112 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan Pengembangan Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah KUNAK (Studi Kasus Usaha Ternak Kavling 176, Desa Pamijahan Kab. Bogor)

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    Susu adalah salah satu komoditi peternakan dengan tingkat konsumsi tinggi. Namun, kesenjangan antara produksi dan konsumsi susu mengharuskan kita untuk melakukan impor dari negara lain. Selanjutnya, pembangunan USAha diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi susu nasional. ‘Kavling 176' adalah salah satu peternakan yang membantu memasok produk susu. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan analisis kelayakan USAha pada ‘kavling 176'. Analisis kelayakan digunakan menentukan 1) aspek non finansial USAha; 2) potensi pengembangan USAha dari aspek finansial; 3) analisis sensitivitas USAha. metode yang digunakan dalam aspek finansial adalah Net Present Value (NPV), Internal rate of return (IRR), Net B/C Ratio, Payback Period (PBP) dan Break Event Point (BEP). Berdasarkan tujuan, hasil yang diperoleh adalah 1) USAha dinyatakan layak menurut aspek non finansial; 2) pengembangan bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan nilai NPV Rp 292 514 822.00, IRR 25.93%, Net B/C Ratio 1.42, PBP 2.83 tahun, dan BEP Rp 225 155 564.00; 3) USAha dinyatakan sensitif pada penurunan produksi hingga 17% dan kondisi gabungan hingga 7%

    Analisis Strategi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Di PT. Sierad Produce Tbk. Parung

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    Quality and safety food products problem was usually after thought in the food industry development issues, accordance with the consumer's desirability that understand the importance of product quality and food safety. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification is one way for company to implementing food safety. Sierad Produce Corp. at this moment has obtained HACCP certificate to produce chicken carcasses.But the implementation need to be controlled, as the case of foodborne illness and foodborne disease can occur easily if not properly controlled. The main objective of this research is to develop the best strategy to implement HACCP and to maintain the food safety quality system at Sierad Produce Corp. The information and data that has been collected within this research were covering both the primary and secondary data based on the date of September 2012 to December 2012. The methods used in this research are descriptive analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal External (IE), Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on this research, the best strategy for implementing HACCP and sustain the system on Sierad Produce are Critical Control Points (CCP) evaluation and improvement of production room

    Monitoring Tetesan Infus Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega16

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    Dalam dunia medis infus merupakan alat yang paling sering digunakan, fungsi infus sendiri yaitu untuk memberikan cairan kepada paisen secara berkala. Kesalahan dalam pemberian cairan infus dapat berakibat buruk kepada pasien, apabila terjadi masalah seperti penyumbatan atau kehabisan cairan jika tidak segera ditangani akan berbahaya bagi pasien. Infus yang ada saat ini penggunaannya masih secara manual dimana kesalahan – kesalahan seperti tersebut masih sering terjadi. Pada tugas akhir ini dikembangkan alat yang mampu mendeteksi kecepatan aliran dan volume cairan pada infus. Terdapat sensor yang mampu mendeteksi adanya tetesan dengan menggunakan perubahan nilai analog cahaya. Perubahan tersebut dikonversi menjadi sinyal digital dengan fitur ADC (Analog To Digital Converter) pada mikrokontroler. Sinyal digital yang diterima mikrokontroler dirubah menjadi besaran dengan satuan tetes per menit. Data tetesan per menit akan ditampilkan pada LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). Buzzer akan bunyi disaat kecepatan tetes lebih lambat 4 tetes/menit atau lebih cepat 4 tetes/menit dari kecepatan yang sudah ditentukan. Alat mampu mendeteksi kecepatan tetesan infus dengan rata-rata nilai error pada konversi satuan sebesar 0,7 %. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu alat monitoring tetesan infus yang dapat memberikan informasi mengenai laju kecepatan tetesan dan kondisi cairan pada infus. Sistem yang secara realtime dimonitoring oleh perawat ini dapat mengurangi permasalahan yang timbul karena kelalaian petugas. Sehingga perawat tidak secara manual dalam mengatur kecepatan tetesan infus dan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pasien

    Penghitung benih ikan lele otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler atmega8

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    Pembibitian dan Penjualan benih ikan lele merupakan sektor ekonomi yang menjanjikan. Penjualan benih ikan lele yang ada masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga perbedaan penghitungan membutuhkan waktu lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat alat penghitung benih ikan lele otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega8 yang lebih cepat penghitunganya. Penghitung benih ikan dibuat melalui tiga tahap yaitu perancangan hardware, pembuatan program dan pengujian alat. Hardware alat berbentuk wadah dengan dimensi 45 cm x 35 cm x 55 cm berbahan fiber, dilengkapi 4 pipa bening untuk keluarnya benih ikan. Alat dibuat menggunakan sensor photodiode, prosesor mikrokontroler Atmega8, dan LCD 2x16 sebagai output. Sensor photodioda dipasangkan dengan LED secara berhadapan pada pipa, dan resistor 10 kOhm dipasang dengan photodioda membentuk rangkaian pembagi tegangan. Ketika ikan melewati pipa, sensor akan menangkap perbedaan intensitas cahaya, kemudian ADC mikrokontroler membaca perubahan tegangan pada rangkaian pembagi tegangan. Benih ikan dengan jumlah yang ditentukan, dilewatkan melalui alat bersama air kocoran. Program menghitung jumlah benih ikan yang ditangkap sensor, hasil dikalikan dengan harga jenis ikan kemudian ditampilkan pada LCD. Pengujian dilakukan dilapangan, jumlah ikan yang diukur 10, 20, 100, 250 dan 500 ekor. Hasil perhitungan yang didapatkan masih mengalami presentase error berkisar 0-15%. Ketidaksempurnaan hardware, kejernihan pipa, toleransi sensor terhadapa cahaya dan keruhnya air menyebabkan presentase error yang tinggi

