2,490 research outputs found

    Improving feedlot efficiency through feed resource optimization

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    Although the U.S. cowherd is at its lowest since the1950s, there remains a focus on increasing the efficiency of production rather than maximizing total output. The feedlot sector benefits greatly from the availability of hormone implants, beta agonists, ionophores as well as products for disease prevention and treatment to improve animal efficiency. The combined impact of beef production technologies on animal efficiency is significant, with estimates of 25% (Wileman et al., 2009) and 45% (Lawrence and Ibarburu, 2007). The realities of the cost and time involved in the development of new technologies, as well as an increasingly vocal portion of the public with negative views on the use of such technology, likely limits the number of new products entering the marketplace for the foreseeable future. Unperceived or previously ignored inefficiencies in basic sub-systems offer an alternative opportunity to improve feedlot efficiency and profitability

    Quantification of Skeletal Muscle Synthesis Pathway Proteins in Wild Type and MMP-2 Knockout Mice After Functional Overload of the Plantaris Muscle

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    Skeletal muscle is the most abundant muscle in the human body. It is highly plastic, which allows the muscle to adapt to changing functional needs including exercise and injury. Previous studies have highlighted the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in skeletal muscle plasticity. The ECM is primarily composed of proteoglycans and collagens and can regenerate in response to injury, exercise, or disease. This regeneration of the ECM is partially facilitated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), enzymes responsible for degrading extracellular proteins. The disruption of ECM synthesis and MMP activity has been shown to affect skeletal muscle regeneration. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of MMP-2 knockout (KO) on protein synthesis pathway in a functional overload (FO) model. Western blots were conducted to measure the synthesis pathway protein (IGF-1, Akt, mTOR, and S6K1) concentration in wild type and KO mice plantaris muscle

    U.S. Military Strategy in the Sixties

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    Inertial sensor-based knee flexion/extension angle estimation

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    A new method for estimating knee joint flexion/extension angles from segment acceleration and angular velocity data is described. The approach uses a combination of Kalman filters and biomechanical constraints based on anatomical knowledge. In contrast to many recently published methods, the proposed approach does not make use of the earth’s magnetic field and hence is insensitive to the complex field distortions commonly found in modern buildings. The method was validated experimentally by calculating knee angle from measurements taken from two IMUs placed on adjacent body segments. In contrast to many previous studies which have validated their approach during relatively slow activities or over short durations, the performance of the algorithm was evaluated during both walking and running over 5 minute periods. Seven healthy subjects were tested at various speeds from 1 to 5 miles/hour. Errors were estimated by comparing the results against data obtained simultaneously from a 10 camera motion tracking system (Qualysis). The average measurement error ranged from 0.7 degrees for slow walking (1 mph) to 3.4 degrees for running (5mph). The joint constraint used in the IMU analysis was derived from the Qualysis data. Limitations of the method, its clinical application and its possible extension are discussed

    Random sequential adsorption of shrinking or spreading particles

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    We present a model of one-dimensional irreversible adsorption in which particles once adsorbed immediately shrink to a smaller size or expand to a larger size. Exact solutions for the fill factor and the particle number variance as a function of the size change are obtained. Results are compared with approximate analytical solutions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Density Matrix Perturbation Theory

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    An expansion method for perturbation of the zero temperature grand canonical density matrix is introduced. The method achieves quadratically convergent recursions that yield the response of the zero temperature density matrix upon variation of the Hamiltonian. The technique allows treatment of embedded quantum subsystems with a computational cost scaling linearly with the size of the perturbed region, O(N_pert.), and as O(1) with the total system size. It also allows direct computation of the density matrix response functions to any order with linear scaling effort. Energy expressions to 4th order based on only first and second order density matrix response are given.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Aluminum-vanadium system

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    The nature of the aluminum-vanadium system has been reported on the basis of thermal, microscopic, chemical and X-ray evidence. The system contains six different solid phases at ambient temperatures: the four intermediate phase being peritectic in nature. Phase properties are summarized in Table 1

    The joint effects of water and sanitation on diarrhoeal disease: a multicountry analysis of the Demographic and Health Surveys

