53 research outputs found

    Anàlisi bioinformàtica de la base genética de la susceptibilitat al càncer de mama

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    En aquesta tesi, s’analitzen les dades d’un GWAS de cĂ ncer de mama mĂ©s enllĂ  de l’anĂ lisi estadĂ­stic. Sota la perspectiva de la biologia de sistemes, s’apliquen unes estratĂšgies basades en conjunts de gens/proteĂŻnes funcionalment relacionats per identificar nous gens de baixa penetrĂ ncia, els processos biolĂČgics en els que participen i els mecanismes moleculars mitjançant els quals confereixen el risc aixĂ­ com les seves interaccions. El cĂ ncer de mama Ă©s un exemple de malaltia complexa on participen tant factors genĂštics com ambientals en la seva etiologia. Entendre la base genĂštica del cĂ ncer de mama en profunditat podria permetre entendre millor la malaltia i desenvolupar millors eines de diagnĂČstic, pronĂČstic i/o tractament. D’aquesta manera, s’ha determinat que podrien influir en el risc de cĂ ncer de mama variants comunes en els gens dels processos biolĂČgics Cell Communication i Cell Adhesion; aixĂ­ com en determinats loci de les driver kinases, particularment en els gens que codifiquen per receptors d’EPHs. A mĂ©s, variants comunes en el locus EPHB1 podrien estar associades amb el risc a cĂ ncer de mama en portadors de mutacions en BRCA1 i BRCA2. D’altra banda, s’ha determinat que les interaccions gen-gen podrien contribuir a explicar part de la missing heritability i inclourien freqĂŒentment gens relacionats amb processos fonamentals en diferents tipus cel·lulars, com sĂłn el metabolisme i la biosĂ­ntesi de molĂšcules. A mĂ©s, les interaccions gen-gen associades al risc de cĂ ncer podrien ser predites en part mitjançant els patrons complexes de coexpressiĂł gĂšnica especĂ­fics del tipus de cĂ ncer. Recentment, a partir dels resultats del metanĂ lisi de cĂ ncer de mama mĂ©s gran realitzat fins el moment, s’ha suggerit que existeixen molts mĂ©s loci (potser alguns milers), la majoria amb 0,95 < ORs < 1,05 que contribueixen a la susceptibilitat. Aquests resultats donen suport a la hipĂČtesi del model infinitesimal per explicar la missing heritability en cĂ ncer de mama. Segons aquesta hipĂČtesi, centenars o milers d’al·lels comuns, amb efectes relativament molt petits, contribuirien a la susceptibilitat a la malaltia. AixĂ­, els GWAS portats a terme fins ara, haurien detectat els al·lels amb un efecte major, la resta dels al·lels de susceptibilitat no poden ser detectats degut als estrictes llindars de significaciĂł utilitzats en aquests estudis. En aquest context, les interaccions genĂštiques tampoc poden ser detectades amb robustesa degut als estrictes llindars de significaciĂł requerits. Aquest fet, justifica la nostra estratĂšgia basada en la biologia de sistemes per l’anĂ lisi dels resultats del GWAS en lloc de centrar-nos en els SNPs/gens individualment.In GWAS, genes are interpreted individually, and a gene ranked below the significance threshold will not be measured or experimentally characterized in relation to the disease or to genes that passed the threshold. Given these statistical constraints of GWAS, a Systems Biology approach can facilitate interpretation of GWAS results. In this thesis, we applied an integrative approach for identifying candidate low- penetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes, their characteristics and molecular networks through the analysis of diverse sources of biological evidence. Breast cancer is a complex disease; both genetic and environmental factors contribute to its etiology. A deep knowledge of genetic basis of breast cancer contributes to disease understanding and better diagnostic, prognostic and treatment tools. As a result of this work we propose that breast cancer risk may be influenced by common variants in Cell Communication and Cell Adhesion Biological Processes; also in driver kinases loci, specifically in genes encoding EPHs receptors. Moreover common variants in EPHB1 locus may be associated to breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. In the other hand, gene-gene interactions might contribute to missing heritability. In addition, gene-gene interactions associated to breast cancer may be predicted using complex co-expression patterns in the specific cancer type

