205 research outputs found

    Physician Perceptions of ADHD Stimulant Diversion and Misuse

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    © The Author(s) 2016. Objective: The recent rise in ADHD has prompted concerns about adolescents with ADHD diverting and/or misusing stimulants. This is the first study to assess physician perceptions of the pervasiveness of these issues. Method: Questionnaires were mailed to a national sample of pediatric subspecialists. Responses were analyzed (n = 826; 18% response rate) using descriptive statistics and regression analyses. Results: In the past year, 59% of physicians suspected ≄1 patient(s) with ADHD diverted stimulants. Seventy-four percent believed ≄1 patient(s) feigned symptoms to obtain an initial ADHD diagnosis; 66% believed ≄1 patient(s) wanted stimulants to improve academic performance. Child and adolescent psychiatrists were most likely to suspect diversion and feigning symptoms. Thirty-nine percent of physicians believed diversion was at least “common.” Conclusion: Although many physicians suspected stimulant diversion and misuse, a substantial number were unaware of these issues, and subspecialist perceptions varied. These findings support the potential pervasiveness of these issues and the need for increased physician awareness

    Essentially Negative News About Positive Systems

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    In this paper the discretisation of switched and non-switched linear positive systems using Padé approximations is considered. Padé approximations to the matrix exponential are sometimes used by control engineers for discretising continuous time systems and for control system design. We observe that this method of approximation is not suited for the discretisation of positive dynamic systems, for two key reasons. First, certain types of Lyapunov stability are not, in general, preserved. Secondly, and more seriously, positivity need not be preserved, even when stability is. Finally we present an alternative approximation to the matrix exponential which preserves positivity, and linear and quadratic stability

    On the preservation of co-positive Lyapunov functions under Padé discretization for positive systems

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    In this paper the discretization of switched and non-switched linear positive systems using Padé approximations is considered. We show: 1) first order diagonal Padé approximation preserves both linear and quadratic co-positive Lyapunov functions, higher order transformations need an additional condition on the sampling time1; 2) positivity need not be preserved even for arbitrarily small sampling time for certain Padé approximations. Sufficient conditions on the Padé approximations are given to preserve positivity of the discrete-time system. Finally, some examples are given to illustrate the efficacy of our results

    Nucleon and Nuclear Structure Through Dilepton Production

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    Transverse momentum distributions and generalized parton distributions provide a comprehensive framework for the three-dimensional imaging of the nucleon and the nucleus experimentally using deeply virtual semi-exclusive and exclusive processes. The advent of combined high luminosity facilities and large acceptance detector capabilities enables experimental investigation of the partonic structure of hadrons with time-like virtual probes, in complement to the rich on-going space-like virtual probe program. The merits and benefits of the dilepton production channel for nuclear structure studies are discussed within the context of the International Workshop on Nucleon and Nuclear Structure through Dilepton Production taking place at the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) of Trento. Particularly, the double deeply virtual Compton scattering, the time-like Compton scattering, the deeply virtual meson production, and the Drell-Yan processes are reviewed and a strategy for high impact experimental measurements is proposed

    The HPS electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The Heavy Photon Search experiment (HPS) is searching for a new gauge boson, the so-called “heavy photon.” Through its kinetic mixing with the Standard Model photon, this particle could decay into an electron-positron pair. It would then be detectable as a narrow peak in the invariant mass spectrum of such pairs, or, depending on its lifetime, by a decay downstream of the production target. The HPS experiment is installed in Hall-B of Jefferson Lab. This article presents the design and performance of one of the two detectors of the experiment, the electromagnetic calorimeter, during the runs performed in 2015–2016. The calorimeter's main purpose is to provide a fast trigger and reduce the copious background from electromagnetic processes through matching with a tracking detector. The detector is a homogeneous calorimeter, made of 442 lead-tungstate (PbWO4) scintillating crystals, each read out by an avalanche photodiode coupled to a custom trans-impedance amplifier

    Searching for Prompt and Long-Lived Dark Photons in Electroproduced eâș e⁻ Pairs with the Heavy Photon Search Experiment at JLab

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    The heavy photon search experiment (HPS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility searches for electroproduced dark photons. We report results from the 2016 engineering run consisting of 10 608  nb−1 of data for both the prompt and displaced vertex searches. A search for a prompt resonance in the e+e− invariant mass distribution between 39 and 179 MeV showed no evidence of dark photons above the large QED background, limiting the coupling of Δ2≳10−5, in agreement with previous searches. The search for displaced vertices showed no evidence of excess signal over background in the masses between 60 and 150 MeV, but had insufficient luminosity to limit canonical heavy photon production. This is the first displaced vertex search result published by HPS. HPS has taken high-luminosity data runs in 2019 and 2021 that will explore new dark photon phase space

