1,109 research outputs found

    Assessing the tagging behaviour of kannadigas: A study of hash tags in twitter

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    Tweeting is the fastest communication media now. It is short and simple. It is a microblogging service. Hashtags are the organizational component adopted by Twitter. Tweets is Kannada are available for some years now.But, Twitter opened up Kannada for hashtags in February 2015. The study focuses on the analysis of the 3158 Kannada tags collected from 1993 tweets. There is an increasing trend for using hashtags in Kannada. There are very lengthy tags as well

    Observations on tool use in captive lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus)

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    Lion-tailed macaques in Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Garden, Mysore, India were observed to use several tools (plastic piece, candy wrapper, leaf, vegetable leaf, egg-shell and coconut shell) to drink water from the pool. Here we report the simple multiple tool use in the species. The behaviour was first observed in an adult male. This male was confiscated and was probably hand-reared. It started using tools within a short period of introduction. After some time, the other captive monkeys also started to use multiple tools in a similar way to drink water. This may be an example of social learning

    Implementasi Collaborative Writing Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Mahasiswa (Calon Guru) Dalam Menyusun Rpp Kurikulum 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah strategi Collaborative Writing dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, dalam menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. Studi dengan desain Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini menggunakan mahasiswa semester 6h sebagai subyek. Data yang dibutuhkan untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menerapkan siklus yang dimulai dengan Refleksi Awal (IR), Perencanaan (P), Pelaksanaan (A), Observasi (O), Refleksi (R)dan Revisi Rencana (RP). Skor rata-rata untuk pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan 64.77, 71.82, 78.86, disamping mahasiswa juga memberikan respon positif terhadap penggunaan collaborative writing dalam menyusun RPP. Kesimpulannya, penelitian kali ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar tahun akademik 2013/2014 dalam menyusun RPP bedasarkan kurikulum 2013 dapat ditingkatkan melalui collaborative writing

    Employee Engagement and Relationship Practices in Start-up organizations

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    In order to stay competitive in today’s fast changing world, presence of the best talent depicts the success or failure of the organisation. Who you hire is not just important, but how the employee is managed and retained is considered important by Kennedy and Diam, 2010. Initially considered as a cheap labour force provider, India witnessed reduction in product development and innovation. By the introduction of initiatives by the new Government, raise in funding of about 3.5to3.5 to 5 billion in 2015 marked the beginning of job providing market in India. Hiring and retaining skilled manpower is considered as a huge challenge for the start-up to be successful and uncertain organisation climate change is the reason. (Banerjee 2017, Lee Hom and Liz 2017). The inherent uncertainty of organizational growth has resulted in a level of systematic flexibility regarding internal operations requiring high endand allowing for contingent leadership to take place. While flexibility allows optimal resource utilization, on the other hand it can also result in employees feeling aloof, stressed and de-motivated (Banerjee 2017).If these issues remain unanswered, the employee becomes disengaged and leaves for better opportunity. This study focuses on HRM practices (i.e. employee engagement and retention) in start-ups, effectiveness of practices (employee satisfaction) and challenges the start-ups will face in competitive setup. The study makes use of qualitative data and is collected through narrative enquiry. The data isanalysed using ISM technique; excel with focus on HRM practices start-ups and its impact on retentionship and engagement outcomes


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    Objective: The main objectives of this research work is the synthesis and characterization of biologically potential triazole ring containing the Schiff base legend and their transition metal complexes, followed by screenings of their antimicrobial and anthelmintic activity the results of antimicrobial activity were compared with docking scores.Methods: The coordination complexes of Co(II), Cu(II), Fe(III) and Zn(II) with Schiff base derived ligand 4-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl) aniline and substituted aldehydes have been synthesized. The complexes are characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurements, electronic, IR, and 1H NMR spectral data. The synthesized compounds were also screened In vitro antimicrobial activity was carried out according to diffusion method by using agar and potato dextrose agar at 100, 500 and 700 mg/ml concentrations in DMF. HEX 8.0 programmers were used to perform the docking experiments on nucleotide of S. typhi at as ligand [PDB: 3B6O].Results: Schiff base ligand and their transition metal complexes were studied for antimicrobial activity as well as docking. The results of both studies concluded that 4a, 4c and 4d compounds are more active in minimum inhibition concentration (30μg/ml) against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Salmonella typhi (S. typlei) bacteria and Penicillium chrysogenum (P. Crysogenum) fungi. The compounds showed highest docking score (-257.47,-275.61 and-280.17 respectively) with the secondary structure of the alpha-amylase with a nucleotide from s. typhi in the solid model. In the study of anthelmintic activity among these three compounds, 4d compound exhibits more activity compared with the standard.Conclusion: The compounds 4a, 4c and 4d were found to be more promising pharmacological activity this observation may promote a further development of this triazole group of compounds which may lead to better pharmacological profile than standard drugs. Â