    Anàlisi bioinformàtica de la base genética de la susceptibilitat al càncer de mama

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    [cat] En aquesta tesi, s’analitzen les dades d’un GWAS de cĂ ncer de mama mĂ©s enllĂ  de l’anĂ lisi estadĂ­stic. Sota la perspectiva de la biologia de sistemes, s’apliquen unes estratĂšgies basades en conjunts de gens/proteĂŻnes funcionalment relacionats per identificar nous gens de baixa penetrĂ ncia, els processos biolĂČgics en els que participen i els mecanismes moleculars mitjançant els quals confereixen el risc aixĂ­ com les seves interaccions. El cĂ ncer de mama Ă©s un exemple de malaltia complexa on participen tant factors genĂštics com ambientals en la seva etiologia. Entendre la base genĂštica del cĂ ncer de mama en profunditat podria permetre entendre millor la malaltia i desenvolupar millors eines de diagnĂČstic, pronĂČstic i/o tractament. D’aquesta manera, s’ha determinat que podrien influir en el risc de cĂ ncer de mama variants comunes en els gens dels processos biolĂČgics Cell Communication i Cell Adhesion; aixĂ­ com en determinats loci de les driver kinases, particularment en els gens que codifiquen per receptors d’EPHs. A mĂ©s, variants comunes en el locus EPHB1 podrien estar associades amb el risc a cĂ ncer de mama en portadors de mutacions en BRCA1 i BRCA2. D’altra banda, s’ha determinat que les interaccions gen-gen podrien contribuir a explicar part de la missing heritability i inclourien freqĂŒentment gens relacionats amb processos fonamentals en diferents tipus cel·lulars, com sĂłn el metabolisme i la biosĂ­ntesi de molĂšcules. A mĂ©s, les interaccions gen-gen associades al risc de cĂ ncer podrien ser predites en part mitjançant els patrons complexes de coexpressiĂł gĂšnica especĂ­fics del tipus de cĂ ncer. Recentment, a partir dels resultats del metanĂ lisi de cĂ ncer de mama mĂ©s gran realitzat fins el moment, s’ha suggerit que existeixen molts mĂ©s loci (potser alguns milers), la majoria amb 0,95 < ORs < 1,05 que contribueixen a la susceptibilitat. Aquests resultats donen suport a la hipĂČtesi del model infinitesimal per explicar la missing heritability en cĂ ncer de mama. Segons aquesta hipĂČtesi, centenars o milers d’al·lels comuns, amb efectes relativament molt petits, contribuirien a la susceptibilitat a la malaltia. AixĂ­, els GWAS portats a terme fins ara, haurien detectat els al·lels amb un efecte major, la resta dels al·lels de susceptibilitat no poden ser detectats degut als estrictes llindars de significaciĂł utilitzats en aquests estudis. En aquest context, les interaccions genĂštiques tampoc poden ser detectades amb robustesa degut als estrictes llindars de significaciĂł requerits. Aquest fet, justifica la nostra estratĂšgia basada en la biologia de sistemes per l’anĂ lisi dels resultats del GWAS en lloc de centrar-nos en els SNPs/gens individualment.[eng] In GWAS, genes are interpreted individually, and a gene ranked below the significance threshold will not be measured or experimentally characterized in relation to the disease or to genes that passed the threshold. Given these statistical constraints of GWAS, a Systems Biology approach can facilitate interpretation of GWAS results. In this thesis, we applied an integrative approach for identifying candidate low- penetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes, their characteristics and molecular networks through the analysis of diverse sources of biological evidence. Breast cancer is a complex disease; both genetic and environmental factors contribute to its etiology. A deep knowledge of genetic basis of breast cancer contributes to disease understanding and better diagnostic, prognostic and treatment tools. As a result of this work we propose that breast cancer risk may be influenced by common variants in Cell Communication and Cell Adhesion Biological Processes; also in driver kinases loci, specifically in genes encoding EPHs receptors. Moreover common variants in EPHB1 locus may be associated to breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. In the other hand, gene-gene interactions might contribute to missing heritability. In addition, gene-gene interactions associated to breast cancer may be predicted using complex co-expression patterns in the specific cancer type

