652 research outputs found

    Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Cpns) Dari Jalur Tenaga Honorer Dikabupaten Kampar Tahun 2012

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    The human resource in a region government is the most important component that can determine whether all procedurs in region government run well or not. It will run well, if it is supported by the best quality of human resovrse. If so all of the purposes will be reached efedifically and efisienlyAll of the human resourse who work in a region government called sipil servant. Based on the data from Kampar Regency. There are so many honorers who are waiting to be sipil servants. They are willing to be sipil servants as soon as possible, because they have worked for many years as honorers. Beside that, they also have had all of the conditions to e sipil servant.A ppointment of temporary employee benefits in the sipil servant in Kampar Refency 2012 is give an effect if social stat good governance. Sometimes called position is defined as a rank or profession as a temporary employee who originally as a temporary employee sekeratariat Kampar Regency.Civil servants were needed and as many as 135 permanent employees have been appointed as civil servants and rests on the applicable provisions that met the demands of professionalism of civil servants candidates as expected in implementation terms of appointment of civil service candidates from these temporary employees in technical positions not so relevant because there are not appointed as civil servants

    Pelayanan Kesehatan Bagi Pasien Bpjs (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial) di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2016

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    Patient satisfaction in health services is very important to note because it can describe the service in place of health services. Siak District General Hospital (RSUD) Siak is a C class state hospital located in Siak District. The hospital is able to provide limited specialist medical services. The decreasing and increasing number of patient visits BPJS every year, then the indication of a gap between services received with the expected BPJS patients at Siak Public Hospital (RSUD). He formulation of this research problem is: How the quality of health services for patients BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) at the Regional General Hospital of Siak Regency Year 2016? Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method that is trying to explain based on the phenomena that exist and trace all the facts related to the problems discussed based on the results of research that is Quality Health Services For Patients BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) At Home General Hospital of Siak Regency Year 2016. The result of the research stated that the health service for Patient BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) at Siak District General Hospital 2016, can be said is still low, that is on the punctuality of service, the process of health service use of computerized system is still low, Affairs will not be controlled properly, even lost so that can not be accounted for patients. On the ease of providing health services for Patients BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) at Siak District Public Hospital 2016, in terms of setting administrative requirements are still too rigid but in accordance with the rules set. On the accuracy of services still found the existence of discrimination in the provision of health services for Patients BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) at Siak District Public Hospital 2016. On the suitability of health services, BPJS Kab. Siak receive complaints and follow up until all the health services for the Patient BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) at Siak District Public Hospital 2016 has been completely finished

    Vicinity| [Poems]

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    Peranan Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama (Kppp) Pekanbaru Tampan Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Membayar Pajak

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    This study aims to determine the participation of the community to paying taxes 2015, knowing the role of the tax at KPP Pekanbaru Tampan ini paying taxis at 2015 This research conducted at the KPP Pratama Pekanbaru Tampan is located at Jln Arengka Ring Road II (Jln SM Amin), Pekanbaru. The source data of this study is the informant on KPP Pekanbaru Tampan, particularly data regarding the role of the community in paying taxes, the efforts and factors that inhibiting participation in paying taxes. The informanta are all employees at the KPP Pekanbaru Tampan. Analysis data using qualitative descriptive approach. The study states that the KPPP Pekanbaru Tampan improve community participation to pay taxes to have some role or business include: providing extension, hold services of tax consultancy, dissemination of information on tax and publishing book of tax, mass media, through campaign with the distribution of brochures and souvenirs to the public (tax payer), and provide a drop box. Factors that inhibit the KPPP Pekanbaru Tampan in improving community participation to pay taxes such as: a) the quality of service. This factor is the lack of front-liner, b) The originating factors from outside, this factor is a system that is too difficult to understand and not up to date

    The impact of ignition delay and further fuel properties on combustion and emissions in a compression ignition engine

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    Better understanding of combustion and formation of exhaust gas pollutants of fuels is needed in order to meet stringent regulation standards of a diesel engine. The cetane number is one of the most-cited indicators of diesel fuel quality. This paper presents experimental studies with a wide range of fuels to investigate the effect of cetane number on combustion and exhaust emissions (CO, NOx, PM, particle number size distribution). The fuel ignitability was controlled in two different ways: naturally, by using seven fuels (Dearomatised Hydrotreated Stream, Hydrotreated Non-Dearomatised Stream, Soy Methyl Ester, Rapeseed Methyl Ester, Heavy Paraffinic Stream, C10-C14 Paraffins, and C14-C17 Paraffins) with different cetane numbers, and through the use of an ignition improver blended into a single base fuel (Hydrotreated Non-Dearomatised Stream (NDH)) to change the ignition chemistry of the fuel while keeping physical properties unchanged. The tests were performed in naturally-aspirated single-cylinder DI diesel engine at 1200 rpm and 600 bar injection pressure at 4 bar and 6 bar IMEP. The engine tests were carried out at constant fuel injection timing and constant start of combustion timing. A strong positive correlation was found between ignition delay and CO emissions. The effect of physical and chemical properties of the fuel on NOx and particulate emissions became more dominant at higher load. Overall the results showed that changes in the fuel physical properties and molecular structure, in particular, the incorporation of oxygen, impacted on combustion and emissions through various routes in addition to the effects of ignition delay only

