559 research outputs found

    On the direct indecomposability of infinite irreducible Coxeter groups and the Isomorphism Problem of Coxeter groups

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    In this paper we prove, without the finite rank assumption, that any irreducible Coxeter group of infinite order is directly indecomposable as an abstract group. The key ingredient of the proof is that we can determine, for an irreducible Coxeter group, the centralizers of the normal subgroups that are generated by involutions. As a consequence, we show that the problem of deciding whether two general Coxeter groups are isomorphic, as abstract groups, is reduced to the case of irreducible Coxeter groups, without assuming the finiteness of the number of the irreducible components or their ranks. We also give a description of the automorphism group of a general Coxeter group in terms of those of its irreducible components.Comment: 30 page

    A coproduct structure on the formal affine Demazure algebra

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    In the present paper we generalize the coproduct structure on nil Hecke rings introduced and studied by Kostant-Kumar to the context of an arbitrary algebraic oriented cohomology theory and its associated formal group law. We then construct an algebraic model of the T-equivariant oriented cohomology of the variety of complete flags.Comment: 28 pages; minor revision of the previous versio

    Coloured peak algebras and Hopf algebras

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    For GG a finite abelian group, we study the properties of general equivalence relations on G_n=G^n\rtimes \SG_n, the wreath product of GG with the symmetric group \SG_n, also known as the GG-coloured symmetric group. We show that under certain conditions, some equivalence relations give rise to subalgebras of \k G_n as well as graded connected Hopf subalgebras of \bigoplus_{n\ge o} \k G_n. In particular we construct a GG-coloured peak subalgebra of the Mantaci-Reutenauer algebra (or GG-coloured descent algebra). We show that the direct sum of the GG-coloured peak algebras is a Hopf algebra. We also have similar results for a GG-colouring of the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebras of planar binary trees. For many of the equivalence relations under study, we obtain a functor from the category of finite abelian groups to the category of graded connected Hopf algebras. We end our investigation by describing a Hopf endomorphism of the GG-coloured descent Hopf algebra whose image is the GG-coloured peak Hopf algebra. We outline a theory of combinatorial GG-coloured Hopf algebra for which the GG-coloured quasi-symmetric Hopf algebra and the graded dual to the GG-coloured peak Hopf algebra are central objects.Comment: 26 pages latex2

    On the structure of Borel stable abelian subalgebras in infinitesimal symmetric spaces

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    Let g=g_0+g_1 be a Z_2-graded Lie algebra. We study the posets of abelian subalgebras of g_1 which are stable w.r.t. a Borel subalgebra of g_0. In particular, we find out a natural parametrization of maximal elements and dimension formulas for them. We recover as special cases several results of Kostant, Panyushev, Suter.Comment: Latex file, 35 pages, minor corrections, some examples added. To appear in Selecta Mathematic

    GALEX J201337.6+092801: The lowest gravity subdwarf B pulsator

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    We present the recent discovery of a new subdwarf B variable (sdBV), with an exceptionally low surface gravity. Our spectroscopy of J20136+0928 places it at Teff = 32100 +/- 500, log(g) = 5.15 +/- 0.10, and log(He/H) = -2.8 +/- 0.1. With a magnitude of B = 12.0, it is the second brightest V361 Hya star ever found. Photometry from three different observatories reveals a temporal spectrum with eleven clearly detected periods in the range 376 to 566 s, and at least five more close to our detection limit. These periods are unusually long for the V361 Hya class of short-period sdBV pulsators, but not unreasonable for p- and g-modes close to the radial fundamental, given its low surface gravity. Of the ~50 short period sdB pulsators known to date, only a single one has been found to have comparable spectroscopic parameters to J20136+0928. This is the enigmatic high-amplitude pulsator V338 Ser, and we conclude that J20136+0928 is the second example of this rare subclass of sdB pulsators located well above the canonical extreme horizontal branch in the HR diagram.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Modifications in biphasic liquid-scintillation vial system for radiometry

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    Several modifications of the biphasic liquid-scintillation vial system for radiometry have been tried in order to improve the counting efficiency. The biphasic system consisted of an inner sterile vial containing medium and substrate, and an outer liquid-scintillation vial lined on the inside with filter paper impregnated with scintillation fluors and alkali. The system gave an overall counting efficiency of 14.6%. Substitution of methanolic NaOH for impregnation of the paper raised the counting efficiency to 29.1%. This could be further enhanced to 33.8% by lining only half of the outer vial with filter paper, thereby allowing improved optical transmission of scintillation light. Increasing the amount of fluor did not change the efficiency significantly. A complete interchange in the system, whereby half of the inner vial was lined with filter paper and was otherwise empty, while the outer vial contained the medium and substrate, gave the highest efficiency (36.9%). This also allowed the use of larger amounts of medium and the inoculum

    Mask formulas for cograssmannian Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

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    We give two contructions of sets of masks on cograssmannian permutations that can be used in Deodhar's formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. The constructions are respectively based on a formula of Lascoux-Schutzenberger and its geometric interpretation by Zelevinsky. The first construction relies on a basis of the Hecke algebra constructed from principal lower order ideals in Bruhat order and a translation of this basis into sets of masks. The second construction relies on an interpretation of masks as cells of the Bott-Samelson resolution. These constructions give distinct answers to a question of Deodhar.Comment: 43 page

    The Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for finite W-algebras

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    We study the representation theory of finite W-algebras. After introducing parabolic subalgebras to describe the structure of W-algebras, we define the Verma modules and give a conjecture for the Kac determinant. This allows us to find the completely degenerate representations of the finite W-algebras. To extract the irreducible representations we analyse the structure of singular and subsingular vectors, and find that for W-algebras, in general the maximal submodule of a Verma module is not generated by singular vectors only. Surprisingly, the role of the (sub)singular vectors can be encapsulated in terms of a `dual' analogue of the Kazhdan-Lusztig theorem for simple Lie algebras. These involve dual relative Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. We support our conjectures with some examples, and briefly discuss applications and the generalisation to infinite W-algebras.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians

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    We study the three point genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants on the Grassmannians which parametrize non-maximal isotropic subspaces in a vector space equipped with a nondegenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric form. We establish Pieri rules for the classical cohomology and the small quantum cohomology ring of these varieties, which give a combinatorial formula for the product of any Schubert class with certain special Schubert classes. We also give presentations of these rings, with integer coefficients, in terms of special Schubert class generators and relations.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX, 6 figure
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