165 research outputs found

    Hypochondroplasia gain-of-function mutation in FGFR3 causes defective bone mineralization in mice

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    Hypochondroplasia (HCH) is a mild dwarfism caused by missense mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3), with the majority of cases resulting from a heterozygous p.Asn540Lys gain-of-function mutation. Here, we report the generation and characterization of the first mouse model (Fgfr3Asn534Lys/+) of HCH to our knowledge. Fgfr3Asn534Lys/+ mice exhibited progressive dwarfism and impairment of the synchondroses of the cranial base, resulting in defective formation of the foramen magnum. The appendicular and axial skeletons were both severely affected and we demonstrated an important role of FGFR3 in regulation of cortical and trabecular bone structure. Trabecular bone mineral density (BMD) of long bones and vertebral bodies was decreased, but cortical BMD increased with age in both tibiae and femurs. These results demonstrate that bones in Fgfr3Asn534Lys/+ mice, due to FGFR3 activation, exhibit some characteristics of osteoporosis. The present findings emphasize the detrimental effect of gain-of-function mutations in the Fgfr3 gene on long bone modeling during both developmental and aging processes, with potential implications for the management of elderly patients with hypochondroplasia and osteoporosis

    Sustainability of Global Golden Inland Waterways

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    Sustainable inland waterways should meet the needs of navigation without compromising the health of riverine ecosystems. Here we propose a hierarchical model to describe sustainable development of the Golden Inland Waterways (GIWs) which are characterized by great bearing capacity and transport need. Based on datasets from 66 large rivers (basin area > 100,000 km2) worldwide, we identify 34 GIWs, mostly distributed in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, typically following a three-stage development path from the initial, through to the developing and on to the developed stage. For most GIWs, the exploitation ratio, defined as the ratio of actual to idealized bearing capacity, should be less than 80% due to ecological considerations. Combined with the indices of regional development, GIWs exploitation, and riverine ecosystem, we reveal the global diversity and evolution of GIWs' sustainability from 2015 to 2050, which highlights the importance of river-specific strategies for waterway exploitation worldwide

    Broad-Scale Patterns of Late Jurassic Dinosaur Paleoecology

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    There have been numerous studies on dinosaur biogeographic distribution patterns. However, these distribution data have not yet been applied to ecological questions. Ecological studies of dinosaurs have tended to focus on reconstructing individual taxa, usually through comparisons to modern analogs. Fewer studies have sought to determine if the ecological structure of fossil assemblages is preserved and, if so, how dinosaur communities varied. Climate is a major component driving differences between communities. If the ecological structure of a fossil locality is preserved, we expect that dinosaur assemblages from similar environments will share a similar ecological structure.This study applies Ecological Structure Analysis (ESA) to a dataset of 100+ dinosaur taxa arranged into twelve composite fossil assemblages from around the world. Each assemblage was assigned a climate zone (biome) based on its location. Dinosaur taxa were placed into ecomorphological categories. The proportion of each category creates an ecological profile for the assemblage, which were compared using cluster and principal components analyses. Assemblages grouped according to biome, with most coming from arid or semi-arid/seasonal climates. Differences between assemblages are tied to the proportion of large high-browsing vs. small ground-foraging herbivores, which separates arid from semi-arid and moister environments, respectively. However, the effects of historical, taphonomic, and other environmental factors are still evident.This study is the first to show that the general ecological structure of Late Jurassic dinosaur assemblages is preserved at large scales and can be assessed quantitatively. Despite a broad similarity of climatic conditions, a degree of ecological variation is observed between assemblages, from arid to moist. Taxonomic differences between Asia and the other regions demonstrate at least one case of ecosystem convergence. The proportion of different ecomorphs, which reflects the prevailing climatic and environmental conditions present during fossil deposition, may therefore be used to differentiate Late Jurassic dinosaur fossil assemblages. This method is broadly applicable to different taxa and times, allowing one to address questions of evolutionary, biogeographic, and climatic importance

    Variações ecomorfológicas e de uso de habitat em Piabina argentea (Characiformes, Characidae) da bacia do Rio das Velhas, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os padrões local e regional de uso de habitat de Piabina argentea Reinhardt, 1867 em quatro diferentes rios da bacia do rio das Velhas. Os habitat amostrados foram caracterizados quanto à velocidade da água, profundidade e tipo de substrato. Para a análise ecomorfológica, foram calculados 17 atributos ecomorfológicos de 40 exemplares de cada rio. Embora estas populações tenham se sobreposto no espaço ecomorfológico, a Análise Discriminante Canônica mostrou haver diferença significativa entre elas, principalmente da população do rio das Velhas em relação às demais. A separação se deu em termos do índice de compressão, altura relativa do corpo e índice de achatamento ventral. Os padrões locais de seleção de habitat não foram congruentes em todos os rios, mas em geral, houve predomínio do padrão regional: habitat lênticos, profundidade entre 20 e 40 cm e 60 e 80 cm e substrato areia, silte+argila e banco de folhas. Considerando as características físicas de cada rio e o padrão regional da espécie, a maior parte dos seus requerimentos de habitat é contemplada nos quatro rios. Entretanto, um corpo d'água assoreado como o trecho do rio das Velhas, tende a ter maiores velocidades da água, menores profundidades e substrato finos, o que atende em parte à seleção de habitat da espécie estudada
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