9,302 research outputs found

    Procedimentos e aspectos necessários para a análise da relação força/EMG do músculo quadríceps femoral avaliado em condição isométrica e dinâmica

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    The electromyography (EMG) has been used as a resource related to clinical interventions, as well as control of the adjustments resulting from physical training, especially the muscular strength. The muscular electrical activity allows the investigation of which muscles are used in a motion, the level of muscle activation during the course of movement, intensity and duration of muscular demand. Due to the great usefulness of the study of muscle electrical signal and its complex relationship with the force production, both the relation to physiological and non physiological aspects as well as the procedures needed for the collection of EMG signal in isometric and dynamic activity took place this review. Therefore, the EMG signal presents relation with the strength production of the knee extensor muscles. This relationship has been better demonstrated in isometric assessments than in dynamic conditions, what stimulates further scientific production in this area to better understand and explain the relationship of the contraction dynamics, the production of force and changes in EMG signal and improve their applicability not only in the scientific scope, but in clinical tool, since the dynamic activities are similar to the sports gestures and activities of daily living

    Ladders for Wilson Loops Beyond Leading Order

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    We set up a general scheme to resum ladder diagrams for the quark-anti-quark potential in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, and do explicit calculations at the next-to-leading order. The results perfectly agree with string theory in AdS(5)xS(5) when continued to strong coupling, in spite of a potential order-of-limits problem.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    The public health implications of multilateral trade agreements

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    The quark anti-quark potential and the cusp anomalous dimension from a TBA equation

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    We derive a set of integral equations of the TBA type for the generalized cusp anomalous dimension, or the quark antiquark potential on the three sphere, as a function of the angles. We do this by considering a family of local operators on a Wilson loop with charge L. In the large L limit the problem can be solved in terms of a certain boundary reflection matrix. We determine this reflection matrix by using the symmetries and the boundary crossing equation. The cusp is introduced through a relative rotation between the two boundaries. Then the TBA trick of exchanging space and time leads to an exact equation for all values of L. The L=0 case corresponds to the cusped Wilson loop with no operators inserted. We then derive a slightly simplified integral equation which describes the small angle limit. We solve this equation up to three loops in perturbation theory and match the results that were obtained with more direct approaches.Comment: 63 pages, 12 figures. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Use of flight interception traps of Malaise type and attractive traps for social wasps record (Vespidae: Polistinae)

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    The literature provides different methodologies for sampling social wasps, including, flight intercept trap type Malaise and Attractive trap, however, there is no consensus on its use. In this respect, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best use of Malaise traps and Attractive trap in biodiversity work of social wasps, and generate a collection protocol for the use of these traps. The study was conducted in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, located in the east of the state of Minas Gerais, in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 and in the Botanical Garden of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, located in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, in years 2011, 2012 and 2013. 15 species were collected using Malaise traps, and, 26 species of social wasps were collected using Attractive traps. Although the negative aspects of both traps, complementary methodologies surveys varying social wasps are useful and it is recommended to choose for using in accordance with the logistical field

    Negative-energy perturbations in cylindrical equilibria with a radial electric field

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    The impact of an equilibrium radial electric field EE on negative-energy perturbations (NEPs) (which are potentially dangerous because they can lead to either linear or nonlinear explosive instabilities) in cylindrical equilibria of magnetically confined plasmas is investigated within the framework of Maxwell-drift kinetic theory. It turns out that for wave vectors with a non-vanishing component parallel to the magnetic field the conditions for the existence of NEPs in equilibria with E=0 [G. N. Throumoulopoulos and D. Pfirsch, Phys. Rev. E 53, 2767 (1996)] remain valid, while the condition for the existence of perpendicular NEPs, which are found to be the most important perturbations, is modified. For eiϕTi|e_i\phi|\approx T_i (ϕ\phi is the electrostatic potential) and Ti/Te>βcP/(B2/8π)T_i/T_e > \beta_c\approx P/(B^2/8\pi) (PP is the total plasma pressure), a case which is of operational interest in magnetic confinement systems, the existence of perpendicular NEPs depends on eνEe_\nu E, where eνe_\nu is the charge of the particle species ν\nu. In this case the electric field can reduce the NEPs activity in the edge region of tokamaklike and stellaratorlike equilibria with identical parabolic pressure profiles, the reduction of electron NEPs being more pronounced than that of ion NEPs.Comment: 30 pages, late

    Remarkable magnetostructural coupling around the magnetic transition in CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si