    Excitons in quasi-one dimensional organics: Strong correlation approximation

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    An exciton theory for quasi-one dimensional organic materials is developed in the framework of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian augmented by short range extended Hubbard interactions. Within a strong electron-electron correlation approximation, the exciton properties are extensively studied. Using scattering theory, we analytically obtain the exciton energy and wavefunction and derive a criterion for the existence of a BuB_u exciton. We also systematically investigate the effect of impurities on the coherent motion of an exciton. The coherence is measured by a suitably defined electron-hole correlation function. It is shown that, for impurities with an on-site potential, a crossover behavior will occur if the impurity strength is comparable to the bandwidth of the exciton, corresponding to exciton localization. For a charged impurity with a spatially extended potential, in addition to localization the exciton will dissociate into an uncorrelated electron-hole pair when the impurity is sufficiently strong to overcome the Coulomb interaction which binds the electron-hole pair. Interchain coupling effects are also discussed by considering two polymer chains coupled through nearest-neighbor interchain hopping t⊄t_{\perp} and interchain Coulomb interaction V⊄V_{\perp}. Within the tt matrix scattering formalism, for every center-of-mass momentum, we find two poles determined only by V⊄V_{\perp}, which correspond to the interchain excitons. Finally, the exciton state is used to study the charge transfer from a polymer chain to an adjacent dopant molecule.Comment: 24 pages, 23 eps figures, pdf file of the paper availabl

    Dark matter search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab

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    MeV-GeV dark matter (DM) is theoretically well motivated but remarkably unexplored. This Letter of Intent presents the MeV-GeV DM discovery potential for a 1 m3^3 segmented plastic scintillator detector placed downstream of the beam-dump at one of the high intensity JLab experimental Halls, receiving up to 1022^{22} electrons-on-target (EOT) in a one-year period. This experiment (Beam-Dump eXperiment or BDX) is sensitive to DM-nucleon elastic scattering at the level of a thousand counts per year, with very low threshold recoil energies (∌\sim1 MeV), and limited only by reducible cosmogenic backgrounds. Sensitivity to DM-electron elastic scattering and/or inelastic DM would be below 10 counts per year after requiring all electromagnetic showers in the detector to exceed a few-hundred MeV, which dramatically reduces or altogether eliminates all backgrounds. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are in progress to finalize the detector design and experimental set up. An existing 0.036 m3^3 prototype based on the same technology will be used to validate simulations with background rate estimates, driving the necessary R&\&D towards an optimized detector. The final detector design and experimental set up will be presented in a full proposal to be submitted to the next JLab PAC. A fully realized experiment would be sensitive to large regions of DM parameter space, exceeding the discovery potential of existing and planned experiments by two orders of magnitude in the MeV-GeV DM mass range.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, submitted to JLab PAC 4

    Precision measurements of g1g_1 of the proton and the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons

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    The inclusive polarized structure functions of the proton and deuteron, g1p and g1d, were measured with high statistical precision using polarized 6 GeV electrons incident on a polarized ammonia target in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory. Electrons scattered at lab angles between 18 and 45 degrees were detected using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). For the usual DIS kinematics, Q^2>1 GeV^2 and the final-state invariant mass W>2 GeV, the ratio of polarized to unpolarized structure functions g1/F1 is found to be nearly independent of Q^2 at fixed x. Significant resonant structure is apparent at values of W up to 2.3 GeV. In the framework of perturbative QCD, the high-W results can be used to better constrain the polarization of quarks and gluons in the nucleon, as well as high-twist contributions

    Target and beam-target spin asymmetries in exclusive pion electroproduction for Q2>1GeV2 . I. ep→eπ+n

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    Beam-target double-spin asymmetries and target single-spin asymmetries were measured for the exclusive π + electroproduction reaction Îł ∗ p → n π + . The results were obtained from scattering of 6-GeV longitudinally polarized electrons off longitudinally polarized protons using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory. The kinematic range covered is 1.1 < W < 3 GeV and 1 < Q 2 < 6 GeV 2 . Results were obtained for about 6000 bins in W ,   Q 2 ,   cos ( Ξ ∗ ) , and ϕ ∗ . Except at forward angles, very large target-spin asymmetries are observed over the entire W region. Reasonable agreement is found with phenomenological fits to previous data for W < 1.6 GeV, but very large differences are seen at higher values of W . A generalized parton distributions (GPD)-based model is in poor agreement with the data. When combined with cross-sectional measurements, the present results provide powerful constraints on nucleon resonance amplitudes at moderate and large values of Q 2 , for resonances with masses as high as 2.4 GeV
