47 research outputs found

    In Memoriam, Academician Prof. Dr. Osor Shagdarsuren (1929-2010)

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    Academician, Professor Osor Shagdarsuren passed away due to apoplexy on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at the age of 81. He was one of the most respected Mongolian ornithologists, biologists, and educators. The Mongolian scientific community has lost one of its greatest members, the premier Mongolian ornithologist

    Brutareale und Brutbiologie der Greifvogelarten der Mongolei = Grid Mapping and Breeding Ecology of Raptors in Mongolia

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    This work summarizes the longtime ecological research of the German-Mongolian scientific cooperation regarding biodiversity studies in Central Asia, focusing on native raptor species (Aves: Falconiformes). There is included a short overview on the history of raptor research in Mongolia. One of the primary goals was the creation of distribution maps of breeding records based on definitive time and space coordinates. Additional data on the breeding biology amend the distribution data. Currently 43 raptor species are recorded for Mongolia. Whenever possible were also incorporated data from adjacent regions of Mongolia (China, Tuva, Burjatia, Pribaikalia), in order to embed the avifauna of Mongolia into this wider geographical setting. First data on migration based on ringing and marking are available for the Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus), Black Kite (Milvus migrans), and the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)

    Output decisions and price matching: theory and experiment

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    We study the effects of price matching in a setting in which each firm selects both its price and output, simultaneously. We show that the availability of a price-matching option leads to the Cournot outcome in this setting. Our experimental study confirms this result in the laboratory. Our finding is a stark contrast to the one obtained in the standard price competition that the most likely market price in the presence of a price-matching option is the monopolistic price. In addition, we show that price matching benefits consumers in markets with a large number of firms. If a market has a few firms, then the effects of price matching on consumers depend on the market demand and cost functions. Thus, our study suggests that the effect of price matching depends on the strategic variables of the firms

    Myodes rutilus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3.

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    Discrimination and daycare choice: evidence from a randomized survey

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    We use a randomized survey to study the relation between parenting styles and attitudes towards ethnic minorities in a daycare setting. Parents choose between two daycare centers: a free-play facility that reflects a “relaxed” parenting approach and a structured facility that reflects a “strict” parenting approach. We find biases against ethnic minorities among parents who prefer the structured daycare but not among parents who prefer the free-play one. Using data from the European Value Survey, we further document an association between discriminatory attitudes towards peer ethnicity and parenting style

    Micromys minutus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3.

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