15 research outputs found

    Application of Permanent Magnet Bafe12o19 and Ndfeb on Small Scale Low Speed Permanent Magnet Generator

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    Designing and manufacturing of low speed permanent magnet generator (PMG) for small scale electric power plant have been conducted. In this paper, the characteristics of generator using permanent magnet of barium ferit (BaFe12O19) and neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) were compared. Surface mounted type is selected as the rotor structure as all flux faces to stator winding and take a role in energy conversion. The experiment result demonstrates that at nominal speed, generator with BaFe12O19 magnet can only generate power of 8.87 W while generator with NdFeB magnet can generate power of 1,988.93 W

    Citra Perempuan Dalam Naskah Syair Nabi Allah Ayub (Anonymous) Dalam Prespektif Islam: Kajian Semiotik

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    A manuscript entitled Syair Nabi Allah Ayub becomes the object of this study. It is written in Jawi. The manuscript was fisnished in the Barus, on 24-3-1273 or 22-11-1856. The text contains the life journey of the Prophet Ayub being tested by God with various trials. At the end of story, Angel Jibril and Mikail released all the trials and the Prophet Ayub regained its former glory. Many things can be explored with regard to the content of the texts, one of them about the imagery of woman in Islam described in the text of Syair Nabi Allah Ayub. It is analyzed by using Roland Barthes\u27 semiotic concept

    The Effect of the Work, Training and Motivation to Employee Productivity at PT. Bank Sulselbar Major Branch of Makassar

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    Quality human resources is one of the strengths owned by a company to achieve goals, one of which is to improve employee productivity. This study aims to analyze the extent to which influence factors work, training, and motivation to optimize work productivity achieved by employees at PT. Bank Sulselbar Main Branch of Makassar. The research method used is descriptive, validity, and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS softaware. From the calculation results obtained t value for the variable Working Period is equal to 10,818 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table of 1.671 while the sig value in the table of 0.000 because sig smaller than 0.05 that shows that Masa Work (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Work Productivity (Y). The value of t arithmetic for the training variable is 2,360 while the sig value in the table is 0,021 so it shows that Training (X1) has a positive and significant influence on Work Productivity (Y). The t value for the Motivation variable is 4,172 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table equal to 1.671 while the sig value in the table is 0.000 so that the Motivation (X3) has a positive and significant effect to the Work Productivity (Y) . While simultaneously, the calculation results obtained F-count larger than the F-table is 390.687> 2.53 While the sig value in the table of 0.000 is smaller than 0.005 indicates that the variable Working Period (x1), Training (x2), Motivation (X3) effect simultaneously or together to work productivity variable

    Pengaruh Sistem Pemeliharaan secara Intensif dan Semi Intensif pada Itik Magelang

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    Itik Magelang merupakan ternak unggas air lokal yang berasal dari daerah Magelang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi bobot badan dan bobot telur itik yang dipelihara secara intensif dan semi intensif. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini bahwa ada perbedaan antara bobot badan dan bobot telur Itik Magelang yang dipelihara secara intensif dan semi intensif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 100 ekor Itik Magelang yang berumur lebih dari 6 bulan, yang terdiri dari itik jantan 4 ekor dan itik betina 96 ekor. Parameter yang diamati adalah bobot badan dan bobot telur. Sampel diuji menggunakan paired sample T-test. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa Nilai t hitung bobot badan sebesar 6,637 dan bobot telur 3,242. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap bobot badan dan bobot telur antara itik yang dipelihara secara intensif dan semi intensif. Kesimpulan dari pemeliharaan sistem pemeliharaan semi intensif memiliki potensi yang besar untuk meningkatkan bobot badan lebih cepat yaitu 0,265 kg/ekor dan kuantitas serta kualitas telur yang lebih baik


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    PREPARATION OF BARIUM HEXAFERRITE BY SOL GEL SELF COMBUSTION USING POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Barium hexaferrite powders were produced by sol-gel auto-combustion. Ferric and barium nitrate in the molar ratio of 1:2, and Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) are used as starting materials. After gelation with ammonium hydroxide, dehydration and subsequent mechanical milling, auto combustion and calcination at temperature from 300 oC to 1250 oC were performed to produce barium ferrite powder. XRD pattern showed barium ferrite phase started to form at temperature of 500 oC and grew to single phase at 1000 oC, with hexagonal structure. At this stage, the powder has saturation and remanence magnetization of 50.9 emu/g and 33.6 emu/g, respectively, and coercivity of 2.94 kOe

