80 research outputs found

    Hort urbà modular per la conscienciació d'estudiants d'educació primària

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    El projecte es centra en el disseny i desenvolupament d'un producte destinat a donar a conèixer als nens l'origen i l'evolució de molts dels aliments que arriben a taula, buscant reconnectar la societat infantil urbana amb la natura. El producte ha sigut plantejat aplicant la gamificació, una metodologia d'educació que consisteix en aplicar l'ús de mecàniques de joc en el procés d'aprenentatge, fent-lo divertit, i té la finalitat de potenciar la implicació i la concentració dels estudiants. Seguint la metodologia de disseny de Stuart Pugh (1991), el projecte parteix d'una investigació inicial, d'on s'extreu un briefing per la generació d'idees. Seguidament s'exposa el producte plantejat amb totes les seves especificacions. Finalitza amb una avaluació objectiva del producte a les conclusions

    Classificació automàtica d’imatge digitals de formes eritrocitàries anòmales en sang perifèrica

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    L’anèmia hemolítica és una condició en la qual l’esperança de vida dels glòbuls vermells es veu disminuïda i, com a conseqüència, la massa d’aquests en sang és inferior a l’esperada. La característica principal d’aquesta alteració és la producció d’eritròcits amb una morfologia anòmala. Es pretén crear una eina automàtica de detecció i classificació dels tipus de glòbuls vermells que permeti diagnosticar el perfil d’anèmia a partir de l’anàlisi dels frotis sanguinis. Aquest projecte es centra a identificar l’esferòcit i el drepanòcit vers el glòbul vermell sa. L’esferòcit es caracteritza per tenir una forma esferoïdal i estar mancat de la zona de pal·lidesa central de l’eritròcit normal. El drepanòcit, en canvi, es disposa en una forma semilunar. S’obtenen 600 imatges d’hematies de 30 frotis de sang perifèrica procedents de 17 pacients diferents. Es processen les imatges i els eritròcits que les formen es sotmeten a una segmentació. Per a dur a terme aquest procés s’utilitza el programa MATLAB. Es determinen una sèrie de descriptors (de mida, forma i color) necessaris per a la identificació de les diverses variacions dels eritròcits i es classifiquen els descriptors segons la importància que tenen en la diferenciació d’esferòcits i drepanòcits. Finalment, es realitza una anàlisi estadística dels diferents descriptors per a la comparació dels tres tipus d’eritròcits analitzats. Segons els resultats obtinguts, es pot afirmar que els algoritmes creats permeten diferenciar els esferòcits i els drepanòcits dels glòbuls vermells normals

    The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication

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    et al.Penicillium chrysogenum virus (PcV), a member of the Chrysoviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) fungal virus with a multipartite genome, with each RNA molecule encapsidated in a separate particle. Chrysoviruses lack an extracellular route and are transmitted during sporogenesis and cell fusion. The PcV capsid, based on a T=1 lattice containing 60 subunits of the 982-amino-acid capsid protein, remains structurally undisturbed throughout the viral cycle, participates in genome metabolism, and isolates the virus genome from host defense mechanisms. Using three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy, we determined the structure of the PcV virion at 8.0 Å resolution. The capsid protein has a high content of rod-like densities characteristic of α-helices, forming a repeated α-helical core indicative of gene duplication. Whereas the PcV capsid protein has two motifs with the same fold, most dsRNA virus capsid subunits consist of dimers of a single protein with similar folds. The spatial arrangement of the α-helical core resembles that found in the capsid protein of the L-A virus, a fungal totivirus with an undivided genome, suggesting a conserved basic fold. The encapsidated genome is organized in concentric shells; whereas the inner dsRNA shells are well defined, the outermost layer is dense due to numerous interactions with the inner capsid surface, specifically, six interacting areas per monomer. The outermost genome layer is arranged in an icosahedral cage, sufficiently well ordered to allow for modeling of an A-form dsRNA. The genome ordering might constitute a framework for dsRNA transcription at the capsid interior and/or have a structural role for capsid stability. Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU 2008-02328/BMC and S-0505-Mat-0238 to J.L.C. and BIO2008-02361 to J.R.C.) and the NIH Intramural Research Program with support from the Center for Information Technology.Peer Reviewe

    Conjugate Addition to Phenylglycinol-Derived Unsaturated ä-Lactams. Enantioselective Synthesos of Uleine Alkaloids

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    The stereochemical outcome of the conjugate addition of a variety of stabilized nucleophiles (2indoleaceticenolatesandsulfur-stabilizedanions)tothephenylglycinol-derivedunsaturatedlactams trans-2, cis-2, and its 8-ethyl-substituted analogue 10 is studied. The factors governing the exo or endo facial stereoselectivity are discussed. This methodology provides short synthetic routes to either cis- ortrans-3,4-disubstituted enantiopure piperidines as well as efficient routes for the enantioselective construction of the tetracyclic ring system of uleine alkaloids, both in the normal and 20-epi series. The formal total synthesis of several alkaloids of this group is reported

