64 research outputs found

    Anàlisi de les competències transversals des de la carpeta d'estudiant

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    Un dels debats més importants en l'àmbit de la pedagogia en l'Educació Superior avui en dia és el generat per les competències transversals. No resulta gaire difícil ubicar les competències específiques a cada una de les assignatures d'una àrea, però, com fer-ho en aquelles competències transversals i que per tant afecten a totes o quasi totes aquestes assignatures? Quina relació tenen les competències transversals amb la transdiciplinarietat i la interdisciplinarietat? Les respostes a aquestes preguntes tindran molt a veure amb que l'alumne futur estigui capacitat per a la societat del canvi i de la mobilitat, i per a creure realment que l'aprenentatge/ensenyament prepara per la vida i la professió, i fa adquirir coneixements i actituds vàlids per quelcom més enllà de la unidimensionalitat d'una disciplina acadèmica. Des de la Unitat de Didàctica de les Arts Plàstiques ens hem preguntem com resoldre aquest problema i establir estratègies per a fer-ho a partir de les "carpetes d'estudiant" com evidència. A partir de la declaració de Bolonya (1999) i del projecte Tuning apareixen dos conjunts de competències diferents, les específiques i les genèriques. L'ANECA (2005)1 va establir una selecció d'aquestes per la seva aplicació en la titulació de Grau per Mestres d'Infantil i Primària de les quals es desprenien unes competències transversals - per altre cantó totalment discutibles- comunes a totes elles: instrumentals, sistèmiques i personals2. Aquestes competències transversals s'ha convertit des de fa temps en un debat molt importat per tots els agent implicats en el canvi pedagògic vers l'EEES: "¿Por qué nos empeñamos en encontrar unas competencias que sean «tranversales» a las disciplinas escolares? Es probable que esta nueva noción aporte una respuesta a un problema muy antiguo: el problema de saber para qué sirve lo que se aprende en la escuela." Bernard Rey (2000) La situació és realment fonamental i te implicacions no sols en l'ensenyament / aprenentatge sinó també en la empleabilitat i el model de vida: els alumnes que surten de les nostres titulacions ( titulacions de mestre) seran formadors i la seva activitat no sols pot consistir en donar habilitats mecàniques, sinó més bé, en ajudar a construir una capacitat de crear sentit al món on es viu i a les vides que es viuen. I en aquesta tasca les competències transversals tenen una funció essencial. Així doncs, hi ha tres treballs a fer, identificar aquest tipus de competències, definir-les i ubicar la seva situació dins del currículum de la titulació a partir de les assignatures que la formen. L'estudi que hem realitzat parteix de les carpetes d'estudiant (portfolis) per a identificar, definir i ubicar aquestes competències transversals

    Avaluació de la creativitat en les arts visuals i plàstica

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    Les àrees de les arts estan caracteritzades per l'ambigüitat i subjectivitat. Així la avaluació i els seus indicadors tenen seriosos problemes d'objectivitat. L'estudi que hem realitzar a l'àrea de Visual i Plàstica de CCEE és proposa obtenir criteris per a l'avaluació de la CREATIVITAT en el marc d'aquestes dificultats

    Aplicació dels principis ètics bàsics en la recerca amb persones en el grau d'Infermeria

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducción: En ciencias de la salud la investigación tiene la característica esencial de que el sujeto de estudio es la persona. Si las enfermeras son las investigadoras principales, si participan en equipos o intervienen en alguna investigación, es imprescindible que adquieran sensibilidad ética, compromiso con las personas y que aboguen la máxima Kantiana: “la persona siempre es un fin en sí misma y nunca un medio para otros propósitos”. El Consejo Internacional de Enfermería (CIE) elaboró las directrices éticas para la investigación integrando los principios del Informe Belmont y concretándolos en la profesión enfermera. Ya desde la formación básica se debe introducir a los alumnos en el debate sobre los problemas éticos de la investigación para que apliquen los principios éticos en casos concretos y los traduzcan en conductas profesionales. El objetivo de este póster es presentar el método utilizado en la asignatura de Ética y Legislación Profesional del Grado de Enfermería para sensibilizar a los alumnos sobre el comportamiento ético de los investigadores e introducirlos en la aplicación de principios éticos básicos en la investigación con personas. Método: El método docente utilizado para esta actividad es el debate. Los grupos de trabajo son de 24 alumnos, en grupos de 6, que analizan diferentes casos clínicos de conflicto ético en situaciones de investigación. El objetivo es discutir la aplicación de los principios éticos del Informe Belmont y de las Directrices para la Investigación Enfermera publicadas por el CIE..

