469 research outputs found

    Strategi Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa SD/MI

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    IndonesiaPendahuluan: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengertian kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa, peran guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SD/MI, bentuk soal matematika untuk meningkatkan komunikasi matematis siswa SD/MI, dan strategi pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan komunikasi matematis siswa SD/MI. Metode: Tulisan ini merupakan kajian pustaka tentang strategi meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SD/MI. Hasil: 1) Kemampuan komunikasi matematika adalah kemampuan dalam menyampaikan ide matematika, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan serta kemampuan memahami dan menerima ide matematika orang lain secara cermat, analisis, kritis, dan evaluatif untuk mempertajam pemahaman; 2) Peran guru dalam mengembangkan komunikasi matematis siswa SD/MI meliputi: a) merancang pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan intensitas interaksi guru dengan siswa dan antar siswa, b) memberikan motivasi kepada siswa, c) menyeleksi tugas-tugas yang akan diberikan, dan d) mengukur kemampuan matematis siswa dengan pemberian soal uraian; 4) Strategi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa SD/MI adalah: a) Strategi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-talk-write; b) Strategi pembelajaran interaktif; c) Strategi pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams-Games-Tour-Tournaments; d) Pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik (PMR); dan e) Pendekatan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). EnglishIntroduction: The purposes of this article are to explain understanding of students\u27 mathematical communication skills, the teachers\u27 role to improve students\u27 mathematical communication skills in elementary school, design of mathematical question form to improve mathematical communication in elementary school, the strategies to improve mathematical communication skill in elementary school. Method: This paper is library research to know strategies improving mathematical communication skill in elementary school. Results: 1) The mathematical communication skill is the ability to present mathematical ideas, both orally and in writing and the ability to understand and accept other people\u27s mathematical ideas carefully, analytically, critically and evaluatively for building mathematical knowledge; 2) The teachers\u27 role in developing mathematical communication of elementary students are: a) designing methods, approaches, and strategies that increase the intensity of teacher interaction with students and among students, b) giving motivation to students, c) selecting the tasks, and d) measuring students\u27 mathematical communication ability by giving essay task; 5) Strategies to improve mathematical communication skills in elementary school are: a) cooperative learning strategy type think-talk-write; b) interactive learning strategy; c) Cooperative Teams-Games-Tour-Tournaments Cooperative Learning Strategy; d) Realistic mathematics education (RME) approach; and e) Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach

    Implementasi Undang- Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 Tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak Dalam Upaya Melindungi Kepentingan Anak

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    Children are a mandate from God Almighty which in them laid a dignity as human beings. Children need protection against negative effects of a fast-growing developmnet. This essay is trying to discuss about how's the implementation of the law of SPPA and the Government of Indonesia's efforts in protecting children especially those who are conflicted with the law in accordance to The Law number 11 Year 2012. The method applied in this essay is qualitative socio-legal approach, based on the library data. In the investigation process, prosecution until the proceedings, there still be diversion process Is ultimately enforced considering the children's age and the penalties are not over than 7 years. If this diversion process is not applicable then the judicial process is becoming ultimum remedium, putting the children in LPAS, LPAK and LPKS. Those institutions are expected to give new hopes to children who's dealing with the legal matters. Through the approching system in Juvenile Criminal Court Process from investigators, prosecutors, judges, advocates to the public counselor, both the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Social Ministry, it is necessary to establish a clear coordination and role in implementing the Juvenile Criminal Court System

    Otomatisasi Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah (Ipal) Sistem Mobile Di Baristand Industri Surabaya

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    Berdasarkan UU RI No.32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, maka setiap industri maupun instansi harus bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatannya. Sehubungan dengan adanya permasalahan keterbatasan lahan yang permanen, maka Baristand berupaya membantu dalam pemecahan terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi industri dengan perekayasaan Mobil IPAL.Permasalahan yang ada di Mobil IPAL adalah adanya fluktuasi Karakteristik & volume Air limbah yg akan diproses, tergantung sumber limbahnya, hal tersebut menimbulkan kesulitan pada pengaturan pH serta Penambahan pereaksi. Sehingga dengan Otomatisasi diharapkan kinerja IPAL Mobil lebih effisien.Sistem otomatisasi di IPAL Mobil meliputi penetapan pH 7 dengan pH display dan pengaturan pemberian reagen secara manual. Pengaturan pH : 7 dengan proses air limbah secara sinambung yang dilengkapi dengan dozing pump menggunakan larutan H2SO4 10 %, pengontrolan pH dengan waktu respon dalam 30 detik

