137 research outputs found

    Bethe Ansatz Equations for General Orbifolds of N=4 SYM

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    We consider the Bethe Ansatz Equations for orbifolds of N =4 SYM w.r.t. an arbitrary discrete group. Techniques used for the Abelian orbifolds can be extended to the generic non-Abelian case with minor modifications. We show how to make a transition between the different notations in the quiver gauge theory.Comment: LaTeX, 66 pages, 9 eps figures, minor corrections, references adde


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    We realized, prospective study, including staging clinicolaboratory and specialized neurological research during 12 months after the operation, to estimate the course of disseminated, sclerosis after Cesarean section at the neuroaxial blockades with use of modern local anesthetics. We observed 17 patients of 26—30 years with disseminated, sclerosis. It is showed, that neuroaxial anesthesia techniques with modern local anesthetics at the operative delivery don't worsen the prognosis of underlying disease

    Verificação do apoio gerencial da trajetória profissional e educacional dos alunos no ambiente educacional sociocultural da universidade

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the processes of modernization of vocational education and the transition to the educational standards of the third generation, which open up new opportunities for students and teachers. Step-by-step management support of professional and educational trajectory of students requires organizational conditions and the development of technology for its practical implementation. Identifying the level of motivation in students when choosing a future profession allows assessing the level of inclusion of students in educational and cognitive activities and determining how far it is from the optimal motivational level, which allows the student achieving their goals, advancing in professional and personal development. At the initial stage of diagnosis, the analysis of professional experience of students, successes and problems in the training practice of the first year of training is carried out, at the next stage, the results of research activities on the results of the second year of training are analyzed. Activity-practical criterion, indicators of which are formed professional skills, primary professional experience, being in a sense the total overall performance indicator of professional and personal development of students, also changes qualitatively in the direction of improvement.La relevancia del estudio está determinada por los procesos de modernización de la educación vocacional y la transición a los estándares educativos de la tercera generación, que abren nuevas oportunidades para estudiantes y profesores. El apoyo paso a paso de la gestión de la trayectoria profesional y educativa de los estudiantes requiere condiciones organizativas y el desarrollo de tecnología para su implementación práctica. Identificar el nivel de motivación en los estudiantes al elegir una profesión futura permite evaluar el nivel de inclusión de los estudiantes en actividades educativas y cognitivas y determinar qué tan lejos está del nivel motivacional óptimo, lo que permite al estudiante alcanzar sus metas, avanzando en lo profesional y en el desarrollo peronal. En la etapa inicial del diagnóstico, el análisis de la experiencia profesional de los estudiantes, los éxitos y los problemas en la práctica de capacitación del primer año se lleva a cabo. En la siguiente etapa, se analizan los resultados de las actividades de investigación sobre los resultados del segundo año de capacitación. El criterio práctico de la actividad, cuyos indicadores son habilidades profesionales formadas, experiencia profesional primaria, siendo en cierto sentido el indicador de rendimiento global total del desarrollo profesional y personal de los estudiantes, también cambia cualitativamente en la dirección de la mejora.A relevância do estudo é determinada pelos processos de modernização do ensino profissional e pela transição para os padrões educacionais da terceira geração, que abrem novas oportunidades para alunos e professores. O apoio passo a passo da gestão da trajetória profissional e educacional dos alunos requer condições organizacionais e o desenvolvimento de tecnologia para sua implementação prática. Identificar o nível de motivação dos alunos na escolha de uma profissão futura para avaliar o nível de inclusão de alunos em actividades educativas e cognitivas e determinar o quão longe é o nível motivacional ideal, que permite que o aluno a alcançar seus objetivos, o progresso na profissional e no desenvolvimento peronal. Na fase inicial do diagnóstico, ocorre a análise da experiência profissional dos alunos, sucessos e problemas na prática do primeiro ano de treinamento. Na etapa seguinte, são analisados os resultados das atividades de pesquisa sobre os resultados do segundo ano de treinamento. O critério prático da atividade, cujos indicadores são habilidades profissionais treinadas, experiência profissional primária, sendo de certa forma o indicador do desempenho global total do desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal dos estudantes, também muda qualitativamente na direção da melhoria

