109 research outputs found

    Geographische Kenntnisse und ihre konkreten Ausformungen

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    Der Tagungsband untersucht anhand der drei für das Internationale Kolleg Morphomata programmatischen Schwerpunkte »Genese«, »Dynamik« und »Medialität« die Frage, wie sich epistemische Konzepte von geographischem Wissen in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen, in unterschiedlichen Medien und Materialitäten konkretisieren. Das Spektrum der Beiträge reicht von der jungsteinzeitlichen Wandmalerei (Çatal Höyük, Türkei) über Homers berühmten Schiffskatalog und antike Straßenverzeichnisse bis zu Allegorien der vier Erdteile in der Kunst der Neuzeit – schließt aber auch den neuentdeckten »Grazer Paravent« mit der Darstellung Ôsakas vom Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts ein

    European Security - Challenges at the Societal Level, OSCE Network

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    In the wake of the current confrontation between Russia and the West, will the nations of Europe govern their interactions by rules and principles, as the signatories of the Helsinki Final Act hoped, or by the conjuncture or clash of national interests, unmitigated by a code of behavior? If by rules and principles, will those reflect shared values? Or are the values once deemed universal shared, in fact, only by certain elites? If a clash of interests prevails, can Europe contain the ensuing struggle and make the competition a non-zero-sum game? Or will each nation in Europe be faced with a series of stark choices between conflict and concession, winning and losing

    Von Berittenen und Gerittenen: Aspekte des Dämonenglaubens im Bereich des Islams

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    The belief in demonic beings (ǧinn) is widespread in the Islamic world. As these “djinn” are repeatedly mentioned by the Qurʾān and the sunna, it is considered kufr to deny their existence. The present contribution, being mostly based on Arabic and Persian written sources (until approx. 1500 A.D.), is concerned with a special issue of Muslim demonology. Several ḥadīṯ mention that pious ǧinn when listening to the Qurʾān asked the Prophet to assign food to them and their mounts. While their animals seem to have no special function according to these traditions, later authors are more thoroughly informed about them. They systematically use the idea of riding on, or being ridden by, demons as a metaphorical expression for different phenomena and activities attributed to the ǧinn (e.g. mental and physical illness, poetic inspiration, fortune-telling, exorcism). The article is partially based on unpublished materials on Islamic demonology collected by Fritz Meier (1912–1998) now held by the Universitätsbibliothek Basel (University Library Basle)

    Der Dämonenglaube im Bereich des Islams : eine unbekannte Materialsammlung im Nachlass Fritz Meiers (1912-1998)

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    Betr. den Nachlass Fritz Meier in der Universitätsbibliothek Basel Fritz Meier (1912–1998), well known Swiss Orientalist and professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Basel between 1949 and 1982 bequeathed his personal scientific papers – about 25’000 folios – to the Universitätsbibliothek Basel This valuable collection consists of several, nearly finished manuscripts and a large number of scientific notes – mostly in form of typoscripts – on as different topics as the veneration of saints, sufism, gnosis, religious questions, Persian and Arabic poetry as well as on folklore. About 2’400 of these folios deal with various aspects of demonology in Arabic, Persian and partially Turkish literature (mostly but not exclusively dating from the classical period, ca. 9th –15th century). Demonology has caught Fitz Meier's interest for over forty years. His notes, usually extensive translations of oriental sources, are extremely valuable in the field of Islamic Studies. They contain entries on various aspects of demonology and a list with names of djinns. These materials facilitate the orientation in the huge field of demonology in written sources. A study on this aspect of Islam is still missing. The author of the present article is preparing a monograph on this topic taking the materials collected by Fritz Meier as it's starting point

    EU-Aussenpolitik: Von Ashton zu Mogherini

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