27 research outputs found

    The Effect of Binderflour Substitution of Tapioca with Durian(durio Zibethinus Murr) and Jackfruit (Artocarpus Chempeden)seeds Flour on the Quality of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus)meatballs Stored at Cold Temperature (5°c)

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    The purpose of this research was to know the effect of using combination of durian seeds flour (Durio zibethinus murr) and jackfruit seeds flour (Artocarpus chempeden) as the binder flours to substitute tapioca flour on quality of catfish(Clarias gariepinus) meatballs stored at cold temperatures (5°C). This research was using randomized block design composed factorially in experimental method. The treatment conducted was consisted of 2 level combination, namely: (H0without a binderdurian seed flour and jackfruit seed flour, as a control) and (H1 with a binder combination of 10% durian seed flour and 30% jackfruit seed flour). The parameters tested were organoleptic and chemical. The results showed that substitutionof tapioca flour with combination durian seed flour and jackfruit seed flour was indicated the best quality. The value of the organoleptic score of. catfish meatballs was 8,01 and had the shelf-live for 12 daysstored at cold temperature (5°C). The fish meatball contained 6,36% protein and 75,17% moisture. It could be concluded that the durian seeds flour and jackfruit seeds flour can substitute tapioca flour

    Waste Tire Application in Concrete Structures

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    The waste tire is produced more than 10 million tons every year in the world. This problem needs serious treatment to eliminate the waste tires. This work is aimed to recycle the waste tire in concrete as a reinforcement. The contribution of the waste tires in flexural strength capacity of concrete is investigated by using experimental work and numerical simulation. Since material is quite non-homogenous compared to the pure concrete, we use six concrete beam specimens with dimension 150 mm x 150 mm x 1000 mm to get better fitting results. One specimen is non reinforced concrete beam and five specimens are waste tires reinforced concrete beam. For each of the five specimen, the waste tire reinforcement is tensioned with 0%, 17%, 25%, 40% and 60% strain before casting the concrete. The flexural strength tests are conducted after 28 days concrete ages under three point loadings. After the test, we observe that the waste tire reinforcement together with pre-stress contribute significantly on the flexural strength of the concrete beam as predicted. Finally, to support the test, finite element analysis is performed as well in this work and compared with the experimental results

    Desain Model Pengelolaan Kebun Kelapa Sawit Plasma Berkelanjutan Berbasis Pendekatan Sistem Dinamis (Studi Kasus Kebun Kelapa Sawit Plasma PTP Nusantara V Sei Pagar, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau)

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    EnglishManagement of nucleus smallholder oil palm after the conversion is not meeting the recommendation standard which leads to the production decrease. For this reason, this research was conducted at PTP Nusantara V Sei Pagar nucleus smallholder oil palm, Kampar District, Riau Province from January 2007 to March 2008. The objectives of this research are to design sustainable management model of nucleus smallholder oil palm meet the biophysical (planet), economical (profit) and social (people) aspects. The research extensively used primary and secondary data of biophysical, economical and social aspects. Sources of the biophysical secondary data were PTPN V and related local government institutions. The biophysical primary data was collected through observation method, while economical and social data were collected through interview technique with farmers, farmer\u27s groups and Village Cooperative Unit staffs using structured questionnaires. There were 100 respondents, selected randomly using stratified random sampling method. The data was analyzed using Power Sim program. The results showed that the design of sustainable nucleus smallholder oil palm management model for 2010-2035 satisfies biophysical, economical and social aspects. The indicators namely fresh fruit bunch yield at about 25.83 ton/ha/year, the increasing of soil degradation and the decreasing of environmental capacity at lower levels of about 0.03-0.8% and 0.002-0.1%, respectively. The average farmer\u27s income at Rp. 22,859,950/ha/year, and community income surrounding the oil palm plantation at the average of Rp. 16,845,025/year, a value that higher than the regional minimum wage of Riau Province. Human resources quality increased indicated by the education level equivalent with the income of oil palm labor at about Rp. 55 million annually.IndonesianPengelolaan kebun kelapa sawit plasma pascakonversi tidak sesuai standar yang dianjurkan sehingga berdampak terhadap penurunan produksi. Untuk itu, telah dilakukan penelitian di kebun kelapa sawit plasma PTP Nusantara V Sei Pagar, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau dari bulan Januari 2007 sampai Maret 2008. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk merancang model pengelolaan kebun kelapa sawit plasma berkelanjutan yang memenuhi aspek biofisik (planet), ekonomi (profit), dan sosial (people). Penelitian menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang menyangkut aspek biofisik, ekonomi, dan sosial. Data sekunder bersumber dari PTPN V dan instansi terkait pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Riau. Data primer biofisik dikumpulkan dangan observasi lapang, data ekonomi dan sosial dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung ke petani, kelompok tani dan staf KUD dengan kuesioner terstruktur. Jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang yang diambil secara acak bertingkat (stratified random). Data terkumpul dianalisis dengan program Power Sim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pengelolaan berkelanjutan yang dirancang untuk periode 2010-2035 mampu memenuhi aspek biofisik, ekonomi, dan sosial dengan indikator produksi tandan buah segar (TBS) rata-rata 25,83 ton/ha/tahun, peningkatan degradasi lahan dan penurunan daya dukung lingkungan sangat rendah, masing-masing sebasar 0,03-0,08 persen dan 0,002-0,01 persen. Pendapatan petani rata-rata sebesar Rp 22.859.950/ha/tahun dan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar kebun rata-rata Rp 16.845.025/tahun yang melebihi tingkat Upah Minimum Regional Provinsi Riau. Kualitas sumberdaya manusia meningkat yang tercermin dari tingkat pendidikan yang disetarakan dengan pendapatan yang diperoleh sebagai tenaga kerja di perkebunan kelapa sawit sampai Rp 55.000.000/tahun