15 research outputs found

    4-Oxo-1,4-dihydro­benzo[h][1,3]thia­zeto[3,2-a]quinoline-1,3-dicarb­oxy­lic acid

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    In the title mol­ecule, C16H9NO5S, there is an intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond involving the quinolone carbonyl O atom and a carboxyl OH group. In the crystal, inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl group of the quinolone carboxyl group, and a second carboxyl group on the thia­zeto moiety lead to the formation of chains propagating along [201] and perpendicular to the π-stacks of mol­ecules

    Development and Validation of a Specific Stability Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Valsartan

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    A stability-indicating HPLC assay method has been developed and validated for valsartan in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage forms. An isocratic RP-HPLC was achieved on Waters 2695 using Symmetry C18 (250mm × 4.6mm × 5μ) column with the mobile phase consisting of 0.02 mM sodium dihydrogen ortho-phosphate, pH adjusted to 2.5 using ortho-phosphoric acid (solvent A), and acetonitrile (solvent B) in the ratio of 58:42 %v/v. The stress testing of valsartan was carried out under acidic, alkaline, oxidative, thermal, and photolytic conditions. Valsartan was well resolved from its degradation products. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines. The method was found to be suitable for the quality control of valsartan in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms as well as the stability-indicating studies

    Non-specific binding of antibodies in immunohistochemistry: fallacies and facts

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    The current protocols for blocking background staining in immunohistochemistry are based on conflicting reports. Background staining is thought to occur as a result of either non-specific antibody (Ab) binding to endogenous Fc receptors (FcRs) or a combination of ionic and hydrophobic interactions. In this study, cell and tissue samples were processed according to routine protocols either with or without a blocking step (goat serum or BSA). Surprisingly, no Abs in samples processed without a blocking step showed any propensity for non-specific binding leading to background staining, implying that endogenous FcRs do not retain their ability to bind the Fc portion of Abs after standard fixation. Likewise, we did not find any non-specific Ab binding ascribable to either ionic or hydrophobic interactions. We determined that traditionally used protein blocking steps are unnecessary in the immunostaining of routinely fixed cell and tissue samples

    Sofa: A spark-oriented fog architecture

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    Fog computing offers a wide range of service levels including low bandwidth usage, low response time, support of heterogeneous applications, and high energy efficiency. Therefore, real-time embedded applications could potentially benefit from Fog infrastructure. However, providing high system utilization is an important challenge of Fog computing especially for processing embedded applications. In addition, although Fog computing extends cloud computing by providing more energy efficiency, it still suffers from remarkable energy consumption, which is a limitation for embedded systems. To overcome the above limitations, in this paper, we propose SoFA, a Spark-oriented Fog architecture that leverages Spark functionalities to provide higher system utilization, energy efficiency and scalability. Compared to the common Fog computing platforms where edge devices are only responsible for processing data received from their IoT nodes, SoFA leverages the remaining processing capacity of all other edge devices. To attain this purpose, SoFA provides a distributed processing paradigm by the help of Spark to utilize the whole processing capacity of all the available edge devices leading to increase energy efficiency and system utilization. In other words, SoFA proposes a near-sensor processing solution in which the edge devices act as the Fog nodes. In addition, SoFA provides scalability by taking advantage of Spark functionalities. According to the experimental results, SoFA is a power-efficient and scalable solution desirable for embedded platforms by providing up to 3.1x energy efficiency for the Word-Count benchmark compared to the common Fog processing platform

    Valsartan Orodispersible Tablets: Formulation, In vitro/In vivo Characterization

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    Valsartan orodispersible tablets have been developed at 40-mg dose, with the intention of facilitating administration to patients experiencing problems with swallowing and hopefully, improving its poor oral bioavailability. Work started with selecting drug compatible excipients depending on differential scanning calorimetric analysis. A 33 full factorial design was adopted for the optimization of the tablets prepared by freeze-drying technique. The effects of the filler type, the binder type, and the binder concentration were studied. The different tablet formulas were characterized for their physical properties, weight variation, disintegration time, surface properties, wetting properties, and in vitro dissolution. Amongst the prepared 27 tablet formulas, formula number 6 (consisting of 4:6 valsartan:mannitol and 2% pectin) was selected to be tested in vivo. Oral bioavailability of two 40 mg valsartan orodispersible tablets was compared to the conventional commercial tablets after administration of a single dose to four healthy volunteers. Valsartan was monitored in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography. The apparent rate of absorption of valsartan from the prepared tablets (Cmax = 2.879 μg/ml, tmax = 1.08 h) was significantly higher than that of the conventional tablets (Cmax = 1.471 μg/ml, tmax = 2.17 h), P ≤ 0.05. The relative bioavailability calculated as the ratio of mean total area under the plasma concentration–time curve for the orodispersible tablets relative to the conventional ones was 135%. The results of the in vivo study revealed that valsartan orodispersible tablets would be advantageous with regards to improved patient compliance, rapid onset of action, and increase in bioavailability