Li and 12^{12}C with FINUDA

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    Momenta spectra of protons emitted following the capture of KK^- in 6^6Li and 12^{12}C have been measured with 1% resolution. The 12^{12}C spectrum is smooth whereas for 6^6Li a well defined peak appears at about 500 MeV/cc. The first observation of a structure in this region was identified as a strange tribaryon or, possibly, a Kˉ\bar K-nuclear state. The peak is correlated with a π\pi^- coming from Σ\Sigma^- decay in flight, selected by setting momenta larger than 275 MeV/cc. The Σ\Sigma^- could be produced, together with a 500 MeV/cc proton, by the capture of a KK^- in a deuteron-cluster substructure of the 6^6Li nucleus. The capture rate for such a reaction is (1.62\pm 0.23_{stat} ^{+0.71}_{-0.44}(sys))%/K^-_{stop}, in agreement with the existing observations on 4^4He targets and with the hypothesis that the 6^6Li nucleus can be interpreted as a (d+α)(d+\alpha) cluster.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in NP


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    Today, Ukraine ranks ninth in the world in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Large-scale forced internal migration in recent years could not but affect the health status of a particular social group, as well as the health status of the population as a whole. The aim of the study – to learn the factors of mental trauma, their dynamics over time and the impact on mental health, the determination of stress resistance and social adaptation in HPE. Material and Methods. Survey methods included clinical psychopathology with assessment of mental trauma factors, T. Holmes and R. Rahe (1967) methods for determining stress tolerance and social adaptation to assess current levels of stress during the last year, and statistical methods. The study was conducted at the State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” in the Department of Border Psychiatry. A total of 213 IDPs were surveyed. All of the surveyed were divided into 3 groups: group I included 94 IDPs from the general population who had no identified psychiatric disorders (conditionally healthy), group II (risk group) waxed 68 people who had identified certain psychiatric symptoms that were not clinical level, made up and in group III included 51 people who sought medical help and having mental disorders. Results. All subjects were evaluated for stress factors, including, physiological, psycho-emotional, socio-psychological and information factors and reflected their dynamics over time. The conducted assessment of the level of resistance showed its differences in the examined healthy, patients and risk groups. Conclusions. An assessment of the influence of stressful factors on IDP indicates their combined effect, varying degrees of pathogenicity, and dynamics over time.Сегодня Украина занимает девятое место в мире по количеству внутренне перемещенных лиц. Масштабные вынужденные внутренние миграции последних лет не могли не отразиться на состоянии здоровья как определенной социальной группы, так и на состоянии здоровья населения в целом. Цель – изучение факторов психической травматизации, их динамики во времени и влияния на состояние психического здоровья, определение стрессоустойчивости и социальной адаптации у ВПО. Материал и методы. Методы обследования включали клинико-психопатологический с оценкой факторов психической травматизации, методика определения стрессоустойчивости и социальной адаптации Т. Холмса и Р. Раге (Т. Holmes and R. Rahe, 1967) для оценки актуального уровня стресса в течение последнего года и статистические методы. Исследование проводилось в ГУ «Институт неврологии, психиатрии и наркологии НАМН Украины» в отделе пограничной психиатрии. Всего было обследовано 213 ВПО. Все обследованные были поделены на 3 группы: в I группу вошли 94 ВПО из общей популяции, у которых не было выявлено психических расстройств (условно здоровые), во II группу (группу риска) вошли 68 человек, у которых были определены отдельные психические симптомы, не достигающие клинического уровня, и в III группу вошел 51 человек, обратившийся за медицинской помощью и имеющий психические расстройства. Результаты. У всех обследованных была проведена оценка стрессогенных факторов, включавшая физиологические, психоэмоциональные, социально-психологические и информационные факторы и отражающая их динамику во времени. Оценка уровня сопротивляемости показала его отличия у обследованных здоровых, больных и лиц группы риска. Выводы. Оценка влияния стрессогенных факторов на ВПО свидетельствует об их сочетанном действии, разных степени патогенности и динамике во времени.Сьогодні Україна займає дев’яте місце у світі за кількістю внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО). Масштабні вимушені внутрішні міграції останніх років не могли не відобразитися на стані здоров’я як певної соціальної групи, так і на стані здоров’я населення у цілому. Мета – вивчення факторів психічної травматизації, їх динаміки у часі та впливу на стан психічного здоров’я, визначення стресостійкості та соціальної адаптації у ВПО. Матеріал і методи. Методи обстеження включали клініко-психопатологічний з оцінкою факторів психічної травматизації, методику визначення стресостійкості та соціальної адаптації Т. Холмса і Р. Раге для оцінки актуального рівня стресу протягом останнього року, статистичні методи. Дослідження проведено в ДУ «Інститут неврології, психіатрії та наркології НАМН України» у відділі пограничної психіатрії. Всього було обстежено 213 ВПО. Усі обстежені були поділені на 3 групи: до І групи увійшли 94 ВПО із загальної популяції, у яких не було виявлено психічних розладів (умовно здорові); 68 осіб, у яких були визначені окремі психічні симптоми, що не сягали клінічного рівня, склали ІІ групу (група ризику) та 51 особа, що звернулася за медичною допомогою та мала діагностовані психічні розлади, увійшли до ІІІ групи (обстежені з психічними розладами). Результати. Всім обстеженим була проведена оцінка стресогенних факторів (СФ), що включали фізіологічні, психоемоційні, соціально-психологічні та інформаційні чинники та відображала їх динаміку в часі. Рівень опірності стресу відрізнявся у здорових, хворих та осіб з групи ризику. Висновки. Загальна оцінка впливу стресогенних чинників на ВПО свідчить про їх поєднану дію, різний ступінь патогенності та динаміки у часі

    Depression with melancholic features is associated with higher long-term risk for dementia

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    BACKGROUND: Depression has been reported to increase the risk of subsequently developing dementia, but the nature of this relation remains to be elucidated. Depression can be a prodrome/manifestation of dementia or an early risk factor, and the effect may differ according to depression subtypes. Our aim was to study the association between early-onset depression and different depression subtypes, and the later occurrence of dementia. METHODS: We conducted a cohort study including 322 subjects with depression, recruited between 1977 and 1984. A comparison cohort (non-exposed) was recruited retrospectively, to include 322 subjects admitted at the same hospital for routine surgery (appendicectomy or cholecystectomy), at the same period as the depressed cohort. Subjects were contacted again between 2009 and 2014, to assess their dementia status. We computed the risk for dementia in subjects with early onset depression and quantified the association between different depression subtypes (namely melancholic, anxious, and psychotic) and dementia. RESULTS: The odds of dementia were increased by 2.90 times (95% C.I. 1.61-5.21; p<0.0001) for the depressed cohort when compared to the surgical cohort. When the analysis was restricted to patients younger than 45 years old at baseline, the odds for dementia in the depressed cohort were also significantly higher when compared to the surgical cohort (8.53; 95% C.I. 2.40-30.16). In the multivariate Cox analysis, subjects having depression with melancholic features had an increased risk for developing dementia compared to those without melancholic features (HR=3.64; 95% C.I. 1.78-11.26; p=0.025). LIMITATIONS: About 59% of the participants with depression and 53% of those non-exposed were lost during follow up. The inclusion of biological biomarkers would strengthen the results. The sample included a low number of bipolar patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results support depression as an early risk factor for dementia. Depression with melancholic features was found as an important risk factor for dementia, playing a main role in the relation between these disorders