327 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of active and eruptive prominences through hydrogen and helium lines modelling

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    In this study we show how hydrogen and helium lines modelling can be used to make a diagnostic of active and eruptive prominences. One motivation for this work is to identify the physical conditions during prominence activation and eruption. Hydrogen and helium lines are key in probing different parts of the prominence structure and inferring the plasma parameters. However, the interpretation of observations, being either spectroscopic or obtained with imaging, is not straightforward. Their resonance lines are optically thick, and the prominence plasma is out of local thermodynamic equilibrium due to the strong incident radiation coming from the solar disk. In view of the shift of the incident radiation occurring when the prominence plasma flows radially, it is essential to take into account velocity fields in the prominence diagnostic. Therefore we need to investigate the effects of the radial motion of the prominence plasma on hydrogen and helium lines. The method that we use is the resolution of the radiative transfer problem in the hydrogen and helium lines out of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We study the variation of the computed integrated intensities in H and He lines with the radial velocity of the prominence plasma. We can confirm that there exist suitable lines which can be used to make a diagnostic of the plasma in active and eruptive prominences in the presence of velocity fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 colour figure

    Radiative transfer in cylindrical threads with incident radiation. VI. A hydrogen plus helium system

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    Context: Spectral lines of helium are commonly observed on the Sun. These observations contain important information about physical conditions and He/H abundance variations within solar outer structures. Aims: The modeling of chromospheric and coronal loop-like structures visible in hydrogen and helium lines requires the use of appropriate diagnostic tools based on NLTE radiative tranfer in cylindrical geometry. Methods: We use iterative numerical methods to solve the equations of NLTE radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium of atomic level populations. These equations are solved alternatively for hydrogen and helium atoms, using cylindrical coordinates and prescribed solar incident radiation. Electron density is determined by the ionization equilibria of both atoms. Two-dimensional effects are included. Results: The mechanisms of formation of the principal helium lines are analyzed and the sources of emission inside the cylinder are located. The variations of spectral line intensities with temperature, pressure, and helium abundance, are studied. Conclusions: The simultaneous computation of hydrogen and helium lines, performed by the new numerical code, allows the construction of loop models including an extended range of temperatures

    Radiative transfer in cylindrical threads with incident radiation. VII. Multi-thread models

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    Aims. Our aim is to improve on previous radiative transfer calculations in illuminated cylindrical threads in order to better understand the physical conditions in cool solar chromospheric and coronal structures commonly observed in hydrogen and helium lines. Methods. We solve the radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium equations in a two-dimensional cross-section of a cylindrical structure oriented horizontally and lying above the solar surface. The cylinder is filled with a mixture of hydrogen and helium, and is illuminated at a given altitude from the solar disc. We construct simple models made from a single thread, or from an ensemble of several threads along the line of sight. This first use of 2D multi-thread fine structure modelling combining hydrogen and helium radiative transfer allows us to compute synthetic emergent spectra from cylindrical structures and to study the effect of line-of-sight integration of an ensemble of threads under a range of physical conditions. We analyse the effects of variations in temperature distribution and in gas pressure.We consider the effect of multi-thread structures within a given field of view and the effect of peculiar velocities between the structures in a multi-thread model. These new models are compared to the single thread model, and tested with varying parameters. Results. The presence of a temperature gradient, with temperature increasing towards the edge of the cylindrical thread, reduces the relative importance of the incident radiation coming from the solar disc on the emergent intensities of most hydrogen and helium lines. We also find that when assuming randomly displaced threads in a given field of view, the integrated intensities of optically thick and thin transitions behave considerably differently. In optically thin lines, the emergent intensity increases proportionally with the number of threads, and the spatial variation of the intensity becomes increasingly homogeneous. Optically thick lines however saturate after only a few threads. As a consequence, the spatial variation of the intensity retains much similarity with that of the first few threads. The multi-thread model produces complex line profiles with significant asymmetries if randomly generated line-of-sight velocities are added for each thread. Conclusions. These new computations show for the first time the effect of integrating the radiation emitted in H and He lines by several cylindrical threads static or moving along the line of sight. They can be used to interpret high-spatial and spectral resolutions of cylindrical structures found in the solar atmosphere, such as cool coronal loops or prominence threads

    The Lyman <span class='mathrm'>α</span> and Lyman <span class='mathrm'>β</span> lines in solar coronal streamers