    Performance studies of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector with data taken at the DESY test beam in April 2016

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    Belle II is a multipurpose detector currently under construction which will be operated at the next generation B-factory SuberKEKB in Japan. Its main devices for the vertex reconstruction are the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) and the Pixel Detector (PXD). In April 2016 a sector of the Belle II SVD and PXD have been tested in a beam of high energetic electrons at the test beam facility at DESY Hamburg (Germany). We report here the results for the hit efficiency estimation and the measurement of the resolution for the Belle II silicon vertex etector. We find that the hit efficiencies are on average above 99.5% and that the measured resolution is within the expectations

    The Belle II SVD detector

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    The Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) is one of the main detectors in the Belle II experiment at KEK, Japan. In combination with a pixel detector, the SVD determines precise decay vertex and low-momentum track reconstruction. The SVD ladders are being developed at several institutes. For the development of the tracking algorithm as well as the performance estimation of the ladders, beam tests for the ladders were performed. We report an overview of the SVD development, its performance measured in the beam test, and the prospect of its assembly and commissioning until installation

    Performance studies of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector with data taken at the DESY test beam in April 2016

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    Belle II is a multipurpose detector currently under construction which will be operated at the next generation B-factory SuberKEKB in Japan. Its main devices for the vertex reconstruction are the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) and the Pixel Detector (PXD). In April 2016 a sector of the Belle II SVD and PXD have been tested in a beam of high energetic electrons at the test beam facility at DESY Hamburg (Germany). We report here the results for the hit efficiency estimation and the measurement of the resolution for the Belle II silicon vertex etector. We find that the hit efficiencies are on average above 99.5% and that the measured resolution is within the expectations

    Structure-Function Relationship of Cytoplasmic and Nuclear IκB Proteins: An In Silico Analysis

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    Cytoplasmic IκB proteins are primary regulators that interact with NF-κB subunits in the cytoplasm of unstimulated cells. Upon stimulation, these IκB proteins are rapidly degraded, thus allowing NF-κB to translocate into the nucleus and activate the transcription of genes encoding various immune mediators. Subsequent to translocation, nuclear IκB proteins play an important role in the regulation of NF-κB transcriptional activity by acting either as activators or inhibitors. To date, molecular basis for the binding of IκBα, IκBβ and IκBζ along with their partners is known; however, the activation and inhibition mechanism of the remaining IκB (IκBNS, IκBε and Bcl-3) proteins remains elusive. Moreover, even though IκB proteins are structurally similar, it is difficult to determine the exact specificities of IκB proteins towards their respective binding partners. The three-dimensional structures of IκBNS, IκBζ and IκBε were modeled. Subsequently, we used an explicit solvent method to perform detailed molecular dynamic simulations of these proteins along with their known crystal structures (IκBα, IκBβ and Bcl-3) in order to investigate the flexibility of the ankyrin repeat domains (ARDs). Furthermore, the refined models of IκBNS, IκBε and Bcl-3 were used for multiple protein-protein docking studies for the identification of IκBNS-p50/p50, IκBε-p50/p65 and Bcl-3-p50/p50 complexes in order to study the structural basis of their activation and inhibition. The docking experiments revealed that IκBε masked the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of the p50/p65 subunits, thereby preventing its translocation into the nucleus. For the Bcl-3- and IκBNS-p50/p50 complexes, the results show that Bcl-3 mediated transcription through its transactivation domain (TAD) while IκBNS inhibited transcription due to its lack of a TAD, which is consistent with biochemical studies. Additionally, the numbers of identified flexible residues were equal in number among all IκB proteins, although they were not conserved. This could be the primary reason for their binding partner specificities

    Belle-II VXD radiation monitoring and beam abort with sCVD diamond sensors

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    The Belle-II VerteX Detector (VXD) has been designed to improve the performances with respect to Belle and to cope with an unprecedented luminosity of View the MathML source8 71035cm 122s 121 achievable by the SuperKEKB. Special care is needed to monitor both the radiation dose accumulated throughout the life of the experiment and the instantaneous radiation rate, in order to be able to promptly react to sudden spikes for the purpose of protecting the detectors. A radiation monitoring and beam abort system based on single-crystal diamond sensors is now under an active development for the VXD. The sensors will be placed in several key positions in the vicinity of the interaction region. The severe space limitations require a challenging remote readout of the sensors

    Belle II silicon vertex detector (SVD)

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    The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider in Japan will operate at an unprecedented luminosity of 8 71035 cm 122s 121, about 40 times larger than its predecessor, Belle. Its vertex detector is composed of a two-layer DEPFET pixel detector (PXD) and a four layer double-sided silicon microstrip detector (SVD). To achieve a precise decay-vertex position determination and excellent low-momentum tracking under a harsh background condition and high trigger rate of 10 kHz, the SVD employs several innovative techniques. In order to minimize the parasitic capacitance in the signal path, 1748 APV25 ASIC chips, which read out signal from 224 k strip channels, are directly mounted on the modules with the novel Origami concept. The analog signal from APV25 are digitized by a flash ADC system, and sent to the central DAQ as well as to online tracking system based on SVD hits to provide region of interests to the PXD for reducing the latter\u2019s data size to achieve the required bandwidth and data storage space. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art dual phase CO2 cooling solution has been chosen for a combined thermal management of the PXD and SVD system. In this proceedings, we present key design principles, module construction and integration status of the Belle II SVD