    Encouraging Knowledge Sharing Behavior to Boost the Business Performance of Creative Industry (Study in Indonesia SMES’s Context)

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    SMEs creative sector has an important and strategic role in national economic development. MSMEs for the Indonesian economy are able to absorb labor about 97% and contribute to gross domestic product (GDP) about 57%. In fact, owners of creative SMEs in the city of Semarang not yet have an awareness of the importance of innovation and creativity development [16]. One of the biggest obstacles is that they do not have a structured program to explore the attractiveness and uniqueness of its products, consequently its products cannot compete competitively with foreign products that increase in the domestic market. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that can explain the strategy to boost the performance of creative SMEs business through a habit of cultivating the behavior of knowledge sharing between owners, employees, consumers, competitors, government or other stakeholders. The higher the desire to share knowledge then potentially will increasingly bring up innovative ideas that can encourage business performance. The sample consisted of 185 owners of creative SMEs in Semarang City who answered the structured questionnaire. The data is processed by Wrap PLS version 6. The result of the research shows the support of previous research result that UMKM business performance will only be achieved if UMKM actors cultivate knowledge sharing behavior to encourage the emergence of more innovative ideas

    Perawatan Ulang Saluran Akar Insisivus Lateralis Kiri Maksila Dengan Medikamen Kalsium Hidroksida-Chlorhexidine

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    Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan terapi endodontik antara lain pembersihan dan membentuk saluran akar yang tidak sempurna dan obturasi tidak hermetis sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya kemampuan untuk menghilangkan mikroorganisme yang ada. Saluran akar yang terinfeksi membutuhkan suatu medikamen untuk menunjang keberhasilan dalam perawatan saluran akar.Kalsium hidroksida merupakan salah satu bahan medikamen yang efektif karena memiliki sifat antibakteri dengan spektrum luas, pH tinggi, biokompatibilitas baik, mampu menetralkan endotoksin bakteri, memiliki sifat toksik yang paling rendah, serta menstimulasi pembentukan jaringan keras. Tujuan laporan kasus untuk menunjukan keberhasilan perawatan ulang saluran akar gigi insisivus lateralis kiri maksila dengan lesi periapikal menggunakan medikamen kalsium hidroksida- chlorhexidine. Pasien wanita umur 53 tahun, gigi insisivus lateralis kiri maksila dengan lesi periapikal.Radiografi tampak obturasi kurang hermetis dan radiolusen daerah periapikal. Perawatan ulang saluran akar,diikuti pemasangan pasak fiber frefabricated dan restorasi porselin fuse metal.Keseimpulan setelah evaluasi setelah enam bulan pasca perawatan ulang saluran akar, radiografi menunjukan radiolusen mengecil dan gigi dapat berfungsi dengan normal.Re-Treatment of Root Canal of Maxillary Left Lateral Incisor with Calcium Hydroxide-Chlorhexidine Medicament. There are many factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy. For instances, incomplete cleaning and shaping of root canal and inadequate obturation that results in difficulty to remove the microorganisms. Infected root canal requires a medicament for the success of the root canal treatment. Calcium hydroxide is one of the effective ingredients as medicament because it has broad spectrum antibacterial properties, high pH, good biocompatibility, and it is able to neutralize bacterial endotoxins, decrease tissue toxicity, and stimulate the formation of hard tissue. The purpose of this case report is to show the success of root canal treatment of the left maxillary lateral incisor with periapical lesions using calcium hydroxide-chlorhexidine medicaments. The patient was a woman aged 53, complaining about her left maxillary lateral incisor with periapical lesion. Based on the radiographic evaluation, there was less hermetic obturation and a radiolucent in the periapical. Root canal re-treatment was continued with fiber prefabricated post and porcelain fused to metal crown. After six months of evaluation and endodontic retreatment, it is found that there is a decrease of radiolucency periapical lesion, and her teeth are able to function normally
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