344 research outputs found

    Spectrum of low energy excitations in the vortex state: comparison of Doppler shift method to quasiclassical approach

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    We present a detailed comparison of numerical solutions of the quasiclassical Eilenberger equations with several approximation schemes for the density of states of s- and d-wave superconductors in the vortex state, which have been used recently. In particular, we critically examine the use of the Doppler shift method, which has been claimed to give good results for d-wave superconductors. Studying the single vortex case we show that there are important contributions coming from core states, which extend far from the vortex cores into the nodal directions and are not present in the Doppler shift method, but significantly affect the density of states at low energies. This leads to sizeable corrections to Volovik's law, which we expect to be sensitive to impurity scattering. For a vortex lattice we also show comparisons with the method due to Brandt, Pesch, and Tewordt and an approximate analytical method, generalizing a method due to Pesch. These are high field approximations strictly valid close to the upper critical field Bc2. At low energies the approximate analytical method turns out to give impressively good results over a broad field range and we recommend the use of this method for studies of the vortex state at not too low magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures; revised version, error in Fig. 6b remove

    Tunneling spectroscopy for probing orbital anisotropy in iron pnictides

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    Using realistic multi-orbital tight-binding Hamiltonians and the T-matrix formalism, we explore the effects of a non-magnetic impurity on the local density of states in Fe-based compounds. We show that scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) has very specific anisotropic signatures that track the evolution of orbital splitting (OS) and antiferromagnetic gaps. Both anisotropies exhibit two patterns that split in energy with decreasing temperature, but for OS these two patterns map onto each other under 90 degree rotation. STS experiments that observe these signatures should expose the underlying magnetic and orbital order as a function of temperature across various phase transitions.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, replacement with minor changes suggested by referee

    Vortex core shrinkage in a two gap superconductor: application to MgB2

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    As a model for the vortex core in MgB2 we study a two band model with a clean sigma band and a dirty pi band. We present calculations of the vortex core size in both bands as a function of temperature and show that there exists a Kramer-Pesch effect in both bands even though only one of the bands is in the clean limit. We present calculations for different pi band diffusivities and coherence lengths.Comment: Submitted to M2S-HTSC-VIII conference proceeding

    Induced Kramer-Pesch-Effect in a Two Gap Superconductor: Application to MgB2

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    The size of the vortex core in a clean superconductor is strongly temperature dependent and shrinks with decreasing temperature, decreasing to zero for T -> 0. We study this so-called Kramer-Pesch effect both for a single gap superconductor and for the case of a two gap superconductor using parameters appropriate for Magnesium Diboride. Usually, the Kramer-Pesch effect is absent in the dirty limit. Here, we show that the Kramer-Pesch effect exists in both bands of a two gap superconductor even if only one of the two bands is in the clean limit and the other band in the dirty limit, a case appropriate for MgB2. In this case an induced Kramer-Pesch effect appears in the dirty band. Besides numerical results we also present an analytical model for the spatial variation of the pairing potential in the vicinity of the vortex center that allows a simple calculation of the vortex core radius even in the limit T -> 0.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Fermi surface topology and vortex state in MgB2

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    Based on a detailed modeling of the Fermi surface topology of MgB2 we calculated the anisotropy of the upper critical field Bc2 within the two gap model. The sigma-band is modeled as a distorted cylinder and the pi-band as a half-torus, with parameters determined from bandstructure calculations. Our results show that the unusual strong temperature dependence of the Bc2 anisotropy, that has been observed recently, can be understood due to the small c-axis dispersion of the cylindrical Fermi surface sheets and the small interband pairing interaction as obtained from bandstructure calculations. We calculate the magnetic field dependence of the density of states within the vortex state for field in c-axis direction and compare with recent measurements of the specific heat on MgB2 single crystals.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Andreev bound states at a cuprate grain boundary junction: A lower bound for the upper critical field