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    Effect of motions in prominences on the helium resonance lines in the extreme ultraviolet

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    &lt;b&gt;Context&lt;/b&gt;: Extreme ultraviolet resonance lines of neutral and ionised helium observed in prominences are difficult to interpret as the prominence plasma is optically thick at these wavelengths. If mass motions are taking place, as is the case in active and eruptive prominences, the diagnostic is even more complex. &lt;b&gt;Aims&lt;/b&gt;: We aim at studying the effect of radial motions on the spectrum emitted by moving prominences in the helium resonance lines and at facilitating the interpretation of observations, in order to improve our understanding of these dynamic structures. &lt;b&gt;Methods&lt;/b&gt;: We develop our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer code formerly used for the study of quiescent prominences. The new numerical code is now able to solve the statistical equilibrium and radiative transfer equations in the non-static case by using velocity-dependent boundary conditions for the solution of the radiative transfer problem. This first study investigates the effects of different physical conditions (temperature, pressure, geometrical thickness) on the emergent helium radiation. &lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt;: The motion of the prominence plasma induces a Doppler dimming effect on the resonance lines of HE i and HE ii. The velocity effects are particularly important for the HE ii &#955; 304 Å line as it is mostly formed by resonant diffusion of incident radiation under prominence conditions. The HE i resonance lines at 584 and 537 Å also show some sensitivity to the motion of the plasma, all the more when thermal emission is not too important in these lines. We also show that it is necessary to consider partial redistribution in frequency for the scattering of the incident radiation. Conclusions.This set of helium lines offers strong diagnostic possibilities that can be exploited with the SOHO spectrometers and with the EIS spectrometer on board the Hinode satellite. The addition of other helium lines and of lines from other elements (in particular hydrogen) in the diagnostics will further enhance the strength of the method

    Plasma diagnostic of a solar prominence from hydrogen and helium resonance lines

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    We present the first comparison of profiles of H et He resonance lines observed by SUMER with theoretical profiles computed with our non-LTE radiative transfer code. We use the H I Lyman-beta, H I Lyman-epsilon, and He I 584 A lines. Our code allows us to obtain the plasma parameters in prominences in conjunction with a multi-line, multi-element set of observations. The plasma temperature in the prominence core is ~ 8600 K and the pressure is 0.03 dyn/cm^2. The Ly-beta line is formed in a higher temperature region (more than 11000 K).Comment: 2 pages, 2 color figures. Proceedings of SF2A, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Journees de la SF2A 2006, Pari

    Plasma diagnostic in eruptive prominences from SDO/AIA observations at 304 {\AA}

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    Context. Theoretical calculations have shown that when solar prominences move away from the surface of the Sun, their radiative output is affected via the Doppler dimming or brightening effects. Aims. In this paper we ask whether observational signatures of the changes in the radiative output of eruptive prominences can be found in EUV (extreme ultraviolet) observations of the first resonance line of ionised helium at 304 {\AA}. We also investigate whether these observations can be used to perform a diagnostic of the plasma of the eruptive prominence. Methods. We first look for suitable events in the SDO/AIA database. The variation of intensity of arbitrarily selected features in the 304 channel is studied as a function of velocity in the plane of the sky. These results are then compared with new non-LTE radiative transfer calculations of the intensity of the He II 304 resonance line. Results. We find that observations of intensities in various parts of the four eruptive prominences studied here are sometimes consistent with the Doppler dimming effect on the He II 304 {\AA} line. However, in some cases, one observes an increase in intensity in the 304 channel with velocity, in contradiction to what is expected from the Doppler dimming effect alone. The use of the non-LTE models allows us to explain the different behaviour of the intensity by changes in the plasma parameters inside the prominence, in particular the column mass of the plasma and its temperature. Conclusions. The non-LTE models used here are more realistic than what was used in previous calculations. They are able to reproduce qualitatively the range of observations from SDO/AIA analysed in this study. Thanks to non-LTE modelling, we can infer the plasma parameters in eruptive prominences from SDO/AIA observations at 304 {\AA}.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Movies available at http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/labrosse/aa17801