    Differential trophic traits between invasive and native anuran tadpoles

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    How trophic resources are managed is a key factor in our understanding of the success of invasive species. In amphibians that usually occupy ephemeral ponds, the capacity to acquire resources and food selection are especially important because as a pond dries, the larval density increases and food resources are limited. Abundant and high-quality food can increase the final size and reduce the duration of development of amphibians. The aim of this work was to assess the trophic traits of tadpoles of the invasive (originally North African) anuran Discoglossus pictus compared to those of native European Epidalea calamita tadpoles under laboratory conditions. Food of two different levels of quality was supplied, and the feeding activity and food preference of the two species were analysed alone and in co-occurrence. D. pictus was capable of modifying its behaviour and food preferences; while E. calamita displayed much milder differences between treatments. Both alone and in co-occurrence with the native species, the invasive tadpoles obtained higher feeding activity values and showed a stronger preference for high-quality food. Additionally, when high densities of the two species shared food resources, the feeding activity results indicated potential displacement of the native tadpoles to lowquality resources. D. pictus thus presents trophic traits that are favourable for invasion and could limit the fitness of E. calamita when resources are limited or there is a risk of pond desiccation

    Vitamin K-dependent proteins GAS6 and Protein S and TAM receptors in patients of systemic lupus erythematosus: correlation with common genetic variants and disease activity

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    Introduction: Growth arrest-specific gene 6 protein (GAS6) and protein S (ProS) are vitamin K-dependent proteins present in plasma with important regulatory functions in systems of response and repair to damage. They interact with receptor tyrosine kinases of the Tyro3, Axl and MerTK receptor tyrosine kinase (TAM) family, involved in apoptotic cell clearance (efferocytosis) and regulation of the innate immunity. TAM-deficient mice show spontaneous lupus-like symptoms. Here we tested the genetic profile and plasma levels of components of the system in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and compare them with a control healthy population. Methods: Fifty SLE patients and 50 healthy controls with matched age, gender and from the same geographic area were compared. Genetic analysis was performed in GAS6 and the TAM receptor genes on SNPs previously identified. The concentrations of GAS6, total and free ProS, and the soluble forms of the three TAM receptors (sAxl, sMerTK and sTyro3) were measured in plasma from these samples. Results: Plasma concentrations of GAS6 were higher and, total and free ProS were lower in the SLE patients compared to controls, even when patients on oral anticoagulant treatment were discarded. Those parameters correlated with SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score, GAS6 being higher in the most severe cases, while free and total ProS were lower. All 3 soluble receptors increased its concentration in plasma of lupus patients. Conclusions: The present study highlights that the GAS6/ProS-TAM system correlates in several ways with disease activity in SLE. We show here that this correlation is affected by common polymorphisms in the genes of the system. These findings underscore the importance of mechanism of regulatory control of innate immunity in the pathology of SLE

    Systemic sclerosis and pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective study from a single center.

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    Background: Pregnancy in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients is no more an infrequent event as it used to be, but literature data on pregnancy outcomes in women with SSc are scarce. The rate of preterm deliveries and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) seems to be increased, while the risk of miscarriages is controversial. Moreover, no study compared pregnancy outcomes in SSc with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We performed a retrospective study to compare the pregnancy and disease outcomes of women with SSc with a cohort of age-matched women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), and healthy controls (HC). Methods: A total of 154 pregnancies from SSc, SLE, APS patients, and HC were prospectively followed at the High-Risk Pregnancy Unit of our center from 2008 to 2019. The primary outcome was a composite endpoint of miscarriages, fetal deaths, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preeclampsia, neonatal deaths, preterm birth, and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborns. Single adverse pregnancy outcomes (APO) represented secondary endpoints. SSc activity variations in relation to pregnancy were assessed. Results: The risk of APO was significantly higher in SSc patients compared to HC (60.6% vs 10.0%; OR = 14.42; 95% CI 3.70-56.18, p = 0.001) and SLE patients (60.6% vs 37.5%; OR = 3.56; 95% CI 1.29-9.83, p = 0.014). Compared to HC, women with SSc had an increased frequency of first trimester miscarriage (15% vs 0 %; p = 0.016), preeclampsia (12% vs 0%, p = 0.038), and SGA newborns (21.2% vs 0%; p = 0.003). Preterm deliveries were more frequent in SSc pregnancies in comparison with HC (24.2% vs 5%; OR = 6.08; 95% CI 1.19-31.02, p = 0.036) and SLE patients (24.2% vs 7.5%, OR = 5.68; 95% CI 1.1-29.38, p = 0.038). Disease remained stable in all SSc patients during pregnancy and up to 1 year after delivery. Conclusions: We found an increased risk of APO in our SSc cohort in comparison with HC (with higher rates of miscarriages, preeclampsia, SGA newborns, and preterm deliveries) and SLE patients (presenting a higher rate of preterm deliveries). High-risk multidisciplinary management of SSc pregnant women is highly recommended

    Evaluating factors affecting amphibian mortality on roads: the case of the Common Toad Bufo bufo near a breeding place.

