20,175 research outputs found

    Black hole formation in core-collapse supernovae and time-of-flight measurements of the neutrino masses

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    In large stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel, the stellar core collapses to a hot and dense proto-neutron star that cools by the radiation of neutrinos and antineutrinos of all flavors. Depending on its final mass, this may become either a neutron star or a black hole. Black hole formation may be triggered by mass accretion or a change in the high-density equation of state. We consider the possibility that black hole formation happens when the flux of neutrinos is still measurably high. If this occurs, then the neutrino signal from the supernova will be terminated abruptly (the transition takes ≲0.5 ms). The properties and duration of the signal before the cutoff are important measures of both the physics and astrophysics of the cooling proto-neutron star. For the event rates expected in present and proposed detectors, the cutoff will generally appear sharp, thus allowing model-independent time-of-flight mass tests for the neutrinos after the cutoff. If black hole formation occurs relatively early, within a few (∼1) seconds after core collapse, then the expected luminosities are of order LBH=1052 erg/s per flavor. In this case, the neutrino mass sensitivity can be extraordinary. For a supernova at a distance D=10 kpc, SuperKamiokande can detect a ν̅e mass down to 1.8 eV by comparing the arrival times of the high-energy and low-energy neutrinos in ν̅e+p→e++n. This test will also measure the cutoff time, and will thus allow a mass test of νμ and ντ relative to ν̅e. Assuming that νμ and ντ are nearly degenerate, as suggested by the atmospheric neutrino results, masses down to about 6 eV can be probed with a proposed lead detector of mass MD=4 kton (OMNIS). Remarkably, the neutrino mass sensitivity scales as (D/LBHMD)1/2. Therefore, direct sensitivity to all three neutrino masses in the interesting few-eV range is realistically possible; there are no other known techniques that have this capability

    Model-Independent Semileptonic Form Factors Using Dispersion Relations

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    We present a method for parametrizing heavy meson semileptonic form factors using dispersion relations, and from it produce a two-parameter description of the B -> B elastic form factor. We use heavy quark symmetry to relate this function to B -> D* l nu form factors, and extract |V_cb|=0.0355^{+0.0029}_{-0.0025} from experimental data with a least squares fit. Our method eliminates model-dependent uncertainties inherent in choosing a parametrization for the extrapolation of the differential decay rate to threshold.Comment: uses lanlmac(harvmac) and epsf, 12 pages, 1 eps figure included (Talk by BG at the 6-th International Symposium on Heavy Flavour Physics, Pisa, Italy, 6--10 June, 1995

    Nonlinear switching and solitons in PT-symmetric photonic systems

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    One of the challenges of the modern photonics is to develop all-optical devices enabling increased speed and energy efficiency for transmitting and processing information on an optical chip. It is believed that the recently suggested Parity-Time (PT) symmetric photonic systems with alternating regions of gain and loss can bring novel functionalities. In such systems, losses are as important as gain and, depending on the structural parameters, gain compensates losses. Generally, PT systems demonstrate nontrivial non-conservative wave interactions and phase transitions, which can be employed for signal filtering and switching, opening new prospects for active control of light. In this review, we discuss a broad range of problems involving nonlinear PT-symmetric photonic systems with an intensity-dependent refractive index. Nonlinearity in such PT symmetric systems provides a basis for many effects such as the formation of localized modes, nonlinearly-induced PT-symmetry breaking, and all-optical switching. Nonlinear PT-symmetric systems can serve as powerful building blocks for the development of novel photonic devices targeting an active light control.Comment: 33 pages, 33 figure

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopic Studies of the Effects of Dielectrics and Metallic Substrates on the Local Electronic Characteristics of Graphene

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    Atomically resolved imaging and spectroscopic characteristics of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on copper foils are investigated and compared with those of mechanical exfoliated graphene on SiO_2. For exfoliated graphene, the local spectral deviations from ideal behavior may be attributed to strain induced by the SiO_2 substrate. For CVD grown graphene, the lattice structure appears strongly distorted by the underlying copper, with regions in direct contact with copper showing nearly square lattices whereas suspended regions from thermal relaxation exhibiting nearly honeycomb or hexagonal lattice structures. The electronic density of states (DOS) correlates closely with the atomic arrangements of carbon, showing excess zero-bias tunneling conductance and nearly energy-independent DOS for strongly distorted graphene, in contrast to the linearly dispersive DOS for suspended graphene. These results suggest that graphene can interact strongly with both metallic and dielectric materials in close proximity, leading to non-negligible modifications to the electronic properties

    Bounds on Heavy-to-Heavy Mesonic Form Factors

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    We provide upper and lower bounds on the form factors for B -> D, D^* by utilizing inclusive heavy quark effective theory sum rules. These bounds are calculated to leading order in Lambda_QCD/m_Q and alpha_s. The O(alpha_s^2 beta_0) corrections to the bounds at zero recoil are also presented. We compare our bounds with some of the form factor models used in the literature. All the models we investigated failed to fall within the bounds for the combination of form factors (omega^2 - 1)/(4 omega)|omega h_{A2}+h_{A3}|^2.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized qudit Choi maps

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    Following the linear programming prescription of Ref. \cite{PRA72}, the ddd\otimes d Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses are provided. By using Jamiolkowski isomorphism, it is shown that the corresponding positive maps are the generalized qudit Choi maps. Also by manipulating particular ddd\otimes d Bell diagonal separable states and constructing corresponding bound entangled states, it is shown that thus obtained ddd\otimes d BDEW's (consequently qudit Choi maps) are non-decomposable in certain range of their parameters.Comment: 22 page

    A note on Burgers' turbulence

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    In this note the Polyakov equation [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 52} (1995) 6183] for the velocity-difference PDF, with the exciting force correlation function κ(y)1yα\kappa (y)\sim1-y^{\alpha} is analyzed. Several solvable cases are considered, which are in a good agreement with available numerical results. Then it is shown how the method developed by A. Polyakov can be applied to turbulence with short-scale-correlated forces, a situation considered in models of self-organized criticality.Comment: 11 pages, Late