    Evolutionary Changes after Translational Challenges Imposed by Horizontal Gene Transfer

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    Genes acquired by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) may provide the recipient organism with potentially new functions, but proper expression level and integration of the transferred genes in the novel environment are not granted. Notably, transferred genes can differ from the receiving genome in codon usage preferences, leading to impaired translation and reduced functionality. Here, we characterize the genomic and proteomic changes undergone during experimental evolution of Escherichia coli after HGT of three synonymous versions, presenting very different codon usage preference, of an antibiotic resistance gene. The experimental evolution was conducted with and without the corresponding antibiotic and the mutational patterns and proteomic profiles after 1,000 generations largely depend on the experimental growth conditions (e.g., mutations in antibiotic off-target genes), and on the synonymous gene version transferred (e.g., mutations in genes responsive to translational stress). The transfer of an exogenous gene extensively modifies the whole proteome, and these proteomic changes are different for the different version of the transferred gene. Additionally, we identified conspicuous changes in global regulators and in intermediate metabolism, confirmed the evolutionary ratchet generated by mutations in DNA repair genes and highlighted the plasticity of bacterial genomes accumulating large and occasionally transient duplications. Our results support a central role of HGT in fuelling evolution as a powerful mechanism promoting rapid, often dramatic genotypic and phenotypic changes. The profound reshaping of the pre-existing geno/phenotype allows the recipient bacteria to explore new ways of functioning, far beyond the mere acquisition of a novel function

    Gene set-based analysis of polymorphisms: finding pathways or biological processes associated to traits in genome-wide association studies

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    Genome-wide association studies have become a popular strategy to find associations of genes to traits of interest. Despite the high-resolution available today to carry out genotyping studies, the success of its application in real studies has been limited by the testing strategy used. As an alternative to brute force solutions involving the use of very large cohorts, we propose the use of the Gene Set Analysis (GSA), a different analysis strategy based on testing the association of modules of functionally related genes. We show here how the Gene Set-based Analysis of Polymorphisms (GeSBAP), which is a simple implementation of the GSA strategy for the analysis of genome-wide association studies, provides a significant increase in the power testing for this type of studies. GeSBAP is freely available at http://bioinfo.cipf.es/gesbap

    Metabolomic Analysis Points to Bioactive Lipid Species and Acireductone Dioxygenase 1 (ADI1) as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Poor Prognosis Endometrial Cancer

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    Metabolomic profiling analysis has the potential to highlight new molecules and cellular pathways that may serve as potential therapeutic targets for disease treatment. In this study, we used an LC-MS/MS platform to define, for the first time, the specific metabolomic signature of uterine serous carcinoma (SC), a relatively rare and aggressive variant of endometrial cancer (EC) responsible for 40% of all endometrial cancer-related deaths. A metabolomic analysis of 31 ECs (20 endometrial endometrioid carcinomas (EECs) and 11 SCs) was performed. Following multivariate statistical analysis, we identified 232 statistically different metabolites among the SC and EEC patient samples. Notably, most of the metabolites identified (89.2%) were lipid species and showed lower levels in SCs when compared to EECs. In addition to lipids, we also documented metabolites belonging to amino acids and purine nucleotides (such as 2-Oxo-4-methylthiobutanoic acid, synthesised by acireductone dioxygenase 1 (ADI1) enzyme), which showed higher levels in SCs. To further investigate the role of ADI1 in SC, we analysed the expression protein levels of ADI1 in 96 ECs (67 EECs and 29 SCs), proving that the levels of ADI1 were higher in SCs compared to EECs. We also found that ADI1 mRNA levels were higher in p53 abnormal ECs compared to p53 wild type tumours. Furthermore, elevated ADI1 mRNA levels showed a statistically significant negative correlation with overall survival and progression-free survival among EEC patients. Finally, we tested the ability of ADI1 to induce migration and invasion capabilities in EC cell lines. Altogether, these results suggest that ADI1 could be a potential therapeutic target in poor-prognosis SCs and other Ecs with abnormal p53 expression.This study was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through projects PI20/00502, CP19/00025, CB16/12/00231, PI16/00692, PI18/00573, PI21/00672, CP17/00063 and PI18/00795; and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades, RTI2018-099200-BI00), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the “A way to make Europe” programme and the European Social Fund (ESF) as part of the “Investing in Your Future” programme. This study was also supported by the “Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya” and sponsored by “Pla Director d’Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC)”, “IRBLleida Biobank” (B.0000682) and “Plataforma Biobancos” PT20/00021. We also thank the Generalitat of Catalonia: Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (2017SGR1368 and 2017SGR696) and the “AsociaciĂłn Española Contra el CĂĄncer” (AECC; Grupos Estables 2018 and LABAE19004LLOB). M.J. is a Serra HĂșnter Fellow. N.E. (MS19/00025) and D.L-N. (MS17/00063) are recipients of a Miguel Servet research scheme (co-funded by the ESF program “Investing in Your Future”). C. M-L. holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2020FI_B2 00099) and the predoctoral fellowship “Ajuts 2021 de PromociĂł de la Recerca en Salut-9a edició” from IRBLleida/DiputaciĂł de Lleida. IRBLleida is a CERCA Program/Generalitat of Catalonia

