19 research outputs found

    Organizational and financial principles for the development of euroregions

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    Organizational and financial principles for the development of euroregions I. V. Petrunenko, S. I. Belei, M. V. Petchenko, N. V. Kovalenko, O. A. Bodnar, N. G. Maslak // International Journal of Economics and Business Administration. – 2020. – № 8 (3). – Р. 150-160. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.35808/ijeba/493Метою даної наукової роботи є виявлення та аналіз організаційно-фінансових особливостей розвитку єврорегіонів на сучасному етапі. Для проведення дослідження використовувалися метод порівняння, графічний метод, а також метод аналізу та синтезу. Показано, що мета досягається визначенням організаційно-правових форм діяльності єврорегіонів, укладанням договору про співпрацю, створенням приватних об'єднань транскордонного призначення, а також організацій, наділених правоздатністю. При цьому було проаналізовано фінансові стимули для реалізації програм та проектів за рахунок виділення додаткового фінансування з європейських фондів.The purpose of this scientific work is to identify and analyze the organizational and financial features of the development of Euroregions at the present stage. The comparison method, the graphical method, as well as the method of analysis and synthesis were used to conduct the study. It is shown that the goal is achieved by defining the organizational and legal forms of activity of Euroregions, concluding a cooperation agreement, creating private associations of transboundary purpose, as well as organizations endowed with legal capacity. At the same time, financial incentives for the implementation of programs and projects were analyzed through the allocation of additional funding from European funds.Целью данной научной работы является выявление и анализ организационно-финансовых особенностей развития еврорегионов на современном этапе. Для проведения исследования использовались метод сравнения, графический метод, а также метод анализа и синтеза. Показано, что цель достигается определением организационно-правовых форм деятельности еврорегионов, заключением договора о сотрудничестве, созданием частных объединений трансграничного назначения, а также организаций, наделенных правоспособностью. При этом были проанализированы финансовые стимулы для реализации программ и проектов за счет выделения дополнительного финансирования из европейских фондо

    Exploring the darkverse: a multi-perspective analysis of the negative societal impacts of the metaverse

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    The Metaverse has the potential to form the next pervasive computing archetype that can transform many aspects of work and life at a societal level. Despite the many forecasted benefits from the metaverse, its negative outcomes have remained relatively unexplored with the majority of views grounded on logical thoughts derived from prior data points linked with similar technologies, somewhat lacking academic and expert perspective. This study responds to the dark side perspectives through informed and multifaceted narratives provided by invited leading academics and experts from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. The metaverse dark side perspectives covered include: technological and consumer vulnerability, privacy, and diminished reality, human–computer interface, identity theft, invasive advertising, misinformation, propaganda, phishing, financial crimes, terrorist activities, abuse, pornography, social inclusion, mental health, sexual harassment and metaverse-triggered unintended consequences. The paper concludes with a synthesis of common themes, formulating propositions, and presenting implications for practice and policy

    It's a brand new world: Teaching brand management in virtual environments

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    This study examines virtual worlds as a tool to convey branding principles to students. The authors have integrated the metaverse second life into an undergraduate brand management course, with the aim of narrowing the apparent gap between branding theory and practice. Avatar-based virtual world education is highly interactive and provides a rich experiential environment compared with textbook-based theory and traditional written assignments. Allowing students to experience the practical consequences of theoretically driven branding efforts and activities also enables a simulation of a complete branding experience through role playing. Quantitative and qualitative data collected at the end of the course reveal that second life offers a suitable means to facilitate students’ understanding of theoretical branding concepts and ability to apply the theoretical principles to real-life scenarios. The integration of a virtual world into academic curricula thus suggests a promising method to narrow the classroom gap between branding theory and practice