29 research outputs found


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    Health is one of the basic and important requirements of every individual in the world. The health and its care is a complex phenomenon which can be managed by self or by health care professionals as per the conditions. Now a day's several healthcare institutions are budding up however it is not ensured that everybody will get the kind of treatment they require. The main reason for this situation is lack in the quality and ethics in healthcare management. Healthcare system needs highly qualified doctors, paramedical staff and medicines which are critical for producing effective management and helps in high-quality outcomes, otherwise poor-quality care adds significantly to the costs of patients and sometimes results in delay in recovery from the disease or lead to major loss. Hence it is one of the very strong issues in health management in the present materialistic world.Ayurveda is a very distinct Indian medical science and has some unique qualities in catering the health service and management for the needy, based on the Chatushpada (four pillars of treatment) theory. It consists of Bhishag (physician), Upastha (medical attendant), Rogi (patient) and Dravya (medicine). These four factors are mutually dependant on each other and its proper employment gives good outcome of Chikitsa (treatment). Each of the four factors possesses four qualities essential for a treatment to be successful. In absence of any one of these, the treatment may not be successful. However among these four pillars, physician has got prime importance since in any case treatment is not possible in his absence.

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Environment Monitoring System

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    This paper describes the development of a sustainable power source that can supply sufficient power to wireless sensors in remote locations while requiring less maintenance and low costs. The soil energy is utilized by Microbial Fuel Cell. The soil with microorganisms can produce energy when they are attached with two electrodes, one positive and another negative electrode. This leads to flow of electrons contributing to electricity. The electricity is then utilized to Electronic circuit consisting of microcontroller and the humidity and temperature sensors are attached to it to read out the values of temperature and humidity on PC by using ZigBee Transceiver.Â

    Challenges and opportunities associated with waste management in India

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    India faces major environmental challenges associated with waste generation and inadequate waste collection, transport, treatment and disposal. Current systems in India cannot cope with the volumes of waste generated by an increasing urban population, and this impacts on the environment and public health. The challenges and barriers are significant, but so are the opportunities. This paper reports on an international seminar on ‘Sustainable solid waste management for cities: opportunities in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries’ organized by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute and the Royal Society. A priority is to move from reliance on waste dumps that offer no environmental protection, to waste management systems that retain useful resources within the economy. Waste segregation at source and use of specialized waste processing facilities to separate recyclable materials has a key role. Disposal of residual waste after extraction of material resources needs engineered landfill sites and/or investment in waste-to-energy facilities. The potential for energy generation from landfill via methane extraction or thermal treatment is a major opportunity, but a key barrier is the shortage of qualified engineers and environmental professionals with the experience to deliver improved waste management systems in India