40 research outputs found

    Serum levels of selenium and smoking habits at age 50 influence long term prostate cancer risk; a 34 year ULSAM follow-up

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    Background: Serum selenium level (s-Se) has been associated with prostate cancer (PrCa) risk. We investigated the relation between s-Se, smoking and non-screening detected PrCa and explored if polymorphisms in two DNA repair genes: OGG1 and MnSOD, influenced any effect of s-Se. Methods: ULSAM, a population based Swedish male cohort (n = 2322) investigated at age 50 for s-Se and s-Se influencing factors: serum cholesterol, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and smoking habits. At age 71 a subcohort, (n = 1005) was genotyped for OGG1 and MnSOD polymorphisms. Results: In a 34-year-follow-up, national registries identified 208 PrCa cases further confirmed in medical records. Participants with s-Se in the upper tertile had a non-significantly lower risk of PrCa. Smokers with s-Se in the two lower tertiles (<= 80 mu g/L) experienced a higher cumulative incidence of PrCa than smokers in the high selenium tertile (Hazard Ratio 2.39; 95% CI: 1.09-5.25). A high tertile selenium level in combination with non-wt rs125701 of the OGG1 gene in combination with smoking status or rs4880 related variation of MnSOD gene appeared to protect from PrCa. Conclusions: S-Se levels and smoking habits influence long-term risk of PrCa. Smoking as a risk factor for PrCa in men with low s-Se is relevant to explore further. Exploratory analyses of variations in OGG1 and MnSOD genes indicate that hypotheses about patterns of exposure to selenium and smoking combined with data on genetic variation in genes involved in DNA repair can be valuable to pursue

    Defining the Optimal Selenium Dose for Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction: Insights from the U-Shaped Relationship between Selenium Status, DNA Damage, and Apoptosis

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    Our work in dogs has revealed a U-shaped dose response between selenium status and prostatic DNA damage that remarkably parallels the relationship between dietary selenium and prostate cancer risk in men, suggesting that more selenium is not necessarily better. Herein, we extend this canine work to show that the selenium dose that minimizes prostatic DNA damage also maximizes apoptosis—a cancer-suppressing death switch used by prostatic epithelial cells. These provocative findings suggest a new line of thinking about how selenium can reduce cancer risk. Mid-range selenium status (.67–.92 ppm in toenails) favors a process we call “homeostatic housecleaning”—an upregulated apoptosis that preferentially purges damaged prostatic cells. Also, the U-shaped relationship provides valuable insight into stratifying individuals as selenium-responsive or selenium-refractory, based upon the likelihood of reducing their cancer risk by additional selenium. By studying elderly dogs, the only non-human animal model of spontaneous prostate cancer, we have established a robust experimental approach bridging the gap between laboratory and human studies that can help to define the optimal doses of cancer preventives for large-scale human trials. Moreover, our observations bring much needed clarity to the null results of the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) and set a new research priority: testing whether men with low, suboptimal selenium levels less than 0.8 ppm in toenails can achieve cancer risk reduction through daily supplementation

    Connexin Hemichannel Mimetic Peptide Attenuates Cortical Interneuron Loss and Perineuronal Net Disruption Following Cerebral Ischemia in Near-Term Fetal Sheep

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    Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia is associated with disruption of cortical gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons and their surrounding perineuronal nets, which may contribute to persisting neurological deficits. Blockade of connexin43 hemichannels using a mimetic peptide can alleviate seizures and injury after hypoxia-ischemia. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that connexin43 hemichannel blockade improves the integrity of cortical interneurons and perineuronal nets. Term-equivalent fetal sheep received 30 min of bilateral carotid artery occlusion, recovery for 90 min, followed by a 25-h intracerebroventricular infusion of vehicle or a mimetic peptide that blocks connexin hemichannels or by a sham ischemia + vehicle infusion. Brain tissues were stained for interneuronal markers or perineuronal nets. Cerebral ischemia was associated with loss of cortical interneurons and perineuronal nets. The mimetic peptide infusion reduced loss of glutamic acid decarboxylase-, calretinin-, and parvalbumin-expressing interneurons and perineuronal nets. The interneuron and perineuronal net densities were negatively correlated with total seizure burden after ischemia. These data suggest that the opening of connexin43 hemichannels after perinatal hypoxia-ischemia causes loss of cortical interneurons and perineuronal nets and that this exacerbates seizures. Connexin43 hemichannel blockade may be an effective strategy to attenuate seizures and may improve long-term neurological outcomes after perinatal hypoxia-ischemia