22 research outputs found

    Mass discrimination using double-sided silicon microstrip detectors for pions and protons at intermediate energies

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    Prototype silicon detector modules for the vertex detector of the FINUDA experiment were tested at TRIUMF using pions and protons at 270 and 408 MeV/c in order to study their use for mass discrimination based on energy deposition. The detector modules were constructed using double-sided silicon detectors based on the ALEPH design, read out by VA1 integrated circuits. The test modules and apparatus are described, details of the data analysis are discussed, and the results are presented together with GEANT simulations. Particular attention is given to the detector response for the various particles, with signals ranging from the minimum-ionising pions at 408 MeV/c up to 20 times minimum-ionising for the protons at 270 MeV/c. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Correlated Λd\Lambda d pairs from the KstopAΛdAK^{-}_{stop} A \to \Lambda d A' reaction

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    Correlated Λd\Lambda d pairs emitted after the absorption of negative kaons at rest KstopAΛdAK^{-}_{stop}A\to \Lambda d A' in light nuclei 6Li^6Li and 12C^{12}C are studied. Λ\Lambda-hyperons and deuterons are found to be preferentially emitted in opposite directions. The Λd\Lambda d invariant mass spectrum of 6Li^6Li shows a bump whose mass is 3251±\pm6 MeV/c2^2. The bump mass (binding energy), width and yield are reported. The appearance of a bump is discussed in the realm of the [Kˉ3N\bar{K}3N] clustering process in nuclei. The experiment was performed with the FINUDA spectrometer at DAΦ\PhiNE (LNF).Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    The A(Kstop,π±Σ)AA(K^-_{stop},\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp)A' reaction on p-shell nuclei

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    This letter is concerned with the study of the KstopAπ±ΣAK^-_{stop}A\rightarrow \pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp A' reaction in p-shell nuclei, i.e., 6,7Li^{6,7}Li, 9Be^9Be, 13C^{13}C and 16O^{16}O. The π±Σ/Kstop\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp / K^-_{stop} emission rates are reported as a function of AA. These rates are discussed in comparison with previous findings. The ratio πΣ+/π+Σ\pi^-\Sigma^+/\pi^+\Sigma^- in p-shell nuclei is found to depart largely from that on hydrogen, which provides support for large in-medium effects possibly generated by the sub-threshold Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405). The continuum momentum spectra of prompt pions and free sigmas are also discussed as well as the π±Σ\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp missing mass behavior and the link with the reaction mechanism. The apparatus used for the investigation is the FINUDA spectrometer operating at the DAΦ\PhiNE ϕ\phi-factory (LNF-INFN, Italy).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Correlated Λt\Lambda t pairs from the absorption of KK^- at rest in light nuclei

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    Novel data from the KstopAK^{-}_{stop}A absorption reaction in light nuclei 6,7^{6,7}Li and 9^{9}Be are presented. The study aimed at finding Λt\Lambda t correlations. Regardless of AA, the Λt\Lambda t pairs are preferentially emitted in opposite directions. Reaction modeling predominantly assigns to the KstopAΛt(N)AK^-_{stop}A\to\Lambda t(N)A' direct reactions the emission of the Λt\Lambda t pairs whose yield is found to range from 10310^{-3} to 10410^{-4}/Kstop/K^-_{stop}. The experiment was performed with the FINUDA spectrometer at DAΦ\PhiNE (LNF).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Endogeneity in the Relation between Poverty, Wealth and Life Satisfaction

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    This publication concentrates on the complex interplay between poverty, wealth and life satisfaction. Main areas of life are quantified in a multidimensional approach of poverty and wealth: Individual income, current health, occupational autonomy or employment status and also the mentioned life satisfaction. Data used in this publication were made available by the German Socio Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Berlin. A period from 1998-2009 is examined. This study has two main goals: (1) To contribute to the interconnection between poverty, wealth and life satisfaction. (2) Besides, the endogeneity research regarding life satisfaction should be expanded. Reduced form vector-autoregressions (with first differences) were used to answer the questions. Therefore, granger-causality can be supposed. Major findings: An initial rise in life satisfaction can improve income and health, but not job autonomy. However, even the probability of returning from unemployment to employment can increase. Gender-specific differences are discussed.Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der komplexen Wechselwirkung zwischen Armut, Reichtum und Lebenszufriedenheit. Die Konzentration gilt zentralen Bereichen des Lebens: Individuelles Einkommen, subjektiver Gesundheitszustand, berufliche Autonomie bzw. Erwerbstätigkeit sowie der angesprochenen Lebenszufriedenheit. Die Daten dieser Publikation beruhen auf Zahlen des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Berlin. Es wird ein Zeitraum von 1998-2009 betrachtet. Dadurch wird überwiegend ein Beitrag zur Endogenitätsfrage geleistet und das verzweigte Zusammenspiel dieser Größen abgebildet. Methodisch wird dazu auf Reduced Form Vektorautoregressionen (mit First Differences) zurückgegriffen. Granger-Kausalität kann angenommen werden. Zentrale Ergebnisse: Ein anfänglicher Anstieg der Zufriedenheit erhöht das individuelle Einkommen sowie den Gesundheitszustand, aber nicht die berufliche Autonomie. Hingegen kann sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, dass man von einer Arbeitslosigkeit zurück in die Vollerwerbstätigkeit gelangt. Diskrepanzen zwischen den Geschlechtern werden diskutiert

    First Results on 12Lambda-C production at DAPHNE

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    Lambda-hypernuclei are produced and studied, with the FINUDA spectrometer, for the first time at an e+e- collider: DAPHNE, the Frascati phi-factory. The slow negative kaons from phi(1020) decay are stopped in thin (0.2 g/cm^2) nuclear targets, and Lambda-hypernuclei formation is detected by measuring the momentum of the outgoing pi^-. A preliminary analysis on 12Lambda-C shows an energy resolution of 1.29 MeV FWHM on the hypernuclear levels, the best obtained so far with magnetic spectrometers at hadron facilities. Capture rates for the ground state and the excited ones are reported, and compared with previous experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. v2: one reference updated. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Mass discrimination using double-sided silicon microstrip detectors for pions and protons at intermediate energies

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