    Synthesis and utility of new amine/nucleobase addition products of allenylphosphonates

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    In the reaction of allenylphosphonates with amines/nucleobases, depending on the amine and the allenylphosphonate, either Z- or E-vinylphosphonate or allylphosphonate as a single isomer with a β-amino functionality was isolated. A simple route to phosphonates with a β-NH2 group is developed by direct reaction with ammonia. In reactions with adenine, three different modes of reaction, with one of them involving an unusual cyclisation, are observed. The utility of (enamino)allyl phosphonate products thus obtained in the synthesis of (enamino)-1,3-butadienes via Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction is also demonstrated

    Analisa Stabilitas Transien pada Sistem Transmisi Sumatera Utara 150 KV - 275 KV dengan Penambahan PLTA Batang Toru 4 X 125 MW

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    Sistem kelistrikan Sumatera Utara yang dipasok dengan menggunakan sistem Transmisi 150 kV dan 275 kV merupakan sistem transmisi dengan pusat beban terbesar di Sumatera. Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan listrik, sesuai dengan RUPTL, Sistem Transmisi Sumatera Utara akan mengoperasikan PLTA Batang Toru dengan kapasitas 4 x 125 MW pada tahun 2020. Karena potensi sumber energi yang cukup besar di Sumatera Utara adalah tenaga air dan panas bumi. Dengan penambahan PLTA Batang Toru 4 x 125 MW, perlu dilakukan studi kestabilan transien untuk mengetahui kestabilan sistem saat terjadi gangguan transien. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa case lepasnya generator, lepasnya satu saluran dan saluran ganda tidak menyebabkan sistem keluar dari batas stabil. Karena ketika generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya 5-8% dari total pembangkitan. Begitu juga dengan kasus single pole auto reclosing dengan waktu Circuit Breaker kembali tertutup sebesar 500 ms setelah gangguan, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem masih stabil. Pada penentuan waktu pemutusan kritis (CCT), nilai CCT pada sistem 2018 dapat ditemukan pada 120 ms – 140 ms (batas rekomendasi CCT sistem besar). Sedangkan pada sistem 2020 tetap dalam keadaan stabil ketika terjadi gangguan hubung singkat 3 fasa . Sehingga penentuan CCT (Critical Clearing Time) melebihi dari batas rekomendasi nilai CCT untuk sistem besar


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    Teknik pengaturan motor listrik telah berkembang sangat pesat khususnya sejak dua dekade terakhir. Pengaturan kecepatan dan torsi motor yang presisi dan cepat sudah bisa dicapai, khususnya untuk motor ac yang memiliki karakteristik nonlinier dan terkopling. Teknik estimasi untuk mengurangi sensor fisik juga berkembang sebagai upaya meningkatkan keandalan dari drive. Hal-hal di atasi dimungkinkan karena perkembangan teknologi mikroelektronika dan semikonduktor daya. Perkembangan teknologi mikroelektronika khususnya VSLAmemungkinkan pengimplementasian teknik-teknik pengaturan lanjut untuk menghasilkan sistem pengaturan motor listrik dengan unjuk kerja tinggi dan dengan perangkat keras yang ekonomis. Teknologi semikonduktor daya memungkinkan dihasilkannya konverter statis yang efisien, kompak serta ekonomis. Paper ini mencoba me-review sistem perangkat keras yang tersedia untuk mengimplementasikan pengaturan motor listrik dengan teknik digitalmotion control.<br /

    Evaluation of census techniques to estimate the density of slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus) in Southern India

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    Reliable estimates of species density are fundamental to planning conservation strategies for any species; further, it is equally crucial to identify the most appropriate technique to estimate animal density. Nocturnal, small-sized animal species are notoriously difficult to census accurately and this issue critically affects their conservation status. We carried out a field study in southern India to estimate the density of slender loris, a small-sized nocturnal primate using line and strip transects. Actual counts of study individuals yielded a density estimate of 1.61 ha–1; density estimate from line transects was 1.08 ha–1; and density estimates varied from 1.06 ha–1 to 0.59 ha–1 in different fixed-width strip transects. We conclude that line and strip transects may typically underestimate densities of cryptic, nocturnal primates