740 research outputs found
Increased Potential of Protein Content of Waxy Corn
The purpose of this research is to gain a potentially waxy corn strains of high protein content. Specific targets to be achieved in this study are promising lines of F1 that have potentially sticky and high protein content. The method used is cross-pollinated plant breeding methods, the hybridization between maize Variety of Srikandi Putih (β) and the Local Waxy Corn (β). Characters F1 compared to corn Variety of Srikandi Putih and the Local Waxy Corn. The results showed that character of plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area are higher in Srikandi Putih Variety compared to Local Waxy Corn but age flowering male and female Local Waxy Corn faster than Srikandi Putih Variety. Character length of ear, diameter of ear, weight of 100 seeds, seed weight plant-1 and protein content higher in Srikandi Putih compared to Local Waxy Corn. F1 values on all observation characteristic of plant height, leaf number, leaf area, male and female flowering age, ear length, ear diameter, weight of 100 seeds, seed weight plant-1 and protein content were generally among the values of Srikandi Putih Variety and Local Waxy Corn
As-sunnah (Hadits) (suatu Kajian Aliran Ingkar Sunnah)
Menetapkan as-Sunnah sebagai sumber hukum yang kedua setelah al-Qur\u27an yang berfungsi sebagai bayan, merupakan konsensus bersama para Ulama, baik sebagai bayan al-ta\u27kid, bayan al-tafsir dan bayan al-tashri\u27.Namun tidak semua berpendapat demikian, aliran ingkar sunnah salah satunya, yang menolak hadits Nabi sebagai hujjah secara keseluruhan. Dengan argumentasi bahwa al-Qur\u27an diturunkan oleh Allah SWT dalam bahasa arab, dengan penguasaan bahasa arab yang baik, al-Qur\u27an dapat dipahami tanpa memerlukan bantuan penjelasan dari Sunnah-Sunnah Nabi ahwsaw. Sementara pandangan pembela sunnah dan mhaditsin beranggapan bahwa argumentasi yang diajukan kelompok ingkar sunnah adalah lemah, baik dari sudut dalil Aqli maupun Naqli
Perbandingan Metode Regresi Spline Truncated dengan Regresi Linear Sederhana untuk Kasus Harga Saham Perusahaan Pertambangan di Indonesia
Saham merupakan surat berharga yang dapat dibeli dan dijual oleh perorangan atau badan USAha sebagai tanda penyertaan kepemilikan seseorang maupun badan USAha dalam suatu Perusahaan atau perseroan. Salah satu saham yang mengalami dampak dari fenomena krisis ekonomi global adalah Perusahaan pertambangan. Harga saham dipengaruhi oleh kurs rupiah. Data harga saham dan kurs rupiah masuk ke dalam kategori data longitudinal. Untuk menangani data longitudinal dibutuhkan analisis yang tepat, salah satunya dengan menggunakan pendekatan nonparametrik regresi spline truncated untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kurs rupiah terhadap harga saham. Model terbaik pada metode ini bergantung pada penentuan titik knot optimal, yaitu titik knot yang memiliki nilai GCV minimum. Model regresi spline truncated terbaik terletak pada orde 2 dengan 3 titik knot untuk PT Adaro Energy Tbk. dan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., sedangkan untuk PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. berada pada orde 3 dengan 2 titik knot. Dengan pembanding nilai MAPE, hasil prediksi dengan menggunakan regresi spline truncated lebih baik daripada regresi linear sederhana Adapun nilai MAPE yang dihasilkan adalah 7,81% untuk PT Adaro Energy Tbk., 8,51% untuk PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., dan 12,74% untuk PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk
Studi Usaha Pembuatan Kasur di Desa Bumiharjo Kecamatan Batanghari Tahun 2017
The aim of this research for reviewing mattress production businessman in Bumiharjo Village Batanghari Districts East Lampung. The reviewed were production capital, raw materials, labor, marketing, and income. The method was descriptive method. The population were 10 mattress businessman in Bumiharjo Village Batanghari Districts East Lampung. The data analyze was percentage table. The research result showed that the capital which was used by mattress businessman in Bumiharjo Village Batanghari Districts East Lampung each once mattress production was Rp13.000.000. The raw materials was come from Bandung and Tangerang. The labor amount is 28 people. The marketing result of mattress production would be sell in Lampung, Bengkulu, and Palembang. The mattress businessman income in Bumiharjo Village Batanghari Districts East Lampung was about Rp18.100.000.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik pengusaha pembuatan kasur di Desa Bumiharjo Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Adapun yang dikaji adalah modal produksi, bahan mentah, tenaga kerja, pemasaran, dan pendapatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Populasinya adalah 10 pengusaha kasur di Desa Bumiharjo Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tabel persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal yang digunakan pengusaha kasur di Desa Bumiharjo setiap sekali produksi kasur sebesar Rp 13.000.000. Bahan mentah kasur berasal dari Bandung dan Tangerang. Jumlah tenaga kerja 28 orang. Pemasaran hasil produksi kasur ke daerah Lampung, Bengkulu, dan Palembang. Pendapatan pengusaha kasur di Desa Bumiharjo rata-rata adalah Rp 18.100.000
UJI INFEKSI Phaeophleospora Spp. PADA KLON HIBRID Eucalyptus Grandis X Eucalyptus Urophylla
Eucalyptus is a species that widely used in pulping industry. Phaeophleospora is one of the pathogens that attack the leaves of young Eucalyptus plant. The purposes of this research were to characterize the leaf disease symptoms and to measure disease severity and disease incidence caused by Phaeophleospora spp. on two-month-old IND 47, IND 61, dan IND 66 Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones. Inoculation was implemented with spray method. The leaves symptoms caused by Phaeophleospora showed the same symptoms on clones IND 47, IND 61, and IND 66. The early symptoms were the yellow dots on the upperside of the leaves and then developed into spots. The advanced symptoms were reddish spots on the upperside of the leaves and black spores on the underside of the leaves. Three clones were classified as resistant in disease severity measurement, meanwhile in disease incidence measurement, three clones were classified as moderately resistant
Sengketa Tanah Mandiku: Studi Kasus Tuntutan Masyarakat Atas Hak Milik Tanah Di Kecamatan Tempurejo Kabupaten Jember, 2007-2010 (Mandiku Land Disputes: a Case Study of Demands Upon the Property Rights of Land in the District of Jember Regency Tempurejo, 2
Demands of the farmers in the village Mandigu Sidodadi and Rural Pondokrejo become one of the cases that arise in the reform era, starting with the installation of the boundaries a by Perhutani and the claim of Perhutani that the land occupied by the Residents Pondokrejo and Mandigu were owned by Perhutani. The farmers had the notion that the land has a meaning as an economic resource. Through Struggle Farmers, the farmers of Mandigu Sidodadi and Pondokrejo tried to fight for their land rights claimed by Perum Perhutani. It employed a qualitative approach with interviews and documentation as data collection efforts, and take the subject of social and political movements performed by Farmers Struggle. This study describes the socio-political movements performed by Struggle Farmers. With a focus on three main issues, namely land status, demands of the Struggle Farmers and Resistance Action conducted from 2007 to 2010. The conclusion is that the demand of the farmers was no longer result exploitative relations but also because of the openness of the system that provides opportunities for farming from to launch the movement
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