    Perbedaan Tekanan Mesin Cetak Pneumatik terhadap Kualitas Fisik Permen Ternak: The Pressure Differences in Pneumatic Machine on the Physical Quality of Cattle Candy

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    Cattle candy is made using a pneumatic machine, namely the pressure force generated by the air pressure coming from the compressor. This study aimed to examine the effects of different pressures in cattle feed supplement pneumatic machines on physical quality, including moisture content, density, durability, and specific gravity. The cattle candy was made from pollard (30%), brown rice bran (10%), molasses (35%), limestone (8%), salt (5%), premix (2%), urea (5%), white cement (2%) and turmeric flour (3%). The candy was made in a size of 1 kg with a diameter of 17 cm. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 4 treatments (pressure differences of 5, 6, 7 and 8 bars) with 5 replications. The results showed that the pressure difference of 5-8 bars did not affect the physical quality (moisture content, density, impact resistance, and specific gravity) of cattle candy. The candy had a range of moisture content, density, durability and the specific gravity of 0.88%-0.90%, 0.93-0.94 g cm-3, 99.94%-100.00%, and 1.21-1.29 g mL-1, respectively. The conclusion of this study was that the pressure of 5-8 bars had not changed the physical quality of cattle candy. The use of low pressure (5 bars) was enough to produce good-quality cattle candy. Key words:        cattle candy, physical quality, pneumatic, pressur

    Preparation of Barium Hexaferrite by Sol Gel Self Combustion Using Polyvinyl Alcohol

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    PREPARATION OF BARIUM HEXAFERRITE BY SOL GEL SELF COMBUSTION USING POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Barium hexaferrite powders were produced by sol-gel auto-combustion. Ferric and barium nitrate in the molar ratio of 1:2, and Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) are used as starting materials. After gelation with ammonium hydroxide, dehydration and subsequent mechanical milling, auto combustion and calcination at temperature from 300 oC to 1250 oC were performed to produce barium ferrite powder. XRD pattern showed barium ferrite phase started to form at temperature of 500 oC and grew to single phase at 1000 oC, with hexagonal structure. At this stage, the powder has saturation and remanence magnetization of 50.9 emu/g and 33.6 emu/g, respectively, and coercivity of 2.94 kOe

    Pembuatan Magnet Barium Heksaferit Anisotrop

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    PEMBUATAN MAGNET BARIUM HEKSAFERIT ANISOTROP. Barium Heksaferit (BaFe12O19) merupakan bahan keramik dan material magnet yang biasanya digunakan untuk pembuatan magnet permanen. Pada penelitian dilakukan pembuatan magnet Barium Heksaferit yang Anisotrop, dan dapat diaplikasikan untuk loudspeaker, motor-motor listrik, dinamo dan KWH meter. Magnet ini sangat banyak digunakan karena mempunyai lnduksi Remanen (Br) dan koersifitas (Hc) yang tinggi. Selain itu teknologi proses yang digunakan lebih sederhana dan mudah, bahan baku murah dan mudah didapat, sehingga komponen magnet yang dihasilkan jauh lebih murah. Teknologi proses yang digunakan adalah Metalurgi Serbuk, yaitu mereaksikan semua bahan dalam bentuk serbuk (oksida) dengan distribusi ukuran tertentu, dan melalui tahapan preparasi yang cukup ketat. Tahap selanjutnya adalah pencampuran bahan baku berupa ferit dan barium karbonat dalam bentuk oksida, yang kemudian dikalsinasi, kompaksi sambil diarahkan (anisotrop), sintering dan karakterisaSi. Tujuan Anisotrop adalah untuk mensejajarkan arah partikel, sehingga magnet yang dihasilkan akan memiliki nilai lnduksi Remanen (Br) dan koersifitas (Hc) yang tinggi. Semua tahapan proses ini akan sangat menentukan karakteristik fisik maupun kimianya. Karakteristik magnet terbaik yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah : nilai lnduksi Remanen (Br) = 4,27 kG koersivitas (He) = 1,745 kOe dan BHmaks = 2,3l MGOe