108 research outputs found

    Assessing the Contribution of Higher Education to Regional Development

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    The paper deals with the issue of assessing the contribution of higher education to regional development. The study aims to analyze new ways of assessing the contribution of universities to regional development using such indicators as (1) their contribution to the local economy, (2) their role in human capital development, and (3) their contribution to the regional innovation system. We offer an objective assessment of the contribution of higher education to the regional economy by determining the relationship between personnel training and industrial specialization characteristics. Admissions are assigned to the transparency of regional education systems and the migration of university graduates. In general, regional industry specialization justifies regional contribution to the national gross domestic product. Therefore, regions that produce goods with a high share of value-added will always have advantages. The authors argue that quantitative indicators for assessing the role of universities in regional development should be supplemented with the results of sociological surveys that can be posted on digital platforms and services

    Knowledge, attitude and opinion of drug misuse and abuse by pharmacy students: a cross-sectional study in Jordan

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    Purpose: To assess the knowledge, attitude and opinion of final-year undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students regarding inappropriate drug use in a university campus, Amman, Jordan.Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a self-completed validated anonymous questionnaire that consisted of two parts was adopted. The first part of the questionnaire pertained to respondents’ demographic details, education level and any experience they might have had with drug misuse or abuse. The second part described students' knowledge, attitude and practice regarding the identification, prevention and management of drug misuse and abuse.Results: A total number of 198 pharmacy students filled the questionnaire (N = 131 undergraduate, and N = 67 postgraduate students). A majority of the students strongly agreed/agreed that all pharmacy staff must be trained on recognizing drug abusers (92.0 %), informed of the kinds of drugs abused in the local area of the pharmacy (93.4 %) and trained on methods of dealing with drug abusers (92.6 %).Conclusion: There is a need to implement a well-structured training on the identification, prevention and management of prescription and OTC drug misuse and abuse in undergraduate pharmacy curricula in Jordan. Modules should be updated regularly and tailored to meet the needs of pharmacy practice

    The Role of a Mediator in the Participatory Practices in the Museum (Mediation and Facilitated Discussion)

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    In the era of the participation culture “viewer-inclusive” methods of communication in the museum have become in demand almost everywhere. The authors pose a question to the master of such a communication practices role. Analyzing participatory practices in terms of the achieved results, the authors appeal to the experience of art mediation (D. Malikova, E. Kochukhov, M. Lind, C. Morsh), the VTC method (A. Housen, P. Yenawine) and its version adapted for Russian students — facilitated discussion (N. V. Ievleva, M. V. Potapova). The master of participatory practices acts as a part of an art environment. The master determines the perception and description norms for an art object, even if the traditional position of the teacher and expert is deliberately reject ed. The development of creative thinking is the result of both methods. But if facilitated discussion primarily develops aesthetic literacy, then art mediation expands the museum communicative environment, attracting visitors from different demographic and psychographic groups and numerous communities

    Current trends in developing education funding in the russian federation

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    The article aims to analyze theoretical and practical aspects of developing education funding mechanism as a business tool to provide availability of higher professional education in the Russian Federation, taking into consideration the support provided by the state for education funding in order to solve social and economic problems, motivate and support national banking sector. Successful implementation of education funding programmes largely depends on the degree to which the prospective credit party, the banking institution and the state respect each other's interests. Russian banks tend to underestimate education funding potential as a possible way to receive alternative revenue by adding this programme to the product line. The demand for education services is not especially high, but it still exists and is expected to grow in the years to follow. This is above all due to the fact that higher education becomes predominantly fee-based. The results of this analysis allowed us to identify trends and future prospects of developing student loan projects

    Multiple intrasyntenic rearrangements and rapid speciation in voles

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    Abstract Remarkably stable genomic chromosome elements (evolutionary conserved segments or syntenies) are the basis of large-scale chromosome architecture in vertebrate species. However, these syntenic elements harbour evolutionary important changes through intrachromosomal rearrangements such as inversions and centromere repositioning. Here, using FISH with a set of 20 region-specific probes on a wide array of 28 species, we analyzed evolution of three conserved syntenic regions of the Arvicolinae ancestral karyotype. Inside these syntenies we uncovered multiple, previously cryptic intrachromosomal rearrangements. Although in each of the three conserved blocks we found inversions and centromere repositions, the blocks experienced different types of rearrangements. In two syntenies centromere repositioning predominated, while in the third region, paracentric inversions were more frequent, whereas pericentric inversions were not detected. We found that some of the intrachromosomal rearrangements, mainly paracentric inversions, were synapomorphic for whole arvicoline genera or tribes: genera Alexandromys and Microtus, tribes Ellobini and Myodini. We hypothesize that intrachromosomal rearrangements within conserved syntenic blocks are a major evolutionary force modulating genome architecture in species-rich and rapidly-evolving rodent taxa. Inversions and centromere repositioning may impact speciation and provide a potential link between genome evolution, speciation, and biogeography

    Population Notification Concerning Sanitary-Epidemiological Situation and Current Sanitary Anti-Epidemic Operations (Prophylactic Measures) in the Period of Flood in the Amur Region

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    Displayed are the results of work of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Amur Region in view of the population notification concerning sanitary-epidemiological situation and current anti-epidemic operations under the emergency event preconditioned by the large-scale high water, 2013. In order to avoid aggravation of epidemiological situation in the region, Rospotrebnadzor Administration has performed provision of the exposed population in the devastated territories (including temporal accommodation sites) with the information on the significance of adherence to personal safety practices for infectious diseases prevention, of usage high quality drinking water only (boiled or bottled and distilled), of immunization against viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever and Sonne dysentery, of sanitation activities in the lodgings, back yards, wells, as well as of holding to the discipline of rodent-born infection prevention. On-time notification of the population under emergency conditions benefited to the reduction of risks associated with aggravation of sanitary-epidemiological situation in the exposed territories

    Neural Networks and Participative Museum Practices: Points of Interaction in the Modern Education

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    В статье анализируются изменения, происходящие в образовательном процессе в связи с появлением нейронных сетей. Предлагается использовать музейные партиципаторные практики в качестве метода формирования компетенций студентов творческих специальностей, необходимых в работе с нейросетями.The article analyzes the changes taking place in the educational process in connection with the advent of neural networks. It is proposed to use museum participatory practices as a method of developing the competencies of students of creative specialties, which are necessary in working with neural networks

    Application of the Rapid Linear Immune-Electrophoresis for Differentiation between Burkholderia

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    Objective of the study was to develop a method that would allow for rapid linear immune-electrophoresis to differentiate between pathogenic agents of glanders and melioidosis and non-pathogenic closely-related Burkholderia . The put-forward modification of the technique made it possible to detect the antigens of pathogenic B. pseudomallei and B. mallei due to the presence of precipitation lines in between the sample gel and the one with immune sera. B. thailandensis, B. cepacia, and B. gladioli did not form such precipitation lines, which in its turn provided for the possibility to differentiate between the mentioned ones and pathogenic Burkholderia. The rapid enhanced linear immune-electrophoresis is easy to perform and compelling, and takes little time. It is qualified for identification of heterogenic and specific antigens in Burkholderia , selection of immune sera containing antibodies to the existing antigens, and can be used as a supportive alternative analytical means for the detection of antigens of pathogenic Burkholderia