427 research outputs found

    Quantum phase slips in a confined geometry

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    We consider tunneling of vortices across a superconducting film that is both narrow and short (and connected to bulk superconducting leads at the ends). We find that in the superconducting state the resistance, at low values of the temperature (T) and current, does not follow the power-law dependence on T characteristic of longer samples but is exponential in 1/T. The coefficient of 1/T in the exponent depends on the length or, equivalently, the total normal-state resistance of the sample. These conclusions persist in the one-dimensional limit, which is similar to the problem of quantum phase slips in an ultra-narrow short wire.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; published in Phys. Rev.

    International students academic mobility automatization in higher education establishments

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    The research is dedicated to the question of international studentsтacademic mobility automatization due to engineering and design of the special information system. This system should minimize the role of an expert at each stage of mobility support. Some features of such system are considered in the paper.В докладе рассматривается вопрос автоматизации международной студенческой академической мобильности за счёт разработки и внедрения информационной системы, минимизирующей участие эксперта в процессе сопровождения мобильности. Выдвинуты идеи относительно составных модулей такой системы

    Quantum Dew

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    We consider phase separation in nonequilibrium Bose gas with an attractive interaction between the particles. Using numerical integrations on a lattice, we show that the system evolves into a state that contains drops of Bose-Einstein condensate suspended in uncondensed gas. When the initial gas is sufficiently rarefied, the rate of formation of this quantum dew scales with the initial density as expected for a process governed by two-particle collisions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 5 figure

    Cosmic microwave background and parametric resonance in reheating

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    The variation of the perturbative 3-curvature parameter, \zeta, is investigated in the period of reheating after inflation. The two-field model used has the inflaton, with an extra scalar field coupled to it, and non-linear effects of both fields are included as well as a slow decay mechanism into the hydrodynamic fluid of the radiation era. Changes in \zeta occur and persist into the succeeding cosmic eras to influence the generation of the cosmic microwave background fluctuations.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures.Corrects misprinted formula and 2 number

    Magnus Force in Discrete and Continuous Two-Dimensional Superfluids

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    Motion of vortices in two-dimensional superfluids in the classical limit is studied by solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation numerically on a uniform lattice. We find that, in the presence of a superflow directed along one of the main lattice periods, vortices move with the superflow on fine lattices but perpendicular to it on coarse ones. We interpret this result as a transition from the full Magnus force in the Galilean-invariant limit to vanishing effective Magnus force in a discrete system, in agreement with the existing experiments on vortex motion in Josephson junction arrays.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Mathematical modelling of the spatial network of bone implants obtained by 3D-prototyping

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    In this paper, the mathematical model suitable for bone implants 3D-prototyping is proposed. The composite material with the spatial configuration of reinforcement with matrix of hydroxyapatite and titanium alloys fibers is considered. An octahedral cell is chosen as an elementary volume. The distribution of reinforcing fibers is described by textural parameters. Textural parameters are integrated characteristics that summarize information on the direction of reinforcing fibers and their volume fractions. Textural parameters, properties of matrix and reinforcing fibers allow calculating effective physical and mechanical properties of the composite material. The impact of height and width of the octahedral reinforcement cells on textural parameters of the composite material is investigated in this work. The impact of radius of fibers is also analyzed. It is shown that the composite becomes quasi-isotropic under certain geometrical parameters of cell. © 2016 Author(s)

    Tunneling in a uniform one-dimensional superfluid: emergence of a complex instanton

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    In a uniform ring-shaped one-dimensional superfluid, quantum fluctuations that unwind the order parameter need to transfer momentum to quasiparticles (phonons). We present a detailed calculation of the leading exponential factor governing the rate of such phonon-assisted tunneling in a weakly-coupled Bose gas at a low temperature TT. We also estimate the preexponent. We find that for small superfluid velocities the TT-dependence of the rate is given mainly by exp(csP/2T)\exp(-c_s P/ 2T), where PP is the momentum transfer, and csc_s is the phonon speed. At low TT, this represents a strong suppression of the rate, compared to the non-uniform case. As a part of our calculation, we identify a complex instanton, whose analytical continuation to suitable real-time segments is real and describes formation and decay of coherent quasiparticle states with nonzero total momenta.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of strain on stripe phases in the Quantum Hall regime

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    Spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry and preferential orientation of stripe phases in the quantum Hall regime has attracted considerable experimental and theoretical effort over the last decade. We demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that the direction of high and low resistance of the two-dimensional (2D) hole gas in the quantum Hall regime can be controlled by an external strain. Depending on the sign of the in-plane shear strain, the Hartree-Fock energy of holes or electrons is minimized when the charge density wave (CDW) is oriented along [110] or [1-10] directions. We suggest that shear strains due to internal electric fields in the growth direction are responsible for the observed orientation of CDW in pristine electron and hole samples.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Preheating of the nonminimally coupled inflaton field

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    We investigate preheating of an inflaton field ϕ\phi coupled nonminimally to a spacetime curvature. In the case of a self-coupling inflaton potential V(ϕ)=λϕ4/4V(\phi)=\lambda \phi^4/4, the dynamics of preheating changes by the effect of the negative ξ\xi. We find that the nonminimal coupling works in two ways. First, since the initial value of inflaton field for reheating becomes smaller with the increase of ξ|\xi|, the evolution of the inflaton quanta is delayed for fixed λ\lambda. Second, the oscillation of the inflaton field is modified and the nonadiabatic change around ϕ=0\phi=0 occurs significantly. That makes the resonant band of the fluctuation field wider. Especially for strong coupling regimes ξ1|\xi| \gg 1, the growth of the inflaton flutuation is dominated by the resonance due to the nonminimal coupling, which leads to the significant enhancement of low momentum modes. Although the final variance of the inflaton fluctuation does notchange significantly compared with the minimally coupled case, we have found that the energy transfer from the homogeneous inflaton to created particles efficiently occurs for ξ<60\xi<-60.Comment: 13pages, 11figure

    Preheating in Supersymmetric Hybrid Inflation

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    We study preheating in a general class of supersymmetric hybrid inflation model. Supersymmetry leads to only one coupling constant in the potential and thus only one natural frequency of oscillation for the homogeneous fields, whose classical evolution consequently differs from that of a general (non-supersymmetric) hybrid model. We emphasise the importance of mixing effects in these models which can significantly change the rate of production of particles. We perform a general study of the rate of production of the particles associated with the homogeneous fields, and show how preheating is efficient in producing these quanta. Preheating of other particle species will be model dependent, and in order to investigate this we consider a realistic working model of supersymmetric hybrid inflation which solves the strong-CP problem via an approximate Peccei-Quinn symmetry, which was proposed by us previously. We study axion production in this model and show that properly taking into account the mixing between the fields suppresses the axion production, yet enhances the production of other particles. Finally we demonstrate the importance of backreaction effects in this model which have the effect of shutting off axion production, leaving the axion safely within experimental bounds.Comment: 37 pages, Latex, 11 eps figures, 14 ps (colour) figure