931 research outputs found

    The role of CD180 in hematological malignancies and inflammatory disorders.

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    Toll-like receptors play a significant role in the innate immune system and are also involved in the pathophysiology of many different diseases. Over the past 35 years, there have been a growing number of publications exploring the role of the orphan toll-like receptor, CD180. We therefore set out to provide a narrative review of the current evidence surrounding CD180 in both health and disease. We first explore the evidence surrounding the role of CD180 in physiology including its expression, function and signaling in antigen presenting cells (APCs) (dendritic cells, monocytes, and B cells). We particularly focus on the role of CD180 as a modulator of other TLRs including TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9. We then discuss the role of CD180 in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, as well as in hematological malignancies of B cell origin, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Based on this evidence we produce a current model for CD180 in disease and explore the potential role for CD180 as both a prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target. Throughout, we highlight specific areas of research which should be addressed to further the understanding of CD180 biology and the translational potential of research into CD180 in various diseases

    A Comparative Study of the Past Tense Aspects in Russian and Italian

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    Introduction. The problem of aspect categorisation in Italian, as well as in other Romance languages, is studied not so profoundly compared to what has been done in Russian linguistics. The Indo-European Presence – Aorist – Perfect in their aspectual meaning, which are the most independent forms, have turned to build the tense system both in Italian and Russian. The brightest aspectual meanings are expressed in the forms of the Past. The different perception of 'completeness' and 'incompleteness' aspects in these forms by the speakers of Italian and Russian is probably connected with the peculiarities of the tense formation on the deep level of the language system. So, additional grammar comments are needed. Methodology and sources. The main language unit is believed to be the semifinitive. Thereby we can facilitate the application of formal logical modelling to the description and explanation of syntactic phenomena. The material of the investigation is the surface structure of a predicate, which is formed, on the deep level, by a verbal semifinitive and a time specifier.Results and discussion. A scheme has been elaborated, demonstrating, how a verbal semifinitive becomes polarised by a time specifier. The whole range of aspectual variants, which may occur in a predicate due to the interaction of its constituents through their charges, has been shown. It is reasoned about a charge on participle II. The notion of polarisation is added to the notions of Indefinite or Perfect aspects to represent traditional grammar tenses more exact. This investigation allows to establish a correspondence of Italian and Russian tenses to different charge states of a semifinitive, touched by a specifier. It is rather admittable that the difference between incomplete and complete aspects in Russian is expressed by participles II, which are in complex semifinitives, and in Italian – by simple semifinitives.Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the verbal aspect category in Indo-European tenses, including the past ones, can be carried out, to our mind, both by stemming from the polarisation peculiarities of verbal semifinitives, and through investigation of literature translations, where correspondence is established on the level of language examples. In this case the genetic identity of Indo-European constructions has a chance to be represented as evidently as possible


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    The article is devoted the problem of overcoming social apathy of youth. The relevance of the topic is reasoned. The approaches to understanding the social apathy and reasons for it's occurrence, the forms of social activity and types of volun -teering are discussed. The results of social researches of young people’readiness to volunteering are given in the article, role of volunteering for youth is identified. Also determines main components of volunteering. The recommendations for engaging youth to volunteering are given


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    The article is devoted the problem of overcoming social apathy of youth. The relevance of the topic is reasoned. The approaches to understanding the social apathy and reasons for it's occurrence, the forms of social activity and types of volun -teering are discussed. The results of social researches of young people’readiness to volunteering are given in the article, role of volunteering for youth is identified. Also determines main components of volunteering. The recommendations for engaging youth to volunteering are given

    The need of professional judgement of the accountant in accounting assets of exploration and evaluation of mineral resources

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The relevance of the investigation is predetermined by the fact that application of IFRS 6 “The exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources” presupposes the application of professional accounting judgment while running the information about exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. The aim of the article is to study how oil producing companies apply IFRS 6 and to work out some suggestions on perfecting the accounting policy in the above-mentioned assets in the conditions of uncertainty of the norms of International standards