    EUV lines observed with EIS/Hinode in a solar prominence

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    &lt;b&gt;Context&lt;/b&gt;. During a multi-wavelength observation campaign with Hinode and ground-based instruments, a solar prominence was observed for three consecutive days as it crossed the western limb of the Sun in April 2007.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Aims.&lt;/b&gt; We report on observations obtained on 26 April 2007 using EIS (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer) on Hinode. They are analysed to provide a qualitative diagnostic of the plasma in different parts of the prominence.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Methods&lt;/b&gt;. After correcting for instrumental effects, the rasters at different wavelengths are presented. Several regions within the same prominence are identified for further analysis. Selected profiles for lines with formation temperatures between log (T) = 4.7 and log (T) = 6.3, as well as their integrated intensities, are given. The profiles of coronal, transition region, and He ii lines are discussed. We pay special attention to the He ii line, which is blended with coronal lines.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Results.&lt;/b&gt; Some quantitative results are obtained by analysing the line profiles. They confirm that depression in EUV lines can be interpreted in terms of two mechanisms: absorption of coronal radiation by the hydrogen and neutral helium resonance continua, and emissivity blocking. We present estimates of the He ii line integrated intensity in different parts of the prominence according to different scenarios for the relative contribution of absorption and emissivity blocking to the coronal lines blended with the He ii line. We estimate the contribution of the He ii 256.32 Å line to the He ii raster image to vary between &#x223C;44% and 70% of the raster’s total intensity in the prominence according to the different models used to take into account the blending coronal lines. The inferred integrated intensities of the He ii 256 Å line are consistent with the theoretical intensities obtained with previous 1D non-LTE radiative transfer calculations, yielding a preliminary estimate of the central temperature of 8700 K, a central pressure of 0.33 dyn cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;, and a column mass of 2.5 × 10&lt;sup&gt;-4&lt;/sup&gt; g cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;. The corresponding theoretical hydrogen column density (10&lt;sup&gt;20&lt;/sup&gt; cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;) is about two orders of magnitude higher than those inferred from the opacity estimates at 195 Å. The non-LTE calculations indicate that the He ii 256.32 Å line is essentially formed in the prominence-to-corona transition region by resonant scattering of the incident radiation.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    Hα Doppler shifts in a tornado in the solar corona

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    Context. High resolution movies in 193 Å from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) show apparent rotation in the leg of a prominence observed during a coordinated campaign. Such structures are commonly referred to as tornadoes. Time-distance intensity diagrams of the AIA data show the existence of oscillations suggesting that the structure is rotating. Aims. The aim of this paper is to understand if the cool plasma at chromospheric temperatures inside the tornado is rotating around its central axis. Methods. The tornado was also observed in Hα with a cadence of 30 s by the MSDP spectrograph, operating at the Solar Tower in Meudon. The MSDP provides sequences of simultaneous spectra in a 2D field of view from which a cube of Doppler velocity maps is retrieved. Results. The Hα Doppler maps show a pattern with alternatively blueshifted and redshifted areas of 5 to 10′′ wide. Over time the blueshifted areas become redshifted and vice versa, with a quasi-periodicity of 40 to 60 min. Weaker amplitude oscillations with periods of 4 to 6 min are superimposed onto these large period oscillations. Conclusions. The Doppler pattern observed in Hα cannot be interpreted as rotation of the cool plasma inside the tornado. The Hα velocity observations give strong constraints on the possible interpretations of the AIA tornado

    Structure of prominence legs: Plasma and magnetic field

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    We investigate the properties of a `solar tornado' observed on 15 July 2014, and aim to link the behaviour of the plasma to the internal magnetic field structure of the associated prominence. We made multi-wavelength observations with high spatial resolution and high cadence using SDO/AIA, the IRIS spectrograph and the Hinode/SOT instrument. Along with spectropolarimetry provided by the THEMIS telescope we have coverage of both optically thick emission lines and magnetic field information. AIA reveals that the two legs of the prominence are strongly absorbing structures which look like they are rotating, or oscillating in the plane of the sky. The two prominence legs, which are both very bright in Ca II (SOT), are not visible in the IRIS Mg II slit-jaw images. This is explained by the large optical thickness of the structures in Mg II which leads to reversed profiles, and hence to lower integrated intensities at these locations than in the surroundings. Using lines formed at temperatures lower than 1 MK, we measure relatively low Doppler shifts on the order of +/- 10 km/s in the tornado-like structure. Between the two legs we see loops in Mg II, with material flowing from one leg to the other, as well as counterstreaming. It is difficult to interpret our data as showing two rotating, vertical structures which are unrelated to the loops. This kind of `tornado' scenario does not fit with our observations. The magnetic field in the two legs of the prominence is found to be preferentially horizontal.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, one tabl