    Morphological characteristics of zone of titanium nickelide mesh prosthesis implantation after esophagocardiopexy in experiment

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    The results of research using 20 rabbits are presented in the article. All animals underwent esophagocardiopexia by fixing nickel titanium mesh prosthesis to the diaphragm and the anterior wall of the stomach. The morphology of tissues in contact with the implant, histological and ultramicroscopic picture were assessed. Evaluation of foreign body reaction have demonstrated minimal degree of tissue reactions. After 6 weeks the changes of normal histological structure of the investigated organs were not detected. At the end of research period the collagen fibers formed the ordered structures around the metallic filaments. The obtained data have shown high biocompatibility of titanium nickelide mesh prosthesis and the low level of mesh-related complications

    Application of diaphragm crurotomy by A.G. Savinykh at the reconstruction of oesophagealintestinal anastomosis after gastrectomy

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    We report the analysis of the results forming esophageal-jejunal anastomosis in 19 patients with postgastrectomy syndrome after radical treatment of gastric cancer. Diaphragm crurotomy technically facilitates the formation of the anastomosis. The results of a comprehensive survey show that the healing of the esophageal-intestinal anastomosis is held by the type of primary tension in 16 (84,2%) operated patients, and in the late postoperative period shows no sign of stenosis of the anastomotic ring and the last remains elastic, performing closing function. Up to 1 year after surgery the overall quality of life in patients increased on average by 7,5% and amounted to 112,6 ± 5,1 points. Three years after surgery index tended to increase, reaching an average of 120,2 ± 4,1 points

    Особенности хиругического лечения посттравматической разной длины нижних конечностей у взрослых пациентов

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    Relevance. Different lengths of the lower extremities have a negative impact on the position of the pelvis and spine and lead to secondary deformities. To prevent these consequences, early surgical correction of the shortening is necessary.Aim of study. Study of the features of post-traumatic shortening of the lower extremities, mechanisms of adaptation to this condition and, on the basis of this, optimization of surgical technique when performing reconstructive and restorative operations.Material and methods. A total of 276 patients with posttraumatic shortening of the lower extremities were examined, 102 of whom were operated on. Comparative radiography of both legs was used to diagnose different lengths. The Ilizarov method was used as the main method of surgical correction.Results. We studied the mechanisms of adaptation of patients to post-traumatic shortening of the hip and lower leg and optimized surgical technique. A method was developed for determining the optimal elongation value.Conclusion. The most effective and least traumatic method is external osteosynthesis according to Ilizarov. Distraction in the apparatus allows the formation of a regenerate of the required shape and length and the elongation of exactly the amount that is optimal for a given patient.Актуальность. Разная длина нижних конечностей оказывает негативное влияние на положение таза и позвоночника и приводит к вторичным деформациям. Для предотвращения этих последствий необходима ранняя хирургическая коррекция укорочений.Цель исследования. Изучение особенностей посттравматических укорочений нижних конечностей, механизмов адаптации к данному состоянию и, на основании этого, оптимизация хирургической техники при выполнении реконструктивно-восстановительных операций.Материал и методы. Обследовали 276 пациентов с посттравматическими укорочениями нижних конечностей, 102 из которых оперировали. При диагностике разной длины использовали сравнительную рентгенографию обеих ног. В качестве основного метода хирургической коррекции применяли метод Илизарова.Результаты. Изучили механизмы адаптации пациентов к посттравматическим укорочениям бедра и голени. Оптимизировали технику хирургического лечения. Разработали методику определения оптимальной величины удлинения.Заключение. Наиболее эффективным и наименее травматичным методом является внешний остеосинтез по Илизарову. Дистракция в аппарате позволяет формировать регенерат необходимой формы и длины и производить удлинение именно на ту величину, которая является оптимальной для данного пациента