    Ability of a polygenic risk score to refine colorectal cancer risk in Lynch syndrome

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    Background: Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) have been used to stratify colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in the general population, whereas its role in Lynch syndrome (LS), the most common type of hereditary CRC, is still conflicting. We aimed to assess the ability of PRS to refine CRC risk prediction in European-descendant individuals with LS. Methods: 1465 individuals with LS (557 MLH1, 517 MSH2/EPCAM, 299 MSH6 and 92 PMS2) and 5656 CRC-free population-based controls from two independent cohorts were included. A 91-SNP PRS was applied. A Cox proportional hazard regression model with 'family' as a random effect and a logistic regression analysis, followed by a meta-analysis combining both cohorts were conducted. Results: Overall, we did not observe a statistically significant association between PRS and CRC risk in the entire cohort. Nevertheless, PRS was significantly associated with a slightly increased risk of CRC or advanced adenoma (AA), in those with CRC diagnosed <50 years and in individuals with multiple CRCs or AAs diagnosed <60 years. Conclusion: The PRS may slightly influence CRC risk in individuals with LS in particular in more extreme phenotypes such as early-onset disease. However, the study design and recruitment strategy strongly influence the results of PRS studies. A separate analysis by genes and its combination with other genetic and non-genetic risk factors will help refine its role as a risk modifier in LS

    Integrated genomic and prospective clinical studies show the importance of modular pleiotropy for disease susceptibility, diagnosis and treatment

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    Background: Translational research typically aims to identify and functionally validate individual, disease-specific genes. However, reaching this aim is complicated by the involvement of thousands of genes in common diseases, and that many of those genes are pleiotropic, that is, shared by several diseases. Methods: We integrated genomic meta-analyses with prospective clinical studies to systematically investigate the pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic roles of pleiotropic genes. In a novel approach, we first used pathway analysis of all published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to find a cell type common to many diseases. Results: The analysis showed over-representation of the T helper cell differentiation pathway, which is expressed in T cells. This led us to focus on expression profiling of CD4(+) T cells from highly diverse inflammatory and malignant diseases. We found that pleiotropic genes were highly interconnected and formed a pleiotropic module, which was enriched for inflammatory, metabolic and proliferative pathways. The general relevance of this module was supported by highly significant enrichment of genetic variants identified by all GWAS and cancer studies, as well as known diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Prospective clinical studies of multiple sclerosis and allergy showed the importance of both pleiotropic and disease specific modules for clinical stratification. Conclusions: In summary, this translational genomics study identified a pleiotropic module, which has key pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic roles

    Non-Lynch Familial and Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Explained by Accumulation of Low-Risk Genetic Variants

