8 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Lidar untuk Evaluasi Ketinggian Bangunan di Kawasan Jalan Pandanaran, Semarang

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    Kota Semarang merupakan ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah sekaligus kota metropolitan terbesar kelima di Indonesia setelah Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan dan Bandung. Kota Semarang terus mengalami perkembangan dan pembangunan kota. Perkembangan dan pembangunan kota yang terjadi menyebabkan berdirinya bangunan gedung secara pesat. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan di Kota Semarang membutuhkan pengontrolan terhadap kesesuaian penataan ruang yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Penataan ruang merupakan suatu sistem perencanaan dan pemanfaatan ruang yang perlu dikendalikan dalam proses pengembangan suatu kawasan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada tinggi bangunan gedung di kawasan Jalan Pandanaran Kota Semarang, dengan melakukan evaluasi terhadap Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Kota Semarang Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 dan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 35 Tahun 2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan data DEM LiDAR untuk memperoleh tinggi bangunan secara aktual. Tinggi bangunan yang melebihi ketentuan dari Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Kota Semarang Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 dan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KM 35 Tahun 2008 dianggap sebagai bangunan melanggar. Pelanggaran tersebut terjadi pada 3 bangunan gedung, yaitu Bank Panin, Louis Keinne Hotel, dan Menara Suara Merdeka. Nilai pelanggaran yang terjadi untuk ketinggian bangunan di Kawasan Jalan Pandanaran sebesar 2,65 %. Maka nilai kesesuaian hasil evaluasi tinggi bangunan tersebut mencapai dari 97,35 %

    The Impact of Visit Frequency on Kreo Cave Tourism Development

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    Kreo Cave is one of the tourist destinations in Semarang City in the form of nature reserve tours. Kreo Cave provides opportunities for the community to improve economic, social and cultural welfare. The existence of Kreo Cave and its tourism development has a very positive potential for various parties such as the government, the community, tourists so that Kreo Cave has the value of tourism potential that can support the development of Semarang City. Visitors to Kreo Cave experience an increase every year so that it can be said that tourism objects have developed. Therefore, this study conducts an economic assessment of the area of Kreo Cave which has undergone development. Based on these, the frequency of tourist visits can be analyzed to determine the direction of development of attractions. Tourism development can be seen using the Travel Cost Method (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to determine the WTP (Willingness to Pay) value to see the development of Total Economic Value (TEV) tourism from Kreo Cave. This research produce total economic value (TEV) from the Kreo Cave of Rp. 463,392,708,190, - in 2015, Rp. 373,242,613,540, - in 2016 and Rp. 552,610,924,100 in 2017. These results indicate an increase in the value of TEV in Kreo Cave between 2015 and 2017

    Analysis of Road Network Growth Patterns as Supporting System of Industrial Park Accessibility

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    Development growth around the industrial area has increased from year to year to meet the ideal industry criteria ranging from environmental, economic, physical and other aspects. Physical development affects accessibility so that it accelerates production and distribution by increasing the road network. Road network monitoring needs to be carried out to see its effect on the accessibility of industrial park. Therefore, this study analyzes the growth pattern of the road network as a support system for industrial area accessibility. This research was carried out in the Kendal Industrial Park in Kaliwungu, South Kaliwungu, and Brangsong Regencies. The research method uses the Remote Sensing method and Geographic Information System (GIS). Satellite imagery was digitalized on Worldview-2 (0.5 Meter) and SPOT-7 (1.5 Meter) satellite images with multitemporal 2010 and 2019. The digitization results were calculated on the total length of roads from 2010 to 2019. Road growth patterns were analyzed using spatial statistical analysis shown by Ellipse's Standard Deviation. The growth of road net growth in Kendal Industrial Park from 2010 to 2019 is 45,645.392 meters or 45.645 kilometers. Road growth in the 3 sub-districts in the study area is heading north where in the north there is the Kendal Industrial Park which has a lot of road construction to support access to the Kendal Industrial Park or to other areas that are more effective and efficient

    Spatial Model of Green Open Space Needs for Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Semarang

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    Increasing population of the can be effect to an increase in space requirements. Fulfilling space needs means that what happens is a land use changes. green land becomes a need for development land and is the cause of the effect of rising air temperatures in cities. These changes are very important to studying for make plans on city. This study intends to examine the needs of Green Open Space spatially based on the phenomenon of increasing temperature in a location within the city compared to its surroundings or called Urban Heat Island (UHI). Remote Sensing is used to detect UHI spatially. This UHI location will be used as spatial modeling data to assess how large and where is need green space. The expected processing results are a spatial model simulation of the adequacy of Green Open Space requirements that will be a mitigation of the UHI phenomenon that is presented spatially in the form of thematic maps as one of the data that can be used as consideration in the city design planning of Semarang in the long term