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    We report a detailed study of the magnetic properties of CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si under high magnetic fields (up to 16 Tesla) measuring different physical properties such as specific heat, magnetization, electrical resistivity, thermal expansion and magnetostriction. CeCo0.85_{0.85}Fe0.15_{0.15}Si becomes antiferromagnetic at TNT_N \approx 6.7 K. However, a broad tail (onset at TXT_X \approx 13 K) in the specific heat precedes that second order transition. This tail is also observed in the temperature derivative of the resistivity. However, it is particularly noticeable in the thermal expansion coefficient where it takes the form of a large bump centered at TXT_X. A high magnetic field practically washes out that tail in the resistivity. But surprisingly, the bump in the thermal expansion becomes a well pronounced peak fully split from the magnetic transition at TNT_N. Concurrently, the magnetoresistance also switches from negative to positive just below TXT_X. The magnetostriction is considerable and irreversible at low temperature (ΔLL(16T)\frac {\Delta L}{L} \left(16 T\right) \sim 4×\times104^{-4} at 2 K) when the magnetic interactions dominate. A broad jump in the field dependence of the magnetostriction observed at low TT may be the signature of a weak ongoing metamagnetic transition. Taking altogether, the results indicate the importance of the lattice effects in the development of the magnetic order in these alloys.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Agua de lastre y especies exóticas

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    El agua que los navíos embarcan como lastre cuando deben atravesar el océano sin carga suele contener organismos vivos. Al ser descargada aquella, estos ingresan en un medio al que son ajenos y pueden convertirse en plagas y en muchos casos originan serios trastornos ambientales. Los organismos descargados son especies exóticas. Se muestra un estudio en 5 puertos argentinos (océano Atlántico sudoccidental), formas de mitigar los trastornos y el estado de la situación actual de la problemática, con lecturas sugeridas

    Analytic Solution of Bremsstrahlung TBA

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    We consider the quark--anti-quark potential on the three sphere or the generalized cusp anomalous dimension in planar N=4 SYM. We concentrate on the vacuum potential in the near BPS limit with LL units of R-charge. Equivalently, we study the anomalous dimension of a super-Wilson loop with L local fields inserted at a cusp. The system is described by a recently proposed infinite set of non-linear integral equations of the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) type. That system of TBA equations is very similar to the one of the spectral problem but simplifies a bit in the near BPS limit. Using techniques based on the Y-system of functional equations we first reduced the infinite system of TBA equations to a Finite set of Nonlinear Integral Equations (FiNLIE). Then we solve the FiNLIE system analytically, obtaining a simple analytic result for the potential! Surprisingly, we find that the system has equivalent descriptions in terms of an effective Baxter equation and in terms of a matrix model. At L=0, our result matches the one obtained before using localization techniques. At all other L's, the result is new. Having a new parameter, L, allows us to take the large L classical limit. We use the matrix model description to solve the classical limit and match the result with a string theory computation. Moreover, we find that the classical string algebraic curve matches the algebraic curve arising from the matrix model.Comment: 50 pages, 5 figures. v2: references added, JHEP versio

    Negative-Energy Perturbations in Circularly Cylindrical Equilibria within the Framework of Maxwell-Drift Kinetic Theory

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    The conditions for the existence of negative-energy perturbations (which could be nonlinearly unstable and cause anomalous transport) are investigated in the framework of linearized collisionless Maxwell-drift kinetic theory for the case of equilibria of magnetically confined, circularly cylindrical plasmas and vanishing initial field perturbations. For wave vectors with a non-vanishing component parallel to the magnetic field, the plane equilibrium conditions (derived by Throumoulopoulos and Pfirsch [Phys Rev. E {\bf 49}, 3290 (1994)]) are shown to remain valid, while the condition for perpendicular perturbations (which are found to be the most important modes) is modified. Consequently, besides the tokamak equilibrium regime in which the existence of negative-energy perturbations is related to the threshold value of 2/3 of the quantity ην=lnTνlnNν\eta_\nu = \frac {\partial \ln T_\nu} {\partial \ln N_\nu}, a new regime appears, not present in plane equilibria, in which negative-energy perturbations exist for {\em any} value of ην\eta_\nu. For various analytic cold-ion tokamak equilibria a substantial fraction of thermal electrons are associated with negative-energy perturbations (active particles). In particular, for linearly stable equilibria of a paramagnetic plasma with flat electron temperature profile (ηe=0\eta_e=0), the entire velocity space is occupied by active electrons. The part of the velocity space occupied by active particles increases from the center to the plasma edge and is larger in a paramagnetic plasma than in a diamagnetic plasma with the same pressure profile. It is also shown that, unlike in plane equilibria, negative-energy perturbations exist in force-free reversed-field pinch equilibria with a substantial fraction of active particles.Comment: 31 pages, late