105 research outputs found

    ERP spektroskopija suprahiperfinog međudjelovanja bakarnog paramagnetskog centra u kristalima citozin monohidrata

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    The planar complex of Cu(II) with two cytosine bases was formed by gamma irradiation of the cytosine monohydrate crystal, containing copper impurities. The paramagnetic complex was probably formed by trapping the radiation-induced migrating holes by Cu(I), that is originally present in the crystal lattice. The structure of the complex was analyzed from the superhyperfine pattern of its EPR spectra. The experimentally evaluated tensor elements of the three 14N couplings and the observation of an additional proton coupling unequivocally confirm the structure. The ab initio B3LYP density functional method calculations are in good agreement with the experiments. Both experiments and the calculations demonstrate large spin delocalization in the cytosine ring plane.Gama ozračivanjem kristala citozin monohidrata, koji je sadržavao bakarne nečistoće, pripremali smo planarni kompleks Cu(II) s dvije citozinske baze. Paramagnetski se kompleks vjerojatno stvarao vezanjem zračenjem proizvedenih šupljina i Cu(I) koji je prvotno bio u kristalnoj rešetci. Proučavali smo strukturu kompleksa analizirajući suprahiperfinu strukturu njegovog EPR spektra. Eksperimentalno određeni elementi tenzora triju vezanja 14N i opažanje dodatnog protonskog vezanja pouzdano potvrđuju strukturu. Ab initio B3LYP računi metodom funkcionala gustoće u dobrom su slaganju s mjerenjima. Eksperimenti i računi pokazuju jaku delokalizaciju spina u ravnini citozinskog prstena

    Associations between prostate cancer-related anxiety and health-related quality of life

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    There are uncertainties about prostate cancer‐related anxiety's (PCRA) associations with health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) and major depression, and these could affect the quality of mental healthcare provided to prostate cancer patients. Addressing these uncertainties will provide more insight into PCRA and inform further research on the value of PCRA prevention. The goals of this study were to measure associations between PCRA and HRQOL at domain and subdomain levels, and to evaluate the association between PCRA and probable (ie, predicted major) depression

    A Rapid Assessment of the Availability and Use of Obstetric Care in Nigerian Healthcare Facilities

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    Background: As part of efforts to reduce maternal deaths in Nigeria, pregnant women are being encouraged to give birth in healthcare facilities. However, little is known about whether or not available healthcare facilities can cope with an increasing demand for obstetric care. We thus carried out this survey as a rapid and tactical assessment of facility quality. We visited 121 healthcare facilities, and used the opportunity to interview over 700 women seeking care at these facilities. Findings Most of the primary healthcare facilities we visited were unable to provide all basic Emergency Obstetric Care (bEmOC) services. In general, they lack clinical staff needed to dispense maternal and neonatal care services, ambulances and uninterrupted electricity supply whenever there were obstetric emergencies. Secondary healthcare facilities fared better, but, like their primary counterparts, lack neonatal care infrastructure. Among patients, most lived within 30 minutes of the visited facilities and still reported some difficulty getting there. Of those who had had two or more childbirths, the conditional probability of a delivery occurring in a healthcare facility was 0.91 if the previous delivery occurred in a healthcare facility, and 0.24 if it occurred at home. The crude risk of an adverse neonatal outcome did not significantly vary by delivery site or birth attendant, and the occurrence of such an outcome during an in-facility delivery may influence the mother to have her next delivery outside. Such an outcome during a home delivery may not prompt a subsequent in-facility delivery. Conclusions: In conclusion, reducing maternal deaths in Nigeria will require attention to both increasing the number of facilities with high-quality EmOC capability and also assuring Nigerian women have access to these facilities regardless of where they live

    A genomic snapshot of demographic and cultural dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition

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    Upper Mesopotamia played a key role in the Neolithic Transition in Southwest Asia through marked innovations in symbolism, technology, and foodways. We present thirteen ancient genomes (c.8500-7500 calBCE) from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Çayönü in the Tigris basin together with bioarchaeological and material culture data. Our findings reveal that Çayönü was a genetically diverse population, carrying a mixed ancestry from western and eastern Fertile Crescent, and that the community received immigrants. Our results further suggest that the community was organised along biological family lines. We document bodily interventions such as head-shaping and cauterization among the individuals examined, reflecting Çayönü's cultural ingenuity. Finally, we identify Upper Mesopotamia as the likely source of eastern gene flow into Neolithic Anatolia, in line with material culture evidence. We hypothesise that Upper Mesopotamia's cultural dynamism during the Neolithic Transition was the product not only of its fertile lands but also of its interregional demographic connections