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    The Common Toad Bufo bufo is the amphibian with the highest rates of road mortality in many European countries. This elevated incidence of road kills has frequently been associated with migration to breeding sites. In this study, we analysed the mortality of the Common Toad in the road network in Catalonia (NE Spain), and investigated the related causative factors on four roads near a breeding site in the Pyrenees. Results suggest that the high mortality rate is due to a combination of factors: toad abundance, traffic density and quality of water bodies for breeding. On the road with the highest incidence of road kills we investigated whether deaths occurred at specific spots or in a random manner. The road was divided into 500 m sections and each section was classified according to biotic (type of vegetation) and abiotic (presence of streams, roadside topography) variables. Multiple correspondence analysis showed that sections with streams crossing under the road had the highest mortality rate, suggesting that such water bodies flowing into the breeding pond are the toads' main migratory pathways for hibernation and breeding. As toads use the same migratory routes each year, it is critical to identify areas with a high potential mortality so that efficient measures can be designed to increase wildlife permeability, and thereby reduce habitat fragmentation. This methodology could be applied in other areas with high amphibian mortality

    Vertebral fracture risk in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: the role of hypogonadism and corticosteroid boluses

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors associated with fragility fracture (FF) development in glucocorticoid (GC)-treated patients. Methods: 127 patients (aged 62±18 years, 63% women) on GC-treatment (mean dose 14.5±14.1 mg/day and duration 47.7±69 months) were included. The clinical data collected included bone metabolism study (including gonadal axis), GC-treatment, disease activity, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis (evaluating densitometric osteoporosis (OP) and trabecular bone score (TBS) degraded microarchitecture values (DMA)), X-ray (assessing vertebral fractures (VF)), FRAX risk (GC-adjusted) and previous FF. Results: 17% of the patients had VF, 28% FF (VF and/or non-VF), 29% OP and 52% DMA. Patients with VF received more GC boluses (57.1% vs 29.5%, p=0.03), were older (68±13 vs 60±19 years, p=0.02), postmenopausal (100% vs 67%, p=0.02), had low testosterone levels (57% vs 11%, p=0.02), lower TBS values (1.119±0.03 vs 1.237±0.013, p100, p=0.01) and having received GC boluses (OR 3.45; 95% CI 1.04 to 12.15, p=0.01) were the main factors related to VF. Hypogonadism (OR 7.03; 95% CI 1.47 to 38.37, p=0.01) and FRAX >20 (OR 7.08; 95% CI 1.28 to 53.71, p=0.02) were factors related to FF. Conclusion: Hypogonadism is the principal risk factor for developing fractures in GC-treated men and women, whereas receiving GC boluses is a major factor for VF. These results indicate the importance of evaluating the gonadal axis in these patients


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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, [Projectes II]. Curs: 2017-2018, Tutora: Muntsa Tarrés.Directora: Cristina Espinosa Bautista; Aj. Direcció: Sheila Simal Álvarez; Productor: Fran Novo Romera; Aj. Producció: Núria Gallego Garriga; Guinistes: Cristina Espinosa Bautista, Núria Gallego Garriga, Fran Novo Romera; Directora de fotografia i càmera: Alba Gustems Ollé; Aj. de càmera: Thomas John Holguin; Il·luminadora: Alba Gustems Ollé; Direcció artística: Sheila Simal Álvarez; Direcció de so: Nair López Zurita; Muntatge: Arantzazu Mujica Pascual; Música: Nair López Zurita; Postproducció: Arantzazu Mujica Pascual; Equip artístic: Alba Gustems Ollé, Dolors Llagostera, Elisabeth Santa, Núria Santamaria, Montse Paucirerol, Ana María Gónzalez, Oscar Priu, Flor Chiuaru.A través de diferentes asociaciones y testimonios, nos adentraremos en el funcionamiento de la adopción, la acogida y el apadrinamiento para concienciar mediante algunas impactantes historias la responsabilidad que es encargarse de una vida y sobre todo, dar a conocer cómo podemos ayudar a los animales y a las fundaciones que luchan cada día por ofrecerles una mejor vida