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    ObjectivesTo assess whether the joint effects of water and sanitation infrastructure, are acting antagonistically (redundant services preventing the same cases of diarrhoeal disease), independently, or synergistically; and to assess how these effects vary by country and over time.MethodsWe used data from 217 Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 74 countries between 1986 and 2013. We used modified Poisson regression to assess the impact of water and sanitation infrastructure on the prevalence of diarrhoea among children under 5.ResultsThe impact of water and sanitation varied across surveys, and adjusting for socio‐economic status drove these estimates towards the null. Sanitation had a greater effect than water infrastructure when all 217 surveys were pooled; however, the impact of sanitation diminished over time. Based on survey data from the past 10 years, we saw no evidence for benefits in improving drinking water or sanitation alone, but we estimated a 6% reduction of both combined (prevalence ratio = 0.94, 95% confidence limit 0.91–0.98).ConclusionsWater and sanitation interventions should be combined to maximise the number of cases of diarrhoeal disease prevented in children under 5. Further research should identify the sources of variability seen between countries and across time. These national surveys likely include substantial measurement error in the categorisation of water and sanitation, making it difficult to interpret the roles of other pathways.ObjectifsEvaluer les effets conjoints des infrastructures de l'eau et d'assainissement afin de voir si elles sont des services redondants prévenant les mêmes cas de maladies diarrhéiques, si elles agissent indépendamment ou en synergie et d’évaluer comment ces effets varient selon les pays et au fil du temps.MéthodesNous avons utilisé les données de 217 enquêtes démographiques et santé menées dans 90 pays entre 1986 et 2013. Nous avons utilisé la régression de Poisson modifiée pour évaluer l'impact des infrastructures de l'eau et d'assainissement sur la prévalence de la diarrhée chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans.RésultatsL'impact de l'eau et de l'assainissement variait dans toutes les enquêtes et l'ajustement pour le statut socioéconomique conduisait ces estimations vers le néant. L'assainissement avait un effet plus important que l'infrastructure de l'eau lorsque toutes les 217 enquêtes ont été poolées. Toutefois, l'impact de l'assainissement a diminué au fil du temps. Basé sur des données d'enquêtes des dix dernières années, nous n'avons vu aucune preuve pour les bénéfices de l'amélioration de l'eau potable ou de l'assainissement seuls, mais nous avons estimé une réduction de 6% pour la combinaison des deux (rapport de prévalence = 0,94; IC95%: 0,91 à 0,98).ConclusionsLes interventions sur l'eau et l'assainissement devraient être combinées pour maximiser le nombre de cas de maladies diarrhéiques prévenus chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans. Des recherches supplémentaires devraient identifier les sources de variabilité observées entre les pays et dans le temps. Ces enquêtes nationales comportent probablement une erreur importante de mesure dans la catégorisation de l'eau et de l'assainissement, ce qui rend difficile l'interprétation des rôles des autres voies.ObjetivosEvaluar el efecto conjunto del agua e infraestructura sanitaria, y determinar si son servicios redundantes que previenen los mismos casos de enfermedad diarreica, actúan de forma independiente o actúan de forma sinérgica; y evaluar como dichos efectos varían según el país y a lo largo del tiempo.MétodosHemos utilizado los datos de 217 Censos Demográficos y de Salud realizados en 90 países entre 1986 y 2013. Hemos realizado una regresión de Poisson modificada para evaluar el impacto del agua y de la infraestructura sanitaria sobre la prevalencia de la diarrea en niños menores de cinco años.ResultadosEl impacto del agua y del saneamiento variaba a lo largo de los censos, y el ajustar según el estatus socioeconómico llevaba los resultados a cero. El saneamiento tenía un mayor efecto que la infraestructura para el agua si se agrupaban los 217 censos; sin embargo, el impacto del saneamiento disminuía a lo largo del tiempo. Basado en los datos censales de los últimos diez años, no encontramos evidencia de los beneficios de la mejora del agua para consumo o del saneamiento por sí solos, pero hemos estimado una reducción del 6% de las dos intervenciones combinadas (tasa de prevalencia = 0.94, IC 95% 0.91‐0.98).ConclusionesLas intervenciones en el agua o el saneamiento deberían combinarse para maximizar el número de casos de enfermedad diarréica prevenidas en niños menores de cinco años. Estudios futuros deberían identificar las fuentes de variabilidad observada entre países y a lo largo del tiempo. Es posible que los censos nacionales incluyan un error sustancial en la medición de las categorías de agua y saneamiento, lo cual complica la determinación del papel de vías alternativas.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110633/1/tmi12441.pd