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical and Functional Results and Position of Intraocular Lens after Femtolaser-Assisted and Standard Cataract Phacoemulsification

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    Modern surgical treatment of cataracts provides effective results. The study of the position of the intraocular lens (IOL) in the capsule bag can be considered as one of the most important factors influencing the final visual and refractive result of the operation.Aim: comparative analysis of clinical and functional results and position of the IOL in the capsular bag, namely decentration and tilt, when performing femtolazer-assisted phacoemulsification (FLACS) and standard phacoemulsification (CPCS). Materials and methods. We surveyed 57 patients (57 eyes). FLACS was performed in 27 patients, CPCS – in 30 patients. Standard methods of research were used, determination of the position of the IOL (decentration and tilt) in the capsular bag on the device OCT-Casia2 (TOMEY, Germany) and study of wave front were conducted.Results. Comparative analysis of the obtained results showed no significant difference between groups in postoperative visual acuity, however, there was the trend towards higher performance corrected distance visual acuity and uncorrected distance in the group FLACS (0.68 ± 0.18 and 0.74 ± 0.2) compared to the group CPCS (0.58 ± 0.28 and 0.65 ± 0.24). Internal higher order aberrations were significantly low in the group with femtolazer accompaniment: in 3 mm zone almost 2 times (p = 0.041), in 5 mm zone 1.3 times (p = 0.047). Vertical decentration in a CPCS group made 0.217 ± 0.26 mm, in FLACS group – 0.118 ± 0.05 mm, the vertical tilt – 0.75 ± 0.37° and 0.54 ± 0.36 respectively. Conclusion. Decentralizations and IOL tilt tended to lower indices in the FLACS during the observation period up to 2 months after the operation, which was accompanied by lower values of higher order internal aberrations

    Hypophosphatemic rickets: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment

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    Hypophosphatemic rickets (HR) - a group of diseases characterized by the development of ricketic changes in bone tissue due to increased excretion of phosphorus from the body. This form of rickets is the most common among variants of genetically determined forms of disturbances in mineral metabolism. HR is an actual medical and social problem, requiring constant updating of knowledge of both endocrinologists and doctors of other profile. This is due to the fact that the clinical picture of HR has a significant heterogeneity and can manifest as severe deformations of the skeleton, delay in physical development, severe muscle hypotension, frequent fractures, tooth abscesses, which in some cases leads to disability of the patient and, accordingly, reduces the quality of life. Timely diagnosis and adequate therapy of HR is extremely important for preventing the development of severe complications. Currently, more than 10 candidate genes are known, the defects in which lead to the development of congenital forms of GFR. Genetic diagnostics of the HR is of great importance for determining the form of the HR, and for carrying out genetic counseling of families when planning pregnancy

    Efficiency analysis of taking out real estate loans for profit-making organizations

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article presents modified factors to analyze efficiency of getting real estate loans by profit-making organizations. These factors make allowance for the characteristic features of real estate lending transactions such as their long-termness, and uneven stream of cash-flows. Total value of net cash return from a real estate lending transaction is typically discounted revenue, which we calculated both pretax and post-tax. Taxation is shown to exert a considerable impact on discounted revenue position. Real estate lending transaction financial leverage effect is calculated for the whole duration of the investment project, with allowance for time value of money

    Disputes over the Budgetary Decision Making System of Japan : Issues of Budgetary Reform in the Post-Wa rid War II (1)

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article presents modified factors to analyze efficiency of getting real estate loans by profit-making organizations. These factors make allowance for the characteristic features of real estate lending transactions such as their long-termness, and uneven stream of cash-flows. Total value of net cash return from a real estate lending transaction is typically discounted revenue, which we calculated both pretax and post-tax. Taxation is shown to exert a considerable impact on discounted revenue position. Real estate lending transaction financial leverage effect is calculated for the whole duration of the investment project, with allowance for time value of money