494 research outputs found

    Quantified HI Morphology V: HI Disks in the Virgo Cluster

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    We explore the quantified morphology of atomic hydrogen (HI) disks in the Virgo cluster. These galaxies display a wealth of phenomena in their Hi morphology, e.g., tails, truncation and warps. These morphological disturbances are related to the ram-pressure stripping and tidal interaction that galaxies undergo in this dense cluster environment. To quantify the morphological transformation of the HI disks, we compute the morphological parameters of CAS, Gini, and M20 and our own GM for 51 galaxies in 48 HI column density maps from the VIVA project. Some morphological phenomena can be identified in this space of relatively low resolution HI data. Truncation of the HI disk can be cleanly identified via the Concentration parameter (C<1) and Concentration can also be used to identify HI deficient disks (1<C<5). Tidal interaction is typically identified using combinations of these morphological parameters, applied to (optical) images of galaxies. We find that some selection criteria (Gini-M20, Asymmetry, and a modified Concentration-M20) are still applicable for the coarse (~15" FWHM) VIVA HI data. The phenomena of tidal tails can be reasonably well identified using the Gini-M20 criterion (60% of galaxies with tails identified but with as many contaminants). Ram-pressure does move HI disks into and out of most of our interaction criteria: the ram-pressure sequence identified by Vollmer et al. (2009) tracks into and out of some of these criteria (Asymmetry based and the Gini-M20 selections, but not the Concentration-M20 or the GM based ones). Therefore, future searches for interaction using HI morphologies should take ram-pressure into account as a mechanism to disturb HI disks enough to make them appear as gravitationally interacting. One mechanism would be to remove all the HI deficient (C<5) disks from the sample, as these have undergone more than one HI removal mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS, appendixes not include

    Quantified Morphology of HI Disks in the Universe

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    he upcoming new perspective of the high redshift Universe in the 21 cm line of atomic hydrogen opens possibilities to explore topics of spiral disk evolution, hitherto reserved for the optical regime. The growth of spiral gas disks over Cosmic time can be explored with the new generation of radio telescopes, notably the SKA, and its precursors, as accurately as with the Hubble Space Telescope for stellar disks. Since the atomic hydrogen gas is the building block of these disks, it should trace their formation accurately. Morphology of HI disks can now equally be quantified over Cosmic time. In studies of HST deep fields, the optical or UV morphology of high-redshift galaxy disks have been characterized using a few quantities: concentration (C), asymmetry (A), smoothness (S), second-order-moment (M20), the GINI coefficient (G), and Ellipticity (E). We have applied these parameters across wavelengths and compared them to the HI morphology over the THINGS sample. NGC 3184, an unperturbed disk, and NGC 5194, the canonical 3:1 interaction, serve as examples for quantified morphology. We find that morphology parameters determined in HI are as good or better a tracer of interaction compared to those in any other wavelength, notably in Asymmetry, Gini and M20. This opens the possibility of using them in the parameterization pipeline for SKA precursor catalogues to select interacting or harassed galaxies from their HI morphology. Asymmetry, Gini and M20 may be redefined for use on data-cubes rather than HI column density image.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceeding of the conference "Panoramic Radio Astronomy: Wide-field 1-2 GHz research on galaxy evolution", June 02 - 05 2009, Groningen, update after small edit

    Quantified HI Morphology VII: star-formation and tidal influence on local dwarf HI morphology

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    Scale-invariant morphology parameters applied to atomic hydrogen maps (HI) of galaxies can be used to quantify the effects of tidal interaction or star-formation on the ISM. Here we apply these parameters, Concentration, Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, M20, and the GM parameter, to two public surveys of nearby dwarf galaxies, the VLA-ANGST and LITTLE-THINGS survey, to explore whether tidal interaction or the ongoing or past star-formation is a dominant force shaping the HI disk of these dwarfs. Previously, HI morphological criteria were identified for ongoing spiral-spiral interactions. When we apply these to the Irregular dwarf population, they either select almost all or none of the population. We find that only the Asymmetry-based criteria can be used to identify very isolated dwarfs (i.e., these have a low tidal indication). Otherwise, there is little or no relation between the level of tidal interaction and the HI morphology. We compare the HI morphology to three star-formation rates based on either Halpha, FUV or the resolved stellar population, probing different star-formation time-scales. The HI morphology parameters that trace the inequality of the distribution, the Gini, GM, and M20 parameters, correlate weakly with all these star-formation rates. This is in line with the picture that local physics dominates the ISM appearance and not tidal effects. Finally, we compare the SDSS measures of star-formation and stellar mass to the HI morphological parameters for all four HI surveys. In the two lower-resolution HI surveys (12"), there is no relation between star-formation measures and HI morphology. The morphology of the two high-resolution HI surveys (6"), the Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, M20, and GM, do show a link to the total star-formation, but a weak one.Comment: 26 figures, 4 tables, two appendices. Third appendix (HI maps of all galaxies) omitted. Accepted by MNRA

    Quantified HI Morphology III: Merger Visibility Times from HI in Galaxy Simulations