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    We investigate in-plane quasiparticle tunneling across thin film grain boundary junctions (GBJs) of the electron-doped cuprate La2x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_4 in magnetic fields up to B=16B=16 T, perpendicular to the CuO2_2 layers. The differential conductance in the superconducting state shows a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) due to zero energy surface Andreev bound states. With increasing temperature TT, the ZBCP vanishes at the critical temperature Tc29T_c\approx29 K if B=0, and at T=12T=12 K for B=16 T. As the ZBCP is related to the macroscopic phase coherence of the superconducting state, we argue that the disappearance of the ZBCP at a field BZBCP(T)B_{ZBCP}(T) must occur below the upper critical field Bc2(T)B_{c2}(T) of the superconductor. We find BZBCP(0)25B_{ZBCP}(0) \approx 25 T which is at least a factor of 2.5 higher than previous estimates of Bc2(0)B_{c2}(0).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Andreev reflection in a two-orbital model of iron-pnictide superconductors

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    A recently developed theory for the problem of Andreev reflection between a normal metal (N) and a multiband superconductor (MBS) assumes that the incident wave from the normal metal is coherently transmitted through several bands inside the superconductor. Such splitting of the probability amplitude into several channels is the analogue of a quantum waveguide. Thus, the appropriate matching conditions for the wave function at the N/MBS interface are derived from an extension of quantum waveguide theory. Interference effects between the transmitted waves inside the superconductor manifest themselves in the conductance. We provide results for a FeAs superconductor, in the framework of a recently proposed effective two-band model and two recently proposed gap symmetries: in the sign-reversed s-wave (Δcos(kx)cos(ky)\Delta\cos(k_x)\cos(k_y)) scenario resonant transmission through surface Andreev bound states (ABS) at nonzero energy is found as well as destructive interference effects that produce zeros in the conductance; in the extended s-wave (Δ[cos(kx)+cos(ky)]\Delta[\cos(k_x)+\cos(k_y)]) scenario no ABS at finite energy are found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Local density of states at polygonal boundaries of d-wave superconductors

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    Besides the well-known existence of Andreev bound states, the zero-energy local density of states at the boundary of a d-wave superconductor strongly depends on the boundary geometry itself. In this work, we examine the influence of both a simple wedge-shaped boundary geometry and a more complicated polygonal or faceted boundary structure on the local density of states. For a wedge-shaped boundary geometry, we find oscillations of the zero-energy density of states in the corner of the wedge, depending on the opening angle of the wedge. Furthermore, we study the influence of a single Abrikosov vortex situated near a boundary, which is of either macroscopic or microscopic roughness.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Shadow on the wall cast by an Abrikosov vortex

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    At the surface of a d-wave superconductor, a zero-energy peak in the quasiparticle spectrum can be observed. This peak appears due to Andreev bound states and is maximal if the nodal direction of the d-wave pairing potential is perpendicular to the boundary. We examine the effect of a single Abrikosov vortex in front of a reflecting boundary on the zero-energy density of states. We can clearly see a splitting of the low-energy peak and therefore a suppression of the zero-energy density of states in a shadow-like region extending from the vortex to the boundary. This effect is stable for different models of the single Abrikosov vortex, for different mean free paths and also for different distances between the vortex center and the boundary. This observation promises to have also a substantial influence on the differential conductance and the tunneling characteristics for low excitation energies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Superconductivity in striped and multi-Fermi-surface Hubbard models: From the cuprates to the pnictides

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    Single- and multi-band Hubbard models have been found to describe many of the complex phenomena that are observed in the cuprate and iron-based high-temperature superconductors. Simulations of these models therefore provide an ideal framework to study and understand the superconducting properties of these systems and the mechanisms responsible for them. Here we review recent dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulations of these models, which provide an unbiased view of the leading correlations in the system. In particular, we discuss what these simulations tell us about superconductivity in the homogeneous 2D single-orbital Hubbard model, and how charge stripes affect this behavior. We then describe recent simulations of a bilayer Hubbard model, which provides a simple model to study the type and nature of pairing in systems with multiple Fermi surfaces such as the iron-based superconductors.Comment: Published as part of Superstripes 2011 (Rome) conference proceeding