    The prevalence of effort-reward imbalance and its associations with working conditions, psychosocial resources and burden among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the egePan-Voice study

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    ObjectiveThe association between a measure of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and profession as well as gender in a sample of health care workers (HCW) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany using the egePan-Voice study. In addition, we examined, which factors are associated with an effort-reward imbalance ratio (ERI ratio) &gt;1.MethodsIn a large sample of HCW (N = 6174) we assessed occupational stress with the short version of the effort-reward imbalance (ERI) questionnaire, working conditions, COVID-19-related problems and psychosocial resources (ENRICHD Social Support Inventory, ESSI; Sense of Coherence Scale, SOC-3 and optimism, SOP2).ResultsThe prevalence of a ERI ratio &gt;1 among HCW was 50.9%. The prevalence’s of an ERI ratio &gt;1 were statistically significant different between gender as well as the occupational profession. The proportion of women (51.8%) with ERI ratio &gt;1 was significantly higher than among men (47.8%). The highest ERI imbalance was found among nurses (62.8%), followed by medical technical assistants (MTA) (58.8%), while psychologists/psychotherapists revealed the lowest value (37.8%), followed by physicians (41.8%). In the total sample, most essential factors reported at this time for increased ERI ratio were: insufficient staff for the current work load, insufficient recovery, feeling insufficiently protected by measures taken by the hospital/the employer, high occupancy rate of the wards, insufficient trust in colleagues and being a nurse as compared with being a physician.ConclusionThe findings indicate a high proportion of HCW with effort-reward imbalance and substantial profession-related differences. Preventive interventions should be offered to vulnerable groups among the HCW to decrease the imbalance measured by work stress.</jats:sec

    Selective Hyper-responsiveness of the Interferon System in Major Depressive Disorders and Depression Induced by Interferon Therapy

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    Though an important percentage of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) undergoing interferon (IFN) therapy develop depressive symptoms, the role of the IFN system in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders is not well understood.50 patients with HCV infection were treated with standard combination therapy (pegylated IFN-α2a/ribavirin). IFN-induced gene expression was analyzed to identify genes which are differentially regulated in patients with or without IFN-induced depression. For validation, PBMC from 22 psychiatric patients with a severe depressive episode (SDE) and 11 controls were cultivated in vitro with pegylated IFN-α2a and gene expression was analyzed.IFN-induced depression in HCV patients was associated with selective upregulation of 15 genes, including 6 genes that were previously described to be relevant for major depressive disorders or neuronal development. In addition, increased endogenous IFN-production and selective hyper-responsiveness of these genes to IFN stimulation were observed in SDE patients.Our data suggest that selective hyper-responsiveness to exogenous (IFN therapy) or endogenous (depressive disorders) type I IFNs may lead to the development of depressive symptoms. These data could lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches to treat IFN-induced and major depressive disorders

    Fizikalni mehanizmi i metode u tumorskim terapijama i prijenosu lijekova do tumora

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    In addition to several well-known drug delivery strategies developed to facilitate effective chemotherapy with anticancer agents, some new approaches have been recently established, based on specific effects arising from the applications of ultrasound, magnetic and electric fields on drug delivery systems. This paper gives an overview of newly developed methods of drug delivery to tumors and of the related anticancer therapies based on the combined use of different physical methods and specific drug carriers. The conventional strategies and new approaches have been put into perspective to revisit the existing and to propose new directions to overcome the threatening problem of cancer diseases.Osim dobro poznatih metoda prijenosa lijekova u kemoterapijskom pristupu liječenja tumora, nedavno su otkriveni novi načini prijenosa koji se zasnivaju na specifičnim mehanizmima uzrokovanim upotrebom ultrazvuka, magnetskih i električnih polja. Članak sadrži prikaz fizikalnih mehanizama na kojima se temelje ove nove metode, kao i pregled novootkrivenih prijenosnika lijekova (Pluronske micele, magnetoliposomi, magnetski fluidi), novih terapija tumora (magnetska hipertermija, elektrokemoterapija) i najnovijih istraživanja temeljenih na fizikalnom pristupu ovoj problematici