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    A large proportion of familial and/or early-onset cancer patients do not carry pathogenic variants in known cancer predisposing genes. We aimed to assess the contribution of previously validated low-risk colorectal cancer (CRC) alleles to familial/early-onset CRC (fCRC) and to serrated polyposis. We estimated the association of CRC with a 92-variant-based weighted polygenic risk score (wPRS) using 417 fCRC patients, 80 serrated polyposis patients, 1077 hospital-based incident CRC patients, and 1642 controls. The mean wPRS was significantly higher in fCRC than in controls or sporadic CRC patients. fCRC patients in the highest (20th) wPRS quantile were at four-fold greater CRC risk than those in the middle quantile (10th). Compared to low-wPRS fCRC, a higher number of high-wPRS fCRC patients had developed multiple primary CRCs, had CRC family history, and were diagnosed at age ≄50. No association with wPRS was observed for serrated polyposis. In conclusion, a relevant proportion of mismatch repair (MMR)-proficient fCRC cases might be explained by the accumulation of low-risk CRC alleles. Validation in independent cohorts and development of predictive models that include polygenic risk score (PRS) data and other CRC predisposing factors will determine the implementation of PRS into genetic testing and counselling in familial and early-onset CRC

    Exploring the Link between Germline and Somatic Genetic Alterations in Breast Carcinogenesis

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    Recent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified candidate genes contributing to cancer risk through low-penetrance mutations. Many of these genes were unexpected and, intriguingly, included well-known players in carcinogenesis at the somatic level. To assess the hypothesis of a germline-somatic link in carcinogenesis, we evaluated the distribution of somatic gene labels within the ordered results of a breast cancer risk GWAS. This analysis suggested frequent influence on risk of genetic variation in loci encoding for “driver kinases” (i.e., kinases encoded by genes that showed higher somatic mutation rates than expected by chance and, therefore, whose deregulation may contribute to cancer development and/or progression). Assessment of these predictions using a population-based case-control study in Poland replicated the association for rs3732568 in EPHB1 (odds ratio (OR) = 0.79; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63–0.98; Ptrend = 0.031). Analyses by early age at diagnosis and by estrogen receptor α (ERα) tumor status indicated potential associations for rs6852678 in CDKL2 (OR = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.10–1.00; Precessive = 0.044) and rs10878640 in DYRK2 (OR = 2.39, 95% CI: 1.32–4.30; Pdominant = 0.003), and for rs12765929, rs9836340, rs4707795 in BMPR1A, EPHA3 and EPHA7, respectively (ERα tumor status Pinteraction<0.05). The identification of three novel candidates as EPH receptor genes might indicate a link between perturbed compartmentalization of early neoplastic lesions and breast cancer risk and progression. Together, these data may lay the foundations for replication in additional populations and could potentially increase our knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms of breast carcinogenesis

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and vitamin D receptor variants in melanoma patients from the Mediterranean area of Barcelona

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    BACKGROUND: Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (Vitamin D) insufficiency and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on its receptor, Vitamin D receptor (VDR), have been reported to be involved in melanoma susceptibility in populations mostly from northern countries. OBJECTIVE: To investigate 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and VDR SNPs in melanoma patients from sunny area of Barcelona, two studies were carried out. The first study evaluated the levels of Vitamin D at time of melanoma diagnosis and the second one analyzed the association between VDR genetic variants and risk of having a high nevus number, the strongest phenotypic risk factor for melanoma. METHODS: The levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in 81 melanoma patients at diagnosis were measured. In a second group of melanoma patients, including 150 with low and 113 with high nevus number, 11 VDR SNPs were analyzed for their association with nevus number. RESULTS: In the first study, 68% of patients had insufficient levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (<25 ng/ml). Autumn-winter months and fair phototype were associated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 insufficiency; after multivariate analysis, season of sampling remained the only independent predictor of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels. In the second study, VDR variant rs2189480 (P = 0.006) was associated with risk of high nevus number whereas rs2239179 (P = 0.044) and rs7975128 (P = 0.0005) were protective against high nevus number. After Bonferroni adjustment only rs7975128 remained significant. In stratified analysis, SNP rs7975128 was found protective against multiple melanomas (P = 0.021). CONCLUSION: This study showed that even in Barcelona, a sunny Mediterranean area, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels were sub-optimal in the majority of melanoma patients at diagnosis. The involvement of VDR in nevi and, in turn, in melanoma susceptibility has also been suggested. Larger studies are needed to confirm our findings