    Pendistribusian Beras Miskin (Raskin) di Kelurahan Delima Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2016

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    Based on Law No.14 of 2015 on APBN 2016, food subsidies have been set especially for Raskin 2016, which is 15.53 million RTS and 15Kg / month allocation for 12 months at a price of Rp.1,600 / kg at the Distribution Point. Since the food crisis of 1998, the Government has consistently paid great attention to the fulfillment of people's food rights through Special Market Operations (OPK). In contrast to previous food subsidies, OPK provides targeted rice subsidies to poor households and food insecurity.The distribution of the Raskin Program to kelurahan delima has been started since several years ago. The objective of the Raskin Program is to reduce the burden of Expenditure of the Target Household or Rumah Tangga Sasaran (RTS) through the fulfillment of some basic food needs in the form of rice. The target is to reduce the expenditure burden of Target Household in fulfilling the requirement of rice food through the distribution of subsidized rice as much as 15 Kg / RTS / month with the price of Rp.1.600, - / kg at the Distribution Point.The problem of raskin in the kelurahan Delima is the uneven distribution of tasks in each work unit. Where still encountered officers or employees of the Village who do the dualization of work. Lack of socialization to the community related to the recipient and management of Raskin Program. Therefore, many people who do not know what the criteria are classified as Raskin recipients and how the Raskin program management procedures.The concept of theory that the writer uses is the theory of distribution. Broadly speaking, distribution can be interpreted as a marketing activity that seeks to smoothen and facilitate the delivery of goods and services from producers to consumers. therefore, it use in accordance with the required (type, price, place and time required).The result of the research in kelurahan delima related to the distribution of raskin is the subdistrict still has many obstacles where some problems arise is such as the absence of renewal of data of raskin recipients from 2014 and it makes polemic among the society. Moreover, the data until 2016 is still not updated by the sub-district. While Kelurahan Delima is the subdistrict that has smallest number of Poor household or Rumah Tangga Miskin (RTM) compared to other subdistrict

    Ligninolytic Activity of Fungi Isolated from Empty Fruit Bunch of Oil Palm (Elaesis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Lignin is a natural polymer and plays an important role as a compound of plant cell wall constituent. A study about the degradation of lignin in the environment has been receiving considerable attention because the complex structure and difficult to be degraded compared to the degradation of others plant cell wall constituent. A study to determine the activity of the ligninolytic enzyme (lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase) of fungi isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunch. This study has been done with a screening of ligninolytic activity using potato dextrose agar supplemented with tannic acid (0,1%), showed that two out of five fungal isolates have ligninolytic activity. The highest activity of lignin peroxidase was produced by SN2 isolatesi.e. 9.677U ml-1, whereas the highest activity of manganese peroxidase and laccase was produced by SN3isolates i.e.1.942 U ml-1 and 1.846 U m-1 respectively

    Finitely Many Dirac-Delta Interactions on Riemannian Manifolds

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    This work is intended as an attempt to study the non-perturbative renormalization of bound state problem of finitely many Dirac-delta interactions on Riemannian manifolds, S^2, H^2 and H^3. We formulate the problem in terms of a finite dimensional matrix, called the characteristic matrix. The bound state energies can be found from the characteristic equation. The characteristic matrix can be found after a regularization and renormalization by using a sharp cut-off in the eigenvalue spectrum of the Laplacian, as it is done in the flat space, or using the heat kernel method. These two approaches are equivalent in the case of compact manifolds. The heat kernel method has a general advantage to find lower bounds on the spectrum even for compact manifolds as shown in the case of S^2. The heat kernels for H^2 and H^3 are known explicitly, thus we can calculate the characteristic matrix. Using the result, we give lower bound estimates of the discrete spectrum.Comment: To be published in JM

    Isolasi Dan Uji Potensi Bakteri Tanah Pertanian Berastagi Sumatera Utara Dalam Mendegradasi Fungisida Antracol Berbahan Aktif Propineb

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    Isolation and potential Berastagi agricultural soil bacteria, North Sumatra in degrading propineb-based antracol fungicide has been conducted. The isolated bacteria were grown on Bushnell Hass Broth (BHB) containing 2% of propineb-based antracol fungicide with propineb as the active compound. The cultures have been grown on shaking incubator at 150 rpm for 21 days. The media BHB containing 2% of propineb-based antracol fungicide without bacteria was used as a control. The parameters observed were the growth bacterial, biosurfactant activity, biosurfactant concentration and the residues of propineb which were observed on day 0th, 7th, 14th and 21th. A total of sixteen bacterial isolates were isolated using selective media Bushnel Hass Agar (BHA) containing 2% propineb-based antracol fungicide​​. Two bacterial isolates which were CBA 02 and JBA 04 were selected for further test to determine their ability to degrade propineb. JBA 04 showed much higher ability in reducing propineb concentration up to 60.86%, while CBA 02 was only 5.59% than that of control
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