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    Major mergers of disk galaxies are thought to be a substantial driver in galaxy evolution. To trace the fraction and the rate galaxies are in mergers over cosmic times, several observational techniques, including morphological selection criteria, have been developed over the last decade. We apply this morphological selection of mergers to 21 cm radio emission line (HI) column density images of spiral galaxies in nearby surveys. In this paper, we investigate how long a 1:1 merger is visible in HI from N-body simulations. We evaluate the merger visibility times for selection criteria based on four parameters: Concentration, Asymmetry, M20, and the Gini parameter of second order moment of the flux distribution (GM). Of three selection criteria used in the literature, one based on Concentration and M20 works well for the HI perspective with a merger time scale of 0.4 Gyr. Of the three selection criteria defined in our previous paper, the GM performs well and cleanly selects mergers for 0.69 Gyr. The other two criteria (A-M20 and C-M20), select isolated disks as well, but perform best for face-on, gas-rich disks (T(merger) ~ 1 Gyr). The different visibility scales can be combined with the selected fractions of galaxies in any large HI survey to obtain merger rates in the nearby Universe. All-sky surveys such as WALLABY with ASKAP and the Medium Deep Survey with the APETIF instrument on Westerbork are set to revolutionize our perspective on neutral hydrogen and will provide an accurate measure of the merger fraction and rate of the present epoch.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include

    Quantified H i Morphology VII: The Morphology of Extended Disks in UV and H i

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    Extended UltraViolet (xuv) disks have been found in a substantial fraction of late-type --S0, spiral and irregular-- galaxies. Similarly, most late-type spirals have an extended gas disk, observable in the 21cm radio line (HI). The morphology of galaxies can be quantified well using a series of scale-invariant parameters; Concentration- Asymmetry-Smoothness (CAS), Gini, M20, and GM parameters. In this paper, we compare the quantified morphology and effective radius (R50) of the Westerbork observations of neutral Hydrogen in Irregular and Spiral galaxies Project (WHISP) HI maps to those of far-and near-ultraviolet images obtained with galex, to explore how close the morphology and scales of HI and UV in these disks correlate. We find that xuv disks do not stand out by their effective radii in UV or HI. However, the concentration index in FUV appears to select some xuv disks. And known xuv disks can be identified via a criterion using Asymmetry and M20; 80% of xuv disks are included but with 55% contamination. This translates into 61 candidate xuv disk out of our 266 galaxies, (23%) consistent with previous findings. We consider three scenarios; tidal features from major mergers, the typical extended Hi disk is a photo- dissociation product of the xuv regions and both Hi and UV features originate in cold flows fueling the main galaxy. We define extended HI and UV disks based on their concentration (CHI > 5 and CFUV > 4 respectively), but note that these two subsamples never overlap in the WHISP sample. This appears to discount a simple photo-dissociation origin of the outer HI disk. Previously, we identified the morphology space occupied by ongoing major mergers. Known xuv disks rarely reside in the merger dominated part of HI morphology space but those that do are Type 1. This suggests cold flows as the origin for the xuv complexes and their surrounding HI structures.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Quantified HI Morphology II : Lopsidedness and Interaction in WHISP Column Density Maps

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    Lopsidedness of the gaseous disk of spiral galaxies is a common phenomenon in disk morphology, profile and kinematics. Simultaneously, the asymmetry of a galaxy's stellar disk, in combination with other morphological parameters, has seen extensive use as an indication of recent merger or interaction in galaxy samples. Quantified morphology of stellar spiral disks is one avenue to determine the merger rate over much of the age of the Universe. In this paper, we measure the quantitative morphology parameters for the HI column density maps from the Westerbork observations of neutral Hydrogen in Irregular and SPiral galaxies (WHISP). These are Concentration, Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, M20, and one addition of our own, the Gini parameter of the second order moment (GM). Our aim is to determine if lopsided or interacting disks can be identified with these parameters. Our sample of 141 HI maps have all previous classifications on their lopsidedness and interaction. We find that the Asymmetry, M20, and our new GM parameter correlate only weakly with the previous morphological lopsidedness quantification. These three parameters may be used to compute a probability that an HI disk is morphologically lopsided but not unequivocally to determine it. However, we do find that that the question whether or not an HI disk is interacting can be settled well using morphological parameters. Parameter cuts from the literature do not translate from ultraviolet to HI directly but new selection criteria using combinations of Asymmetry and M20 or Concentration and M20, work very well. We suggest that future all-sky HI surveys may use these parameters of the column density maps to determine the merger fraction and hence rate in the local Universe with a high degree of accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include

    Quantified HI Morphology I: Multi-Wavelengths Analysis of the THINGS Galaxies

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    Galaxy evolution is driven to a large extent by interactions and mergers with other galaxies and the gas in galaxies is extremely sensitive to the interactions. One method to measure such interactions uses the quantified morphology of galaxy images. Well-established parameters are Concentration, Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, and M20 of a galaxy image. Thus far, the application of this technique has mostly been restricted to restframe ultra-violet and optical images. However, with the new radio observatories being commissioned (MeerKAT, ASKAP, EVLA, WSRT/APERTIF, and ultimately SKA), a new window on the neutral atomic hydrogen gas (HI) morphology of a large numbers of galaxies will open up. The quantified morphology of gas disks of spirals can be an alternative indicator of the level and frequency of interaction. The HI in galaxies is typically spatially more extended and more sensitive to low-mass or weak interactions. In this paper, we explore six morphological parameters calculated over the extent of the stellar (optical) disk and the extent of the gas disk for a range of wavelengths spanning UV, Optical, Near- and Far-Infrared and 21 cm (HI) of 28 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). Though the THINGS sample is small and contains only a single ongoing interaction, it spans both non-interacting and post-interacting galaxies with a wealth of multi-wavelength data. We find that the choice of area for the computation of the morphological parameters is less of an issue than the wavelength at which they are measured. The signal of interaction is as good in the HI as in any of the other wavelengths in which morphology has been used to trace the interaction rate to date, mostly star-formation dominated ones (near- and far-ultraviolet). The Asymmetry and M20 parameters are the ones which show the most promise as tracers of interaction in 21 cm line observations.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure, table 1, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include
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