    Three Millennia of Climatic, Ecological, and Cultural Change on Easter Island: An Integrative Overview

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    Eastern Island (Rapa Nui) is famous for the legacy of an extinct civilization symbolized by the megalithic statues called moai. Several enigmas regarding the colonization of the island its deforestation and a presumed cultural collapse of the ancient civilization still remain elusive. According to the prevailing view, the first settlers arrived between AD 800 and AD 1200 from east Polynesia and overexploited the island's natural resources causing an ecological catastrophe leading to a cultural collapse (Flenley and Bahn, 2003 ). The main evidence for this theory was the abrupt replacement of palm pollen by grass pollen in the sediments of the island's lakes and mires (Raraku, Kao, and Aroi), which was interpreted in terms of a thorough deforestation between approximately AD 1200 and AD 1400/1600 (Flenley and King, 1984; Flenley et al., 1991; Mann et al., 2008). This ecocidal view is widely accepted not only by the scientific community but also by society, thanks to its popularization by the mass media

    Late Holocene vegetation dynamics and deforestation in Rano Aroi: implications for Easter Island's ecological and cultural history

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    Easter Island (Rapa Nui) has been considered an example of how societies can cause their own destruction through the overexploitation of natural resources. The flagship of this ecocidal paradigm is the supposed abrupt, island-wide deforestation that occurred about one millennium ago, a few centuries after the arrival of Polynesian settlers to the island. Other hypotheses attribute the forest demise to different causes such as fruit consumption by rats or aridity but the occurrence of an abrupt, island-wide deforestation during the last millennium has become paradigmatic in Rapa Nui. We argue that such a view can be questioned, as it is based on the palynological study of incomplete records, owing to the existence of major sedimentary gaps. Here, we present a multiproxy (pollen, charcoal and geochemistry) study of the Aroi core, the first gap-free sedimentary sequence of the last millennia obtained to date in the island. Our results show changing vegetation patterns under the action of either climatic or anthropogenic drivers, or both, depending on the time interval considered. Palm forests were present in Aroi until the 16th century, when deforestation started, coinciding with fire exacerbation elikely of human origine and a dry climate. This is the latest deforestation event recorded so far in the island and took place roughly a century before European contact. In comparison to other Easter Island records, this record shows that deforestation was neither simultaneous nor proceeded at the same pace over the whole island. These findings suggest that Easter Island's deforestation was a heterogeneous process in space and time, and highlights the relevance of local catchment traits in the island's environmental and land management history

    Seasonal patterns of pollen sedimentation in Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees) and potential applications to high-resolution paleoecology: a 2-year pilot study

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    14 páginas, 2 tablas, 10 figuras.Lakes with varved sediments are especially well suited for paleoecological study, from annual to even seasonal resolution. The interpretative power of such high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions relies on the availability of modern analogs with the same temporal resolution. We studied seasonal pollen sedimentation in varved Lake Montcorte`s, Central Pyrenees (Spain), as a modern analog for highresolution reconstruction of Late Holocene vegetation and landscape dynamics. Seasonal samples were obtained from sediment traps that were submerged near the maximum water depth for a 2-year period (fall 2013 to fall 2015). Seasonal pollen sedimentation was compared with meteorological variables from a nearby weather station. Bulk pollen sedimentation, dominated by Pinus (pine) and Quercus (oak), followed a clear seasonal pattern that peaked during the spring/summer, coinciding with maximum temperature and precipitation, minimum relative humidity and moderate winds from the SSE. Pollen sedimentation lags (PSL) were observed formost pollen types, as substantial amounts of pollen were found in the traps outside of their respective flowering seasons. Two pollen assemblages were clearly differentiated by their taxonomic composition, corresponding to spring/summer and fall/winter. This pattern is consistent with existing interpretation of the sediment varves, specifically, that varves are formed by two-layer couplets that represent the same seasonality as pollen. We concluded that pollen sedimentation in Lake Montcorte`s exhibits a strong seasonal signal in the quantity of pollen, the taxonomic composition of the pollen assembalges, and relationships between the pollen and meteorological variables. Thus, varved sediments provide a potentially powerful tool for paleoecological reconstruction at seasonal resolution. This method could be used not only to identify paleoenvironmental trends, but also to identify annual layers and therefore date sediments, even in the absence of evident sediment laminations. A satisfactory explanation of PSL will require further studies that examine internal lake dynamics and pollen production/dispersal patterns.This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (project MONT-500; reference CGL2012-33665; PI: Teresa Vegas-Vilarru´bia).Peer reviewe

    Climate changes and cultural shifts on Easter Island during the last three millennia

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    Easter Island's cultural shifts have been explained mostly by anthropogenic forcing and climate changes have been dismissed as relevant drivers of societal change. Recent findings demand a more complex scenario in which climatic, ecological and cultural factors interact

    Vegetation and landscape around Lake Montcortès (Catalan pre-Pyrenees) as a tool for palaeoecological studies of lake sediments

