42 research outputs found

    Perspectives of lowering CUORE thresholds with Optimum Trigger

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    CUORE is a cryogenic experiment that focuses on the search of neutrinoless double beta decay in 130Te and it is located at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories. Its detector consists of 988 TeO2 crystals operating at a base temperature of ~10 mK. It is the first ton-scale bolometric experiment ever realized for this purpose. Thanks to its large target mass and ultra-low background, the CUORE detector is also suitable for the search of other rare phenomena. In particular the low energy part of the spectra is interesting for the detection of WIMP-nuclei scattering reactions. One of the most important requirements to perform these studies is represented by the achievement of a stable energy threshold lower than 10 keV. Here, the CUORE capability to accomplish this purpose using a low energy software trigger will be presented and described

    Results from the CUORE experiment

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay (0¿ßß) is a rare, second-order nuclear transition that occurs only if neutrinos are massive Majorana particles or through new physics beyond Standard Model. This process explicitly violates the lepton number (L) by two units and, therefore, the observation of 0¿ßß would demonstrate that L is not a symmetry of nature. Combined with flavour mixing and cosmological measurements, it can provide unique contraints on neutrino mass scale and establish whether neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana particles. The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an experiment located at the LNGS searching for 0¿ßß decay of 130Te. CUORE exploits the bolometric technique to reach high resolution around the Q-value (2527.5 keV). It consists of an array of 988 natural TeO2 cubic crystals grouped into 19 towers. With a total active mass of 742 kg (~206 kg of 130Te), CUORE is operated at very low temperature with a new 3He/4He refrigerator. Data taking started at the beginning of 2017. After a brief introduction on the detector and the way data analysis is performed, I describe CUORE first results for the search of the 0¿ßß decay that were published in March 2018

    Measurement of the 2νββ Decay Half-Life of Te 130 with CUORE

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    We measured two-neutrino double beta decay of Te130 using an exposure of 300.7 kg yr accumulated with the CUORE detector. Using a Bayesian analysis to fit simulated spectra to experimental data, it was possible to disentangle all the major background sources and precisely measure the two-neutrino contribution. The half-life is in agreement with past measurements with a strongly reduced uncertainty: T1/22ν=7.71-0.06+0.08(stat)-0.15+0.12(syst)×1020 yr. This measurement is the most precise determination of the Te130 2νββ decay half-life to date

    Status and prospects of discovery of 0νββ decay with the CUORE detector

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    In this contribution we present the achievements of the CUORE experiment so far. It is the first tonne-scale bolometric detector and it is in stable data taking since 2018. We reached to collect about 1800 kg×yr of exposure of which more than 1ton×year have been analysed. The CUORE detector is meant to search for the neutrinoless double β decay (0νββ) of the 130Te isotope. This is a beyond Standard Model process which could establish the nature of the neutrino to be Dirac or a Majorana particle. It is an alternative mode of the two-neutrinos double β decay, a rare decay which have been precisely measured by CUORE in the 130Te. We found no evidence of the 0νββ and we set a Bayesian lower limit of 2.2×1025yr on its half-life. The expertise achieved by CUORE set a milestone for any future bolometric detector, including CUPID, which is the planned next generation experiment searching for 0νββ with scintillating bolometers

    A CUPID Li2100MoO4scintillating bolometer tested in the CROSS underground facility

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    A scintillating bolometer based on a large cubic Li2100MoO4 crystal (45 mm side) and a Ge wafer (scintillation detector) has been operated in the CROSS cryogenic facility at the Canfranc underground laboratory in Spain. The dual-readout detector is a prototype of the technology that will be used in the next-generation 0¿2ß experiment CUPID . The measurements were performed at 18 and 12 mK temperature in a pulse tube dilution refrigerator. This setup utilizes the same technology as the CUORE cryostat that will host CUPID and so represents an accurate estimation of the expected performance. The Li2100MoO4 bolometer shows a high energy resolution of 6 keV FWHM at the 2615 keV ¿ line. The detection of scintillation light for each event triggered by the Li2100MoO4 bolometer allowed for a full separation (~8s) between ¿(ß) and a events above 2 MeV . The Li2100MoO4 crystal also shows a high internal radiopurity with 228Th and 226Ra activities of less than 3 and 8 µBq/kg, respectively. Taking also into account the advantage of a more compact and massive detector array, which can be made of cubic-shaped crystals (compared to the cylindrical ones), this test demonstrates the great potential of cubic Li2100MoO4 scintillating bolometers for high-sensitivity searches for the 100Mo 0¿2ß decay in CROSS and CUPID projects

    COVID-19 Pandemic Is a Call to Search for Alternative Protein Sources as Food and Feed: A Review of Possibilities

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global health challenge with substantial adverse effects on the world economy. It is beyond any doubt that it is, again, a call-to-action to minimize the risk of future zoonoses caused by emerging human pathogens. The primary response to contain zoonotic diseases is to call for more strict regulations on wildlife trade and hunting. This is because the origins of coronaviruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), SARS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), as well as other viral pathogens (e.g., Ebola, HIV) are traceable to wild animals. Although COVID-19 is not related to livestock animals, the pandemic increased general attention given to zoonotic viral infections—the risk of which can also be associated with livestock. Therefore, this paper discusses the potential transformation of industrial livestock farming and the production of animal products, particularly meat, to decrease the risks for transmission of novel human pathogens. Plant-based diets have a number of advantages, but it is unrealistic to consider them as the only solution offered to the problem. Therefore, a search for alternative protein sources in insect-based foods and cultured meat, important technologies enabling safer meat production. Although both of these strategies offer a number of potential advantages, they are also subject to the number of challenges that are discussed in this paper. Importantly, insect-based foods and cultured meat can provide additional benefits in the context of ecological footprint, an aspect important in light of predicted climate changes. Furthermore, cultured meat can be regarded as ethically superior and supports better food security. There is a need to further support the implementation and expansion of all three approaches discussed in this paper, plant-based diets, insect-based foods, and cultured meat, to decrease the epidemiological risks and ensure a sustainable future. Furthermore, cultured meat also offers a number of additional benefits in the context of environmental impact, ethical issues, and food security

    Mutations in the erythropoietin receptor gene are not a common cause of Diamond-Blackfan anemia

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    Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an inherited pure red blood cell aplasia that often requires lifelong transfusional support. The origin of the imperfect erythrogenesis is not known. The existence of more than one molecular basis for DBA is indicated by its different modes of inheritance and widely variable clinical phenotypes. Several erythroid growth factors have been thought to have a role in the pathogenesis of DBA. However, there is neither molecular nor clinical evidence for the involvement of stem cell factor or interleukin-3. The observation of elevated erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations and an impaired in vivo and in vitro response to pharmacologic doses of recombinant human EPO has suggested a defective EPO function in the pathogenesis of DBA. We have investigated the possible involvement of the EPO receptor (EPO-R) gene in 23 patients by screening its coding sequence for mutations using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). A Southern blot and hybridization with an EPO-R probe was also performed on DNA from seven patients. No causal mutations were identified. The absence of concordant segregation of the disease with the EPO-R gene in two informative families ruled out its role in their DBA children. These findings demonstrate that DBA is not commonly associated with EPO-R gene mutations