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    Vegetation and landscape around Lake Montcortès (Catalan pre-Pyrenees) as a tool for palynological studies of lake sediments. Lake Montcortès (42º 19′ N, 0º 59′ E; 1,027 m elevation) is an excellent target for high-resolution palaeoecological studies because its annually-laminated sediments extending back to the early-middle Holocene. The detailed knowledge of present vegetation patterns around the lake and the pollen they release to lake sediments is essential for a reliable interpretation of past vegetation dynamics. This study aims to identify and map the vegetation types currently growing around the lake. For this purpose, a quadrangular area of ca. 48 ha was defined. The floristic study resulted in a catalogue of 534 species. Vegetation analysis was based on 42 phytosociological inventories used to synthesise and map the relevant plant landscape units. As a result, we obtained 52 vegetation units as expressions of the CORINE habitats previously defined for Catalonia. Each of these habitats was described in floristic, physiognomic, phytogeographic, environmental and human-use terms. The next step will be the palynological study of the more representative species of the described vegetation types, as a means to optimise future palynological interpretations

    Seasonal patterns of pollen sedimentation in Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees) and potential applications to high-resolution paleoecology: a two-year pilot study.

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    Lakes with varved sediments are especially well suited for paleoecological study, from annual to even seasonal resolution. The interpretative power of such high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions relies on the availability of modern analogs with the same temporal resolution. We studied seasonal pollen sedimentation in varved Lake Montcorte`s, Central Pyrenees (Spain), as a modern analog for highresolution reconstruction of Late Holocene vegetation and landscape dynamics. Seasonal samples were obtained from sediment traps that were submerged near the maximum water depth for a 2-year period (fall 2013 to fall 2015). Seasonal pollen sedimentation was compared with meteorological variables from a nearby weather station. Bulk pollen sedimentation, dominated by Pinus (pine) and Quercus (oak), followed a clear seasonal pattern that peaked during the spring/summer, coinciding with maximum temperature and precipitation, minimum relative humidity and moderate winds from the SSE. Pollen sedimentation lags (PSL) were observed for most pollen types, as substantial amounts of pollen were found in the traps outside of their respective flowering seasons. Two pollen assemblages were clearly differentiated by their taxonomic composition, corresponding to spring/summer and fall/winter. This pattern is consistent with existing interpretation of the sediment varves, specifically, that varves are formed by two-layer couplets that represent the same seasonality as pollen. We concluded that pollen sedimentation in Lake Montcorte`s exhibits a strong seasonal signal in the quantity of pollen, the taxonomic composition of the pollen assembalges, and relationships between the pollen and meteorological variables. Thus, varved sediments provide a potentially powerful tool for paleoecological reconstruction at seasonal resolution. This method could be used not only to identify paleoenvironmental trends, but also to identify annual layers and therefore date sediments, even in the absence of evident sediment laminations. A satisfactory explanation of PSL will require further studies that examine internal lake dynamics and pollen production/dispersal patterns

    Macrofossils in Raraku Lake (Easter Island) integrated with sedimentary and geochemical records: Towards a palaeoecological synthesis for the last 34,000 years

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    Macrofossil analysis of a composite 19m long sediment core from Rano Raraku Lake (Easter Island) wasrelated to litho-sedimentary and geochemical features of the sediment. Strong stratigraphical patterns are shown by indirect gradient analyses of the data. The good correspondence between the stratigraphical patterns derived from macrofossil (Correspondence Analysis) and sedimentary and geochemical data (Principal Component Analysis) shows that macrofossil associations provide sound palaeolimnological information in conjunction with sedimentary data. The main taphonomic factors influencing the macrofossil assemblages are run-off from the catchment, the littoral plant belt, and the depositional environment within the basin. Five main stages during the last 34,000 calibrated years BP (calyrBP) are characterised from the lithological, geochemical, and macrofossil data. From 34 to 14.6calkyrBP (last glacial period) the sediments were largely derived from the catchment, indicating a high energy lake environment with much erosion and run-off bringing abundant plant trichomes, lichens, and mosses into the centre of Raraku Lake. During the early Holocene the infilling of the lake basin and warmer conditions favoured the growth of a littoral plant belt that obstructed terrigenous input. Cladoceran remains and Solanaceae seeds are indicative of reduced run-off and higher values of N and organic C indicate increased aquatic and catchment productivity. From 8.7 to 4.5calkyrBP a swamp occupied the entire basin. The increase of Cyperaceae seeds reflects this swamp development and, with oribatid mites and coleopteran remains, indicates a peaty environment and more anoxic conditions in Raraku. At around 4.5calkyrBP dry conditions prevented peat growth and there is a sedimentary hiatus. About 800calyrBP, peat deposition resumed. Finally, in the last few centuries, a small lake formed within the surrounding swamp. Evidence of human activity is recorded in these uppermost sediments. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education through the projects LAVOLTER (CGL2004-00683/BTE), GEOBILA (CGL2007-60932/BTE) and CONSOLIDER GRACCIE (CSD2007-00067) and an undergraduate grant (BES-2008-002938 to N. Cañellas-Boltà).Peer Reviewe